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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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Another week of no shopping and not much :crocheting. Got a tetanus shot Tuesday and the site's still swollen and tender. Ow. Also got :sick yesterday. Well, if housemate is any indication, I may be over that before the gorram swelling goes down.


0 WTD/-70 YTD.

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Umm, don't kill the messenger but:yarn:yarn:yarn AC Moore has a coupon for 30% off total purchase including sale items, good today and tomorrow only.:yarn:yarn:yarn

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Scores for the week


November 12, 2011


Shannart +16 Gold Medal Winner!


Lhasaapsolady +13 Silver Medal Winner!:cheer:cheer:cheer

dragonpuck +12 Bronze Medal Winner!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Using up yarn:


Pineknott +11

greyhoundgrandma +8

Ellie 13 +7

BigPinkPolkaDot +7

FrLopLady +8



Staying the Same:

Kraftykrazy 0

Crafty Witch 0


New Yarn to play in:


cris -2

TCarra -2

cshort -3

fc1123 -4

MouseCLP -7

CLLinda -10


TurleLvr -20

sahm2g1b -48

yarn geek -52


And this week's winner of Shoot the Moon and in charge of posting next week's score is:


Braxxi with a score of -120! WOW!




Hope I didn't forget anyone. Have fun at all the sales, ladies!




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:lol I would LOVE to see pics of your stash! By looking at your YTD score, I bet it's impressive! :devil


I dug out my stash, organized it, and took pictures way back in March. I posted a couple of pictures here: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2245365#post2245365


If you have a Ravelry account, you can see the rest of it on my stash page: http://www.ravelry.com/people/yarndweeb/stash/stash-3-10-11


I've used some of it since I took the pictures, but I've also added 350+ skeins since then. :devil

I'm sure I'll pull out the stash and take pictures again next year. Even though I pretty much know what's in my stash, the pictures have been quite handy when I can't remember if I have X in a certain shade of green or how many I have of Y in black.

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Updated: WTD - 48 (was -52) (I just finished a scarf that I've been working on & used up 3/4 of a skein & rolled the rest into a ball AND I used up 1 more small ball just in time!!)



Wow! That even takes my YTD score into the negative !! :devil I now have a YTD of 0!!! :devil


You missed me!!! ;)

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I got ambitious this week and decided to organize my stash. It's grown a bit since the last time I made any sense of it. The jumbled pile of smooshy, yarn-filled, shopping bags had completely overwhelmed the totes in the "yarn" closet. Luckily, Target had totes on sale this week because I definately needed more!:lol

I figured :think since I was digging it all out of the closet, :idea I might as well take some pictures!:photo This entailed lugging the whole lot upstairs so that there was enough room to spread it out, sorting through it, placing it all just so, snapping pics, packing it all back up in it's new groupings, and lugging it all back downstairs. It took all day!:whew





I didn't catalogue or count it because I just don't want to know the final number.:devil I was going to post all the pics here, but I mostly grouped the yarn by brand and/or type, so I ended up with 18 pics.:eek Here are a couple of the bigger collections.










If you're drinking a beverage, you might want to swallow now. :D









Also, if anyone's curious, I posted all 18 pics in my Ravelry stash: http://www.ravelry.com/people/yarndweeb/stash/stash-3-10-11








Okay, ready? I don't want to be responsible for any liquid damage to keyboards and screens!









:manyheart:c9 I think I'm actually envious! OK - No thinking about it. I am!!:c9:manyheart

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I just got on here after being out of internet reach and then the power was off. But the scores were done, mine isn't anywhere close to right, though I WISH I'd used up 8 points worth!


I DID use up 3 skeins and made 3 balls so I was +9 which brought my score to a -9 for last week.

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Can I play? Can I play? Maybe by joining this CAL it will help me from buying yarn and yarn and yarn. It might help if I have someone else besides my hubby to 'fess to that I have bought more yarn. I started about 2 years ago just to use what is in my stash. It was going good until the first of this year. Because I was losing my hair due to chemo I grabbed a cap from the ones I made to donate to my church's clothes closet. It was made of Caron's Simply Soft (It was from some yarn gifted to me.) and I fell in love with it for a chemo cap. So what do I do? Yep, bought a bunch of Caron's Simply Soft to make chemo caps to donate to my oncologist's office. Bought 2 lots of it from Joann.com. They had it on sale plus free shipping. Free Shipping gets me every time. Most of my stash is packed away in boxes and right now because of my chemo treatments/double masectomy/radiation treatments/lymphedema treatments I am not suppose to lift anything over 5 pounds so a good bit of my stash I can't get to. I wanted to make some squares for charity as well as a scarves and caps for charity but what was handy I didn't think was enough. Solved that problem. Just bought more yarn and its store/scattered where I can get to it easily.


I have checked on how to keep my score for this CAL. But I have a question? I am currently awaiting a shipment from Joann of 10 skeins of Caron's One Pounders. Since I have already ordered this yarn - last Friday to be exact - when I receive it will I start with a -10 score. Or since I have already ordered it and consider it mine do I start counting from this day 1-14-11 my score for this CAL. I plan on being a member of this CAL in 2012 also. Probably every year after that until I use up my stash.

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Welcome to the CAL, Kathy! LOL It doesn't take much to give any of us a good excuse to go yarn shopping!!! And darn if those little :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn just seem to hop right in our carts/baskets & we end bringing more home than we thought! :hook


As for the yarn you have ordered, I think most of us wait till it arrives before we count it because sometimes it doesn't arrive till the first of the new week & it keeps us from "shooting the moon"!!:devil But, you can count it either way, I guess. The rules are - 2 points per skein that you buy and +2 points per skein that you use up. If you use half or the majority of a skein but still have yarn left that you wind into a ball, it also counts for +2 (1 point for using the skein & 1 point for rolling the remainder into a ball). If you use a ball of yarn from your leftover stash, it counts at +1. Hope this helps!


BTW, I think it's wonderful of you to to take something as trying as your cancer & turn it into something so beautiful by making chemo hats for your oncologist's office to give out! My God continue to to bless you with such a caring & giving heart!

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If you use half or the majority of a skein but still have yarn left that you wind into a ball, it also counts for +2 (1 point for using the skein & 1 point for rolling the remainder into a ball). If you use a ball of yarn from your leftover stash, it counts at +1. Hope this helps!


nooooo don't we wish? If you use up a partial skein and roll into a ball it only counts as +1. When you use that ball you get the other +1. A skein of yarn is worth 2 points either direction. Otherwise we'd all use partial skeins, roll them into balls and then use them up because then they would be +3!:lol

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nooooo don't we wish? If you use up a partial skein and roll into a ball it only counts as +1. When you use that ball you get the other +1. A skein of yarn is worth 2 points either direction. Otherwise we'd all use partial skeins, roll them into balls and then use them up because then they would be +3!:lol


:blush Oops!! Sorry about that! That was my understanding! :whew Thank goodness I've been using up my skeins completely or I'd feel really bad right now. I think I've only miscounted maybe 2 points, but those were on weeks I was in the negative anyway. Change is noted for future counting! Sorry about my misunderstanding! :(:blush

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:blush Oops!! Sorry about that! That was my understanding! :whew Thank goodness I've been using up my skeins completely or I'd feel really bad right now. I think I've only miscounted maybe 2 points, but those were on weeks I was in the negative anyway. Change is noted for future counting! Sorry about my misunderstanding! :(:blush


I don't think anyone in the group is that anal that they would care if anyone made a mistake or 2 along the way. I'm sure I've miscounted before! It's all in the spirit of fun....



psttt...:turtle get shopping..lots of sales today I'm sure :lol

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I don't think anyone in the group is that anal that they would care if anyone made a mistake or 2 along the way. I'm sure I've miscounted before! It's all in the spirit of fun....



psttt...:turtle get shopping..lots of sales today I'm sure :lol


:2nono Shame on you!! You're such an enabler!! :devil

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You forgot me. :(





All fixed. Sorry.


Would anyone want to take this over? It seems I'm incapable lately. Too much on the mind.


I did it because the person who was supposed to didn't and then I get thrown into it. Sorry.



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All fixed. Sorry.


Would anyone want to take this over. It seems I'm incapable lately. Too much on the mind.


I did it because the person who was supposed to didn't and then I get thrown into it. Sorry.




:hug No worries! It gets confusing looking through all the posts & finding everyone's final scores for the week. I think you're doing a great job!! It's just fun seeing all of our scores up there & seeing what everyone has done for the week! :hug:hug

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Added tnkycrochetnut to the list. Each skein brought in, no matter what size (1 ounce or a pounder) is worth a -2 points. When you use up a skein, no matter what size, it's a +2. The most you can get from each skein is 2 points. If you use half the skein, and roll the rest to a ball, it's a point. And then if you use the rest, you get the other point. I hope that's clear.



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All fixed. Sorry.


Would anyone want to take this over? It seems I'm incapable lately. Too much on the mind.


I did it because the person who was supposed to didn't and then I get thrown into it. Sorry.




I don't want to come across as ungrateful. I appreciate that you pick up the pieces! :cheer In this particular case I had said right away that I was going to be late posting scores. I was up in the mts for a retreat where there isn't even cell reception! I was home yesterday afternoon to do it and with the high winds we got :eek (and still have..ugh :() the power went out! I went on after it came back on to do the scores and they were already done!! :hug I have found I don't mind doing them either, but I am often gone on weekends and not back til later on Sunday. Please don't do more work than you need to!!

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psttt...:turtle get shopping..lots of sales today I'm sure :lol


Now, now Mary. Play nice! :rofl I bought 2 skeins today at Walmart, but hope to get my swap package out this week...lots of skeins going in that box! :)


All fixed. Sorry.


Would anyone want to take this over? It seems I'm incapable lately. Too much on the mind.


I did it because the person who was supposed to didn't and then I get thrown into it. Sorry.




You do an amazing job!! Don't worry about us. If you ever need a hand just give a shout! :hug



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