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My Craft Closet is DONE!! Ye HAW

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Well After lots of cleaning. and i mean lots.. I had unpacked boxes. and Strewn open boxes all piled into my clset for the past 4 yrs since we moved in this house. I basicaly just tossed boxes in there to get them out of the way. and anytime i looked forsomething.. being it's hectic here and i dont have time to go thru boxes one by one carefuly I'd just open a box.. dig thru it.. toss it aside n keep looking.. and well it got to be



Well Hubby got sick of seeing all my box's of yarn in the living room by the chair i usaly crochet in and said something had to be done. so.. here it is..


its not the prettiest craft closet. but it's gonna serve my purpose. as a Sewing area, crochet area, Storage of my many crafts. and where all my un used supliies will stay. (other then my ONE wip at a time)


so here are before and after pics. My Chair pics are number 1 and 2.. and the closet are the rest


but It feels good to have them boxes out of my living room and even makes it look bigger LOL


all the boxes in the cloest are 90% yarn. one is Fabric.. on top of the Jeans on the top shelf (for bootie bags) and other fabric. Eventuly I'm gonna get clear bins and it will all be bins n an not tacky lookiin boxes.. I am also thinking of painting it in there a pretty blue. and adding more shelfs (knick nack shelfs) for my Treasure troll collection I found while cleaning this closet






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:yayHow wonderful! It has got to be less stressful to have a wonderful, neat and organized space. Enjoy it-- and let the creativity flow!
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yea it is much nicer to have all them boxes out of my livingroom.. there was 6 boxes plus 3 back packs of yarn by the green chair the rest was piled on the counters in my master bathroom.


I think we had mostly clothing in them boxes in the closet.. I just know i went thru and stuffed 9 big black trashbags of old forgotten clothing of the kids and gave it all away.

i was stuffing stuff in that still fit them in it too.. I was not caring. we have way to much clothing. and the kids teachers STILL keep giving it to them.. I must have 9 big Boxes full (if u worked at mcdonalds ever.. the big boxes 21 oz cups come in) FULL of clothing. that is next.. i'm going to go thru all them.. and keep what the kids like to wear most and give away the rest.. so the fold up tables i have the boxes stacked on can be used for other purpose.


but i like the idea of having a space i can go get away from everyone, just shut myself in there (gonna change the door handle so i can lock it) and Mainly sew, only way i'll realy crochet in there is if the family is driving me insane ill drag that wood rocker in the living room pic , inside the closet with me and crochet away.

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Oh i've had a bigger walkin.. it was so big I could fit 2 twin beds in it end to end.

so being we only had 3 bedrooms.. and 5 kids. and my mom living with us.. it got turn into a bedroom!!!.. thank god this walkin closet was in a hallway!.. so I put my boys in there lol, and the girls got the HUGE (coulda been 2 rooms) Master bedroom, I half had that idea with this as 1 twin bed could fit.. but knowing my kids.. whoever i put in there would use the shelfs as monkey bars :/

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Great idea. Looks very organized. Love the sewing machine in there.


YEa.. I had to do it,, hubby gets annoyed at the THUT THUT THUT of the sewing machine. sooooo When i can sit n sew i dont have to hear him grumble and Turn the tv UP so loud and hint for me to stop.:clap

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I wish I had one of those closets to turn into a craft room Great idea. It look great and it is all yours. :cheer

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