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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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My GD4 did the same thing from 2 weeks old until we met a Dr who changed out life. But I’ll explain that later


Look up holding back on the computer there is a lot of information on it. We found out white grape juice helps, less cheese, less milk, increase fiber. (Oatmeal raison cookies, muffins made with Raison Bran cereal) At 3 if she didn’t have any problem before this it could be a food allergy. If you can get Keefer Probiotic in your area, it puts the good bacteria back into you gut and helps digestion and constipation.


Since Shelby’s was a chronic problem and ended up after being told over and over that is was holding back, then we found out she has a spastic Colin with constipation. Now she is on a daily laxative and drinks 28-32 oz of Keefer Probiotic Shake daily. Works wonderful! This shake is sold in the organic area in the refrigerator of the supermarket, anyone can drink it. It has a yogurt base and come in different flavors.


I am not a doctor so make sure that there isn’t an underlying problem.


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... quick note to the "Last Strip Gang" (Joanne, Shannon, and Stacy)...

I am almost ready for a joining party... How are you doing?:devil

LOL- I've been making hats, LeaAnne- nowhere's near ready for joining! But, I'll work on the flannelghan tonight!:yes

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TY all for the birthday wishes - I had awonderful time with DS...and Joanne, he gave me an authentic NY Yankee pinstripe Jersey with the World Series patch on it and my name and #1 on the back.

I'm on :c9

oh, Judy...I am so jealous- that is awesome to have an authentic NY Yankee Jersey with your name and #1 on the back--what a great son you have!!! (I have daughters and they don't think of things like that....although DD is hinting that my Christmas present is going to be Devils Hockey tickets:lol)


Wear that jersey with Yankee pride!!!!!!!!:clap

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Ok, it is now 8:13 PM and just finished reading what all my besties have been up to today- If I respond to all i will get no crocheting done and I need to catch up with LeaAnne and Shannon on that flannelghan-


shannon- you are not slow- it probably takes me about the same to do a square-


I'll try and respond more properly to everyone tomorrow- Hope you don't mind if I just crochet for a while b/4 calling it a night-:hug:hug:hug:hug

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My GD4 did the same thing from 2 weeks old until we met a Dr who changed out life. But I’ll explain that later


Look up holding back on the computer there is a lot of information on it. We found out white grape juice helps, less cheese, less milk, increase fiber. (Oatmeal raison cookies, muffins made with Raison Bran cereal) At 3 if she didn’t have any problem before this it could be a food allergy. If you can get Keefer Probiotic in your area, it puts the good bacteria back into you gut and helps digestion and constipation.


Since Shelby’s was a chronic problem and ended up after being told over and over that is was holding back, then we found out she has a spastic Colin with constipation. Now she is on a daily laxative and drinks 28-32 oz of Keefer Probiotic Shake daily. Works wonderful! This shake is sold in the organic area in the refrigerator of the supermarket, anyone can drink it. It has a yogurt base and come in different flavors.


I am not a doctor so make sure that there isn’t an underlying problem.



Thank you so much, Tena! My dd is 2-1/2. She does love the apple prune juice from Gerber, but I couldn't find it today so I made my own. Except that she didn't see the Gerber bottle, so she wouldn't drink it. :shrug I've seen kefir at Trader Joe's, next time I am there I will pick up a bottle. We only use rice milk and soy milk, due to dh's cow milk intolerance, and I have already cut out chocolate and cheese, 2 of her favorites that do seem to cause problems. I am 99% sure it's not a health problem but I did set an appt. for early next week, just to check. I don't think it is constipation, because she will bend backward with her legs crossed, just to keep it in. :think I just Googled spastic colon, and now I'm wondering if she's not crampy, too...she has been very cranky lately for seemingly no reason. :sigh thanks, everyone, for your suggestions...I will update when I can. :wink

Well I have to run and help dh with his flashcards. I'm sure I will be back before the night is over! :wink

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Stacy, Here's a super big :hug for your baby girl. I'm so sorry she's having these problems. I had a lot of trouble, when I was little with my undiagnosed celiac disease. I have so much sympathy for your dd. I hope things work out well. Please keep us posted.


I only finished 2 motifs today. Too busy shopping.

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Thanks, Beth. :hug During dinner, Eva was just crying and clingy, and I started to really think about it, and she is just so miserable...:ohdear I ended up giving her a suppository, which didn't do much, in terms of "cleansing," but she fell asleep within 10 minutes. It must've relieved something for her. :shrug:xfin that she gets some sleep tonight!


So what did you do when it was time for dd to buy your gift? Did you go looking around the store?


Joanne, I have to :heehee...I mis-read your post earlier to say that you are now joining the "last strip party," I didn't realize you are getting ready to join the strips! :rofl I will have to work extra hard tomorrow to catch up to you all! I haven't even started the last strip yet. I had huge plans to :crocheting tonight but ended up helping dh with his flashcards. There's always tomorrow, I suppose.


Well besties, I am off to bed! It is early, but being awake in the middle of the night sure takes its toll! :night

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Hi Everyone!!!!! I didn't get much :crochetingdone yet. My original plans were to run the quick errands to the drugstore, post office and library and then fix supper and :crocheting.Instead, I went to the PO, drugstore, went to the Goodwill store (:yes I found and bought a trash bag and a half of yarn and a couple other craft things), and then I went to Walmart and got almost all my Christmas shopping done. :cheer:clap:yay GOOOOOOOOOOO MEEEEEEEEEEE. I just knew I would be one of those last minute shoppers on Dec 24th as I just am not in the spirit :smiling. I still haven't found my angel :ctreetree topper so I just bought a lighted bow(I don't like the lights on the bow so I unplugged it :lol) to make due until I find her so I will take pics of my tree tomorrow and post them. DF took me out to eat tonite, since DS went to the bowling alley to watch his new GF (she bowls in a league) and then we went to the library so I could get another audio :book. Then we came home and just sat around and :blah:blah till ds got home and DF had to go to bed.

:hug:hugStacy. So sorry to hear Eva is having problems. I have heard of kids that hold it in.I hope that you figure out what the problem is and she gets better soon. I was listening to A Cedar Cove Christmas by Debbie Macomber (one of my favorite authors). :yay on getting so much :crocheting done. I hope you find your pattern for the vine/leaf part of your cross stitch.

:hug:hug Colleen. Sorry to hear that your DD is sick. I know that must be frustrating when you can't pinpoint what is making her sick. Both of my DSs had/have allergies real bad and it can be very :bang:thair. Oldest DS ended up having allergy shots 3 days a week for a long long time. I hope that you figure out what it is soon and that she gets well.

I hope all is well with the rest of my besties. I think I am going to go relax and listen to my new audiobook and :crocheting for a bit. Maybe I will go to bed before 4 am :lol. Take care everyone and I will see you all later. Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!


Stacy and Colleen- hugs to your both!:hug Oh, the trials and tribulations of raising children. I was fortunate in that my DDs didn't have either of those problems- Youngest DD does have asthma- discovered when she was around 10- when she started playing soccer- "exercise induced" asthma. To this day, she has her inhaler with her at all times. Good luck with the poop-ness prob, Stacy and hoping you find out what is triggering your DD's latest coughing bout Colleen.


Scooby- WTG on getting your Christmas shopping done.:clap I am NOT done- and I kind of feel like you:smiling- hard to get into the spirit of things- I feel so rushed with all the working I've been doing, but grateful to be working at the same time. Thanks for the inadvertent tip on a book to read- I've never read anything by Debbie Macomber so I'll have to check it out.


Beth- Hope you had a good time shopping with DD! And :cheer you on to get the motifs done. You can do it!!!


LeaAnne- love the new siggy- You are doing great!!!


Judy- Have you taken the Yankee Jersey off yet?:lol


Vicki- hope all went well last night at bowling- how'd you do? Keeping fingers and toes crossed for good news about DHs interview.


Mary- Missing you around here- hope you are keeping warm and toasty amidst the :snow It is cold here today :wbrr but no white stuff in the forecast


Well, I must be honest- I hardly got any :crocheting done last night- all good intentions, just no energy. I crocheted one row, yes you read that right-- one row of the flannelghan and was just so tired, I went up to bed at 9:00. I guess all the working hours are finally catching up with me- 4 hr nap on Sunday and bed at 9 last night. Hopefully I'll have more energy tonight to get some :crocheting done!


All that baking of Christmas cookies has me yearning for time to make some- Maybe this Sunday? And probably only 2 kinds, choc chip and peanut butter blossoms (hershey kiss cookies). Youngest DD called last evening- we are going to go get pedicures together on saturday so it will be nice to spend some time with her and catch up on Belle's antics-


Speaking of Belle- when I asked her what I could get for Belle for Christmas, she said the spray for the couch (like I would know what that is since i don't have a dog:shrug. She said you spray it on the couch and it stops the pup from biting on the sofa? I figure one of my bestie dog owners could help me out with what she is suggesting:)


Shannon- how'd the shopping go?


Pauline, frogger and victoria and anyone else (this group is getting so large:yay), but I can't always remember:think everyone...but I am happy that we have such a great group of friends:manyheart


Have a wonderful day everyone!


Oh, LeaAnne, I did see that the conf is in NH- don't know if I'll be able to make it then- got a card from my cousin yesterday and the cousin's party she is having this year is July 31- so I don't think I can trek to NH for both the CGOA conference in the beginning of July and the cousins party at the end of July- but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind:yes

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oh, Judy...I am so jealous- that is awesome to have an authentic NY Yankee Jersey with your name and #1 on the back--what a great son you have!!! (I have daughters and they don't think of things like that....although DD is hinting that my Christmas present is going to be Devils Hockey tickets:lol)


Wear that jersey with Yankee pride!!!!!!!!:clap

I'm going to wear it out!!:lol

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Good morning :morcoffee


EIGHT MORE MOTIFS!!! My dh had trouble finding a parking space yesterday, so he got us up earlier than usual today. I spent the extra time catching up on the :crocheting I should have done yesterday.


Shopping with dd was frustrating. I know what she was trying to get me -- a new potato masher. My old one has been forced into drawers so many times it isn't flat on the bottom any more. We went to two stores for that with no luck. We went to two stores for her older brother's game, and she settled for something else. We went to one store for her twin's book he wanted. The salesman tried to tell us that the book he had in stock was what Robert really wanted. I thanked him, went home, and asked Robert -- it wasn't the right thing. I'm so glad I didn't buy it. I called another store in Norfolk (across a bridge tunnel) and they have it in stock, so I get to go on a trek. I'm glad I have Quciksilver to carry me through the traffic. My dh took dd and oldest ds shopping for my gift when he came home, so that's off my list.


I am dropping my ds and a friend at a meeting to play a war game, then going to a coffee shop to wait for them. I invited the girls I taught to crochet to join me. We are going to work on caps for neurosurgical patients (Help Requested for Brain Surgery Patients thread) Even if just one shows up, we will have a good time.


Judy, your jersey sounds like a wonderful present. I hope you wear it in good health!


Joanne, happy Hump day to you, too. I'm glad you got some extra sleep last night. I hope you are energized today.


Stacy, are we wild enough to hang out with these strippers and hookers? I don't know about you, but my mama didn't raise me like this! :rofl Thanks for sharing what you read. I hope Eva is doing OK.


Scooby, congrats on getting shopping done!:cheer:clap:yay I hope you like your new audio book.


I'm just going to say good morning to everyone now. I need to get back to my afghan. I'd love to have the motifs done before I meet "my" girls at the coffee house!


Here's some :hug:hug:hug:hugfor the Bestest Besties ever!

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Good morning! :hi


Berfore I forget again. Advent calendar update. Yesterday was a Lego park bench and a tiny little candy cane decoration. Today was a Lego man with a broom (a street sweeper, I guess) and a barrett.


OK, gonna go get caught up on the posts.

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Happy Hump Day all! We can make it through the week!


I did not do well at the bowling alley last night. My scores were quite miserable. 118, 107, and 102. My stomach was bothering me last night. Stress I guess. Still waiting to hear from the interview.


Beth - YAY! All the motifs are almost done! You got them doen quick! Good for you! Can't wait to see the finished product.


Stacy - I don't know what to tell you for your poop-ness problem. When DD was about 4 she would hold it in because she didn't want to go on the potty, but then would go in her pants. I don't think this is what you are dealing with. Let us know what the doctor says.


Colleen - How is DD feeling today? Any better? Hopefully yes. I hope you figure it out. Maybe she just has a super sensitive immune system and any little thing bothers it. I know, that sounds crazy, but it could be.


Judy - Enjoy the Jersey!


Joanne - Any news on hubby's interview up there? I have my fingers crossed for you!

I hope everyone else has a great day!



Nothing else going on here. I am tired today. It was hard to fall asleep after bowling last night. DD has tae kwon do tonight so I am sure I will crash after that.


Have a good day all and I will check back later to see how everyone is doing!



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Good morning :coffee I'm back!


DD's cough continues. I think I've ruled out allergies because I gave her Benadryl yesterday at suppertime and it did absolutely nothing to help her. So, we're assuming it is due to illness for now. I have a message in at the Dr.'s office. I've kept her home from school today. As a mom I just want to find out what it is and fix it, you know? Oh well, my house is nice and clean and I can't go Christmas shopping as planned today. Maybe I'll :crocheting. I finished my white loop to loop towel last night and I've put it in a gift bag for the teacher. Stacy, I bought her a jar of jam from a local farmer's market, some specialty tea, I'm giving her the white loop to loop and a dishcloth and one of the pineapple-banana bread loaves we made yesterday. Had planned to "gift" it today, but it will have to wait for Friday.


Vicki - I hope your stomach feels better soon. :hug I really hope the break from work helps you feel less stressed.


Beth - WTG on those motifs! Did DH and DD find chocolate yarn while they were shopping yesterday? If she did get you a potato masher, you'll have to tell me how she wrapped it to keep you from guessing. :lol


Judy - Enjoy your jersey. It sounds like you had a nice birthday.


Joanne - 3 more days until you get a 2 day weekend :yay Any pics of all those hats you're making? Glad you had a good sleep.


Scooby - Dinner out sounds nice. So DS has a new girlfriend. :heehee Good for him! Can't wait to see your tree!


Stacy - How is little Eva doing today? Poor little girl. :hug


LeaAnne - I just wanted to tell you again how proud I am of you and your quitting! You are almost to a month! When you get there we'll have to have a big party, some good clean fun style :wink DH is done work tomorrow for the holidays, right? Shopping time!


Pauline - I totally understand how one can become a clean freak when their kids have allergies. :yes Enjoy your :crocheting time. What are you working on? What kind of summer weather do you have where you live?


:hi to everyone else! (There are too many for me to list anymore, and that is GREAT!!! :yay)


Have a great day!

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Insert cabbage patch here!:cheer:clap:yay:jumpyay:woo:bow:laughroll:dance:2rock:applause:elle It still needs to be edged, but it's all together! And it's cat approved.

that's beautiful...so is the kitty:c9

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<Cabbage Patch><Running Man><mashed potato> & <Pee Wee Herman>!!!!!




I KNEW you could do it, Beth!!!! Yes! I am so happy for you:clap:jumpyay:clap (is there a backflip icon:think)


Colleen~ Your teacher gift sounds so perfect! How very creative and personal! I hope that DD gets to feeling better soon:(... meanwhile, enjoy a nice, clean home, and :crocheting to your heart's content:manyheart

...yep, I am almost 1 month!:woo... and yes, DH is on vacation starting Friday:yay



Pauline~ I thought you "looked familiar"...then it dawned on me... you are our C'ville friend from AUSTRALIA! I remember meeting you earlier in the year, when the fires were down your way...

We are glad to have you join the gang! Any cleaning tips you'd like to share?

What :crocheting project are you working on these days... did you get your :ctree gifts done?


Stacy~ Prayers for Eva's Poop-ness issues to be resolved soon... I hope the little darling is feeling ok today... the only issues I can recall with my DK's (and with myself, for that matter) was a general fear of the whole business of needing to be on the potty that long:think Our issues were all about the holding in. I hope you get to the bottom (:blushpardon the pun) of it soon:hug:hug


Joanne, Judy, Vicki, Scooby, Shannon, Mary, Tena, Victoria, Frogger, Jenn, and anyone else I may have forgotten to mention (sorry if that's you!:blush)... :waving I hope you all have a "Stitchin' Day"!





This morning was our school's holiday program. It was too cute, I tell ya!... and I was so very pleasantly surprised to find that almost all of the songs were about Christmas this year! It was a refreshing and wonderful change:heart:ctree:light:santa

Now I need to find the cord, so I can share some pics:wink


Oh!! I forgot to tell you guys... I found a quick and easy way to wash down my walls... A Swiffer Sweeper, with the wet pad on it! I swear, it worked nearly as well as the Magic Eraser, and my back is much happier:U


See you all in a bit!


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Hello, friends!


ok... don't like :faint... I actually have :photo:phototo share! I know, I can hardly believe it myself! :rofl


The first pic (sorry that it is sideways:(:blush) is Krissy and Pete in front of our tree before we went to school.

the next is Pete at the Show (in the red argyle vest), and last, but not least... Kristina the ballerina (my dear Krissy:manyheart) is seated between 2 of her besties, and in wearing the red sweater. Her class was singing "The Magic of Christmas Day" by Celine Dion (:manyheart:manyheart:manyheartCeline!)


I really need to try to get a better :photo of my :ctree to share... it is filled with memories, with ornaments all the way back to when my mom was a child:)


I hope you all have a great rest of the day:hug:hug




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Hello Ladies

I have missed you all sooooooooo much. I have my computer back and it is all fixed. I got on the computer this morning while I was doing my laundry and just read all the posts...... man did I ever miss alot.

I have been crocheting towels and dishcloths for the past week and also had to make 2 hat and scarf sets. Plus I still need to make one more scarf. My Mom decided she needed a hat/scarf set and another scarf for someone. So being the good daughter Iam I said I would do it.

Tonight we have our christmas party for the club we belong to and have to bring a man and ladies gift. I bought a man hat and made a hat/scarf set for a ladies gift, I just need to wrap them.

I did get my tree up on Sunday and nephew and his wife decorated it while Dh and I went upstairs to watch a movie. Iam not feeling the christmas sprit. I just realized that this will be the first year we will not have all our kids together for christmas. This makes me very sad.

Iam slowly trying to get the house ready for christmas. In Janurary Iam going room to room and cleaning everything out. What we don't want or use Iam throwing out. It just seems lately that we have alot of stuff.

I have something else on my mind that has been bothering me alot lately but Iam just not ready to talk about it yet. I will be needing some advice so I will let you all know when I can. I have been getting advice from my kids but sometimes you need some not so close advice. Enought about that.

We still have snow and I think it just stopped snowing for now. Everytime they say it is going to rain we get snow.

I will talk to each and everyone of you soon.

I think about you all everyday and I keep you all in my prayers.

Talk to you later


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Wow, Leanne- you shared a real, true cleaning tip! :rofl I haven't seen one of those in a while. :lol Thanks for that...my FIL gave us a Swiffer Sweeper last week (for no apparent reason :shrug) so I will have to try that. Can't wait to see :photo of the program!! :h5 for almost a month with no butts! WTG girl!!! :hug


Colleen, I hope the dr. gets back to you soon. :hug I think your teacher's gift sounds wonderful! :manyheart


Beth, WTG on finishing that afghan!!! :clap:cheer:jumpyay:dance:2rock:elle:skeleton:tdance It looks beautiful! :manyheart I had a good :rofl @ the strippers and hookers...my momma didn't raise me like that, either, but look how I turned out! :heehee I also can't wait to see how the potato masher will be wrapped!


Mary, I saw your post right as I replied. It is so good to see that red writing again! WB! I'm glad your computer problems are fixed. :hug to you. I am sorry you're not in the Christmas spirit. That seems to be going around this year. I am also with the :grinch crowd this year. I hope you get everything done that you need to, and stay warm with all of that snow!


Hugs and lots of love to all of my besties!! :hug:manyheart I have to get going, it is almost time to take Mia to school, then I have to come home to make mac-n-cheese, and take it right back for her party. Oh!! I have to tell you all this...the TA in Mia's class is called Miss G. Well this morning, Mia asked whose birthday it was since they are having a party. I said, "It's Jesus' birthday." She turned right around to me and said, "No, Mommy! Miss Jesus birthday is in October!" :rofl So she is very confused and now calling the TA Miss Jesus. :lol



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