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Our House Part Two


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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Hope all is well this morning!

I'm gettin' real tired of complaining...... so..... this post will not be a pitty Tammy post!


I have been getting lots of crocheting done! I'm real happy about that! Testing patterns... creating fun stuff... finishing a few things.. etc.

Wont be able to go to church today.. as hubby still has a fever... But thank goodness... we have Radio Church! A beautiful large church about 35 miles from us has their services on the radio. :D Better than nothing... right!

Its beautiful out... 70* right now..with a high of 77* ... yesterday it got up to 89* and the boys were dying of heat... LOL... they crack me up!

I know you are all gonna think I have lost my mind... or that my boys are NUTS.. .or both... but they came in from playing outstide... they all stood in the kitchen wiping off with baby wipes to cool off... and were still hot... so next thing I hear is giggling from the pantry... and then the youngest say... Mom is gonna kill us. Well.. its time to put the yarn and hook down.. and go see what this is all about... so I peek around the corner and this is what I see...............:rofl

all three heads in the deep freeze... OMGoodness


Nope... wasnt mad... didnt kill them... just laughed like crazy and then hugged them all! I totally needed that bit of silliness!!!! They weren't hurting anything.... but they did bring a smile to my face! :D


Okay... off to get a coffee refill and see if I can get a nice pic of this tote I'm testing.

Catch up later!





continued prayers for hubby please... temp was 100.9* this morning.

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Tam, loved the story and the pic! Kids do the darndest things. It's these times you just gotta love em more. Glad they brought a laugh and smile to you. Give them an extra hug from me for doing so!


Oh, and if the tote you're talking about is for Sue, I'm testing it too :lol

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Good morning my friends. Just heard from John and the hunters got skunked this weekend and are already on the way home. Sheesh! I've got to boogy to get everything cleaned up before he gets home. :sigh Empty trash, change the bedding, put away the dishes, etc., etc., etc.


Thank you so much! just took his temp about 30 min ago... its up to 101.6* :sigh


Ooooh.. .casserole sounds good!!!!

I made chicken wraps for dinner tonight. I had left over plain chicken and left over spicy buffalo chicken... took it off the bones... warmed the chicken... warmed the tortillas.. added lettuce .. cheese.. tomato and ranch with the chicken in the middle of the tortilla... rolled it and YUM. So we had spicy and non-spicy ones. :D




Sorry the temp's still going up. And your wraps sound yummy. :hug :hug :hug :hug

To EVERYONE- have a wonderful, relaxing Sunday- I'm off to work on some CEU's that I need to finish for my nursing license renewal! Nothing like putting it off till almost the last minute!:eek

Now that sounds familiar.

What time should I be there for dinner? :drive

Whenever you get here will be just fine.

We had a visitor last night. The neighbors garbage is all over their driveway, my suet feeder is missing and my hopper feeder has a crack in the plexiglass. I'm assuming it was a raccoon only because the feeders, except the suet, were still in the tree. The bears tend to pull them out, even if theres no seed cause they smell the oils from the seed and want to investigate. Guess its time to start bringing them in every night and put them out in the morning. I love spring and warmer weather but I don't like the added chore of lugging the feeders. I do like having the birds come to my hand for food tho' and with the feeder schedule I can start conditioning them into that again. :yes

Oh, my! I can do without that kind of visitor.

·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Hope all is well this morning!

I'm gettin' real tired of complaining...... so..... this post will not be a pitty Tammy post!


I have been getting lots of crocheting done! I'm real happy about that! Testing patterns... creating fun stuff... finishing a few things.. etc.

Wont be able to go to church today.. as hubby still has a fever... But thank goodness... we have Radio Church! A beautiful large church about 35 miles from us has their services on the radio. :D Better than nothing... right!

Its beautiful out... 70* right now..with a high of 77* ... yesterday it got up to 89* and the boys were dying of heat... LOL... they crack me up!

I know you are all gonna think I have lost my mind... or that my boys are NUTS.. .or both... but they came in from playing outstide... they all stood in the kitchen wiping off with baby wipes to cool off... and were still hot... so next thing I hear is giggling from the pantry... and then the youngest say... Mom is gonna kill us. Well.. its time to put the yarn and hook down.. and go see what this is all about... so I peek around the corner and this is what I see...............:rofl

all three heads in the deep freeze... OMGoodness


Nope... wasnt mad... didnt kill them... just laughed like crazy and then hugged them all! I totally needed that bit of silliness!!!! They weren't hurting anything.... but they did bring a smile to my face! :D


Okay... off to get a coffee refill and see if I can get a nice pic of this tote I'm testing.

Catch up later!



continued prayers for hubby please... temp was 100.9* this morning.

I'm glad hubby's temp is down a little. Hopefully this is the turn around point. :hug :hug :hug :hug


That picture of the boys is absolutely priceless. Love it. :lol :lol :lol

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Quick stop in-

Finished my nursing CEU's!!!:yay Glad that is done!!! Also got the laundry done at the same time!


Wrennie- Ooh, it does sound like racoons- not my kind of visitor for sure!


Toni- Sounds like you had a good day yesterday- what kind of fish did you catch and then get to eat last night? My brother has been fishing as long as I can remember- he does fresh water fishing- and boy is trout and bass good!


Judy- Enjoy your Mom/DS bonding time at the cat show:manyheart


Tammy:lol:lol That pic is great! And so happy that it brought some laughter into your life! We haven't had those warm temps yet- but I think tomorrow it is supposed to be almost 80. Then cool back down. I really like spring temps 60's-70! Just said another prayer for DH!


Linda- :eek that stinks about what happened to John! Literally!!!:lol Hope you don't have too much to clean up before he gets home!


Off to meet up with DD at Target so she can do a baby registry there.



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Morning all



So VERY sorry to hear of all of this stuff continuing ,with so many worries to handle .

I hope your husband gets the strength to fight off this latest infection, or fever , whatever the cause .

Sure wish your girl would get her act together so you guys had less to deal with under your own roof !:hug

All your crocheting looks terrific . I'm glad you can still do that so it helps take your mind off stress somewhat.



Your prayer shawl is so pretty !



Wow, SNOW out there still ? We actually grilled out some steaks today.It's in the 70's today !



Hi Cindy

Hope you got rested up some last night !



Sorry your team is getting off to a rough start. They'll probably get better as they get more practice in .


And yep, I am working on the embroidered lap quilt. I'll try to nail Sam to snap a photo of what I have done. It's pretty slow going compared to crochet,so it takes a lot longer to see much progress .




Hope you found some good yarn buys ! And yep, it does stink that I can't use yarn anymore. Been hard to get used to ,but I guess when you have to choose between crocheting andd breathing, you have to pick breathing.



Hope the pollen wasnt as bad today so your head doesnt get as clogged up .




Sam used ot coach the baseball teams too many years ago. It WAS quite a challenge when the boys were wee little ,trying to keep their eyes on the game and what to do . Most of them got distracted easily, by a bird flying by, a trip to the snack bar, just about anything else. It's cute watching them play now,though,when we are so old --watching little kids makes you remember the good times .


Heya Jude

Pizza and baseball,and even getting out to look for plants ! Sure sounds better than snow shovels and ice storms !



I'm glad your yarn got there and you are so pleased with it ! Maybe we can see some pictures of your finished products !



Hope your MIL is doing better today .



I definitely need to look into the Thrillbillies show. Sounds like something they filmed here in our town. Maybe I'm even on it someplace !

Sounds like you are having a good weekend .


Hi Miss Mary1

How's the little hunk and the big hunk at your house ? Luke is cute and so is Grandpa ! You never told us you were married to such a cutie patootie !




I'm glad you got to go fishingand caught some fish ! We used to go often when the kids were younger but havent gone for many years,although Sam did take Cam once last summer. I was surprised Cam liked it so much,because he doesnt have much patience with sitting for a long time,but he seemed to really enjoy it .



Your boys sound funny,sticking their heads in the freezer to cool off ! I'm glad your weather is warming up so they get to be outside now and have fun .

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Tam, hope things are better at home and that Ken's temp has gone down.


Joanne, I caught one small bass, a good sized brim and a fingerling catfish.


Sounds like you and your dd are having fun getting ready for the new arrival!


Wrennie, critters in trash = no fun! Around here it could be a raccoon, bear or coyote. One of the joys of living in the country.


Linda, darn, they are coming home early! Just don't overdo it trying to get everything "perfect" Hope your allergies are doing better. Rain in forecast for tomorrow, should help knock it down again.


Julie, breathing is a good thing :lol Glad you chose it. Seriously, sorry you're going through all of this.


Embroidery and quilting take more time than crocheting, so doing an embroidered quilt, well............


I purchased Tangled on Dish and plan to watch it here shortly. Much less expensive than going to a movie or buying the DVD and I can crochet while it's on. A little treat for myself. I've really been resting my body today, since it was screaming at me :lol


BBL after the movie.

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Good morning!

Thanks for setting up the coffee last night Linda! Wonder how Mary2 did at the rabbit show?


Rabbits did well at the show! A couple of BOB (best of breed) is always nice!


Made a couple of the scrap totes. They are way to much fun and use up lots of yarn!!

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Hi, Honey, I'm hooooome :flower


Oh my goodness, have I ever missed All of You!!!!!!!! :manyheart


SO much has been going on, it would not be possible for me to comment on everything that I read (Yes, I did go back and find our archived thread to read-up on the conversations that took place since I left :yes. :whewWere you ever a chatty bunch!), though I do want to let you know that I saw the lovely socks Marisa was cranking-out for her nephews, the Challenge quilt Linda is working on, the baby set Cindy worked on over the weekend, Judy's blanket gifts, cute Aree and Kiyo at Riverdance, a darling pic of Luke with his grandpa, and the nice photo of Judy, Marisa, Cheeria, Joanne and Marisa's friend, Mary at their latest meet-up.


For Tam, Cindy, Julie, Linda and Toni -- :hug for better days ahead, health-wise, for you and your loved ones.


The girls and I had a GRAND time in Hawaii. Who wouldn't, right? And, if we didn't, it would probably be our own fault in such a beautiful place...:lol Anyway, we were warned, and even more aware of the tsunami headed our way than last year's. Gee, two tsunamis in two years while we were there...coincidence??? :think We were fine on our end of the island, and while we were prepared to evacuate, it was not necessary. My heart still hurts for all of those people devastated by the earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear situation in Japan. I have been in contact with over a dozen former classmates and friends living in Japan, but I have not been able to reach one of my host families, yet :cry We lived in the prefecture that was hit, dead-on, by the tsunami. And, although we were in a village up in the mountainous region, I am not sure if our home was spared. I have not been able to find them among the lists of people staying at near-by shelters, I have not heard from them either by e-mail or postal mail, and I pray they are safe, if without electricity and technology. I hold out hope that I hear from them with every mail delivery :worried


Whew, enough of that chatter. The girls and I arrived home on a Friday night, and they, seamlessly, jumped right back into the swing of school on Monday morning. All of us traveled well and did not even catch a cough or sore throat on the flights home. Three days after we had returned, my land-line telephone service was abruptly interrupted. After multiple calls to the service line, and 8 days without a phone or Internet, I was told that the problem was in the phone company's equipment, that it was most likely caused by mice in a box, and that the technician could not get out to the box, because it was under three feet of water in a farmer's field. "When the water-level drops, we can get out to the box and repair the wires. 'Til then, can you have some patience." Where we live, we are in a flood plain, and it is rather common to have deep water in the fields until the beginning of June.:thair "No, I am sorry. I cannot wait three months for my service to be restored." It took 15 days, but I, finally, have Internet and telephone service, again. Country living at its finest :ohdear Have any of you seen the news stories out of Fargo, ND with the sandbagging and third year in-a-row of record flood levels? Well, we live a good ways north of there, but our land is affected by the level of water flowing through that Red River of the North. Hence, when Fargo floods, we are under water, too. Yes, our roads have been closed, and the ditches are filled to capacity, but we are holding our own. Our house is dry. The sump pump is working steadily. The girls are giddy about playing in the deep water in the yard. And, the roads are really okay for us to drive on and get to town, but they are a bit damp and squishy in places. It's spring :P Temps are starting to warm up. As of yet, it still drops below freezing overnight, and the flood waters ice over at night. Today, it is in the 40s and pouring rain. More water is not what we needed, but this is the first moisture we have had that was not snow, so....that's progress, right?! I have seen one robin. No daffodils or tulips peeking up near the house, yet, but they might make an appearance by the end of the month. All's good, here.


Oh, one thing I did want to tell Julie. Remember when you were "sorting" us on to shelves by ages? Miss Marisa and Miss Kiyo are just going to have to squeeze over a bit, because I get to hang out with them. You had me shelved in the 40s, but I'm only 34, at present :wink. I thought it was funny and figured you had spied my grey hairs in the last pic I posted :lol I'll be there soon enough :yes


On the crochet front, "Oh, yes, I suppose I should mention something crochet-related before I log off for the night..." I have been having a grand time with felting. I have made three purses and am in the process of making one with oodles of ruffles. I am sorry I cannot remember who posted the suggestion about shopping at knitpicks for wool, but I wish I could hug you :hugThe prices listed on-line look fantabulous. I was pretty disappointed with the selection of felt-able wool that I could find at the yarn stores around here, even after I took a road trip to Grand Forks, but I am working up an order to place this week, that, I think, will look beautiful in my Easter basket :lol I made a cocoon and hat for a girlfriend, who just found out she is expecting her first baby. I am almost finished with a sweater I am making for myself with jewel-toned variegated yarn. I will certainly have to post pictures, soon, won't I? I promise, I will get around to it.


I will do a better job of writing more personalized notes going forward, but I just wanted to say that I missed you!! My heart was so warmed by the number of times you thought of me. Thank you for not forgetting me, even though I was gone for aeons. Here is a quick peek of my mom, the girls and me on Waikiki Beach post-20536-13589764779_thumb.jpg


'Til tomorrow -- Take care :manyheart



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Julie- Good to hear from you! Wow- steaks on the grill- that is DH's favorite meal--too bad I'm baking a chicken today!:lol I won't tell him what you had!


Toni - Yum bass!!! I've never had catfish before though! I hope you enjoyed Tangled! Last weekend at DDs house, we watched How to Train a Dragon which was cute- because one of my DD's had already seen Tangled. Sounds like a good day to sit back and relax if your body is barking!!!


We completed DD's registry at Target and I just had to buy this so cute little outfit. It's a plaid shirt with a vest and matching khaki pants with bulldogs on them!!! DD fell in love with the outfit- and said "oh how cute will he be in this for Thanksgiving! So of course, rather than chance it, I bought it!


Time to eat- I'll stop back in a bit

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Tam, loved the story and the pic! Kids do the darndest things. It's these times you just gotta love em more. Glad they brought a laugh and smile to you. Give them an extra hug from me for doing so!


Oh, and if the tote you're talking about is for Sue, I'm testing it too :lol

Yeah... my boys sure know how to brighten my day!

Yep.. Sue's tote! :D

Good morning my friends. Just heard from John and the hunters got skunked this weekend and are already on the way home. Sheesh! I've got to boogy to get everything cleaned up before he gets home. :sigh Empty trash, change the bedding, put away the dishes, etc., etc., etc.



Sorry the temp's still going up. And your wraps sound yummy. :hug :hug :hug :hug


Now that sounds familiar.


Oh, my! I can do without that kind of visitor.


I'm glad hubby's temp is down a little. Hopefully this is the turn around point. :hug :hug :hug :hug


That picture of the boys is absolutely priceless. Love it. :lol :lol :lol

hehehee... thanks! they sure are fun!

gosh... wish I was there to help clean up.

Quick stop in-

Finished my nursing CEU's!!!:yay Glad that is done!!! Also got the laundry done at the same time!


Wrennie- Ooh, it does sound like racoons- not my kind of visitor for sure!


Toni- Sounds like you had a good day yesterday- what kind of fish did you catch and then get to eat last night? My brother has been fishing as long as I can remember- he does fresh water fishing- and boy is trout and bass good!


Judy- Enjoy your Mom/DS bonding time at the cat show:manyheart


Tammy:lol:lol That pic is great! And so happy that it brought some laughter into your life! We haven't had those warm temps yet- but I think tomorrow it is supposed to be almost 80. Then cool back down. I really like spring temps 60's-70! Just said another prayer for DH!


Linda- :eek that stinks about what happened to John! Literally!!!:lol Hope you don't have too much to clean up before he gets home!


Off to meet up with DD at Target so she can do a baby registry there.



hehehe.. .isnt it though.. boys think I'm silly for taking a pic... um.. hello... they were the weirdos IN the freezer! LOL

Morning all



So VERY sorry to hear of all of this stuff continuing ,with so many worries to handle .

I hope your husband gets the strength to fight off this latest infection, or fever , whatever the cause .

Sure wish your girl would get her act together so you guys had less to deal with under your own roof !:hug

All your crocheting looks terrific . I'm glad you can still do that so it helps take your mind off stress somewhat.



Your boys sound funny,sticking their heads in the freezer to cool off ! I'm glad your weather is warming up so they get to be outside now and have fun .

:hug.. Love you sweetie! thank you so much for all you love and support!

yesterday it got up there in the 80's ... it was nice.. today its mid 60's to low 70's. Still nice.. but a bit of a cool breeze to the air.

Tam, hope things are better at home and that Ken's temp has gone down.


I purchased Tangled on Dish and plan to watch it here shortly. Much less expensive than going to a movie or buying the DVD and I can crochet while it's on. A little treat for myself. I've really been resting my body today, since it was screaming at me :lol


BBL after the movie.

Thanks sweetie!

Oh... a nice time to relax ... have fun with your move.. take your hook and yarn.. .hehehehee... I want to see that tote!

Rabbits did well at the show! A couple of BOB (best of breed) is always nice!


Made a couple of the scrap totes. They are way to much fun and use up lots of yarn!!

Oh... wow... very nice! good deal on the rabbits!

so where are pics of these totes missy... hehehehehe :D



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Dusti- It sure seems that you and your girls had an awesome time in HI! I was saddened to read that you haven't been able to contact one of your host families!:( I will add them to my prayers and think positive thoughts!!! The picture of you and your girls and Mom is great!!! Thank you for sharing it- sure looks nice lazing on the beach!!! :c9 I would think it would be hard to come home to all the flooding waters after spending a month there! I'm happy that you don't have any flooding in your house- and I'm sure the girls just love playing in the water! What child doesn't? ;) I've been talking about wanting to try felting and one project leads to another and so far I've not tried it. I'm busy now making baby blankets since my youngest DD is expecting my first grandchild (a boy) at the beginning of August and my DH's youngest DD is also expecting her first- a boy- in July!


Tammy- Since you didn't mention- I assume Ken is holding his own temp wise? I sure hope so!!!:hug


Judy- Hope you had a great day with your DS and tonight it's Yankees vs Red Sox- DD just called as she and her roommate were getting ready to leave for the game- she said that she thinks the Red Sox should win for her since she'll be at Fenway tonight- I told her, um- no, they should not, because your mother has been a Yankee fan longer than you have been a Red Sox fan and since I am older and will be way more tired tomorrow staying up late to watch it, they should win for me!:yes


I was at TJ Maxx today after Target and they had a cute little sign that I bought to hang up in my cubicle at work- It says "Just another day in Paradise"!!! :)

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☃ღೋ .......... Update .........☃ღೋ

I am so sorry.. I have been so frazzled with everything .. I honestly forgot to come post an update on hubby!

God Bless all of you for all your love ... support and prayers!

Hubby's temp finally broke!!!!!!!!!

He's feeling good... not tired anymore.

He's been eating all afternoon.... LOL

I love you guys!!!!!!



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Hi, ladies!

The cat show was fun - disorganized to me, since it's not something I'm used to, but fun! Love the HUGE Maine coon cats! We saw one that looked a lot like DS's cat, Mallomar.

Here's a pic of me and my grandkitty


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☃ღೋ .......... Update .........☃ღೋ


I am so sorry.. I have been so frazzled with everything .. I honestly forgot to come post an update on hubby!


God Bless all of you for all your love ... support and prayers!

Hubby's temp finally broke!!!!!!!!!

He's feeling good... not tired anymore.

He's been eating all afternoon.... LOL


I love you guys!!!!!!




That's wonderful news!!!

ANd I love the pic of your sons in the freezer....I kinda remember doing something similar when I would go through hot flashes....but if it was winter I'd walk outside without my coat on instead:lol



Joanne, I'm looking forward to the Yankee game tonight - though after watching the Masters I'm exhausted, so not sure if I can stay awake for a nearly 4 hour baseball game!!!

We've never seen such a tug of war at the Masters over the lead!


Have agood night, everyone:hug:manyheart

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PS...I've been encouraging a CV member as she attempts the ATW quilt from Cara's site. Here's the thread she started.

Around the world quilt - CAL. *happy yellow House

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Dusti, sounds like you and your mom and girls had a great time! Hope you hear from your friends in Japan soon.


As for KnitPicks, I swear by them and their service and recommend to anyone and everyone who will listen. I just got some wonderful lace and sport weight cotton from them. The lace for a top for my grandson's 4 YO step daughter and the sport to make a couple of onsie's for the little boy they are expecting.

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Joanne, of COURSE you had to buy that little outfit for the baby. It's what grandma's do, spoil them before they are born :lol

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Tam, wonderful, wonderful news about Ken's temp breaking :cheer :cheer :cheer thank God for answered prayers!


Will continue to keep you and yours in my prayers.


And, just noticed, this is number FIVE THOUSAND posts!! WOW!

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That's it for me for the night. Going to log off and go work on the tote testing.


Have a wonderful rest of the evening and I'll check back in tomorrow.


Love, hugs and angels to watch over you!

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Wonderful news Tammy- Positive thoughts and prayers have been answered!! :yay Made my night!:yes Continued prayers that this continues!!!! Wonderful, wonderful news!!!


Toni- You are right- Of course I HAD to buy it- :yes And congrats Chatty Toni on your 5,000 posts!!!! Enjoy the rest of the evening yourself and may YOU have angels watching over you!!!:hug


Judy- I can't think of a better person to help someone out with their crocheting!!;) Actually I'm putting my RR on hold till I see you again, I think there may be extra stitches, but I can't find them! This may have to end up being a kitty blanket and I'll start over- we'll see- but in the meantime, I'll work on my stepgrandson's blanket and the beach tote!


Yankee game getting ready to start---see you all in the AM

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Great news on the bunny prizes ! Do you get ribbons or trophies or both ?And what all do they judge them on,I'm not very familiar with it. I know they have animal judging at our county fair,but dont know what they use to judge them either .


Hi Dusti !

So very good to hear from you. It's weird, we have been wondering about you lately,and here you are !

Sorry for putting you on the wrong "shelf". You certainly don't look old by any stretch .I just guessed at your age,and seeing that you had the 2 girls,I guessed you were a little older . You have some great company on your "shelf " !

Great to have you home,and we'll get more of a chance to catch up this week after things settle down for you again. Nice picture !

Hope you are eventually able to hear from your Japan friends ! That sure must be a terrible disaster over there .




Your baked chicken sounds really good to me ! I'm sure it tasted just as good as the steaks.

Sounds like you are having fun "grandbaby shopping " .




Great to hear some better news on your husband today !




Beautiful picture of you and the new kitty !

I'll stop in and check out the thread you mentioned .



I'm glad you sound like maybe today was a little better for you .

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Hello everyone. Ended up working twelve hours today. It was actually a very fun day at work, but I have to admit that I'm tired now. Oh...and it was 88 degrees here today! It feels like its going to rain though.


MIL is still in the hospital. She had carotid ultrasounds done today, and tomorrow they hope to do something about her irregular heart rhythm. She was gone for tests when I checked on her today, so I didn't talk to her at all.


Dusti, welcome home. Sorry that your Japanese host family may have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Hope that it all turns out well. And I msut say that it sounds like there is a never a dull moment over at your place!


Joanne, that "paradise" sign was obviously made just for you.:D


Tam, so glad to hear that your hubby is doing better. And that picture of the boys in the freezer was priceless.


And Toni, congrats on all those posts!


Judy, your "grandkitty" is gorgeous!


Everyone was very chatty today, so I'm sure I missed a few of the things I wanted to comment on.


Good night everyone!

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