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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning Shay, Shelly & Wendy,


Just dropped off DN at the bus stop. I'm home all day today and tomorrow. :clap:yay


We're suppose to get bad weather later today...possible ice and snow. I hope we don't get ice because so many usually lose power when that happens.


I'm going back to bed for a couple of hours and then it crochet time. I'll check back in later. Gotta go post on the other threads. Have a great day, chat with you later.

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Valerie enjoy your day.


Cara howdy doody. Saltines are going great. DH's knee is very sore today and he is on pain killers. He hasnt had much sleep because of the pain. I guess its going to hurt for awhile.


K can you add 70 solids and 3 Bicolors for me thanks.

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Good Morning, all. :)Some of us are doing great with the squares...I will be my usual "slow, but steady" self. :lol I am keeping track of what I've made since Monday and will probably report once a week.


Wendy, I hope your DH feels better soon. :hug


Have a good day everyone.

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Is it too late to join? I'd love to join in on the fun! I want to make the Wheels on the Bus for my son's teacher......doing a CAL might keep me motivated to actually get it done....**** :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol





Wendy - I'm pretending I'm in a sunny place, so I'll be sitting in my beach chair right in front of my woodstove. If I keep the sunglasses on and a drink by my side, the illusion is almost real.. :lol :lol :lol

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:thinkhmm wouldnt a beach chair sink in the snow,:icecream Here you go I only had icecream. sorry about that Krystal.


Hmmm, wondered how long it would take for the sucking up to start :lol :lol

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Is it too late to join? I'd love to join in on the fun! I want to make the Wheels on the Bus for my son's teacher......doing a CAL might keep me motivated to actually get it done....**** :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol



Nope never too late! Welcome to the group! I love your user ID :D

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Craftee, welcome to the group! :welcome Cara's patterns are an inspiration to us all.

It's overcast and cold here today with a forecast of rain and/or sleet and/or snow for tonight and tomorrow. YUCK!!!!! At least it only happens a few times a winter here in Georgia instead of on a regular basis for 6 months like it does up north.

I've decided to spend at least one day a week working on the LotL so that it does get done. (It will also help me with the Saltine Smackdown.) Don't know how much will get done today, however, because all my joints hurt today. Lovely weather. NOT!!!

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Linda, stay warm! I saw on the news that you all may be getting some nasty weather.


Hi to Cara, Julie, and Krystal. :)


I'm off to run a couple errands for MIL. One involves Walmart, so of course I'll have to check on their yarn. :yarn

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Yep...but we know Krystal is a fair and balanced referee not to be tempted by any bribery. :D


:rofl :rofl :rofl You're kidding, right? Thanks for the ice cream, Wendy - it was delish! How many extra squares am I adding on for that? Oh no, did I say that in front of everyone?:eek


Linda, stay warm! I saw on the news that you all may be getting some nasty weather.


Hi to Cara, Julie, and Krystal. :)


I'm off to run a couple errands for MIL. One involves Walmart, so of course I'll have to check on their yarn. :yarn


I have never bought yarn at Wal-Mart.... :no They NEVER go on sale, and their prices are always higher here than JoAnn's and ACMoore.

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I have never bought yarn at Wal-Mart.... :no They NEVER go on sale, and their prices are always higher here than JoAnn's and ACMoore.


And it's just the opposite here unless HL, Michael's or JoAnns has a sale :( I buy more than I care to admit at JoAnns just because they're closer and easier to get in and out of.

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Hello Ladies,


Just got up for the second time. Welcome Craftee.


Walmart is cheaper here also. However, the RHSS was $1.99 and it went up to $2.29 a couple of week ago. It's the same as everywhere else now.


Well, I'm going to start :crocheting now. I didn't want to sleep both of my off days away.


Linda, try to stay warm.

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