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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:welcome Pauline!


Stacy - Enjoy your banana bread. Taking the plant and the gift bags out of the house hasn't helped. She's been on over-the-counter medicine on and off for 1.5 weeks now, which I am not crazy about, but her condition doesn't really justify a trip to the Dr. No fever, the cough isn't constant or concerning. The cough actually went away for a few days and then reappeared last night :angry We really want her to be healthy for Christmas.


Beth - Have fun Christmas shopping with your DD :manyheart


Vicki & Joanne - Have a good day at work.


Judy - Have a great birthday! Any special plans?


:hi Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Tena, Frogger, and anyone I missed. I have no idea what the total number of people is anymore. :think


I have got to get some stuff done around the house today. I'm thinking of baking one or two things. There is laundry to be done. My floors are desperate for a mopping. And of course there is wrapping to be done. I'm making ribs for supper. I'd much rather sit and :crocheting, but this is life. Anyone have a match? I need a :fire lit under my ole badorkus.

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Thanks everyone!


My DS is taking me to brunch and a young friend and her mom are visiting this afternoon. Later this week our friends are coming down to go out and celebrate - her Bday is on the 19th.

December is a big party month~

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Laundry is started (thanks, Robert Jr.) Dishes are drying (thanks, Amanda.) I work SO hard being spoiled by my children. :sweat


I took my oldest ds to work. I started vegie soup for lunch and pork roast for pulled pork sandwiches for dinner.


I had to tell you all what DH said to me last night. I was teasing him about buying me lots of chocolate, then said that I wasn't really that interested in chocolate any more -- getting old really sucks! Any way, he said that he knows what I really like, and whispered in my ear "Chocolate yarn!" Then he said that it would give me sweet dreams - Chocolate yarn! I laughed so hard. He was SO proud of himself. said he really knows his woman. I have to keep him!:manyheart He's the best!

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:bday, Judy! I hope you have a terrific day! (I wrote it down and put it on the first post when you mentioned the date... :thinkI don't remember when that was, tho:blush)


Colleen - good luck with the baking and wrapping. I like the idea of a loop to loop in white:c9 I sure hope you get some good :crocheting time in with all that you have going!:hug What kinds of cookies are you making? I am having a hard time to decide:think

I hope you figure out the source of DD's cough, and that she is feeling better soon:yes OH! and here's a Match! for that :fire you need lit!:devil


Joanne - :clap for DH's good interview, and :clapthat you get the weekend off! :woo Hey, did you see that the CGOA conferences are going to be in New Hampshire this year?! :dreaming I should start planting hints around here now that I want to go:devil - we are usually at the Cape that week, if the house isn't rented out. :xfin...


Stacy - how was your banana bread breakfast? That is on my 'gotta bake list, too! I want to have banana, pumpkin and apple breads for Christmas morning... I hope the program went well:xfin that all performers were present:wink

Is George any nicer to you since your surgery?


Beth- Your DH sounds like the sweetest! Your visions of "chocolate yarn" sound so good! I am here :fire and :cheer for you today! I bet you'll be done with that 'ghan before the end of the week:cheer:cheer


:hi Vicki, Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Frogger, Victoria, and Jenn... :hug to you all today!


...and last but not least... :welcome :welcome to Pauline! You, dear, have just stumbled upon the best bunch of friends that C'ville has! We are so happy to have you join us:hug


what's on my agenda today? Well... my house is empty, and supper is made (leftover sauce with spaghetti:P), and dishes, laundry, sweeping & vac'ing is done... I am thinking some nice :ctree music and :crocheting to sooth my soul is in order!!!! I am cashing in, girls!:devil:yay


:hugand wishes for the bestest day you can have!

C Ya soon!:U

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Hi all, sorry I’ve been MIA. Still not back to my old self yet, but getting there.

I worked on the cowl for the other grandma last night.


:welcome Hi Pauline

Beth: he is defiantly a keeper

Judy: have fun:bday

Colleen: I’m like you I would much rather crochet then mop. But I’m mopping floors right along with you today.



Extended family keeps changing plans for Christmas. The big meal will now be at MILs.:cheer I will have people here for the “7am kids opening gifts ceremony” Then make breakfast and lunch for anyone still here. DD and SO/dad will pick up kids and take them to see his side of the family and then bring them over to MILs for supper.

It is such an overwhelming day for them. Too many people they don’t know expecting them to behave. I wish we could do a gift a day kind of thing; it would help them understand the joy of giving not just the manic opening of gifts that seems to happen.


Today I am doing dishes, some laundry (got caught up over the weekend so not so bad now),plan on sweeping and mopping the kitchen/dinning room floor. I will be happy to get those done today. No get up and go today.


Spent yesterday morning running our monthly charity meeting anddelivered blankets to the shelter. Came home to dd letting the kids eat candy canes so I’m sure you all can picture the sugar high they were on. :2spin:2eek:huh:loco:loco:loco

Not sure what I am making for supper tonight yet.

I guess I better get Shelby ready for school. I’ll check in later on today


Have a Happy Tuesday everyone,


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:hug:hugto your GK's Tena!

i know just what you mean... I was trucked all over creation when I was a kid:blush Definitely NOT fun! And it does tend to take some of the meaning out of it. It turns into all rushing and "did you say Thank You?"

You should plan to have something special just for them on the 24th or 26th... We do a :cake for baby Jesus. After all, it's supposed to be His Day!


I will be thinking of you all, and sending prayers of Peace your way:hug

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We do a :cake for baby Jesus. After all, it's supposed to be His Day!


I :manyheart the cake for Baby Jesus, LeaAnne. What a wonderful idea. My DD would love that.


:hi Tena, so nice of you to drop by. We are always here. :hug to you as you prepare for this busy time of year. Thanks for mopping with me. I've vacuumed the rooms, but need to get out the ole' mop and bucket. It will get done today. :yes


DD and I have finished baking pineapple banana mini-loaves (I made 4), which will (if they taste good) make nice gifts. I have ingredients left over for pineapple coconut drop cookies (gotta use up the left over pineapple :lol) and then I'm going to try coconut macaroons all today :xfin. DH loves coconut. I am kind of strange about my Christmas baking. I don't make all the same things year-to-year. :shrug I try some new things each year. I will still make another batch of shortbread (we ate the first one :blush) and probably brownies. Oh ya, I have a raspberry jam/chocolate/oatmeal layered bar I make that is delish, so I might get to those too. So if I get them all made that gives me chocolate chip cookies (already in the freezer), pineapple coconut cookies, coconut macaroons, shortbread, raspberry bars and brownies for my plates of Christmas cookies. So much to do, so little time. :sigh Last year I gave my neighbours a platter full on a pretty plate as a gift and may do that again. I am bringing dessert to the big family Christmas at my mom and dad's on the weekend, DH has a potluck lunch with his office-mates and then whatever is left is for us. I also bought 2 ice cream yule logs that are peanut free, so we'll have one of those at both the big family Christmas and one at our house Christmas day. I guess Christmas is kinda about the sweets for me :blush


I don't think I'm going to get to those ribs today. I'm thinking it will be leftovers, ribs tomorrow :shrug

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:bday:bday:birthday dear Judy, :bday!!! Have a great day!


I got my Scooby square! :woo:dance:elle:elle:elle It's absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you so much! And DD really liked the gift! (she loved the square too!)


LeaAnne, I have 4 more blocks and then I'll be ready. It takes me at least 1/2 an hour to make one block. I'm so slow! But you'll know when I'm ready, 'cause the questions will start pouring in!!:heehee:blush


I hope everyone else is having a super-fantastical day!! I'm about to put DD in the tub and then we're going Christmas shopping! I have at least 8 places to go.:yuck Hopefully I'll be back later. I miss you all so much!!

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Colleen - glad to pass on a tradition to your family! Tell DD that she has to sing, too! It's a nice way to remind the children of what the reason for the season is:manyheart


All of your baked goodies sound soooo yummy! I am with DH. I :manyheart coconut, too!


Hope the rest of your day goes well:hug

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:hi, Shannon!


we were posting at the same time! Good luck with all of your shopping that you and Miss Janna need to get done today!


p.s. 1/2 hour per block is NOT slow!!! That's awesome!:clap


have a great day, ok?:hug:hug

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HI gang! I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing today! Lots going on! I need to go and read some tests today, but I got someone to help me so I am not trying to read 2 tests at the same time!

All the baking sounds yummy! I think we are going to have a baking day when my sister comes down. We talked about that but I don't think we finalized that!

Have a good rest of the day and I will talk to you all later!


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Oh, one more thing. We're going to sing Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus this year too. I was thinking about making cupcakes and arranging them in the shape of a Christmas tree. Okay, bye now!!

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Sorry to hear the removal of items didn't help your dd feel better, Colleen! Could she be allergic to dust? :think I do NOT mean to imply you're not clean, so please, please don't take it that way!! I am allergic to dust and sometimes when I pull out the holiday ornaments and decorations, I get a bit sneezy, so just thinking maybe getting out the decorations, etc, may have set her off? Poor dear. I hope she feels better soon! Maybe running a humidifier would help? WTG on all of that baking!!! :cheer:clap I tend to make the same things every year- gingerbread men, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, gingersnaps...but I do look for 2 or 3 new recipes every year, just to try. This year I am going to try shortbread melts and honey cookies. The shortbread is from a friend with a Scottish background, and the honey ones are from an English friend. I can't wait to try them! :clap Have you decided on a teacher's gift? At the dollar store yesterday I found cookie boxes, so we are going to make cookies and give them to the teachers this year. No muss, no fuss. I just have to get them made today! :lol


:bday Judy!!! Sounds like you have lots of fun birthday plans. Hope you have a fabulous day!


Leanne, enjoy that :crocheting time!! :clap that you will be joining the One Last Strip party!! I haven't even looked at mine, but now that I have others to :crocheting with, I'm sure to get it done! George has been nicer in the pain department, but since the surgery, I get an upset stomach the day before and day of. :think Just can't win with that George. Isabella's program isn't until Friday. I will let you know how it goes.


Okie dokie, everyone else, I love you, but I gotta jet!! :hug and I will talk to you when I get home!

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TY all for the birthday wishes - I had awonderful time with DS...and Joanne, he gave me an authentic NY Yankee pinstripe Jersey with the World Series patch on it and my name and #1 on the back.

I'm on :c9

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:yay I think all my states besties have gotten their squares now I am just waiting to make sure my Canadian besties get theirs too.

:hiEveryone!!!! I have lost my get up and go this morning. I need a :kickto get the ole badorkas in gear. It might be because I was up till 4 am :crocheting. I got interested in an audio :book and kept saying one more row until I finished :crocheting a border around a fleece baby blanket, a matching hat and made about 25 yo-yos for charity. So far this morning I have made the bed, general pick up, tidied up the kitchen and that's about it. I need to run out to the post office and the drugstore to pick up a large envelope to mail out a Holiday RAOK. When I get back I am going to get supper made and call it a day and :crocheting some more :rofl. :thinkI might run by the library and pick up a couple more audio :book.

:bdayJudy. Hope you have a wonderful day and that you eat lots of :cakeand :icecream. May your day be filled with lots of :rofl,:D, :hugand :manyheart.

:lolBeth. DH is definitely a keeper. DF keeps asking me if I ordered myself something for Christmas and I told him NO, but I think I will send him on a wild goose chase in search of chocolate yarn. So happy that your leg has healed so well :yay. WTG kiddos for helping you out getting chores done.

:hugTena. So glad that you stopped by to let us know you are ok. Sometimes I think this holiday season gets so rushed that we don't even have time to really enjoy it. Hope things slow down for you and you get to cash in on some :crochetingtime.

:yayLeaAnne. You are doing so good. I am proud of you!!!! :cheerKeep it up,as you are doing so good with the Q!!!! I forgot to tell you this yesterday, but sorry that you didn't get the babysitting jobs. Are you still looking for work? I hope something pans out for you soon.

:PColleen, I think I am coming to your house to pick up some baked goods. :lol I haven't started making anything yet and not sure that I will. I don't think anyone will be here but me, DS and DF. Knowing me I would eat all that stuff like a lil :pig and gain a bunch of weight and I would look like this :ellewhile frantically exercising trying to lose the weight. Since you mentioned it, I think there are 15 of us now. I had to write down everyone's name but I am thinking 15 :yay. Have fun with all your baking today. What was in the advent calendars today??????? Bless her heart, hope DD starts feeling better soon.

:DGlad your DD enjoyed the square/goody too Vicki. Hope you are having a great day today and not overwhelmingly busy. Have fun grading those tests. The chair will be waiting for your return home with :2hug. Glad you are getting some rest, you deserve and probably need it.

:flowerMary. How are you? Better I hope. I bet you have been :crocheting your heart out!!!!

:thinkGood idea Stacy on the cookie boxes. Baked goods are always a good gift when in doubt. I don't think I know anyone who doesn't like cookies/candy etc. Good luck with all your baking too. Are you making in progress with your :crocheting and cross stitch projects?

:devilShannon will you finish up my shopping while you are out today? :smiling I just can't get in the mood this year for some reason. I will probably end up being one of those last minute shoppers on the 24th. YW for the square and goody. :yesGlad Janna got to enjoy them too!!!!

:(Joanne that you are getting off at 6 and getting home so late. You definitely have earned the time to relax and :crocheting. I think I am going to try that hat pattern by Dot Matthews, the ugly but warm one. It looks to be a quick and easy pattern.

:ty Pauline to our group. These ladies are the best. We have lots of fun here and has turned into much much more than just a cleaning thread, although that is what brought as together.

:hugFrogger, Jenn and Vickietoria. Hope you all are doing well. (Hope I didn't forget anyone, and if I did so sorry)

OK I am throwing in the match to light those :fires. I will check back in later and see how everyone is doing. Lots of hugs and love to you all!!!!!!

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:ohdear things are not good here. I finished the first batch of cookies and DD had some lunch. Following that she got coughing and throwing up and I'm not sure if it was the buns in her lunch (bakery buns are the one risk we take with her allergy) or the aroma of the baking. She's not allergic to coconut, but something is very much bothering her. I opened up the house, put on the fan and took her outside to play for a while. The end of our play ended in a terrible temper tantrum that resulted in her being put to bed (act like a baby, have a nap like a baby, that's what this mom says :yes). So anyhow, she's up in her room now...and she's coughing again :( I've removed everything new that has come into the house. :ohdear Stacy, she is allergic to dust (we've had her tested). I've got the house clean, but obviously something is bothering her. I am so frustrated and feel so bad for her.


Will drop by again later. What am I to do, take down the tree and all the decorations? :think

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:hug Colleen!! Poor dd, poor you!! I wish I could give you real hugs. If she's coughing in her room, do you think it could be something in there? It must just be so frustrating! :ohdear


Shannon-ness, 1/2 per square is not slow! I'm averaging about the same. :yes Good luck with your Christmas shopping. Hope Janna-ness cooperates with you. :hug


Scooby, WTG on getting all of that :crocheting done! But 4 a.m.- good grief, girl! :lol What kind of audiobook were you listening to? And yes, I did make a bit of progress on the :crocheting- I finished the snuggie! It was supposed to be a Christmas gift, but she decided that she really wants a new robe, so I just left it on her bed this morning. I'm wondering if I should just hang onto it until I finish the cat pillow, though- Mia might be upset if she doesn't get something, too. :think As for the x-stitch- I need to run to Michael's to see if they have a pattern book for leaves and vines. Can't seem to find a free one online and the picture is a bit too blurry for me to actually make out how big/etc they are. :shrug



Judy, glad you had an awesome time with ds! And what a cool b/day gift! :yay


Beth, :heehee at the chocolate yarn! Your dh is so funny! Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing, though? :dreaming Glad your leg is healing up nicely. :hug Those inventions of yours sound wonderful. :manyheart


Tena, glad you are feeling better. Thanks for stopping in to let us know you are ok. I hope things slow down a bit for you and that you can set aside a special time for the kids to take a breather. :hug


Vicki, good luck getting those tests finished! :hug


Pauline, hello and :welcome This is the bestiest group on the 'net! Cleaning brought us together, but it has turned into so much more. :manyheart


Mary, Leanne, Joanne, Frogger, Victoria...:hi and :hug!!!


Ok, off to make a batch of shortbread before going to pick up the girls. I forgot to check with Roomie to see if she can pick up Isabella, so I may have to go get her early. BBL!




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Oooh, I keep forgetting to ask- does anyone have experience with poop-ness problems? :blush

Eva has decided that she doesn't like going poo, and she tries to hold it in. It's been about 2 weeks now with this problem of her holding it until she just can't anymore, and crying hysterically the whole time. I've eliminated anything from her diet that may give her difficulty. :think I called the dr. but they're swamped with flu sickness stuff right now and can't get her in for another week or so. Last night she was up at midnight, and it took almost 45 minutes before she finally couldn't hold it anymore. :ohdear Any suggestions on how to make it easier for her?

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Oooh, I keep forgetting to ask- does anyone have experience with poop-ness problems? :blush

Eva has decided that she doesn't like going poo, and she tries to hold it in. It's been about 2 weeks now with this problem of her holding it until she just can't anymore, and crying hysterically the whole time. I've eliminated anything from her diet that may give her difficulty. :think I called the dr. but they're swamped with flu sickness stuff right now and can't get her in for another week or so. Last night she was up at midnight, and it took almost 45 minutes before she finally couldn't hold it anymore. :ohdear Any suggestions on how to make it easier for her?

Is she 3 years old? DS did that...to the point where (on doctor's orders) i had to use an enema because at one point he either couldn't or wouldn't go . It's so long ago it's hard to remember any more. I DO remember hw frustrating it was.:hug

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Sorry everyone for my little rant earlier. It is just so frustrating. We have struggled with DD's allergies (or colds, we just never know) for her whole life. And every time it doesn't seem like a normal cold, we try to find what's causing it until it drives us nuts or she gets better. I just cleaned her entire room, top to bottom, changed her bedding (which I do once a week as it is), dusted everything, took all the Barbie clothes out for a cleaning, moved the collection of toys that accumulate on her bookshelf to downstairs, vacuumed every corner. I've just got our bedroom to vacuum now and then I can put that nasty thing away (I hate vacuuming). All I can do is try my best. She's been pretty good the past year or so, not sick as often as she used to be. It just gets tiring when it hangs on like this.


Stacy - Poop-ness problems. Poor little dear. I've heard of kids like that and I know one mom who gives her son prune juice daily. Hopefully it is just a phase she will grow out of. Is it because she doesn't like the feeling in her diaper? If so, could be a sign that she's ready to poop on the big girl potty? :shrug If it is constipation, prune juice, a little bit of vaseline carefully put around the right place, warm baths. Good luck! :hug


Sorry I can't reply to everyone. That vacuuming has to be finished and there is laundry to put away. When do I get a :crocheting day???????

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Thanks for the warm Welcomes everyone. I'm am a recovering obsessive complusive clean-a-holic.

(trying to not clean as much as I use too) It's hard cause I really enjoy cleaning. :eek

Love my hobbies too. Just not enough hours in the day for both. :lol


Colleen Hope you can find time to crochet. :hugMy oldest went through this and we took him to a naturpath. (Expensive but worth it) He is now fine 99% of the time and when allergies do affect him it doesn't last as long. ( This is how I turned into a clean-a-holic).


I have already vacuumed, clean kitchen, and washed a load of washing and it's only 8:30am. Earned myself some :crocheting time.

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