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Our House Part Two


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Happy Hump Day!


Marlene- Thanks for setting up the coffee!:coffee I have already finished my first cup of the day! Congratulations on raising 11,000 for Relay for Life! :clap That's awesome! Sounds like things are winding down for you and that you had a nice winter. I'm sure hoping that the possible winter storm is a "non-event"!!! But you know that old saying- March- in like a lamb out like a lion? :2sheep Well, March did come in like a lamb here in the East, so we'll hope that it doesn't go out like a lion!!! I'll be calling youngest DD today and see if two weekends from now she has another 4 day weekend and if it would work for oldest DD, maybe we'll postpone the trip for 2 wks. - that is, if I can switch my days off too. We'll see.:think


Marisa- Forgot to tell you to tell Mary that I enjoyed meeting her. Have fun at your Sixers game tonight and maybe they'll show up to play tonight! Did you get in any :knit last evening?


Julie- So what did you think of BL? I thought that the Red team made a huge mistake in not choosing to have a trainer for the week, but was very glad that Courtney is still there!


Toni- How did you enjoy NCIS and NCIS LA last night? I was supposed to be going for my "color and cut" tonight, but got a call from the hair salon that my hairdresser is sick so had to postpone the appointment till next Wed evening. So I'll probably watch at least one of them after Paradise today! Hope you are continuing on the upswing!:hug


Tammy- I forgot to comment that I loved Marisa's idea of putting out the classifieds for DD. Hope that she realizes that Ken meant business, and maybe he might have to just chat with her again. It's simply not fair to all of you.


Judy- Enjoy your day with Phyllis today- I'm sure she is going to love those squares you made!:hook . Good thing that the weather is going to be ok today- and I mean just OK. I have a feeling we may go from winter to summer with about a day or two of spring for yet another year! One more day till Yankees opening day!!!:cheer It'll be interesting to see if we get snow this weekend since they are playing at home!!


Cheeria- How are you doing? How's the weaving coming along?


Linda- I sure hope that your jaw is finally starting to feel better today! And I sure do remember that lovely clove from when it happened to me.


Cindy- Enjoy your day off today! How's the embroidery coming along?


Mary1, Mary2, Tabby, LeAnna,Trish, Val, Shannon, and anyone else I may have forgotten- hope you have a great day!:hug

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Morning all



Your mom sounds so funny, with the Dancing show, doing all her votes and wanting everyone else to vote for the football guy too. He is really good, and seems like a really friendly nice guy,with that big grin on his face .

I'm gonna go today to find my breathing machine . Our insurance will help pay a portion of it if I order it from the company they deal through,which is out in Arizona . I can't wait that long to get it because the Doc dropped one of my main meds ,so I need to get the machine sometime today if I can find one. Our pharmacy doesnt sell them, but they told me of one the next town over that might have them,.so I'm going there this morning .




Sad to say I fell asleep about 5 minutes before they voted on BL, but woke up in time to see the blonde girl from the Red team talking about going home,so I saw who got it anyhow .

I thought the same thing, that they probably chose some poor items for their list ,then left out the more exercise end of things . I was kinda worried that they wouldnt do too great on weigh ins because of it ,but I'm glad the other girl got to stay.She is such an inspiration and started out with so much weight to drop . She has done so well and looks so nice, but she still has quite a ways to go . The other girl looks so pretty when she showed what she looks like at home !


Have a good day at work ---




Dont work too hard packing up to go home . That was nice of them to have a dinner for all of you who did the cooking,etc this winter . Bet in a way you hate to leave,but you are probably really excited to see Maya,as I'm sure she cant wait to see you guys !

Have safe travels home .



Howdy to everyone else --

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I'm starting to wake up a bit as I'm sitting here :yes Not much to report for me. I got to read a chapter of my book before I went to sleep last night :clap


Joanne - Hines is doing really well, after they accumulated the first 2 weeks points, he was in 2nd on the leaderboard :yay I forget about exercising on my wii, I remember about every other week :think:lol I didn't get any knitting done last night, I was going to start a scarf for Kiyo, but wasn't happy with how it was coming out (that's what I get when I try to use my creative side :lol ) so then I just bordered a green square for my baby blanket and called it a night at the end of DWTS and went up to read a bit :yes Sixers game tonight, and I sure hope they got the memo about the game tonight so they come ready to play :xfin


Marlene - Awesome job raising money for the relay :clap:yay Glad Maya had fun at the fair. I hope the guy comes to fix your cover. When do you leave for home? Will you see your doc when you get back?


Julie - Good luck finding your nebulizer today :xfin I'm rooting for you :wink:cheer


Have a great hump day everyone and I'll see y'all tomorrow morning

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God morning...day off, sun shining, it's going to be a wonderful day! Oh wait, I have to do housework.....oh well!:lol


Julie, hope you can find a nebulizer. Also that it really helps your breathing.


Joanne, fingers crossed that the storm heads in some other direction. Hopefully you and DD's can find a weekend that will work for all of you.


Marlene, it sounds like you and dh really stay at a nice park. Congratulations on raising so much money. Bet you are looking forward to seeing Maya.


Marisa, if you want to knit a scarf, this pattern is very simple, (one row repeat) and makes a very attractive scarf. m It uses only knit, purl and slipping stitches. I am working on one, it's an easy pattern to do when you are watching tv.

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Restaurant Depot sounds like a yummy place to shop. I like Greek food, too.

I LOVE greek food. No place real close by to get it tho'. :ohdear


Who is makin' home made saurkraut?? Sweet?? I used to live by a little ol lady who made hers from scratch and OMG!! the BEST EVER!!!! I KNEW I should of stolen that recipe from her before she passed!

mmm german food, yummy! (None of that nearby either!!!)



Nothing new here. Another 3D day and thunderstorms expected over night, AGAIN :(:angry:angry Definitely will interupt my :sleep.

I would love a nice (northeast) thunderstorm right about now. Puts me right to sleep.



Yep I think every town has at least one unusual person . Very entertaining sometimes. I like studying people.. Very fascinating hobby and low cost !

Hope your weather shapes up. We have actually made out a little better the past couple days than it originally stated .Not warm ,but sunny !

Yesterday was sunny, today is supposed to be warm, around 50*, tomorrow we're expecting 5-10" of snow.:sigh


ewww, me too!



Kept waking up every couple of hours last night. I'm going to be a zombie today. :(


Heres is the doilyghan I started. I'm done with round 17 out of 29.


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Who is makin' home made saurkraut?? Sweet?? I used to live by a little ol lady who made hers from scratch and OMG!! the BEST EVER!!!! I KNEW I should of stolen that recipe from her before she passed!


heres a recipe my friend Rita posted on another forum i go on.



Also pm me your address Kiyo, I'll see if I can get a couple scarves to you.

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'morning peeps!


Jules, I've seen that story of the doctor killed by her cop husband - it was on a true crime TV show. Creepy!

I hope you find a nebulizer today!




Marisa, if you want to knit a scarf, this pattern is very simple, (one row repeat) and makes a very attractive scarf. m It uses only knit, purl and slip stitches. I am working on one, it's an easy pattern to do when you are watching tv.

I like that too - need to see how to SS...Youtube visit later:D

I LOVE greek food. No place real close by to get it tho'. :ohdear

make a lot of Greek food...for a Polish/Lithuanain girl:lol


Heres is the doilyghan I started. I'm done with round 17 out of 29.

Very pretty!:cheer


Have to dash - off to late start - for me - BBL!


Oh - visit with Phyllis for today is off - her hubby had a health scare...

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I'm really tired today -- went in to have a long visit with the lung guy and he has now ordered a nebulizer machine and new meds ,after doing more testing he says we need to head in a new direction . I'll head anyplace that has AIR

Kim uses a nebulizer daily. Hope this gives you some relief.

HI all,


Getting ready to call it a night and thought I'd stop in and share what my DD just emailed me




Not funny! I sure hope it goes out to sea.

Oh, NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Today we had an appreciation dinner for 60 people. Us cooks, people who work on different committees or who do special projects for the park. It was a nice dinner.

That was nice!

Friday we stayed at the relay for life until 1am. We had several people who stayed all night. Boy was saturday a hard day. Are park raised over 11,000.00. We exceeded are goal of 10,000.

Wow! Good for youl

Speaking of Maya she went for her testing for Kindergarten tonight. She has to go back to the doctor on thursday for a follow up. Her daycare worker took her with her children to the school carnival saturday. She had a ball. She was so excited when I talked to her. She won a fish there. So Heather went to the store and got her a fish bowl, pink stones (her favorite color is pink) and fish food. Then her fish died so they went and got a new fish. She wanted to know why her fish was stareing at her if it died. Then when they flushed it down the toliet to fishy land she thought that was the coolest thing. Hope she don't try flushing other things down the toliet.

At least she didn't freaky out about it.

We are packing things up here. There coming friday to hopefully fix the cover over the trailer. So we will be heading out sometime after that.

It is getting late so I will make the coffee and turn the lights off.

Have a nice day tomorrow!

Hope you have a really nice trip home.

I LOVE greek food. No place real close by to get it tho'. :ohdear

I'm lucky. One of our Italian restaurants also has Greek food and it's super good.

Yesterday was sunny, today is supposed to be warm, around 50*, tomorrow we're expecting 5-10" of snow.:sigh

ewww, me too!

Heres is the doilyghan I started. I'm done with round 17 out of 29.

Beautiful doilyghan. :clap :clap :clap


Good morning, everyone. Had the best night's sleep since this tooth business started. And it is just a slight ache this morning. Much better!


Still gray and gloomy here today. I could sure use some sunshine.


I was at Rosie's last night and caught the new NCIS show. :lol :lol :lol There were at least 3 different themes going on all at once! Wow! Loved the ending.

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Judy, slipping a stitch just means that you move the stitch over to the other needle without doing anything to it.

:yay:yayeven I can do that:lol

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~Julie & Joanne~~~ I LOVE Kirsties personality as well----to be honest with you--I'm like her, lol I laugh at her because I say the same stuff about myself and act the same---she wears much fancier dresses than I! I did love her Pink from the other night though! WOW- I LOVED IT! I agree on her going far, but who knows she may be in 2nd just because she is so fun.

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heres a recipe my friend Rita posted on another forum i go on.



Also pm me your address Kiyo, I'll see if I can get a couple scarves to you.



Hey Wrennie----Love your doilyghan by the way----also---do I have to sign up on that forum to get the recipe?

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and so....my paper/stamping crafting come back out! Ohhhh How I love and miss it! Maybe I will whip it out.......anyhow- I am making little thank you cards for all of the pie deliveries that we will deliver. Aree woke up and saw them this morning and loved them.


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Hi ladies

Been out and about doing odd and ends needing done . Found my new breathing machine --gotta go to our drugstore this afternoon to pick up the 2 new meds for it --they had to order them . Let's hope this works.

I am getting to be HIGH MAINTENANCE ,and that's not for anything to make me LOOK good .


I told Sam I saw a real pretty jar over at Goodwill that looks like an URN you use for people's ashes. I think I'll have the Goodwill version of a send-off since it has cost so much to keep me breathing. I told him one bullet, stick me in the fire pit out back,scoop up the ashes,and WA-LA !!!

End of medical bills and a nice decorative jar that would be a great conversation piece .


Have any of you seen those stories about people who get their ashes compacted somehow ,by this company that can compact them like coal is compacted to make diamonds.

SO, you can actually get your Great Aunt Harriet made into a diamond ring and you can take her with you wherever you go !


I told our girl I was gonna do that,and leave her a ring made out of ME .


Let's just say she wasnt very fond of the idea .

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Since you are such a fun-loving girl and add so much pizzazz to the House , I will get part of my ashes made into a ring for you too if you want. Or a necklace or a pierced body part piercing . That way you will NEVER forget me because I will always be stapled to you !

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Alright folks

I have HAD it with snow . THIS is getting very tiresome at this point. This morning we had a beautiful blue sky and sun,then it got greyer ,colder ,and started spitting snow. THEN the spitting snow turned into a real snow ,which is now covering our grass . E N O U G H , I say .:angry


So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ?


2-What is your favorite summer sport ?


3-What do you like to grill out ?


4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ?


5- Do you own a pool ?


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ?


7-How many beaches have you been to before ?


8-Least favorite part of summer ?


9-Favorite summer flowers ?


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ?


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ?


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out .


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ?


14-Favorite thing in the parades ?


15 - Favorite county fair food ?

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Alright folks

I have HAD it with snow . THIS is getting very tiresome at this point. This morning we had a beautiful blue sky and sun,then it got greyer ,colder ,and started spitting snow. THEN the spitting snow turned into a real snow ,which is now covering our grass . E N O U G H , I say .:angry


So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ?New Jersey Beefsteak tomatoes:D


2-What is your favorite summer sport ?DOH...



3-What do you like to grill out ?Hamburgers if we can

4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ?

Not with my white skin:lol

5- Do you own a pool ? No


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ?Nope


7-How many beaches have you been to before ?Alot!


8-Least favorite part of summer ?Humidity:P


9-Favorite summer flowers ?Anything colorful


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ?Coral or turquoise


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ?

We ran through NYC fire hydrants:D

12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out .Not much, without air conditioning, anyway ...maybe dish cloths...


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ?No mowing for me, but I love being outside and doing things in the yard.


14-Favorite thing in the parades ? Not a parade person


15 - Favorite county fair food ? [/QUOTE]

Hot dogs

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1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ?

Corn on the cob

2-What is your favorite summer sport ?

Don't play sports, and dont watch many .

3-What do you like to grill out ?

Hamburgs , steak

4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ?


5- Do you own a pool ?


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ?

We did a long time ago ,but not for many decades .

7-How many beaches have you been to before ?


8-Least favorite part of summer ?


9-Favorite summer flowers ?


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ?


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ?

water hose !

12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out .

small squares,anything little .

13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ?

Used to love mowing.Cant do it anymore .

14-Favorite thing in the parades ?

The float with the nursing home people on it ,waving at everyone. They have a blast !

15 - Favorite county fair food ? French Waffles .

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Alright folks

I have HAD it with snow . THIS is getting very tiresome at this point. This morning we had a beautiful blue sky and sun,then it got greyer ,colder ,and started spitting snow. THEN the spitting snow turned into a real snow ,which is now covering our grass . E N O U G H , I say .:angry


So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ?



2-What is your favorite summer sport ?



3-What do you like to grill out ?

chicken, or burgers


4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ?



5- Do you own a pool ?

yes, but we are going to get rid of it this year, it doesn't get used much anymore since our dks are grown


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ?

I have a strawberry bed, and grow some veggies like tomatoes, broccoli, and lettuce, but mainly I plant all sorts of flowers


7-How many beaches have you been to before ?

I couldn't begin to count, but I have been to several beaches on the Atlantic ocean, and quite a few on each of the 5 Great Lakes. Then there are lots of smaller lakes here in Michigan, and many of them have beaches.


8-Least favorite part of summer ?

extreme heat and humidity


9-Favorite summer flowers ?



10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ?



11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ?



12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out .

baby clothes


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ?

I enjoy some of it, but my back is no longer up to it, so I elave it to dh mostly


14-Favorite thing in the parades ?



15 - Favorite county fair food ?

cotton candy

Come on summer!!!

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Alright folks

I have HAD it with snow . THIS is getting very tiresome at this point. This morning we had a beautiful blue sky and sun,then it got greyer ,colder ,and started spitting snow. THEN the spitting snow turned into a real snow ,which is now covering our grass . E N O U G H , I say .:angry


So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ? Peas


2-What is your favorite summer sport ? Softball


3-What do you like to grill out ? Steaks


4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ? NO WAY!!! I can burn to a crisp in 30 minutes or less.


5- Do you own a pool ? No.


6-Do you grow a garden ? I had a huge one when I lived in Minnesota. What all do you grow in it ? Veggies. Lots and lots of veggies.


7-How many beaches have you been to before ? 2


8-Least favorite part of summer ? Biting Bugs.


9-Favorite summer flowers ? Snapdragons and Bachelor Buttons and Roses


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ? Reds and Greens


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ? Hose


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out . Thread doilies or fillet crochet pieces.


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ? I used to do it, but not anymore.


14-Favorite thing in the parades ? Marching bands.


15 - Favorite county fair food ? Funnel cakes and Brats.


The oral surgeon changed out the packing this afternoon. Next change is Saturday or Friday if the pain comes back before then.

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Alright folks

I have HAD it with snow . THIS is getting very tiresome at this point. This morning we had a beautiful blue sky and sun,then it got greyer ,colder ,and started spitting snow. THEN the spitting snow turned into a real snow ,which is now covering our grass . E N O U G H , I say .:angry


So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ? NJ Tomatoes:drool


2-What is your favorite summer sport ? Three guesses and the first two don't count- :lol Baseball of course:D


3-What do you like to grill out ? Grilled veggies, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, steak, shish-ke-bobs, corn on the cob

4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ? Nope- did when I was a teen- (boy was that stupid)


5- Do you own a pool ? Yes- oval above ground


6-Do you grow a garden ? Tomatoes and basil What all do you grow in it ?


7-How many beaches have you been to before ? quite a few!


8-Least favorite part of summer ? The humidity


9-Favorite summer flowers ? All of them-- I love flowers!!!


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ? light, bright colors


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ? Had both!


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out . Washcloths, squares, and I do work on afghans- downstairs where it's cooler and the central air is on.


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ? I like doing some of it, but we have someone do the mowing


14-Favorite thing in the parades ? The bands


15 - Favorite county fair food ?

Zeppoles and funnel cakes- a real splurge- not good for you- but Oh So GOOD!!
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