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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Oh, your day with your family sounds as though it is going to be nice, Cara. Hope you are able to get some pictures and quality catch-up time with everyone. Temps are tolerable down your way? Have a good one!


Val ~ Did you get your 'home' work finished, yet? I hope you are able to find some time in which to pick up your hook and yarn :crocheting

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Nicole, love the wheel cover.




Now that's actually very clever and smart looking too! :tup


Thanks, I can't claim the idea as my own. Someone on a yahoo group of mine made a felted wheel cover. That gave me the idea to use the scarf.


Love the idea :clap That is just so cute. Not knowing the technique, I am probably going to ask a silly question, but can you use the same process to make your seat cover(s)? You will have to let us know how that project progresses :yes


Rain has been predicted for the past two days, but we have not seen a drop of it, thus far. The girls have been re- re- re-creating the track-and-field events in which they participated in their school's spirit olympics last week, so I have been operating stop watches, measuring long jump attempts and softball throw distances, etc. It's so much fun to be a :cheer Not much crocheting is getting done, but the kiddos are happy :D


The seat covers will be the same process. I'll just have to make longer strips of squares. I'll be sure to update you as I go along on that project. :D


Sounds like you and the kids are having fun! We were supposed to get rain every day the past week. We only got any on Tuesday. We had really bad storms....hail and everything that I was stuck in on the interstate! Not good....we do need a little rain. I'd rather not have the bad storms though.


Good morning everybody,


Just dropped in to say hello. I brought some work home so I'll be off for a while. I hope everyone has a great day.


Linda, I'm glad you made it safely and I hope you have the best time of your life.




We have a family get together ourselves today :yay We're going out to my sisters house for lunch a little target practice and hopefully I can get some nice photos of my sister and her family :yes But just to generally hang out which we haven't gotten to do in a long time with my sister's school and BILs job.


Have a great day everyone :manyheart


Have fun! What kind of target practice?




I spent several hours outside cutting down weeds and trees from the back yard. It looks so much better, but I have no idea what to do with all of the branches. You should see the pile!


I bought the house just after Thanksgiving in 2008. Apparently, the people who lived here before didn't really keep up with the yard work. It's been a handful, but I've almost got it all cut down.


Talk to you all soon!


Oh, Mary - Add 19 solids for me, please! Thanks.

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Here's a baby 9 patch I made from Vanna Baby yarn....

(also posted on SKY)

I need to work on my joining....mixed the methods...did with squares RS facing on some and WS facing on others...like the RS facing better...


Next time


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Here's a baby 9 patch I made from Vanna Baby yarn....

(also posted on SKY)

I need to work on my joining....mixed the methods...did with squares RS facing on some and WS facing on others...like the RS facing better...


Next time


Very pretty! What size does that end up being?

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Very pretty! What size does that end up being?


It's 19 inches square (preemie size). I used a G hook (I think) with the 4 ply, so if you go with a bigger hook it'll change -- though you lose the tight, quilt-look then.

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Hi, everyone! It's been a wonderful day so far. This is the first I've had a chance to jump on Joy's computer. We pick up Ayden in about an hour and a half. I can hardly wait.


I made one of the ladies at Joy's church very happy. She had asked Joy about the possibility of her doing some repair work on a tablecloth her grandmother had made. Joy suggested me and it looks like it will be an easy fix that I can probably do while I'm here. Unless, of course, there are a lot more places that need mending than is apparent so far.


We just got back from seeing the new Star Trek movie. It was great! Lots of great belly laugh lines in it.


Nicole, I love your scarf as a steeringwheel cover. Very nice. :clap :clap :clap


Judy, that nine patch is ever so sweet. :manyheart


Gorilla, welcome to the group! :hi:welcome:hi

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Hi, everyone! It's been a wonderful day so far. This is the first I've had a chance to jump on Joy's computer. We pick up Ayden in about an hour and a half. I can hardly wait.


I made one of the ladies at Joy's church very happy. She had asked Joy about the possibility of her doing some repair work on a tablecloth her grandmother had made. Joy suggested me and it looks like it will be an easy fix that I can probably do while I'm here. Unless, of course, there are a lot more places that need mending than is apparent so far.


We just got back from seeing the new Star Trek movie. It was great! Lots of great belly laugh lines in it.


Nicole, I love your scarf as a steeringwheel cover. Very nice. :clap :clap :clap


Judy, that nine patch is ever so sweet. :manyheart


Gorilla, welcome to the group! :hi:welcome:hi


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Linda, that's great about being able to mend that piece...it makes you feel so good, doesn't it?

Thansk! The colors on the 9 patch are different...but kid-like....


Have a great time with your GS!

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i am on my 1oth squre

Make sure you don't wait till the end before starting to join them! That's how I gave up on a project years back:P

And Sveral of us leave a long tail at the end of each square (approx halfway around the square) for joining. Others just finish off the squares and join without doing that.

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Have fun! What kind of target practice?




Here's a baby 9 patch I made from Vanna Baby yarn....

(also posted on SKY)

I need to work on my joining....mixed the methods...did with squares RS facing on some and WS facing on others...like the RS facing better...


Next time


Oh I love the color combo on that one Judy! :clap


that was my favorite one



Welcome to the group :hug


Hi, everyone! It's been a wonderful day so far. This is the first I've had a chance to jump on Joy's computer. We pick up Ayden in about an hour and a half. I can hardly wait.


I made one of the ladies at Joy's church very happy. She had asked Joy about the possibility of her doing some repair work on a tablecloth her grandmother had made. Joy suggested me and it looks like it will be an easy fix that I can probably do while I'm here. Unless, of course, there are a lot more places that need mending than is apparent so far.


We just got back from seeing the new Star Trek movie. It was great! Lots of great belly laugh lines in it.


Sounds like you are having a blast :manyheart


Back from my sister and BILs. We had a great time. Sissy made spaghetti for lunch :drool I hate spaghetti except hers :yes Don't know what it is that she does to it but man oh man is it yummy!


And it's leftover pizza from last night for supper :yes

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Here's a baby 9 patch I made from Vanna Baby yarn....

(also posted on SKY)

I need to work on my joining....mixed the methods...did with squares RS facing on some and WS facing on others...like the RS facing better...


Next time

That is very pretty...I like the right side up to the best.


i just started the penguin one today

:welcome to the group...lots of fun.


Hi, everyone! It's been a wonderful day so far. This is the first I've had a chance to jump on Joy's computer. We pick up Ayden in about an hour and a half. I can hardly wait.

So glad you are having fun with the family :hug


Back from my sister and BILs. We had a great time. Sissy made spaghetti for lunch :drool I hate spaghetti except hers :yes Don't know what it is that she does to it but man oh man is it yummy!


And it's leftover pizza from last night for supper :yes

My DH hates spaghetti to so i don't get it to much :(

Glad you had a good time.


I got all 61 squares sewn together and have started on the next batch so im rolling right along...DH and son went to WV over the weekend so i had the whole house to myself and it was GREAT!!!

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Hi, again. My grandson's greeting was all a grandma could hope for. When he spotted me his whole face lit up. He was out the door just about as soon as the car stopped and I got a HUGE hug and "GRANDMA LINDA!!!" from him. We went to a potluck and he insisted that I ride in back with him on the way home and chattered to me and his mom all the way home. And nothing would do but for Grandma Linda to play toss the dirty clothes in the clothes hamper with him as he was getting ready for bed. He found his gifts and it was, "Did you get these for me?!?! Look Mommy! Look what Grandma Linda got me!!!" I am going to enjoy this week with them for sure.


Gorilla, may we know your first name? That's what we mostly use in here. Congratulations on being on your 10th square already. You're doing well.

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