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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:hi HBBs!!!! Boy I have been fit to be tied :lol. I was having withdrawls from seeing you gals. Our internet has been down and driving me crazy. Lots of stuff happening in here the last couple of days. I did :lurk Sunday but didn't get around to posting. I have worked in the craft room, for all of you who have asked. I now have a walk way thru the room, the puter is up but can't get on the internet so the cable company is coming on Wed and I have my tv set up. I did unload some boxes of scrap yarn, my cotton and a few of my notions. I have gotten to :crocheting just a little the last few days. Sunday I woke up with a :headache and just wasn't feeling well so I laid around and :book and :sleep. Yesterday was feeling a little better but still didn't do much. I ran to walmart got puppy food, ran by the animal clinic and returned the special food Titan didn't eat and got a refund, and ran in the grocery to get some chicken for dumplings. I would have made turkey and dumplings but I left the turkey sitting out the other nite while DF and I went to laundry mat to wash some comforters etc and while we were gone, Saturn the lumbering lumberjack helped herself to a turkey leg and whatever other turkey parts she wanted. :eek Needless to say, there were no more treats for her for a few days, and I just had to :lol. She knows better but I guess she was mad at me because I usually take her a lot of places and I made her stay home that night. I guess revenge is sweet sometimes. Today I have to run the vacuum, load up the dishwasher, put some clothes away, and maybe work in the craft room some more. I also have to go out and get the yard cleaned up :thumbdown:yuck.

:hugBeth. I think I need a vacation too. It's ok that your not talking, I have those moments too. Glad to hear that you are doing well with your leg.

:hugStacy. OH NO so sorry to hear that your transportation situation is the pits right now. I have been there and it is absolutely NO FUN. I am keeping your mom in my prayers and hope all works out well for her. Abuse in any shape form or fashion is bad, but glad she is strong enough to get out. Wow, you have lots of flannelghans in the works. I might eventually get around to one of those. The cat pillow is so adorable. GL getting all that :crocheting done.

:hugVicki. Build A Bear sounds like a lot of fun. I have seen the store but never really went in. WTG getting your presentation done and glad it is you and not me. I hate giving them. I thought about you Sunday and had a nice lil :heehee. I was going thru a box of stuff in the craft room looking for a book to read and the first one out of the box was the APA handbook:lol. I said to myself, of all books it had to be that one. GEESH!!!!!

:hug LeaAnne. It is great to hear from you and glad to hear that all is well. I know what you mean about not being yourself as I kinda feel that way too. I wonder if it is all the stress and hustle and bustle of the upcoming holidays. :yay on all the :crocheting time. You deserve it as you have been very busy lately.

:hugJoanne. I am so glad you got to spend so much time with your DDs. Guess you will have to get busy :crocheting and repelenish that FO bucket esepcially since the DDs wiped it out. So sorry to hear you lost your pattern but at least you could reprint it and get the notes again from LeaAnne. I need to get things ready for Christmas decorations but just not into it yet. I may not do a whole lot either this year, sometimes less is better.

:hugMary. How are you? I hope that you are feeling better or better yet, I hope you are well. I know you are probably anxious to get back to :crocheting on a regular basis especially since you had such a fantastic craft fair.

:hug Colleen. :( Basektball was a no go for DS. He really does like playing and I think that he really would have enjoyed it but he quit. I can't say that I blame him. The boys on the team really gave him a hard time, were unaccepting of him and consistently was forcing DS to prove himself to them. The boys told DS they didn't like him, didn't like where he came from and that he didn't know how to play. So one boy in particular challenged DS by saying you can't take the ball from me and dribble and make a shot, not knowing a coach was watching, DS took him up on it. The boy started dribbling, DS took the ball from him, made it to other end of the court and made the shot. DS said he looked up and the coach was standing there chuckling and clapping for him. DS decided that it wasn't worth being harrassed and not feeling as part of the team. :yay for DD having a good day at school. Sounds like you and DH had a lot of fun going to lunch and Christmas shopping too. :cheerglad to hear you are officially a SAHM now. Can't wait to hear about the advent calendar adventures especially since there are two of them now.

:hugShannon. Hope you are doing well and that Janna is too. I know you had a blast at the game last nite with DH and WTG Saints :clap:cheer:yay. I didn't watch the game, but gather from everyone else's posts THEY WON!!! You must have been their lucky charm :).

:welcome Tena. WTG on getting all that cleaning done yesterday. Now you just need to cash in on your :crocheting time. I hope the little ones get well soon.

:welcome Judy. I think we all need a little help staying on track. This CAL originally started out as a cleaning one and has turned in to so much more but we still give each other a good swift:kick or light :fire under the badorkases when needed. It is nice seeing you here as I have talked to you on another thread before. I still need to go over and ask the ladies on the other thread about joining those saltines using the X in the corners for that Rubber Duck ghan I want to make. But I will eventually if I can ever get caught up.

:welcomeVictoria. I need to get in gear and get some stuff made for Christmas. I don't know if I will make it or not this year, but I would have liked to. GL on your search and getting yours done.

OK I think I am caught up with everyone now. I have got to get busy or I will never get anything done. I would much rather just sit here and browse the Ville and :crocheting but maybe that will come later. Hope everyone has a great day and I will hopefully be back around later. :hug:manyheart

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Hello all!


Vicki, I am sorry you are not feeling well. Could it be George-related? The past two months (actually since having that lump removed) I feel very nauseous the day before and day of starting. I hope that you can stay home and rest- bowling will be no fun if you are sick. :hug


Scooby, good to hear from you! :clap for clearing a walking path in your craft room! :2nono to Saturn for eating the turkey. Silly dog! Good luck with that yard work- I learned a few months ago that yard work is just not for me! :rofl

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This is going to get confusing with two Vickis! How fun will this be! Welcome Victoria! I am also Vicki. My full name is Victoria, but I never use it :no! I am ALWAYS Vicki :yes!


I am starting not to feel well today. My stomach is bothering me. It doesn't hurt or anything, just doesn't quite feel right. I ate my lunch. I picked at it more than I ate it. I have IEP training to do this afternoon, so I need to get through that. One of my partners is leaving early to go to the doctor also so I need to be here for that class as as well. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. Maybe I will stay home from bowling tonight.


Hope all is well with everyone and that you are all having a great day!




Hope you get to feeling better and make it through you day OK,


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I am having a super SAHM/Homemaker kind of day (whatever I am, I'm enjoying it :rofl). After decluttering, DD and I decorated the house for Christmas. We put up the tree and brought out all the other decorations. I must say it was a first, I had help decorating the tree from a 4 yo and 5 Barbies :rofl It looks good, I think. After an early lunch (we were starving after all that work!) I vacuumed up all the faux needles and put everything exactly where I wanted it :wink Then we went to the store quick for a few things. House is tidy and decorated, got stuff to make pork chops and potatos for supper. It's all good.


DD got a little Lego Man with Lego snowballs behind door #1 on the Lego advent calendar and the one from my mom had a little Santa pin. She's been playing with the little Lego man much of the day. This is definitely going to be fun!


I don't know if I'll be able to remember everyone/everything, but here goes:


Victoria - :welcome I'm going to have to call you Victoria to keep you and Vicki straight. Sounds like you have a busy house with those little ones! 200 lbs of yarn :dreaming Good for you! I have seen soup mix recipes for those jars too, with layers of spices and beans and noodles. They look very colourful. Would love to see pics of what you come up with! I have a cookbook that is Company's Coming "Gifts from the Kitchen". I love it for ideas like that. They might have it at your library. Other ideas that come to mind are Chex mix (like bits and bites?), roasted nuts.


Tena - It sounds like you have a busy houseful with those grandkids too! So you've got a 7 yo and a 2 yo. How old is the middle one? Good luck to Grandpa with his double shift tonight :hug


Stacy - Pink and purple will be pretty. Good luck continuing your progress and hooray for found yarn :hook Sorry to hear that your mom has had 2nd thoughts about leaving. Hopefully she builds up the courage again. I will be praying for her.


Scooby - I had to laugh at Saturn and the turkey. Naughty dog, but good for her :lol. Sorry to hear about DS not hitting it off with the basketball team. It sounds to me like maybe they didn't like the idea of a new body on the team, especially one that might be better than them :wink I hope he finds some friends he fits in well with.


LeaAnne - I hope you are feeling back to yourself soon. Good luck with Pete's flannelghan.


Beth - You deserve a vacation! Maybe after the Nutcracker you can give yourself a little break :hug I tried to convince DH to drop me off at the Marriott on our way to visit friends on Saturday night and pick me up at noon on Sunday. He didn't go for it :lol


Judianne - Good luck with your kitchen spruce-up. Is it Judianne or Judy?


Vicki - I hope you feel better soon! :hug


:hi Shannon, Mary & Joanne - I hope you had a good day!

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Well, I had to take a break and see what the besties were doing. :lol yard clean up is done :yuck, I took some stuff out to the dumpster in the alley, kitchen is cleaned up/dishwasher loaded. Now I have to vacuum and put up the laundry and putter in the craft room :applause:xfin. I keep saying one of these days the craft room will be done and I can take :photo for you all.

:hugVicki. I hope your stomach gets to feeling better and you make it through the rest of the day. Hopefully it is just George related as Stacy mentioned. Staying home from bowling sounds like a good plan. Maybe you can just rest and get in some good :crocheting time if you feel up to it.

:oopsI am so sorry Stacy. I missed somewhere along the line about your mom having second thoughts and just found it. I will continue to keep her in my prayers. It is always hard to leave a situation like that, especially when YOU are the one giving up all you have worked for. :clap:cheer:yay Good news in re: to FIL looking and feeling better. Sounds like he is on the road to recovery.

:manyheart:tup:applause AWWWWWW Colleen. It lifts my :heart to know that you are having a great first day as a SAHM. :hug:dance:woo to DD on getting a Lego man and snowballs and a santa pin .You both are going to have so much fun with the calendars. I am already :scrachin:hyper to know what tomorrow will bring. Can we, can we, can we go ahead and do tomorrow today????????:rofl TY in re: to DS and the basketball team. He was pretty calm about it and just told me that they are supposed to be a "TEAM" and play as a "TEAM" and support/help one another, not pick out who was good or not so good and if they couldn't then he just would rather not play. I think you are right :yes he was an outsider coming in and they didn't know how/want to deal with it.

I hope it is ok, to refer to Vicki as Vicki and Victoria as Victoria or I will really be confused too and it is not real hard to put in that :sofunny. Well, I am off to finish my chores for the day and I will :check back in later. Have a great afternoon everyone:hug:manyheart:hug

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Judianne - Good luck with your kitchen spruce-up. Is it Judianne or Judy?

It's Judy - I had to elongate it when I joined since Judy was taken:D

...and what a wasted day:

power outage for 2 hours this AM

and a 1 1/2 hour dentist appointment

an errand that took longer than it should have

and a long, time-wasting session answering questions on the phone re insurance we were going to get.

Changed our mind about that. Stupid, dumb questions for Long Term Care insurance!

So, no cleaning, and no hook time/

A bust for today.


But tomorrow will be better - I hope,

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Hi Ladies

:welcome Judy, Tena and Victoria this is the best bunch of Ladies ever.

Iam not going to post to everyone tonight. The computer is downstairs and It is a little cool down here ( I have 2 sweaters on) I promised DH not to be on too long.

Today is the first day I really started feeling better. I went back to the Dr's yesterday and this time it was my own Dr. He checked me over and said. " NO TALKING FOR 48 HOURS " the swelling was not going down in my throat. He gave me some more medicine to take with the first batch. It is still hard to sleep at night (lying down) but i guess it will get better.

I have been crocheting a little. I decided since I had such a good show 2 weeks ago I better get moving to get my stock back up.

Tomorrow Iam hoping to get outside for a little bit.

Dh is feeling alot better and yes he has been taking good care of me.

Well Iam going to call it a night

Talk to you later

I hope to be here for chat Friday night


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Oh my- what a lot to read- I got home at 7:20 tonight! And tomorrow night will be even later. This is just going to be a crazy, crazy week at work!


I can't even attempt to remember who said what:think-my brain is tired!:lol


I think it was Beth who asked who I was making the flannelghan for and if it was a Christmas present. I :lol at that one. Actually, I'm making it for DH and it was supposed to be done for his birthday which was 11/24. :lol At this rate, I'm going to be lucky to have it done for Christmas! I'll be working late and then working this weekend so not much is going to get done on it this week.


Oh, and the colors are Caron Pounders in Claret (kind of a deep red) and Lace (kind of a light beige) The colors look great together and DH has seen what it will look like and approves :yay

Stacy- I hope your mom will be strong and move on from that relationship- and :think why someone would stay in that situation because they like the way the house is decorated.:rolleyes:ohdear

:welcometo Victoria- and :yes if ok, Vicki will be Vicki and Victoria will need to be Victoria or my mind will really get confused:eek


Thanks LeaAnne for re-posting our directions-:hug I amazed myself that I had remembered so much of it. I can't wait till it's done- I just wish I had more time to spend on it. My eyes are really tired now and I think after I finish posting it's going to be an early night- maybe just read some more and get a good night's sleep:c9


Judy- I graduated Rutgers in Oct 2008!!! Please don't have me back in school:rofl--not yet at least!


I wish I had more energy to post to you all, but know that I have read everything you "said"!


I hope to be here for Friday Chat. For Judy, Tena and Victoria, we try and be online Friday nights at 9:30 EST and we "chat" together. Join the fun if you are around. Sometimes there's lots of us online together and other times only 1 or two. It is fun....and trust me....there's lots to catch up on when we miss a chat:rofl


Hope everyone has a great night :ghug for all of my besties!

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Joanne, thanks for the invite to chat...but by 9:30 I'm wiped out - my old lady (Susie, an 11 yo German shepherd) wakes me up at 5 AM. Rest well tonight...


Tomorrow I will be doing the downstairs cleaning that didn't get done today,:)


CU all tomorrow.

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Mary, So good to hear from you! I'm glad dh is taking care of you! You deserve it. I'm glad you are pacing yourself. Keep feeling better.


Judy, I would have had my crochet out at the dentist and while on the phone! I make the nurses wait when they call me, so I can put my project away before I go back to see the doctor. Evil me! I hope you find tomorrow to be more productive for you.


Scooby, I think your ds has a good head on his shoulders. He seems to be taking the basketball team in stride. It sounds like you are making progress with the house.


Colleen, I'm glad Barbie helped you decorate your tree! Ah, the image in my head. Is your dd good about keeping clothes on her Barbies?


Vicki, I'm sorry to hear you don't feel well. I hope your stomach feels better soon. Mean old George! He needs to treat you better!!!


Victoria, Tena, Shannnon, LeaAnne, Joanne, and Jennifer. I hope you all have a wonderful day! Talk to you later, Besties!

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Beth, I always have a bag ready for waiting rooms, but I never have a chance at the dentist - if it's a 5 minute wait, that's a lot!

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Hey ladies!


Nothing new to report. I made a pot of soup for dh because he's not feeling well. Tried to talk Isabella into taking a break from karate until after Christmas. We've missed 2 classes and she doesn't want to practice. She didn't like that idea at all. :shrug Dh thinks it's a good idea, but is afraid she won't know anyone when she goes back. I think that's a silly reason, but what do I know? :rolleyes


Mary, I am happy to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Listen to the dr. and don't talk! Thank goodness you can type, though! :lol Is your dh feeling better, too?


Joanne, are you working on a special project at work? Why do you have such a crazy week? :think:hug to you. I hope you get plenty of rest at night, to make up for your long days.

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Hi! I'm back!


I have a lot of reading to do!! I do want to say :welcome to our new friends! You're going to love it here. These are the best group of girls ever!!


I wrote to you all Sunday morning, and lost the post of course. But I told you all to look for me, and that I would be the one in black and gold!:lol The game was AMAZING!!! I had so much fun. The energy was indescribable! That city really deserves this. It was great to see everyone coming together for their team! WHO DAT!!


I'll try to come back later and write to everyone! I've missed you all so much! Love you guys!:manyheart

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:rofl Beth - I can picture the picture you had in your head of the Barbies helping me decorate the tree. DD does keep her Barbies well dressed (I know not all children do). They have little faulsetto voices and kept saying "Let the tree trimming begin!" :rofl They are currently sitting all 5 in a row on the floor beside the tree looking at it. We also have 15 bubblegum machine Care Bears sitting in a crowd looking at the tree. :lol I think this Christmas is going to be lots of fun! Or, as my DD said the other day: "Mommy, we are going to have a magical Christmas". :manyheart


Welcome home Shannon! Sounds like you had a great birthday treat! How is our Janna-ness?


Stacy - I hope DH feels better soon. Good luck sorting out Isabella's breather from karate.


Joanne - Take care of yourself working all the extra time. :hug Don't forget your vitamins! Speaking of which, how is Mr. Imanurse's cough?


Mary - Take care of yourself :hug


I finished my little Christmas tree pillow. I'll take a pic in the daylight. I think I owe you ladies a pic of Barbie's snowsuit too. :think I'm almost done those mittens too. I'm helping out at the school with Christmas crafts tomorrow morning, but maybe in the afternoon. Is anyone else finding the dishes and the laundry a bit greedy for your time lately? My gosh, it never seems to all get done. When is a girl supposed to crochet? :devil:lol

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Good evening all,


I managed to get a few loads of laundry done and us fed today and that’s about all, took quiet time with little one and watched Thomas the train with him.


Scooby- Sounds like you got a lot done today.


Colleen-The middle child is Shelby (or should I say Princess Shelby) she is 4 and the biggest drama queen you have ever seen


Judy-sorry you had such a bummer of a day


Mary- Take care and don’t utter a word so you can get over this


Hi to everyone else, I’ll remember names eventually, sorry,


Have a good night, kids are sleeping I should be too.


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I was just touring around the 'ville and discovered that Judy was this months bag lady! Congrats Judy! I see you have a December birthday coming up. You'll have to share when it is. We have great birthday parties here at the Some Good Clean Fun CAL.

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Good morning! Rise and Shine!!!


Stacy- Work is crazy because we have a lot to get done to do a "dry run" of going live with the conversion of our biggest client. We are scheduled to "go live" with them 1/1/10 and because of the size of the group, we need to really test, test, test. So we'll work crazy hours and then it will let up again. It is what it is and our team is great so we keep each other going. I do wish I was about 20 years younger though!!:lol


Colleen- Your DD is toooooo cute:manyheart. Love that the Barbies and all the CareBears are sitting admiring the tree! And yes, I think it will be a magical Christmas. 4 year olds are the BEST!!! I LOVED that age!!!! Can't wait to see the pillow and Barbie's snowsuit!


I find that work is a little bit greedy with my time...not so much the laundry and dishes:lol


Well, it is already 5:25 AM and I need to get cracking and get ready, so....


LeaAnne, Colleen, Mary, Scooby, Shannon, Stacy, Beth, Vicki, Victoria, Lena and Judy have a wonderful Hump Day!!! (ok, it's not so much a hump day for me since I'm working the weekend, but I can dream right? :D ) Hope I didn't forget anyone


Be back later....much later....to check in and see what you've all been up to today!:hug

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I was just touring around the 'ville and discovered that Judy was this months bag lady! Congrats Judy! I see you have a December birthday coming up. You'll have to share when it is. We have great birthday parties here at the Some Good Clean Fun CAL.

It's the 15th:D

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Good morning all! This needs to be quick because the bell will ring and I am on hall duty this morning! they are predicting fuzzy white stuff to fall on Friday! HERE! In TEXAS! I moved from NY to get away from the FUZZY WHITE STUFF! AAAHHH!

Anyway, I did not stay home last night, and my bowling socres whoed it. A 102, a 133 and a 138 I think was the last one. By then I wasn't even paying attention. I was tired and I wanted to go home and go to bed!

I need to get some testing stuff organized today for semester exams for some of my classes and I need to look some stuff up. DD has tae kwon do tonight. I will actually corchet tonight. I haven't done that in a week!

Talk to you all later!

Glad to see that Shannon is home and had a great time at the game!


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good morning to you!:)


this is so great... we have soooo many friends to talk to! It warms my heart to see our group growing!:manyheart


Mary - I am so sorry to hear that nobody can hear you for 48 hours:( Tell DH that I am glad he is feeling better, and that he is taking good care of you.


Joanne - Hope you have a great (albeit long) day!


Shannon - WHO DAT! Welcome home, sunshine! Janna must've missed you Too Much! :hug


Judy - :xfin that you get everything done that you wanted to today.

Congrats on being the bag lady for December!!! That is so exciting!


Colleen - Your gallery of :ctree gazers brought a tear to my eye... I miss that age soooo much! Enjoy every moment of :wreath:2magic it truly does not last long, unfortunately.

I was glad to read that you are going into school to help with their craft project:clap ...and I can't believe you have already found the nemeses of the SAHM: Dishes & Laundry!:yuck:rofl


Vicki - Hope you are feeling better today :hug


Stacy - get well wishes are being sent Jorge's way today. and prayers that Isabella makes a good decision about Karate.:hug


Victoria - :welcome! (I didn't get a chance to say it yesterday:blush) good luck on your creative gifts! It all sounds like so much fun!


Tena - how is everyone feeling? I hope that the cherubs are on the mend!:)


Scooby - Are you getting to :crocheting at all today?


Beth - here's a :cheer for the :ctree 'ghan! I would've offered to :fire under your badorkus, but I don't want you to get burned out! :rofl



Well, today, I have general pick ups, and dishes, and only 1 load of laundry(:thinknot sure how that happened, but I am not asking any questions!:lol). I also need to call the woman to see if I still should plan on being employed to mind her children. I am really feeling weird about calling again, but DH is insistent. After that, I think I will have earned my :crocheting time!


I'll try to stop by in a bit, to see what you're all up to... meanwhile, Have a great day!:hug

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:yawn:morcoffee Can we make that Hot Cocoa,Spiced Cider or Hot Tea instead of coffee :lol. Good Morning HBBs. Well, I got up early this morning, waiting on the cable guy to come and see if he can get my computer in the craft room online. I could be sitting here all day waiting on him as my appt was set between 8am-12 pm. Thank goodness I got a walkway cleared thru the room. Not sure yet what I plan on doing today, but I am positive I will find something to get into. Maybe I should just take a day and do nothing but :crocheting. Boy is that :sstar wishful thinking.


:hugOh no Mary. I hope you get better soon, but glad to hear DH is feeling better and taking good care of you even though you can't talk. After all of this you definitely deserve some long hours of :crocheting.


:(Joanne that you are having to put in such long hours at work. :xfin:clover that Delta Force gets everything done and that the "dry runs" you all will be performing are all that they should be. Have a great day!!!


Have fun in the :2snowFriday Vicki. I love it and can't wait to see more of it here. WTG on the bowling scores. IMO, and I can't bowl, you did rather well for not feeling good. :h5 on the :crocheting time tonite!!!


:yay Tena on getting the few loads :wash done yesterday!!! Got any big plans for today?


:yesHope your day today is much better than yesterday Judy . Maybe you will get more done that you actually want to, including some :crocheting.


:( Sorry to hear Jorge isn't feeling well Stacy. Hope he gets better soon. Hope Isabella will makes a good decision in re: to karate.


:yayColleen, have fun helping with the Christmas craft projects at :school today. Sounds like a lot of fun. Dishes and laundry is a never ending,always piling up chore around here. I have to agree with LeaAnne :yuck to both. Can't wait to hear what surprises were in the calendars this morning :scrachin:hyper.


:welcomehome Shannon. Glad to see you made it back and had a great time.



:) Victoria. How are the Christmas crafts coming along? Did you find anything that appealed to you yet?


:cheering you on Beth with your Christmas ghan. Hope you get everything accomplished today that you set out to do.


:2hug LeaAnne. I think I would feel a little weird calling the lady back about the job too. :clover with that situation and I hope that she at least calls you back or something and lets you know one way or the other about the job. Have fun :crocheting today.


Well, I think I will skedaddle for now and go over to Facebook and see what is happening over there. Sometimes I don't know why I even bother :lol as today has been the first time I have logged in for a week or two. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I am sure I will be back later to see what everyone is up too. :hug:manyheart:hug


Oh I had to come back and edit this I forgot I have a picture for you all. For those of you participating in the "IN DECEMBER I WILL CAL" you will see this twice.


This is a scrap round ripple that I completed last night. It measures 49" from point to point. I even wove the ends in as that is the part that I don't like doing. I usually end up with a huge pile of FOs that just need the ends woven in, but I am trying to break that habit (my New Year's Resolution a month early).


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:sigh... well... i did it. I called and left another message. This time, tho, I asked if she could return my call either way, as I have put my life on hold for her family and to be frank, I need the job. :shrug we'll see what happens, I guess. Meanwhile, I told DH that he should not hold his breath on this gig, as my gut says she changed her mind.

I am moving on, and have already applied for another babysitting job.


I just wanted to stop in and give you all the update.


...hoping you are all having a slendiferous day!


Hugs, Besties! You are the Greatest!:manyheart:hug:manyheart

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:hug:hugto you LeaAnne. So sorry that you are having such a hard time getting in touch with this lady. But glad you have chosen to move on. Hopefully she will call you back and at least tell you something. GL on getting the other babysitting job that you have applied for. :hug:manyheart:hug
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Good Wednesday Everyone,

Viki & Joanne: sounds like work is really busy for you both right now. Don’t forget to take time for you a few min each day.

:waving to everyone, hope your day is going well so far.


Ok dumb question: What is the bag lady? And how did Judy earn it?


So Far:

Oldest off to school:

Meals for the Day planned

List of To Do’s ready

(now for the motivation and energy to do them)

Dirty clothes gathered

Main bath cleaned & sweep

And more refereeing than I care to mention

Talked to oldest DD for a 1/2 hour on the phone

Now its time to get Shel ready for Pre-school.


Be back later on,


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