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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I haven't even touched my hook all day :no The nephew showed up unannounced around 2:30 and stayed until BD got home. Then BD wanted us to go to Walmart. Then I had to come home and make supper. We didn't even eat until after 9:00!! :eek So, that was a whole day shot in the foot :irk


Oh well at least my nephew ran me up to JoAnns and I got the rest of the yarn I needed :yes

:laughroll:rofl:laughroll Ain't that just the way it goes some days? At least you got your yarn.


I'm up but that's about it. I planned to wake up early and get a bunch done this morning and instead slept late. So it goes. John and Kim are running late, too. My main objective for today is to get packed and get Sarge set up for the week I'll be away. There might be a haircut on the agenda, too. And getting my nails done. And whatever else comes up. By noon CDT I'll be at the airport and soon after that hugging my DD. :hug

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Have a safe trip, Linda :plane and enjoy your time with Joy, your grandson, and extended family members. Sounds as though you were preparing for a long time, and you definitely deserve this special family time. I am anxious to read what projects the two of you come up with (or tackle :scrachin) while you are together.


Cara -- hope you are feeling alright this day :manyheart. Have you had a chance to crochet, at all? Is your sleeping schedule falling back into a better pattern for you?


Mary -- your little Gracie is just so cute! Sorry to read that you have been shouldering quite a bit of worry as of late. Glad your DH was home for a few days to bond with Miss Gracie and give you support in-person. Hope this week is going a little more smoothly for you :hug


Shaylen -- Gorgeous work you are doing on the Painted Desert! Congratulations to your son's family on the news of two impending bundles of joy. I'll bet you are just on the edge of your seat wondering if you can crochet goodies in pink for them :hook Hope all looks good for the family at next week's ultrasound appointment!


Nicole -- how is your week going? Did you finish the little gifts on which you were working? Your Entrelac scarf is beautiful. Fun-sounding concept, but it looks like a lot of work... Thanks for showing us your project.


Wendy -- how are you and the girls doing? Busy as usual, I expect :yes What are you working on these days?


Tracy, Krystal, Karen, Shelly, and everyone else I have missed :hi


My girls are out of school, and the past week has passed in such a blur. We have not been that particularly busy, but we have had some grand days interspersed with painting (their craft projects), cooking (invited some friends over for dinner the other evening), house cleaning (needed to be done), playing out in the yard, and trying to stay warm (it's a chilly 46-degrees here this afternoon :wgrin). I have been crocheting the cutest shrug out of Lion Brand suede in a glorious rose color, two small purses to coordinate with some of my capris, and tank tops for the girls and I. I am trying my hand at working with Plarn, but it is real tough on my hands, so I do not make much progress on my shopping bag. Oh well, there is no rush on that one, so I can work as slowly as a :snail.


Have a good Friday evening!

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Happy Friday, Ladies. :) I hope everyone has a good weekend planned.


Thanks Ladies...it is exciting!



Please add 61 solids for me.



First steps are always so amazing to see...we had my Grandson here when he took his first step and i was so excited.They grow so fast*sigh*

Congratulations, Grandma! :manyheart I've added 61 more to the list.


congrats, Shay!!:c9


Mary, 23 solids for me. Thanks.

Added! :hook


Linda, have a wonderful time! :hug


Hi Dusti! All of your projects sound wonderful. Do you all have plans for the summer? Your 46 degrees almost sounds good right now - we're supposed to have our first 100 degree day Sunday. :eek

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Thanks, everyone. John and Kim left at 12:15 which is earlier than I thought they would make it. Trouble went with them. They just called to say had arrived and were getting settled and ready for supper.


Rosie had a check-up with the nose doctor today and is not going to need surgery. Hooray! Her daughter, Andrea, will take me to the Marta station to catch the train down to the airport in the morning.


I'm not totally ready yet, but making good progress.


Hi, Dusti! :hi

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I haven't even touched my hook all day :no The nephew showed up unannounced around 2:30 and stayed until BD got home. Then BD wanted us to go to Walmart. Then I had to come home and make supper. We didn't even eat until after 9:00!! :eek So, that was a whole day shot in the foot :irk


Oh well at least my nephew ran me up to JoAnns and I got the rest of the yarn I needed :yes


It's always a sad day when I can't touch a hook or two. :D I hope you had a good day today. Get some sleep!!!


Nicole -- how is your week going? Did you finish the little gifts on which you were working? Your Interlac scarf is beautiful. Fun-sounding concept, but it looks like a lot of work... Thanks for showing us your project.


My girls are out of school, and the past week has passed in such a blur. We have not been that particularly busy, but we have had some grand days interspersed with painting (their craft projects), cooking (invited some friends over for dinner the other evening), house cleaning (needed to be done), playing out in the yard, and trying to stay warm (it's a chilly 46-degrees here this afternoon :wgrin). I have been crocheting the cutest shrug out of Lion Brand suede in a glorious rose color, two small purses to coordinate with some of my capris, and tank tops for the girls and I. I am trying my hand at working with Plarn, but it is real tough on my hands, so I do not make much progress on my shopping bag. Oh well, there is no rush on that one, so I can work as slowly as a :snail.


Have a good Friday evening!


I had a very good week, thank you! I am almost done with all of my little projects. I have about half of a hand towel left then I'm done with those. I'll have to find a few more, of course. :lol

The great thing about the Entrelac project is that it looks really complicated, but it's not at all. If you can crochet, you can do this without a whole lot of effort.


All of your projects sound fun. I'm going to make some type of clothes/accessories one day. Scarves are about as far as I've gotten. I'd love to see pictures of your work, too. I hope it warms up soon.


Thanks, everyone. John and Kim left at 12:15 which is earlier than I thought they would make it. Trouble went with them. They just called to say had arrived and were getting settled and ready for supper.


Rosie had a check-up with the nose doctor today and is not going to need surgery. Hooray! Her daughter, Andrea, will take me to the Marta station to catch the train down to the airport in the morning.


I'm not totally ready yet, but making good progress.




I'm so glad Rosie won't need surgery. Have a wonderful and safe trip. I can't wait to hear about all the fun you had!



I went with a few co-workers to the casino tonight. I'm not a gambler myself, but they have restaurants and bands in there as well as slot machines. We had a very nice dinner. It was too pricey for me, but my office manager had a bunch of free "comp dollars" to spend. Comp dollars work exactly the same as real money in the restaurants in the casino. So we had a really nice dinner for free. :clap Plus, I got the left overs.


I didn't get home until a lot later than usual. I probably won't get to sleep for a long time now. Ah well, at least I don't have to work tomorrow. :cheer That means I'll have lots of time to do nothing, but :crocheting.

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Good afternoon all,


Just a drop in to say hello. I've been awol this past week...getting ready for a corporate visit.


Linda enjoy your daughter and grandson. Glad Rosie is doing well.


Mary, Gracie is cute. Hope everything is well with you and your family


Cara, take care of yourself


Well wishes to all. Have a great day. I'll check back in later.:hug

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Hello everyone! I pray everyone is having a good day.


Nicole here is a picture of my cat.

How adorable!

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Hello everyone! I pray everyone is having a good day.


Nicole here is a picture of my cat.


What a sweetie! She/he sure does look like my Jackie. They could pass for litter mates quite easily. Thank you for sharing. I love pictures of everyone's kitties.


Hi everyone!

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I went with a few co-workers to the casino tonight. I'm not a gambler myself, but they have restaurants and bands in there as well as slot machines. We had a very nice dinner. It was too pricey for me, but my office manager had a bunch of free "comp dollars" to spend. Comp dollars work exactly the same as real money in the restaurants in the casino. So we had a really nice dinner for free. :clap Plus, I got the left overs.


Sounds like y'all had great fun! :clap


Hello everyone! I pray everyone is having a good day.


Nicole here is a picture of my cat.


Oh Selanda she's beautiful! :manyheart


She's here! She's here! My mom is here!:jumpyay:manyheart:jumpyay


:yay:manyheart Have a great time y'all :manyheart.....oh and we want photos too :D

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What a beautiful kitty, Selanda. I'm here with Joy and we've already had lunch out and wandered a mall and talked a lot. The flight was smooth and both left & arrived about 15 minutes early. Chatted with my seatmate all the way up here. Getting up at 6:15 was the pits, but other than that it's been a great trip so far.

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Thx, I forget to say ...it's she... her name is Ms Kitty. Not very original or cute but all I could think of at the time.


I think Ms. Kitty is a very cute name!

She's here! She's here! My mom is here!:jumpyay:manyheart:jumpyay


Hurray! Have lots of fun.


What a beautiful kitty, Selanda. I'm here with Joy and we've already had lunch out and wandered a mall and talked a lot. The flight was smooth and both left & arrived about 15 minutes early. Chatted with my seatmate all the way up here. Getting up at 6:15 was the pits, but other than that it's been a great trip so far.


Glad your trip has been good and safe so far. You have lots of fun, too!



I went to my nephew's first t-ball game today....he's 4 (will be 5 in July). It was so cute. I cried most of the time (he's six weeks older than my son who passed away), but it was adorable and I'm glad I went. He did a good job.


Hope you're all having a good weekend.

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She's here! She's here! My mom is here!:jumpyay:manyheart:jumpyay

Have a great time....:hug:hug


Linda, enjoy every moment:hug:hug

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Hi again all!


So, I'm sure you all remember the Entrelac scarf I made. Well, I decided to turn it ino something else.


It's now a steering wheel cover! :rofl


The only thing I need to make now is a seat cover for the driver's seat. I might even do a passenger seat cover. :hook I'm completely nuts. I've turned into a crocheter who obsessively covers anything that can be covered. It's fantastc!


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Thx for the compliments on Ms Kitty. She is a handful.


Nicole, love the wheel cover.


Linda, have a wonderful trip./visit.



Everyone have a goodnight. I am off to bed.

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Hi again all!


So, I'm sure you all remember the Entrelac scarf I made. Well, I decided to turn it ino something else.


It's now a steering wheel cover! :rofl


The only thing I need to make now is a seat cover for the driver's seat. I might even do a passenger seat cover. :hook I'm completely nuts. I've turned into a crocheter who obsessively covers anything that can be covered. It's fantastc!


Now that's actually very clever and smart looking too! :tup

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So, I'm sure you all remember the Entrelac scarf I made. Well, I decided to turn it ino something else.


It's now a steering wheel cover! :rofl

Love the idea :clap That is just so cute. Not knowing the technique, I am probably going to ask a silly question, but can you use the same process to make your seat cover(s)? You will have to let us know how that project progresses :yes


Linda and Joy ~ thanks for letting us know the trip was smooth. I can already tell that you are going to have so much fun during this visit.


Rain has been predicted for the past two days, but we have not seen a drop of it, thus far. The girls have been re- re- re-creating the track-and-field events in which they participated in their school's spirit olympics last week, so I have been operating stop watches, measuring long jump attempts and softball throw distances, etc. It's so much fun to be a :cheer Not much crocheting is getting done, but the kiddos are happy :D

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Good morning everybody,


Just dropped in to say hello. I brought some work home so I'll be off for a while. I hope everyone has a great day.


Linda, I'm glad you made it safely and I hope you have the best time of your life.

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Rain has been predicted for the past two days, but we have not seen a drop of it, thus far. The girls have been re- re- re-creating the track-and-field events in which they participated in their school's spirit olympics last week, so I have been operating stop watches, measuring long jump attempts and softball throw distances, etc. It's so much fun to be a :cheer Not much crocheting is getting done, but the kiddos are happy :D


That sounds like a fabulous time with the kiddos! :manyheart


Good morning everybody,


Just dropped in to say hello. I brought some work home so I'll be off for a while. I hope everyone has a great day.


Morning Valerie :hi Hope your work goes smoothly and quickly! :hug


Linda and Joy - I'm so very happy y'all are having this time together! :hug It's so hard living away from family sometimes but it just makes the get togethers that much more wonderful :manyheart Have a fabulous time together and give Ayden big hugs from us :ghug


Mary - How little Miss Gracie doing? Is she drowning saltines yet? :lol I sure hope the thing with the parents is working out well :hug


We have a family get together ourselves today :yay We're going out to my sisters house for lunch a little target practice and hopefully I can get some nice photos of my sister and her family :yes But just to generally hang out which we haven't gotten to do in a long time with my sister's school and BILs job.


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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