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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Had a great weekend with my DD's and now it's back to reality! At least my boss is off today--but I still have lots of work to do!


Belated Happy Birthday Ducky!!!


Sue- Hope that the antibiotics kick in and you start to feel better super quick!


Laurel- You are going to love the SBT pattern!!! I made a ton of them over the summer- and so glad I did- because they are gifts for some of my co-workers this holiday!!!


Nicole- love the totes- both the SBT and the Granny ripple! Your co-workers are going to love them!


Kuddles- Did you get done what you needed to get done after the holiday celebration this weekend?


Ann- hope that today has you feeling a little better. My DD is home safe and sound back in Boston--and I miss her already--


Off to get ready- Have a good Monday!

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Good Morning!!!!!!! Been up since 3:30! Should have been working on hats, but just didn't feel like :crocheting. I'll head that way soon. We're down to the wire now! I have to make a couple of apple pies and some peanut butter fudge this week too. Put on an extra pot of java for me Joanne. I'm going to need it! :lol:morcoffee


Had a great weekend with my DD's and now it's back to reality! At least my boss is off today--but I still have lots of work to do!


Ann- hope that today has you feeling a little better. My DD is home safe and sound back in Boston--and I miss her already--


Off to get ready- Have a good Monday!

I'm so glad that you enjoyed the weekend! Ah, but we must always come back to reality, lol! Hope the week goes smoothly and quickly for you. I understand about missing DD already. :hug


Sue and Mary, hope you are both feeling better today :hug



Have a great day everyone! I'll be back in a bit! :hug

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Back to a Monday.....my least fav day of the work week! But this week......I work thru Thurs at 11 am then Baby K and I are off till .... wait for it..... January 3rd!!! WOOT!


So just need to get work in order this week, not a load to do so all is good!


Ann/Joanne - hi darlings! Hope you have a great day!


Ducky - sure hope you had a great BD!


Sue - are you feeling better at all this morning honey? Meds kick in yet?


To all - have a GREAT day!


Mama Kuddles

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Good Morning All


Will be a busy week, only 4 days this week WOOT!!! Already have the bulletin done for Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day, just have the January 1 to do and I'll done with that for the year! Gotta get the filing done though :(


Sue - hope you're feeling better and that the meds have worked.


Ducky hope your day was a good one!


Ann - Hope you get lots done today.


Welcome Laurel - you'll love the pattern, it's so easy to do and so many color combinations you can do.


Mama K - Hope your day goes well! I know you're looking forward to your time off!


Gotta go and get ready. It's raining here but in the panhandle they are expecting a blizzard today, at least it's supposed to stay up north. Everyone stay warm and have a great day!

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Good Morning All


Mama K - Hope your day goes well! I know you're looking forward to your time off!


Gotta go and get ready. It's raining here but in the panhandle they are expecting a blizzard today, at least it's supposed to stay up north. Everyone stay warm and have a great day!


Thanks hon!!! I am pretty excited!!!


Mama K

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Meds are working...very little. Still up half the night coughing. Can't sleep at all. We were suppose to go to Sea World tomorrow, but putting it off until next week. :(


Sherry, don't you always have filing to do?? :lol



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Back to a Monday.....my least fav day of the work week! But this week......I work thru Thurs at 11 am then Baby K and I are off till .... wait for it..... January 3rd!!! WOOT!


Mama Kuddles

Wootie Woot Woot!!!


Good Morning All


Will be a busy week, only 4 days this week WOOT!!! Already have the bulletin done for Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day, just have the January 1 to do and I'll done with that for the year! Gotta get the filing done though :(


Gotta go and get ready. It's raining here but in the panhandle they are expecting a blizzard today, at least it's supposed to stay up north. Everyone stay warm and have a great day!

Come on lady, get that filing done! :lol


Meds are working...very little. Still up half the night coughing. Can't sleep at all. We were suppose to go to Sea World tomorrow, but putting it off until next week. :(



That's just not right, the meds should be helping! I agree with Tonya, don't let it go too long before you get rechecked. :hug


everyone have a great day....only 5 more days till the fat man arrives :eek

Think we can talk him into waiting a couple extra days? :lol

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Good Morning All


Will be a busy week, only 4 days this week WOOT!!! Already have the bulletin done for Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day, just have the January 1 to do and I'll done with that for the year! Gotta get the filing done though :(


Sue - hope you're feeling better and that the meds have worked.


Ducky hope your day was a good one!


Ann - Hope you get lots done today.


Welcome Laurel - you'll love the pattern, it's so easy to do and so many color combinations you can do.


Mama K - Hope your day goes well! I know you're looking forward to your time off!


Gotta go and get ready. It's raining here but in the panhandle they are expecting a blizzard today, at least it's supposed to stay up north. Everyone stay warm and have a great day!


My husband and I saw that blizzard prediction for the panhandle of Oklahoma/Texas - CRAZY weather! We are pretty sure the end of the world has to be heading our way - how else can you explain all the weird weather, the crazy world politics, the crazy people out there in the world doing crazy things, etc? Oh well, if the world ends there isn't anything I can do about it, so we're just going to keep on keepin' on, live the life we love and love the ones in it!! :D Have a great week!! :hug

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My husband and I saw that blizzard prediction for the panhandle of Oklahoma/Texas - CRAZY weather! We are pretty sure the end of the world has to be heading our way - how else can you explain all the weird weather, the crazy world politics, the crazy people out there in the world doing crazy things, etc? Oh well, if the world ends there isn't anything I can do about it, so we're just going to keep on keepin' on, live the life we love and love the ones in it!! :D Have a great week!! :hug


Yup! That is all we can do darlin'! Enjoy your holiday!


Mama Kuddles

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Yes, Ann, I'm always filing :lol But I did get started on it today. Will try to finish up tomorrow. It's the job I hate the most.


Sue - better go back and see the dr and make sure you've got the right meds. Ask for something for the cough. :yes


I got a lot done tonight. Now that I have everything wrapped up, I forgot to take pictures. :( I still have a couple of more dishcloths to make.


We got a lot of rain here (and I was out in it loading the van with groceries for the day care), and they have gotten a lot of snow in the panhandle, they predicted at least 12 inches. :wbrr


Well, I'd better get back to crocheting, gonna try to get one more dishcloth done tonight. Have a great evening all.

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Good early morning!

Yes, it is 4:30 and I am wide awake- this should be interesting by the end of the day! Very busy day on tap in Paradise today- probably part of the reason why I'm up so early- lots on my mind!


Laurel- Enjoy making your first SBT!!!:D I'm sure it won't be your last!!!


Sherry- Isn't it always the way that when it rains, it pours? That is the first thing that came to mind when I read how you had to be out in it loading groceries for the day care--guess it's better than 12 inches of snow, though! WTG on finishing up the gifts--and getting them wrapped!!


Sue- I agree with everyone who said get back to the Dr if you are not much better today- the antibiotics should have been kicking in by now. Feel better:hug


Kuddles-- WOOT!! Vacation time right around the corner!!! Enjoy your time off work with Baby K!! My day yesterday was so busy- and it didn't even matter that my boss was off! I've been appointed as the project leader for the conversion to another new system for our department and I'm still training some new staff so to say it's slightly hectic is an understatement. C'mon lottery!!!:cheer


Ann- I had plenty of coffee for you and me yesterday!:) And the coffee is brewed already for today! A friend at craft club last night made an Ugly but Warm hat while we were there. It was definitely not ugly--she made it using wool-ease and james c brett marble yarn held together- nice and soft!!


Melani- Agree with what you said- it's crazy with the weird weather, but we can't worry about it- just live life and love those in it!:hug


Hope you all have a good Tuesday!

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Joanne! Poor baby! I hate it when I wake up that early and can't go back to sleep! You are sure gonna be tired by about 2 pm! Hang tough!


My countdown to vaca continues....Baby K was VERY excited last nite, had a hard time calming down for bed. She is so giddy about time off, presents, etc! Ah to be 7 again.....this year she is THE perfect age to enjoy Christmas. She's cute: she is almost as excited about spending time with me as she is the presents......I guess I'll keep her!


Have a good one all!


Mama K

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Sue - better go back and see the dr and make sure you've got the right meds. Ask for something for the cough. :yes


I had just gone to the dr. on Sunday (Urgent Care). Feeling better today. He did give me a cough syrup with codeine, but it made me light headed so just taking over the counter stuff. Apparently this bug that's going around is lasting 2 weeks even with meds. :(



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Howdy Everyone! Busy, busy, busy! Hope you all have a wonderful day! :hug


am enjoying the tote, its nice n thick!

Am on round 6...

Enjoy and welcome! I'm sure this won't be your last one! :yay


Yes, Ann, I'm always filing :lol But I did get started on it today. Will try to finish up tomorrow. It's the job I hate the most.

I got a lot done tonight. Now that I have everything wrapped up, I forgot to take pictures. :( I still have a couple of more dishcloths to make.


We got a lot of rain here (and I was out in it loading the van with groceries for the day care), and they have gotten a lot of snow in the panhandle, they predicted at least 12 inches. :wbrr


Well, I'd better get back to crocheting, gonna try to get one more dishcloth done tonight. Have a great evening all.

:lol Glad you didn't forget the filing! :lol UGH, I hate shopping in the rain, but at least it wasn't 12 inches of snow! Yuck! WTG on all the wrapping! I got all mine done too! :yay Now I'm working on a knitted dishcloth.


Good early morning!

Yes, it is 4:30 and I am wide awake- this should be interesting by the end of the day! Very busy day on tap in Paradise today- probably part of the reason why I'm up so early- lots on my mind!


Ann- I had plenty of coffee for you and me yesterday!:) And the coffee is brewed already for today! A friend at craft club last night made an Ugly but Warm hat while we were there. It was definitely not ugly--she made it using wool-ease and james c brett marble yarn held together- nice and soft!!


Hope you all have a good Tuesday!

Thanks for having all that coffee for me yesterday! I can use it again today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and.... :lol it sure is a busy week! Your's sounds crazy busy! Hang in there! The UBW hat that your friend made sounds beautiful! It really isn't an ugly hat at all! Hope your day's going well! :hug


My countdown to vaca continues....Baby K was VERY excited last nite, had a hard time calming down for bed. She is so giddy about time off, presents, etc! Ah to be 7 again.....this year she is THE perfect age to enjoy Christmas. She's cute: she is almost as excited about spending time with me as she is the presents......I guess I'll keep her!


Have a good one all!


Mama K

Ahh, how wonderful to be young! Enjoy this special time with your little one! :hug


I had just gone to the dr. on Sunday (Urgent Care). Feeling better today. He did give me a cough syrup with codeine, but it made me light headed so just taking over the counter stuff. Apparently this bug that's going around is lasting 2 weeks even with meds. :(



Glad that you are feeling better today!


Yup. Ive had it almost 2weeks. Started to feel bette after week 1 and then it came on again. I was to sit with a friend inchemo yesterday and wasnt able to


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hey all!

would have posted yesterday but had very low vision.... once again had a crappy weekend.....

my friend whim i was to have dinner with last thursday had to cancel due to illness...friday was a wasted trip tpo st louis......makes me wonder if doctors actually listen to their patients or they dont give a flying flip??? we told dr that cortizone shots WONT work.....what do they do? give a third shot! (hubby had had 2 previous shots that didnt work

saturday slept

sunday my birthday started out fine......went to church sunday evening came home and noticed my ma had called. so i called her back...now id previously had the argument with her about her treating me like a child.....suffice it to say same dern argument! no i love you no happy birthday nothing! just hewr trying to put me on the same ole guilt trip of you dont know how much i sit and cry over you blah blah blah blah......it ended with me telling her i was completely fed up with her treating me like i was 2 instead of 38, and until she reasizes im an adult i dont want to talk to her anymore (my blood pressure cant take the stress)

so needless to say i consider myself an orphan now.........ANYBODY WANNA ADOPT ME???

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I had just gone to the dr. on Sunday (Urgent Care). Feeling better today. He did give me a cough syrup with codeine, but it made me light headed so just taking over the counter stuff. Apparently this bug that's going around is lasting 2 weeks even with meds. :(






Yup. Ive had it almost 2weeks. Started to feel bette after week 1 and then it came on again. I was to sit with a friend inchemo yesterday and wasnt able to




Howdy Everyone! Busy, busy, busy! Hope you all have a wonderful day! :hug


You too honey! :hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart




Sorry got my hands full with my 7 year old's drama.......:hug:hug


Mama K

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