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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good morning to all my girls!!!


Poor Baby K is coughing a lot, all that post nasal drip......that's been my biggest issue. Poor thing!


Sue - so totally awesome!


Joanne - that scarf is a hit!


Ann/Sherry/Melanie - thanks for the health well wishes!!!


Mama K

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He wasn't named Andre the Giant for nothing! Very rare to get a male in. He's not even an adult yet!!




Happy Hookie Day! :) I'm skipping class. Exhausted from yesterday.



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Good morning to all my girls!!!


Poor Baby K is coughing a lot, all that post nasal drip......that's been my biggest issue. Poor thing!


Sue - so totally awesome!


Joanne - that scarf is a hit!


Ann/Sherry/Melanie - thanks for the health well wishes!!!


Mama K


:hug Poor Baby K, my little man had that a month ago, and my daughter is just now developing a cough. Emergen-C might help, that and Vicks Vap-o-rub and lots of rest! Healing thoughts headed your way, Mama!!

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:hug Poor Baby K, my little man had that a month ago, and my daughter is just now developing a cough. Emergen-C might help, that and Vicks Vap-o-rub and lots of rest! Healing thoughts headed your way, Mama!!


Thanks! Well I broke down and went to the doc to make sure I didn't have bronchitis...or worse....all is clear, just a really bad cold. Baby K went today, same verdict so we just have to soldier thru this!


Mama K

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Sue - Glad you took off a day to rest! That was one big turtle!!


Mama K - glad you and and Baby K don't have anything serious. Just rest, have some chicken soup and maybe some honey/lemon tea.


Tonya - I know you're looking forward to your vacation!


Finished our taxes tonight!!!! And we don't have to pay for the first time in about 4 years!! WOOT! WOOT!!!!!


Work is still very stressful and tomorrow doesn't look any better. I really, really need to go to HL and look at the yarn!!!!


Happy Wednesday to all!

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Sorry I haven't said much today...we were busy. :)







Embroidery is done- not too shabby for the first time.


Go Big Blue

Nice looking scarf!



Good morning to all my girls!!!


Poor Baby K is coughing a lot, all that post nasal drip......that's been my biggest issue. Poor thing!



Mama K

Poor Baby K! Hope you two are better soon! :hug


He wasn't named Andre the Giant for nothing! Very rare to get a male in. He's not even an adult yet!!




Happy Hookie Day! :) I'm skipping class. Exhausted from yesterday.



That's one big turtle! Glad you're taking time off!


Woot for 3 whole days off. cuz I sure need them.


Sue it is now T minus 19 days :D



Thanks! Well I broke down and went to the doc to make sure I didn't have bronchitis...or worse....all is clear, just a really bad cold. Baby K went today, same verdict so we just have to soldier thru this!


Mama K

Glad you went to the dr's and it's just a cold.


Finished our taxes tonight!!!! And we don't have to pay for the first time in about 4 years!! WOOT! WOOT!!!!!


Work is still very stressful and tomorrow doesn't look any better. I really, really need to go to HL and look at the yarn!!!!


Happy Wednesday to all!

WOOT! You need to get to HL to celebrate not paying any taxes! :lol

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Woot for not paying taxes, Sherry!


Woot for taking a hookie day, Sue


Woot that you and Baby K have nothing more than a bad cold--soldier on through, Mama!!!


Woot- that there are only 2 more days of work!!

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Mama K - glad you and and Baby K don't have anything serious. Just rest, have some chicken soup and maybe some honey/lemon tea.


Thanks! You know, the news just had on a doctor talking about how this 'illness' is lasting a long time. Goodie!


Poor Baby K! Hope you two are better soon! :hug

Glad you went to the dr's and it's just a cold.


Thanks Ann! Sure hope YOU are feeling okay these days!!!


Woot that you and Baby K have nothing more than a bad cold--soldier on through, Mama!!!


Woot- that there are only 2 more days of work!!


Thanks, we will sure try to!!!


And now, one more day of work for you! Lucky girl!!!


Take care all!

Mama K

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Quiet here today!!!


Had a long day in Paradise- didn't get home till 7- and now just checking in to my favorite place and then going to have breakfast for dinner!!!


And then...work a little on the RR to get it closer to done!!!

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Hi All!! Yes, just one more work day!!


I got a wonderful package in the mail today. I ordered some Jimbo hooks (with some Christmas money) and they came today!! WOOT!! They are beautiful. Can't wait to try them out. The mailman thought I was nuts cause I said "give me the box, I don't care about the rest of the mail!" He wanted to know what was in there and I told him hand made crochet hooks--he just smiled and left the office LOL. Now I really need to get to HL!!


Mama K - hope you all are doing better.


Ann - hope your day was good.


Sue - Hope you got some much needed rest.


Have a great evening!

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I got a wonderful package in the mail today. I ordered some Jimbo hooks (with some Christmas money) and they came today!! WOOT!! They are beautiful. Can't wait to try them out. The mailman thought I was nuts cause I said "give me the box, I don't care about the rest of the mail!" He wanted to know what was in there and I told him hand made crochet hooks--he just smiled and left the office LOL. Now I really need to get to HL!!

I ordered some right before christmas and was the same way. I ripped that box open

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Good Morning!

Sorry I've been so scarce lately. Haven't been having very good days. It will pass! I did start on a scarf last night using Mosaic yarn. I like the look of it, but I'm not crazy about the feel of it. It doesn't slide well. I know that Joanne and Mama K like it, right? Or am I thinking of something else? :think Oh, well, it's almost finished! :lol Happy Friday everyone! Have a great day! :hug



Hi All!! Yes, just one more work day!!


I got a wonderful package in the mail today. I ordered some Jimbo hooks (with some Christmas money) and they came today!! WOOT!! They are beautiful. Can't wait to try them out. The mailman thought I was nuts cause I said "give me the box, I don't care about the rest of the mail!" He wanted to know what was in there and I told him hand made crochet hooks--he just smiled and left the office LOL. Now I really need to get to HL!!


Wootie, Woot, Woot!!! I love Jimbo hooks!!!!

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Good morning!

Happy Friday!!!Today is Wear Red (for heart disease) Day And in my case it is alsoWear some Giants gear too!!:lol


Ann- Mama K loves the Mosaic yarn, and I'm also making a scarf with it. I do find it a little slippery and this time, the yarn actually broke off when I pulled through a stitch:eek. I am finding that it is a little slippery and that there is some differences in the yarn in the same skein- some parts are thicker than others:think I love the colorways , though!


Hugs that you start to feel better!!!!:hug


Off to get ready!

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Good morning!


Sherry/Tonyal - I am jealous! Would love to have one of his awesome hooks! Maybe one day.....


Ann - yes it is I that loves the Mosaic! Yes it can feel tight and I have broke it off as well but I've learned to use it more gently and love how items turn out! Like my Mosaic purse that I posted a picture of and use daily! And I just finished another purse, using another mosaic colorway! I don't think I'd use it for wearables.....but sure like it for my purses! Oh and sorry to hear you haven't been feeling great! Drat!


Joanne - Have a great day in Paradise! After being sick all week, I am so looking forward to resting with Baby K this weekend and kicking this thing!


Sue - hope you are doing well between work and class!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

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Haven't finished that scarf. Got up early (3am) and played some POGO, then ended up napping, lol. Thanks for filling me in on the Mosaic Joanne and Mama. I definitely love the colorways, but I don't think I'll make another scarf with it. Mama, I can see why you love it for purses though! I just might try it again for one of them some day! Have a wonderful day everyone! :hug

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Good morning and welcome to the weekend!!!! I stayed late last night but am taking the weekend off!!!


I am planning to finish the RR and hopefully the scarf I'm making with the Mosaic yarn- or maybe I'll see if it'll work as a cowl of some sort and be finished with it. Agree I don't like it for a scarf- but a maybe a lapghan or like Mama a purse or tote!!


Babysitting tonight so DD can take one of her good friends out for a belated birthday dinner!!! WOOT!!!

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Good morning!


Joann, I'll be curious to see that scarf/cowl/whatever when it is done!


Baby K and I will try to take it easy all weekend.....we are both still coughing so just going to lay low. Plus she has homework to catch up on......


I am sewing a new purse! I've had the pattern forever (bought off etsy, it is a messenger bag) so cut out some of the pieces last nite. Will hopefully work on it more this weekend. I'll be sure to post a pic.


Hope everyone is well! So many have dropped out of our tote posts, hope they are just participating in others!


Mama K

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good morning everyone,

I have been busy with trying to keep up in school and working. I have been charge nurse lately and wow sometimes it can be overwhelming. I was very flattered the other day, a family asked me if I had ever thought of doing private care because they would like for me to continue being their fathers nurse after he is discharged. :eek it was a moment that will stick with me because he was a very challenging pt. but they said i always came in the room with a smile and treated him with dignity. it made me think that maybe i am doing something right.


anyways I have had crochet ADD lately. I cant stay focused on anything. I have started no less than 5 project and none are anywhere being finished.

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Tonya - Sounds like your in the right field. I'm glad the family told you how much they appreciate your care. As for your crochet ADD, we all do it at one time or another!


Mama K - looking forward to seeing the tote. Hope the cough goes away soon. Try some Delsum (it worked for me) and they have a kid's one too.


Joanne - Glad you get to have some babysitting time tonight! Sounds like fun for you!


We're going to HL sometime today! I really need to find some yarn to go with the yarn I already have for the shawler. Hopefully I can find something that won't be too expensive.


Well, our 70 degree weather is gone, it's 42 now. It was nice not having to wear a coat for a couple of day!


Everyone have a great day!!

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Hope everyone is well! So many have dropped out of our tote posts, hope they are just participating in others!

Mama K


Some of us are just lurking in the background!!


Here's a bag I did last month. Just finally got pix off the camera.


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