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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Linda ~ The hats are spectacular! They'll be perfect for the KD party. :yes


Cara, I hope you had lots of good crochet time yesterday. :hook


DH left early this a.m. and I'm doing the usual laundry, etc. Then a few errands and crochet time later. :)

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Howdy ladies :flower


Linda the hats came out fabulous!! I love 'em! Y'all will just be the belles of the ball :D


Just now getting on, obviously. Got up around 11. Had to wait for my new couch to arrive which meant putting the laptop away so I didn't have to try to move it out of harm's way at the last minute. And I did some cooking. Cooking's caught up. I made enough for tonight and enough to freeze for those days I'm just not up to it :D


Hopefully my preplanning will leave lots of time to crochet tonight :hook

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Squeek, squeek...I'm a little mouse lurking;)


Linda, what patience you have - and so creative ! Those hats are awesome:clap


Mary, 13 solids, please:hook

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Howdy ladies :flower


Linda the hats came out fabulous!! I love 'em! Y'all will just be the belles of the ball :D


Just now getting on, obviously. Got up around 11. Had to wait for my new couch to arrive which meant putting the laptop away so I didn't have to try to move it out of harm's way at the last minute. And I did some cooking. Cooking's caught up. I made enough for tonight and enough to freeze for those days I'm just not up to it :D


Hopefully my preplanning will leave lots of time to crochet tonight :hook

A new couch! :cheer That is exciting...I've been thinking about new furniture, but we're buying a puppy instead. :lol


Thanks, Cara. Boy, has it ever been quiet in here today!

Yes, very quiet lately. I think everyone has jumped ship - I hope our thread doesn't go away. :)


Squeek, squeek...I'm a little mouse lurking;)


Linda, what patience you have - and so creative ! Those hats are awesome:clap


Mary, 13 solids, please:hook

Hi Judy! Your squares are on the list. :hook


Today was a mixed bag of errands, family things and no crocheting. Tomorrow looks more promising for some "me time." I think I've figured out this house and a puppy as much as I can until we get the little cutie home next week...we can't wait for the big event. :D

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Mary, this thread won't disappear...I'm sure of it!


About the puppy: are you going to crate-train it? I never did till one of our dogs almost ate through the laundry room door...used to think it was cruel. But my guys always went there on their own...the den thing, you know.

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Good Morning, ladies. :)


Hi Judy~Yes, we'll be crate training. :yes Maggie was the first pet we crate trained and it was such a relief to know she was safe when we were gone...and so was the house. :lol We used it until she was about 1 1/2 and we could trust her. ;)


We've been invited to a couple things and I literally have nothing appropriate to wear. Time for some clothes shopping today. I'd much rather spend the money on yarn. :hook


One row left to join for the Penguin and then on to the border. :cheer


Have a wonderful day. :manyheart

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Hi, Judy. Thanks for the compliment on the hats. They were fun to do, but I'm glad they're done. So are my fingers. Had to get out a thimble to protect them and still got stuck more than I like to admit. :blush

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Mary, we finally put the crates away last year - when we saw Sparkie squeezing into Susie's smaller crate we decided it was time:lol We just put them in my little office and use baby gates when non-dog lovers come over. The blankets that were in the crate are still in the same corner...Susie would be lost if I put a piece of furniture there...she wouldn't know where to lay down! We know, because we tried it:lol:lol


Have a good one.

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Hi, Judy. Thanks for the compliment on the hats. They were fun to do, but I'm glad they're done. So are my fingers. Had to get out a thimble to protect them and still got stuck more than I like to admit. :blush

I end up sticking my fingers a lot when I try to do hand quilting - which I haven't done in years!


Have a good day, Linda!

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Nah we won't disappear :D I like clothes shopping usually but not when I have something in particular to shop for. Seems more flustering that way. I'm sure you'll find just the right thing though :yes


Judy - Poor Susie :lol We've got a few spots around here that can't be changed either or Misa and Tuon wouldn't know what to do with themselves too :lol


Well, I didn't get a lick of crochet done yesterday :no Today will be different hopefully :hook


It's uncomfortable in here today though. We had two or three days of wonderful cool rain. Today it starts being that icky warm rain today and on for the next week it looks like :yuck


Oh well, it's not that bad. By July I'll be begging for rain in any form :lol

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Hi ladies. :) I do not like to shop for clothes. I came home with one outfit I really like and some puppy toys. :lol


I miscounted squares so had to make 6 more white and now have 6 extra black. :blush Now it's time to join 1 row and add 3 rows to the rest of the ghan. I'm reporting 31 solids.


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Hi ladies. :) I do not like to shop for clothes. I came home with one outfit I really like and some puppy toys. :lol


I miscounted squares so had to make 6 more white and now have 6 extra black. :blush Now it's time to join 1 row and add 3 rows to the rest of the ghan. I'm reporting 31 solids.


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart


Glad you found an outfit you liked. Better watch out though. With all these new puppy toys Zoe's gonna want new goodies too :lol

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Mary, we finally put the crates away last year - when we saw Sparkie squeezing into Susie's smaller crate we decided it was time:lol We just put them in my little office and use baby gates when non-dog lovers come over. The blankets that were in the crate are still in the same corner...Susie would be lost if I put a piece of furniture there...she wouldn't know where to lay down! We know, because we tried it:lol:lol


Have a good one.


When we finally decided to retire the HUGE crate for our dog (our kitchen was too small), we moved the kitchen table over into some of the space. He then started "retreating" to his spot whenever voices or commotion made him want to hide. It just so happened that he was hiding under the table because we put the table in his spot. We've expanded the kitchen, so his spot really doesn't exist anymore, but he still hides under the kitchen table when he wants to get away! :lol

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When we finally decided to retire the HUGE crate for our dog (our kitchen was too small), we moved the kitchen table over into some of the space. He then started "retreating" to his spot whenever voices or commotion made him want to hide. It just so happened that he was hiding under the table because we put the table in his spot. We've expanded the kitchen, so his spot really doesn't exist anymore, but he still hides under the kitchen table when he wants to get away! :lol

They're such creatures of habit...we had a GSD who was at the vets for 6 weeks (we had authorized, and thought she had been euthanized after surgery...a long story:angry). Anyway, when I rescued her from her imprisonment she jumped onto the front seat of the car as always...and when I brought her in the house she made her usual left turn into the crate I had once again set up for her! She didn't forget a thing.

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When we finally decided to retire the HUGE crate for our dog (our kitchen was too small), we moved the kitchen table over into some of the space. He then started "retreating" to his spot whenever voices or commotion made him want to hide. It just so happened that he was hiding under the table because we put the table in his spot. We've expanded the kitchen, so his spot really doesn't exist anymore, but he still hides under the kitchen table when he wants to get away! :lol

We had a dog whose favorite hiding spot was under our bed. He was really good with little kids and would retreat there when their attention just too much for him. The only times I ever heard him growl at a little one was when they tried to pursue him under the bed. :lol :lol :lol

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We had a dog whose favorite hiding spot was under our bed. He was really good with little kids and would retreat there when their attention just too much for him. The only times I ever heard him growl at a little one was when they tried to pursue him under the bed. :lol :lol :lol

Same with running in the crate...if cornered my normally friendly dogs would actually get snarly. They need to know there's a "safe" place to go.

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When we finally decided to retire the HUGE crate for our dog (our kitchen was too small), we moved the kitchen table over into some of the space. He then started "retreating" to his spot whenever voices or commotion made him want to hide. It just so happened that he was hiding under the table because we put the table in his spot. We've expanded the kitchen, so his spot really doesn't exist anymore, but he still hides under the kitchen table when he wants to get away! :lol


Awww, poor Zeus :lol


They're such creatures of habit...we had a GSD who was at the vets for 6 weeks (we had authorized, and thought she had been euthanized after surgery...a long story:angry). Anyway, when I rescued her from her imprisonment she jumped onto the front seat of the car as always...and when I brought her in the house she made her usual left turn into the crate I had once again set up for her! She didn't forget a thing.


It's amazing the knowledge they retain. I heard a vet on radio once saying that dogs and cats only had about 3-4 weeks of short term memory. That any habits or face recognition they had is gone after that time. I've seen that debunked more times than I can count. Plus, this same vet show said it's impossible for cats to lie on their backs. My daddy looked down at our cat (Pooh) and he was sound asleep flat on his back. Daddy declared the guy a quack and changed the station :lol


My dog has never gotten snarly about anything. Even when the kids shoved their fingers up his nose (they were really little), in his ears and poked his eyes. He'd jsut get up and move, or sit there if he was cornered. He's really a baby! :lol


I swear boxers are the most tolerant animal on earth :lol My sister's boxer lets the cat climb all over her and of course there's Peyton who is just fascinated with her. I feel sorry for that poor dog sometimes :lol


Man I slept GOOD last night....finally! :yay I don't know what it was. I think it's just that the humidity level in the house is finally under control.


We had a dehumidifier included with our HVAC system but it was so bad it's taken days for it to get the muggy out of everything. That and I didn't have it set quite right :blush BD fixed it up and it's great now :D


I just wish I'd gone to sleep a bit earlier and that Tuon hadn't decided that after her 7:30 feeding that it was time to play and keep waking mommy up :rolleyes


If the rain holds off I get to go out a bit today :yay Pretty much just grocery shopping, paying my library fine and sending back my craft book club book that I didn't order. Of course, it's at MY expense :irk Oh well I've been a member for about 3 years now and this is the only time they've messed up so not bad at all :)


Plus, I need to repackage a boatload of blouses that I bought mail order and send them back, too. They didn't fit :( I've ordered from this company dozens of times and this is the first time I've had a size issue. It's okay though because I don't like the fabric on them anyway :lol


Anyway, enough rambling. I wish you ladies a glorious day! :manyheart

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It's amazing the knowledge they retain. I heard a vet on radio once saying that dogs and cats only had about 3-4 weeks of short term memory. That any habits or face recognition they had is gone after that time. I've seen that debunked more times than I can count. Plus, this same vet show said it's impossible for cats to lie on their backs. My daddy looked down at our cat (Pooh) and he was sound asleep flat on his back. Daddy declared the guy a quack and changed the station :lol


That vet had never seen a scottish fold before then. :lol we have one & her name is Cali. Obviously scottish folds are double jointed too. Oh and they pw their owners. :laughroll

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Sarge sleeps on his back all the time and he's just a plain old American shorthair. And when he's had catnip, it's absolutely hilarious the positions he'll get into, including some on his back.

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Hi Ladies. Finally! My internet has been on the blink today and I've gotten 3 different error messages. I called AT&T and they said there was a problem "in our area." It seems to work fine now. :)


Love all the pet stories! Zoe sleeps on her back, too. :lol We'll get the puppy on Monday, instead of Tuesday. :cheer I think we've decided on "Gracie" for her name.


Linda ~ are you all ready for the big party? I hope we'll get to see pictures of you all in your hats!


Cara, I hope you had a great day out. :yes

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Hi Ladies. Finally! My internet has been on the blink today and I've gotten 3 different error messages. I called AT&T and they said there was a problem "in our area." It seems to work fine now. :)


We'll get the puppy on Monday, instead of Tuesday. :cheer I think we've decided on "Gracie" for her name.


Linda ~ are you all ready for the big party? I hope we'll get to see pictures of you all in your hats!

I HATE it when we get that "problem in your area" response.


Hooray, for getting Gracie a day early. You KNOW we want to see pictures of her pronto!


I just have a couple of minor things to do before the party. The hard stuff is all done. I'm thawing the two turkeys now. And, yes, we plan to get pictures of our getup to share with you.

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