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Our House [Archive 4]


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Tracy, oh it's so nice that she's excited. So many kids don't look forward to school and make life miserable for parents, I'm sure. ;)


HELP! Here are colors I think I'll use...do you think the center square of the chain should be the blue or green? Or does it matter? :lol



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Tracy, oh it's so nice that she's excited. So many kids don't look forward to school and make life miserable for parents, I'm sure. ;)


HELP! Here are colors I think I'll use...do you think the center square of the chain should be the blue or green? Or does it matter? :lol




I think it looks great just the way it is :yes Excellent job on the chart btw :tup

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Mary, that is pretty. :yes


I did Mom's graph for her.




The yellow is not that dark in reality, it is more of a creamy colour. And the dark red is more of a brick red.


Oooh I like this one too :yes We are gonna have some gorgeous ICs when we're done :clap

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Thank you, Cara...but I didn't do the graph myself. :blush:lol


Tracy ~ Very pretty colors!


There are endless color combinations, aren't there? :think


Okay, off to make some squares. I have a few left from my first attempt that I can use, so I need to count those first. :hook

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Tracy & Mary -- I love both of the graphs you created! The variety of colors is so much fun to see! I am already looking forward to progress pictures from everyone :). The way you designed yours, Mary, is the same pattern I am using, so I like the green in the middle of the blocks ;)


So glad Kayla is looking forward to starting school. Doesn't that just ease your apprehension about how good of a year she will have, when you know it is off to a good start? We wish her well :manyheart


Temps are warm on this end. How is everyone in the south holding up? Rainy? Windy? We have had 35-40 mph winds for the past 36 hours, and my poor sunflowers and bushes are just about ready to give up and flatten themselves on the ground. It's supposed to let up by night-fall this evening... At least the air is circulating out there, I guess.


I managed to assemble another block on my second row before breakfast. If I hop-to-it, I may just squeak in another few saltines before nap-time is over. I'm off to :crocheting.

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We're holding up well here so far. Looks like it won't really hit us until next weekend. The path I saw on weather.com might have the rainfall miss us. We could use a little rain to cool it off if nothing else :yes

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Friday DBF and I were wandering around (in his truck!) and it was pouring! Come to find out, we had rain bands from Gustav, even though it didn't come anywhere near us! Yesterday and today it was really windy. Keeps the heat down, that's for sure.

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Hi Dusti. Wow you are having strong winds! Like Cara, we could definitely use rain - but are lucky enough to be pretty far from the Coast. Are the girls excited about tomorrow? :c9 Can't wait for your next update picture. :yes


Hi Val. :)

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Tracy, oh it's so nice that she's excited. So many kids don't look forward to school and make life miserable for parents, I'm sure. ;)


HELP! Here are colors I think I'll use...do you think the center square of the chain should be the blue or green? Or does it matter? :lol




Mary, that is pretty. :yes


I did Mom's graph for her.




The yellow is not that dark in reality, it is more of a creamy colour. And the dark red is more of a brick red.


Those are going to be beautiful! I've done no crocheting today. We went to visit Mom and Dad and I unexpectidly drove. Not that it's a problem, since I have a smaller vehicle. I was just hoping to have a little crochet time :lol It's all good. I'll get some in tonight, but first I need to run to Joann's for more yarn. Oh darn :lol Oh, I did show Mom the fabric I got for my headboard, since I was going through her buttons to see what would match. They love it, and I told her it'll match my planned IC. She wants to see mine done and might decide on that instead of Cara's GT :rolleyes

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Morning everyone


Hope everyone is ok with Hurricane Gustav coming through some areas, hope there is not too much damage.


Priszm wow that is sad that you have to shop for more yarn, you poor thing you. Can we all come too. :lol


Tracy hope Kyla likes her new school, Im sure she will make friends quickly. I like your Mum's graph, thats going to look really pretty.


Cara :lol Tuon sounds just like Coco, every morning he jumps over us and if that doesnt work he starts chewing on the blanket and you can hear the suckling sound. Last night was the funniest thing. We were sitting there eating dinner and Coco wanted to jump onto the table from the lounge chair, DH looked at him and said NO and he backed back and sat down again.:lol Hope your sinuses improve:hug


Mary how cute is that, your cat bringing you her toy mouse for you. I would find that weird too having a cat just sitting there staring at me. I like the colors your using for your Irish Chain and cant wait to see it worked up.


Priszm isnt it the always the way, that they change their minds. At least you havent started it yet.

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Cara :lol Tuon sounds just like Coco, every morning he jumps over us and if that doesnt work he starts chewing on the blanket and you can hear the suckling sound. Last night was the funniest thing. We were sitting there eating dinner and Coco wanted to jump onto the table from the lounge chair, DH looked at him and said NO and he backed back and sat down again.:lol


Sounds like I'm not the only one with a nutjob cat :lol

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Cara, nope, they're all goofy! Boris was meowing at me yesterday morning. I don't know why. He had food and water. I told him to hush, I wasn't ready to get up yet :D


Wendy, Mom hasn't even decided what color she wants yet :rolleyes . That's probably a good thing since I have a million and one items I want to do and not enough hands or time :lol You will all be sad to hear I was a very good girl and only bought the yarn I need right now. BUT, I did get to see the Red Heart Soft in Chocolate and I love the color! And I found the yarn I want to use for a fat bottom bag! Bernat Satin in Bordeaux. See, soo many projects, not enough time or hands.

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Linda M~I love your colors! It will be stunning with the darker background. :cheer


Val~I haven't seen the RH Soft in Chocolate, but made a scarf last year with the off white. It is wonderful to work with. :yes

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You guys are so much smarter than I am. :lol The double IC is sooo much prettier than the single...I'm learning. ;) The colors were DH's idea and I'm truly excited about this one. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress pictures.


Have a good evening/morning everyone. :manyheart

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You guys are so much smarter than I am. :lol The double IC is sooo much prettier than the single...I'm learning. ;) The colors were DH's idea and I'm truly excited about this one. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress pictures.


Have a good evening/morning everyone. :manyheart


Why are we smarter :think? I think the SIC is just as pretty. I just wanted more colors for mine :D And I saw the chocolate RH Soft and it's just what I'm looking for! :clap

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Karen why wait until the ATW is done, you might as well start now.:D


You :devil I actually have a good excuse - my favorite hook is in my delayed suitcase. When I came home from my vacation my suitcase did not get home with me. It got to the airport (in Boston) the next day and will be delivered to me today. I will never do anything so stupid as packing my hooks in my checked bags again...


But I am contemplating colors for the IC :D

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