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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Happy New years eve everyone,

I also stay home, tonight will involve a movie, chinese takeout, poppers and streamers at midnight and quite possibly a bit of crocheting during the movie. I was never to big in the whole going out thing its so expensive and just not really worth it.

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Hi again!


Agreed, best nite to be home! Baby K and I are decorating a mirror craft kit she got for Christmas, I'm preheating the oven for our traditional pizza rolls for tonite (my once a year splurge on them!), and will watch Lion King (uh again) while we eat. We have cookies and donuts for our sweets - an all out splurgarama! Then back to reality come Monday.....


It's fun....it's safe....it's inexpensive! All good things!


Talk to you guys next year!


Mama Kuddles

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I had a very busy day- a little cleaning this morning, trek to Trader Joe's, JoAnns, ACM and Michaels---and very little yarn was purchased! This afternoon, I was at DD's and went with her and Ryan to help with the grocery shopping (not fun on a Saturday afternoon). Also found this great consignment shop in her town for kids things and maternity- great buys- I got a few things to keep at my house when Ryan is here.


DD and Ryan came for dinner and just left a little while ago. It was a wonderful way to spend New Years Eve!


Oh,my friend from work had her baby this morning!!! He was early- and is 6lbs 6 oz-both he and Mom are doing good. (and she gets a tax deduction for the whole year)


Wishing you all a happy, healthy wonderful 2012!!!


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Happy New Year!!!


DH and I went to HL but they closed early cause it's New Year's Eve, so I have to wait until Monday afternoon to go. The yarn won't be on sale but maybe something else will be.


I've been looking at knooking--anyone else tried it? If they have the kit at HL, I may go ahead and get it and give it a try.


GSs are with DD for the night. They are at a friend's house for the night. At least she's not out driving, they're watching movies. Didn't get a nap, Little Man wouldn't go to sleep until 3 and if I sleep that late, I won't sleep at all during the night.


May all of you have a blessed and safe New Year!

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Happy New Year!!!


DH and I went to HL but they closed early cause it's New Year's Eve, so I have to wait until Monday afternoon to go. The yarn won't be on sale but maybe something else will be.


I've been looking at knooking--anyone else tried it? If they have the kit at HL, I may go ahead and get it and give it a try.


GSs are with DD for the night. They are at a friend's house for the night. At least she's not out driving, they're watching movies. Didn't get a nap, Little Man wouldn't go to sleep until 3 and if I sleep that late, I won't sleep at all during the night.


May all of you have a blessed and safe New Year!

Awww, too bad HL was closed! Hope you find some good buys on Monday! I have the basic knooking set. I haven't done very much with it though. It's kind of fun! I know that Amy uses hers and there is a group on Rav!

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Happy New Year everyone!


I have spent my day out with hubby and my mom getting some shopping done and bills paid. We had dinner with my mom, sister, uncle, and his girlfriend and I have been home relaxing and crocheting ever since. I hope everyone else is relaxing and enjoying themselves!!!

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Good morning and Welcome to 2012!!


May you have all the yarn you need and may you get all those WIP's finished!!!


I saw this quote and thought I'd share!

"What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year."


Many blessings to you all!

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Spent the afternoon watching football and crocheting- made a hat and cowl and started a hat for Ryan--Getting ready for the Giants/Cowboy's game


Hope everyone had a relaxing day---the best part of today?- I don't have work tomorrow!!! Woot!!!

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Hi All!


Hope your New Year's was safe and happy! Ours was quiet since the boys were with momma.


Went shopping at the mall yesterday, took me about 30 minutes to find a parking space (people parked everywhere, on the landscaping islands, fire lanes, etc) and it was at the other end of the mall. Didin't get to spend my Dillard's money, but did spend some at JCPenney's since that's where I ended up.


Am off today, have the boys, and a dr appt this morning. Then I told them we'd come home and watch the Smurfs movie. Tomorrow is back to work :(


Have a great day all!

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Good morning!


Sue- Enjoy your 'weekend" How's your back feeling?


Sherry- Enjoy your last day of no work! My DD's loved the Smurfs when they were little!


I decided to do the un-decorating this morning as soon as I had my coffee. In the process, I threw out old Christmas decs that I'll never use again--my DD's had already gone through them a couple of years ago and took what they wanted. I don't know why I kept some of the stuff--it was pretty ragged!!:lol So now that that is done, I want to clean a bit, plan is to be done by noon- and then relax the rest of the day!

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Howdy! Flurries in Chicago.....10 car pile up on LSD......did people forget how to drive on snow! Yikes!


Last day off......so we are staying in and enjoying the warmth inside while looking at the cold outside!


Oops, cookies are done! Yes baking too!


Love Mama K

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Joann, it's better today. Yesterday was the worst. Using my stimulator, heat pad and massage chair helps. :)


Mama, people always forget how to drive in the snow or down here in the rain.



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Joann, it's better today. Yesterday was the worst. Using my stimulator, heat pad and massage chair helps. :)


Mama, people always forget how to drive in the snow or down here in the rain.




Honey! Wish Mama could take those pains away!


Bitter cold out, but supposed to be back in the low 40s by week's end! Chicago weather!


Mama Kuddles

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it is freezing here, but i hope in a mere 6 weeks to be lying on the beach in sunny florida...at least it had best be sunny and warm this time:angry. but even if it isnt :hot I will be in florida and not MI so who cares :D although it all hinges on my boss giving me a few days off

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Howdy all! Taking it easy and laying low. Doing lots of sleeping, a little crocheting and some knitting. Oh, yeah, some POGO playing too! :lol Hoping this flare-up ends soon.


Mama, enjoy your last day of vaca! And those cookies too! Yum!


Sue, glad the back is feeling better.


Joanne, how's the knitting coming along? Boy you have the right idea about the Christmas stuff! We have so much stuff that no one is going to want! It's just collecting space. I really should go through it and toss a lot of it!


Christie, Happy New Year to you too!


Sherry, I love the Smurfs! The boys used to watch them all the time when they were little!


Tonya, Oooohhhh, a nice warm vaca! I hope you have a great vacation!

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Hi all,

I went and got a mani/pedi this afternoon as a treat to me before going back to Paradise!


I haven't done any knitting in a few days, Ann! I was busy making hats for my DD and BF's friends--and I also made an earflap hat for Ryan. My battery is charging and I'll try and get pics tomorrow night after work. Wish I'd thought to charge it earlier when it was still light out.


Glad to hear your back is feeling somewhat better Sue!


Kuddles- Sounds like a good plan to stay indoors and enjoy the warmth with your DD before the real world returns tomorrow!


We haven't had any snow- although there were a few flurries in PA (saw that while I was watching the Winter Classic) Tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day of the winter so far.


tonya- I sure hope your boss gives you time off to head to sunny FL!!!

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hey all!

was goung to write a lomg post but didnt wanna bore everyone to sleep


hubby and i have both been sick

brother in law is geting what hubby and i had

over the last two weeksbrother in law had to get a new car battery (2 days after our trip to st louis!)

we had to get a new satellite receiver (old one literally FRIED)

and i cant reveal whom yet but a close family member is dealing with the real possibility of kidney cancer. masses on both kidneys. i can however say its not me hubby or the brother in law that lives with us

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Hi all,

I went and got a mani/pedi this afternoon as a treat to me before going back to Paradise!


I haven't done any knitting in a few days, Ann! I was busy making hats for my DD and BF's friends--and I also made an earflap hat for Ryan. My battery is charging and I'll try and get pics tomorrow night after work. Wish I'd thought to charge it earlier when it was still light out.


We haven't had any snow- although there were a few flurries in PA (saw that while I was watching the Winter Classic) Tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day of the winter so far.


Ooohhh, a mani/pedi sounds nice! Good for you! :cheer I totally forgot all about those hats you've been making! :lol Wow, you even managed one for Ryan! WTG!!! Looking forward to the pics! Stay warm tomorrow. I have to venture out for my weekly injection and I'm not looking forward to it!


hey all!

was goung to write a lomg post but didnt wanna bore everyone to sleep


hubby and i have both been sick

brother in law is geting what hubby and i had

over the last two weeksbrother in law had to get a new car battery (2 days after our trip to st louis!)

we had to get a new satellite receiver (old one literally FRIED)

and i cant reveal whom yet but a close family member is dealing with the real possibility of kidney cancer. masses on both kidneys. i can however say its not me hubby or the brother in law that lives with us

HiYa Ducky! I was thinking of you today! Sorry to hear that you've been sick. Hope you're doing better now. I'll keep your family member in my prayers. :hug

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Ducky- Hope that you are all on the mend-- no fun being sick! I'll think positive thoughts and say some prayers for your family member!


Ann- Yup- it's going to be COLD out tomorrow- BRRRRRR!!!:wbrr I already picked out what I'm wearing to work tomorrow and it involves lots of layers!:lol I'm sure the office will be chilly too since the heat has been off (or set very low) for 3 days!!


I started a RR tonight- with Charisma (bulky yarn). I needed something different to do besides scarves/hats and cowls! Of course, I could have started a SBT, but it just seems like it's getting cold, and what better thing to make than an afghan!:lol

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