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Good News!!

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I contacted my publishing company asking if everything is going good with getting my pattern book out to be published. I hadn't heard from them for a long time, and have no idea how long things like this take. I'm a total idiot with things like this. They didn't respond, and they've always been so good to answer back. I've been waiting and fretting thinking that my pattern instructions are total garbage and they're having to redo them all over again. LOL. I have a very active imagination and tend to worry a lot. They lady contacted me today. She said my email got overlooked. The book design crew is working on getting my book put together right now. Everything looks fine, and it will be out at the end of next January. The stores will start looking to order them at that time, and will be stocked sometime around Febuary. Woo Hoo!! I'm soooo relieved and excited that everything is going good. I'm on :c9.


I know that I talk about this a lot. I don't mean to, but I am amazed that someone would even be interested in work like mine. You all have much more prettier things to sell than I do. I think that we have some great crocheters with wonderful work on this forum. I think that a big part of that is all the encouragement we get from each other. It inspires the creative juices to flow. :hug

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:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Cheers!


I CAN"T wait to see it!!!!


And your work is awesome lady :):) It deserves to be published! I can't wait to say "I know someone famous!" Here is her book!!!


And go on and talk about it as much as you want.. I think it is wonderful! And not only that- happiness and joy can only spread!

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I think it is fabulous that you have a book of patterns to be published. And you should keep up on the publishing house to check on them. WTG !!

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Thanks Everyone. You all are so nice. They said the title will be "Summer Fashions" or something similiar. Sounds original, huh? :blush I asked them if I could name the next book. They said that they would take the title into consideration, but they want a title that will help sell the books. I understand that, but I like a title that reaches out and bites you in the butt as you walk by. :devil

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Wow, that sounds really fun. I can't wait to see it!


I've worked for a couple of publishers and know how frustrating they can be. Hang in there ^_^


(I also find the supportive nature of Crochetvillagers is unique, helpful, and often inspiring)

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:rofl Girl, you are funny! Ok, as long as you let one of my dogs lick it, too. :devil You know they had a big part in all the designs. :huh Their hair is all through it. :eek:rolleyes


I'm cracking up! :sofunny Ok, ok, dog slobber or no dog slobber!!

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Congratulations and you should be excited, I know I would be:cheer Having seen some of your creations I can see why you are able to be published.



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I can't wait!!!!! You know I love thread crochet clothing!!!


Can I have mine autographed??? :D


ME TOO!!!!! I want mine autographed as well......I'll be saving to buy a copy when it comes out! :D Congratulations, Kristina! I'm so happy for you!!!! :clap:cheer:yay:hug

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