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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning, gang. I'm so slow with my crocheting right now. I think it has something to do with not being able to get comfortable while I doing them. Anyway, here is the latest picture of the Painted Desert. It's now 40% done. Hope everyone has a good day. John and Kim leave on vacation on Friday. I'm staying home and housesitting the pets and resting.



Beautiful, love the colors! :clap

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Thanks for all the nice comments on my Pained Desert. I do like how this pattern is coming to life. I have to crochet squares now for a while, as I've used up all the ones that were done. While the 4-color squares aren't hard to make they require more attention than the solids and bi-colored ones. I can't do them on auto-pilot. :lol :lol :lol

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Linda your painted desert is gorgeous, love the colors.:clap


Mary howdy, whatcha working on.


Cara I forgot about the ATW, how far are you with that one.


Tracy yep thats me, Im always trying to get people to have more wips. By the way dont you need another wip right now.:D


TABBY howdy doody :hi. How have you been, hope everything is ok.

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uh oh, Wendy is awake! :eek I had better :lookout before she gets to the other CAL's.



:rofl cough! :rofl


Just have to clean the porridge from my monitor. :yuck.


Tracy watcha up to, are you deciding on colors for your NEW Project.:D

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oops, Wendy, hope it comes off and you can see what is happening here. :lol I was running away because, well, you see, ummm, I gave Krystal just the TINIEST bit of of advice on one of the other CALS. It was just the smallest amount of advice. :blush:D I AM BEING GOOD AND TRYING VERY HARD NOT TO ADD A WIP FOR AT LEAST A WEEK. I will try very hard, I will try very .....

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I believe it was ALL YOUR IDEA, Dear...


We had Bubble & Squeak for dinner, BTW. :rofl

Bubble & Squeak???? :think That's a new one for me. Translation please.

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I had Tracy on IM one day, and I asked if she would translate some clearly English/British Foods that my kids had heard during a Sunday cartoon (the granny was English).


Bubble & Squeak - leftovers (originally was cabbage & potatoes, I guess?)

Bangers & Mash - sausage & potatoes

and a few others I can't remember....


some were pretty gross.

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I had Tracy on IM one day, and I asked if she would translate some clearly English/British Foods that my kids had heard during a Sunday cartoon (the granny was English).


Bubble & Squeak - leftovers (originally was cabbage & potatoes, I guess?)

Bangers & Mash - sausage & potatoes

and a few others I can't remember....


some were pretty gross.

Thanks, Krystal.

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Good morning ladies :flower




Pickles - Oh goodness. The nights of no sleep. I still remember them well. Is this your first?



Pickles ~ How old is the new baby? I'll bet it won't be long at all until he/she? is sleeping through the night. :c9



She, Lennon, is 3 weeks old. She's my first. Went to the doc today and they switched her to soy formula and gave her medicine for acid reflux. Let's hope this works! I don't know if I can handle another night like last night! :yawnShe was inconsolable and screaming in pain! :cryNot easy for a new mommy to see! Good thing I have a very supportive husband/daddy helping me out!:manyheart Posting a pic because I'm a proud new mommy and thats what we do! Some of you have seen pics in another CAL sorry you have to put up with them again!


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I had Tracy on IM one day, and I asked if she would translate some clearly English/British Foods that my kids had heard during a Sunday cartoon (the granny was English).


Bubble & Squeak - leftovers (originally was cabbage & potatoes, I guess?)

Bangers & Mash - sausage & potatoes

and a few others I can't remember....


some were pretty gross.


eeewww...thats all i've got! just EEEWW!:yuck no cabbage for me!

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the baby is adorable.... the painted desert is coming along great.... I'm off to pick up my DD#2 and head off to Michigan... see you all next week.... be good... Cara don't let them girls start any trouble while I'm gone...

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Hello Ladies,


It's been so long, I've almost gotten over my withdrawal symptoms. I have missed coming in here. As you all know, I lost my assistant manager. I have only 1 shift supervisor that can open and close the store with me. She is hourly, therefore, I have to cover everything outside her regular hours. I haven't been off since sometime in February. I ususally work at least 3 to 4 double shifts a week. I just finished inventory on yesterday and I hadn't been to bed in 2 days. I came home about 2 pm and crashed. I've been up a couple of hours and decided to drop you girls a line. I have to open the store in about 6 hours. I will order for the next truck and leave about 1:30. I have a floating assistant manager this week. He will work for me on Friday & Saturday. Hooray, I get 2 off days. I'm presently training 2 shift supervisors and hopefully I can get my life back. I miss my :crocheting and my friends here at the Ville. Needless to say, I will not be able to go back and read everything. I'll just pick up here. Enough about me. How is everyone? I've missed you all so much. I'll check back in later today after I leave work. Thank you all for the cards I've received. I haven't forgotten about my cards...just haven't had time to buy them. I will thank each of you individually for those I have received later. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'm going back to bed.

I love you guys.:ghug

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the baby is adorable.... the painted desert is coming along great.... I'm off to pick up my DD#2 and head off to Michigan... see you all next week.... be good... Cara don't let them girls start any trouble while I'm gone...


You got it :tup Oh wait. Who's gonna keep me from starting trouble :devil

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Howdy everyone


Pickles your bubs is just gorgeous. Hope the soy milk helps.


Valerie its great to see ya. Hope you get some help soon, you cant keep going with that crazy schedule.


Shelly I will keep everyone in line. Im the only sane one here you know.:lol


Krystal hows it going dear, do you need another wip to do, might I suggest the scrappy saltine ghan. Come on you know you wanna.:D

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