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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning ladies :flower


Shay - Oh you poor dear! Sounds like something hit you hard. Take care of yourself :hug


Julie - Should be nice with a full day with Cam while he's well :yes Hope we see more of you next week :hug


Tracy - Hmm, that might explain it. The postal code on this one is E10 5P5. Think my address book needs to be updated :blush


Judy - My goodness but you're gonna be a busy gal today!


Wendy - I've learned not to ask BD what he thinks of something until I get it put together :lol


Donna - Your block looks great! :clap


I have got to get this house cleaned up today! It's totally out of control. Started with the baby shower, then the holidays, then getting wrapped up in the Love Letters. I've been a very lazy monkey about the house :( And since I have company coming next weekend I have to at least get it under control. I make it sound like a landfill I know but it's just junk that needs doing. All the filing for the last two months (I'm amazed we even have the lights on considering I'd have to dig for the bill...thank goodness for online bill pay :lol), put all the cat toys in one place (my kids didn't even have this many toys :rolleyes), put all the bits of other projects away just keeping out what I'm currently working on....you get the idea :P


Gonna check a couple other posts and then get to it :sigh

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Hi Ladies. :) Yay for pictures!


Donna ~ You are doing a beautiful job on All God's Children. :hook That is such a great pattern. Is it for someone special?


Cara, your Argylesque is going to be wonderful...you really have done a lot already. :crocheting


Hi Tracy!

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Cara ~ I need to take one room at a time in this whole house and go through everything...that may not happen unless we move. :lol So I keep up with the downstairs and clean upstairs if we have company. Crocheting is so much more rewarding! :hook


Julie, I'm so glad Cam is okay and that you didn't catch his flu bug. :hug

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Cara, your work is always so pretty!!

Any thoughts on the Amish designs you were working on? Maybe just change the backgrounds to black and brighten the pattern??


So, now I crochet...

See ya later!

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Cara, your work is always so pretty!!

Any thoughts on the Amish designs you were working on? Maybe just change the backgrounds to black and brighten the pattern??


So, now I crochet...

See ya later!


Thank you dear :hug Yeah, I'm gonna do the motif in brights. Just have to get the yarn. I'm gonna wait until after I finish this one and get myself kinda caught up organization-wise first :lol

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I'm in little square withdrawal :eek and am thinking about doing this pattern: http://happyyellowhouse.com/flowerquilt.html


I'm not sure I want to use that much purple...any suggestions on other flower colors? So far, all I've come up with is yellow flowers with a soft white background and medium thyme border. Or maybe 2 shades of periwinkle or blue for the flowers, pale yellow background and a thyme border?

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Ok, I understand. The number should have been 230A. :D If you had put that on and it got sent back, my little (well, baby) brother would have had ALOT of explaining to do. As it is, the postmen out that way are not the sharpest knitting needles in the box, so they might well have sent it back even if there had been an A. :lol Sometimes they deliver the post to the internet cafe below and, oh, don't even get me started on the staff working in THAT internet cafe. Think they worse than the postmen on their good days.

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I'm in little square withdrawal :eek and am thinking about doing this pattern: http://happyyellowhouse.com/flowerquilt.html


I'm not sure I want to use that much purple...any suggestions on other flower colors? So far, all I've come up with is yellow flowers with a soft white background and medium thyme border. Or maybe 2 shades of periwinkle or blue for the flowers, pale yellow background and a thyme border?

bi-color squares:eek:eek???

Love the last idea you have here for colors...very nice combo!!


...I read this CAL backwards...just saw the dragonflies - beautiful work, Mary!

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Here is the Dragonfly ghan so far. The green doesn't look as gray in person. (Clickable)





LOVE the colors! Great job!


As for the flower quilt - I would say any two light and dark colors would look good - lt/dk rose, lt/dk blue, even a red/pink combo would look nice. Orange/yellow.... a nice variegated outside and solid inside.

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Morning all.


Cara wow you have done heaps, didnt you just start that the other day. Its looking beautiful I must say.


Mary love the dragonfly ghan. The flower quilt you want to do is beautiful and if you dont want to do purple then pick another color that is your favorite and go that way.

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hello, I am back things have been crazy around here. I am still crocheting I finished my nieces baskets and gave my mom her quilt. They loved it. I will try and keep checking in have a great day.:manyheart

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Mary the dragonfly looks great!! :clap:cheer


Wendy, I started it last Friday I think so a week now.


Britt and Tena it's good to see you again! We've missed you :hug


Man oh man why oh why did I let this house get this far gone :no What a mess! Almost done though. Just the living room now after I store some stuff that took up residence in the dining room for some unknown reason :blush

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Cara - if your house is getting clean in one day, it couldn't have been THAT much of a mess! Mine would take WEEKS to get it as clean a I'd like it. As it is, it is "presentable", but only if you consider the face that six of us live in this little house.


DH was complaining about it the clutter the other day. I told him that he has to understand that the average house size is 2,000 SF and the average family size is 4 people. Now, that's an average of 500 SF per person. We have 1,360 for 6 people, which is less than HALF of the average. It is easy to understand why things always look cluttered, because we have so little space!!!


(When the kids are all gone, it will be just perfect! :lol)

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Thanks to everyone for the compliments and the input! No way would I do the whole quilt...it would be a monster. One block would be about 45" square and that would be okay for a lapghan, wouldn't it? :think I also think it would make a pretty baby quilt for a little girl. And yes, Judy - it is almost 1/3 bicolor squares. :eek


Hi Britt!

Wendy, how is your quilt ghan coming along? :crocheting

Cara ~ WTG! Are they coming tomorrow?

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The house is clean! :jumpyay:dance Okay, it's decluttered :lol Except my craft room but we don't talk about that :D I still have to dust more and wash the floors but that'll keep until next week :whew


Mary - No they put it off til next weekend because this weekend is Super Bowl Sunday. My family are all football freaks. I'm the only sports fan in this house and I only like basketball and usually the World Series. BD is not a sports fan.


Now to rest before a simple supper, clean up and then maybe a little crochet time :hook

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