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I was just surfing Ebay and found two Ebayers that have interesting auctions on yarn.


Ebay Id: priceisrite86


Ebay Stores: Not Just Yarns


:c9 Andrea

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I've ordered from priceisrite86 and had a kind of mixed experience. He sells mill ends, which is fine as long as you realize that's what you're getting. The size of the skeins is very, very mixed, some are noticeably very much smaller than others. Again, fine as long as you realize it up front. The problem I had is that two of the 12 skeins I received had noticeable discolorations on them; they were dark colored yarn and had splotches where it almost looked like something had spilled or splattered on the skein and bleached it. I wrote and received a very cordial email promising a refund, but it didn't actually materialize until several weeks and many emails later, and then it was very grudgingly given (to paraphrase ... 'geez, lady, it's only $5!'). I liked the yarn, I liked the price, I didn't like being made to feel like I was doing something wrong to not want to pay for damaged merchandise which I had offered to return. In the end, though, would I order from him again? Probably ... my price on Lion Thick & Quick Chenille, including shipping, ended up being $3/skein and I can't beat that elsewhere.

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I have purchased yarn from todal yarns in Kansas-


I have been a very satisfied customer-she will answer any questions you have about yarn promptly.


Shipping to New Jersey was quick-2 days at most-


I have more recently(last week) ordered from Astrid's Dutch Obessions-

I was promised yarn in one week-She carries alot of sock yarn, addi turbo needles and different crochet hooks-



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I've ordered from priceisrite86 and had a kind of mixed experience.


Me, too. My yarn was pretty nice, but it took forever to get here because he sent it almost two weeks after the auction, and the cost of shipping and "handling" was way overpriced for what he actually spent. Maybe he just doesn't get many orders from Canada. Don't know about that. Anyway, I e-mailed him with my unhappiness about both issues and he was a little noncholant about the whole thing, which was irritating. Then he took like two months to give me feedback. I decided not to order from him anymore.

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Has anyone bought anything from knititems on eBay? He/she has thousands of positive feedback, but there's also a couple negatives there too. Can't decide if that is a bad sign or if it's just inevitable that if you sell thousands of items, someone out there is bound to be unhappy with something. :blush


Like Kusine, I also recommend sewcrafty32. She is very friendly, and has some pretty amazing pattern books. You'd probably have to translate the patterns before using them (since many of the books are Japanese), but most of them are charts (apparently, that's how Japanese write their crochet patterns) anyway, so it shouldn't be TOO difficult to figure out as long as you can figure out what the symbols stand for. I love Japanese patterns; they're so cute and innovative! :hook (But I don't know any Japanese outside of crochet terms... :( ... LOL)

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the cost of shipping and "handling" was way overpriced for what he actually spent.

He doesn't even try to pretend that's his actual shipping cost; he just charges a set amount for it and yeah, it's way over actual cost. $12.99 for 12 skeins of yarn? Please! At least he's up front about it though. I've noticed quite a few sellers dramatically overcharging on shipping for yarn, unfortunately. Personally I factor shipping cost into what I'm willing to bid for the yarn, and I don't bid on lots that don't either list a shipping price in the auction or respond to my request for a shipping price. I often find that even when the sale price on eBay looks great, I could go down to WalMart or Michaels and get it cheaper once you factor in shipping. But then I get a deal like I got recently where I bought 46 skeins of yarn, including some fabulous sock yarn, for $22 INCLUDING shipping. Yeah. That's why I eBay :D

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Has anyone bought anything from knititems on eBay? He/she has thousands of positive feedback, but there's also a couple negatives there too. Can't decide if that is a bad sign or if it's just inevitable that if you sell thousands of items, someone out there is bound to be unhappy with something. :blush


I've purchased from knititems before, once a few years ago and then once recently, which was silly of me because I had decided not to order from that seller anymore. The main problem I had is that some of the yarn is not soft enough for wearables (and I don't mean slightly scratchy -- we're talking extreme exfoliation!). Some of the yarn probably is soft, some I have bought is not, and there's not much way to tell from the descriptions alone.

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I've bought twice from knititems, and I agree some of the yarn isn't very, well, wearable. But then, that is the nature of some yarns. Without knowing the brand name it's hard to decide if it's going to be soft or stiff. I still like them, overall. I won about 6 auctions at the same time, and they did give me a fairly decent shipping/handling rate. I did get a large lot of chocolate brown worsted weight yarn that is yummy, and someday will be an afghan for ME. That was my main reason for buying there, couldn't find the color I wanted.



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Has anyone purchased a crochet pattern from Cuddle Up Creations? It's both the ebay store and seller's name. I'm thinking of buying an afghan chart for a football team but was wondering if the service was good? Or had anyone found their patterns to be good/bad?? Thanks!

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I broke down and ordered from creeksoon (Walnut Creek) ... very positive first impression, I got a nice chatty email with my order total that thanked me for ordering, told me about some new yarn that would be listed soon, etc. If the yarn is as nice as the seller seems to be, this one may be a winner!

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I broke down and ordered from creeksoon (Walnut Creek) ... very positive first impression, I got a nice chatty email with my order total that thanked me for ordering, told me about some new yarn that would be listed soon, etc. If the yarn is as nice as the seller seems to be, this one may be a winner!


Let us know how it goes! That seller's name rang a bell, but I checked my purchases and I don't think I've ever ordered. What I have done is watch a thousand and one of creeksoon's auctions, so many I remember the name! I must always have talked myself out of bidding (good for the budget, bad for the stash).

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I broke down and ordered from creeksoon (Walnut Creek) ... very positive first impression, I got a nice chatty email with my order total that thanked me for ordering, told me about some new yarn that would be listed soon, etc. If the yarn is as nice as the seller seems to be, this one may be a winner!

UPDATE: Ladies and gents, we have a winnah! I got home last night and my yarn was here, yay:c9 I ordered on Thursday and it arrived on Monday; she shipped it Priority and charged actual shipping, no handling charges, and shipped it super fast. And wow. Just, wow. The yarn I ordered is a custom blend of a strand of mohair, a strand of brushed acrylic and a strand of space-dyed rayon, and it is gorgeous:manyheart It's even prettier than it looked in the pictures on eBay, and sooo soft. Even my fiance, who is totally disinterested in all things yarn, asked to see it when I upwrapped it; he sat on the couch examining it ... running it through his fingers, holding it up to the light ... and allowed as how it was "really kinda pretty stuff" (HIGH praise from him).


She also sent me a plastic bag with sample snippets of other yarns and some threads she has available -- damn her! She obviously knows the way to a yarn geek's heart, because I've already separated out some of those samples and plan to make another order with my next paycheck.

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I purchased two patterns from this seller. The patterns were supposed to arrive at the beginning of the week last week, but stupid work sent me out of town for two weeks! So, I haven't seen the patterns yet. :( Will let you know what I think. I should be back in the office this Friday!


Has anyone purchased a crochet pattern from Cuddle Up Creations? It's both the ebay store and seller's name. I'm thinking of buying an afghan chart for a football team but was wondering if the service was good? Or had anyone found their patterns to be good/bad?? Thanks!
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I purchased two patterns from this seller. The patterns were supposed to arrive at the beginning of the week last week, but stupid work sent me out of town for two weeks! So, I haven't seen the patterns yet. :( Will let you know what I think. I should be back in the office this Friday!


Ok, back in the office. Have given a quick glance at my patterns from Cuddle Up Creations, and they are wonderful! The charts are printed in color on thick stock paper, and they even sent directions on how to do the afghans in several different stitches - including Tunisian and Filet. I would buy from them again...

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I bought yarn over a year ago from knititems too!! I thought that sounded familiar! I got Terryspun from them, which was in good shape and now very hard to find. Not sure if they still sell Lion Brand stuff anymore though.

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  • 1 month later...

I bought some Colinette yarn from Cucumberpatch UK (seller id ecclescakes).

I was very very happy and they had the best prices. Even with shipping costs from England, it was cheaper than buying from my LYS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i bought some cocoa chenille yarn from KNITITEMS. still havent received it. no tracking info. i'll update when it arrives.but i have faith. that is why i only bought one item just to see how it went. fingers crossed though. I've also bought a pattern from CUDDLEUPCREATIONS. it was excellent quality. I emailed them for a custom pattern. they would send samples to my email and we went over them and i had it made exactly as what i saw in my mind. LOL. shipping wasn't priority but wasnt forever. and the price was very good. quality of the pattern and the price overrode the wait time for me. i still havent time to start it anyway. I would definately recommend them.


i'm sure several members here have eBay stores. I know threeolivemartini has a store. I just purchased yarn from her last week. Yall give her a try. Her Store

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I had the same experience with a seller once where a book arrived improperly packaged with a very bent corner (rare book, $170), so I really wanted the refund. He actually whined to me that now he had damaged goods. I just whined back. I think the feedback machanism/threat is great.



..., and then it was very grudgingly given (to paraphrase ... 'geez, lady, it's only $5!'). ....
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