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Our House [Archive 3]


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I am so done :blush Back from AC Moore and here is the damage:


Hidden in three big bags:



My colors (plus black between each group of colors - or I may only use these colors and go from light to dark and back to light)



I went with Red Heart Suoer Saver (on sale at AC Moore for $1.74). I hope to get a few saltines done tonight :yay I am so glad I married a patient tolerant man! Although I did have to wander through Home Depot and Staples with him in exchange for him wandering through Joann's and AC Moore :lol

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Karen - Great haul! I'd go with the black, too. That's a very interesting idea. Should really make the colors bold :yes I'm awful. I love Home Depot. I get in lots of trouble at the Home Depot. But I admit, I hate the office supply and computer stores :P

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The plan is go with the pinks from light to dark, then a round of black, then greens from light to dark, black, blues from light to dark, black, then purples light to dark, black and repeat...


But I am so sunk in the stashbusting CAL for this week...

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Hi everyone. Maggie is feeling really good and I'm sooo relieved. I left her for a couple of hours today and everything was fine when I got home. :)


Karen ~ The colors you chose are gorgeous together! This will be fun to see what people do with the pattern/colors. :yes

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Karen, I love those colors! I never made it to AC Moore this week...but there's always another sale down the road:D...not that I NEED any more yarn:lol:lol

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Karen I think your ATW is gonna be a knockout in those colors :yes


Mary I'm so glad Maggie is doing better. Nothing worse than sick furbabies :no

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Wonderful news about Maggie, Mary.

That is a beautiful pattern, Karen.

Oh, BTW, the verdict on the CT scan is multiple stones and multiple cysts. Go see the urologist pronto. If the pain is too bad over the weekend go to the ER. At least there really is something wrong and it's not all in my head. Not sure there's much they can do, but at least it's something real. :(

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Wonderful news about Maggie, Mary.

That is a beautiful pattern, Karen.

Oh, BTW, the verdict on the CT scan is multiple stones and multiple cysts. Go see the urologist pronto. If the pain is too bad over the weekend go to the ER. At least there really is something wrong and it's not all in my head. Not sure there's much they can do, but at least it's something real. :(


Ouch! You poor thing :hug At least they found out what the trouble was. Hope you can get an appointment with the urologist soon :hug

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Oh, BTW, the verdict on the CT scan is multiple stones and multiple cysts. Go see the urologist pronto. If the pain is too bad over the weekend go to the ER. At least there really is something wrong and it's not all in my head. Not sure there's much they can do, but at least it's something real. :(


I am fairly sure the treatment for stones is drinking a TON of water, limiting calcium foods (many kidneys stones are calcifications) and other dietary changes and waiting for them to pass. I think larger ones they can pulverize with a laser or something, but not sure.


I am in for the night and the house is fairly clean. Now it's time to sit with my test ghan. YIPPEE!!!

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Linda, I'm glad they gave you the scan results quickly and hope your pain doesn't get worse. :hug


I've made lots of squares and need to join some again. :hook


See you all tomorrow.

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Good Morning, all. :tea I'm having a cup of tea and making lists for things that need to be done...I never used to get so far behind. :blush Age must have something to do with it. :lol


Hi Tracy ~ What are you working on now? Are the squares for the bus ghan or the Casa?


First thing on the list is to mow the front yard and some other yard work. DH is out of town, so I can crochet all evening!

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Karen, You post however many solid,bicolor,tricolor,quadcolor squares you make. You can post each day, each week, whenever... I update the list every here and there. The first person to 2000 is going to get a little goody from everyone else playing. Maybe we'll increase that to each person that makes it to 2000 gets a goody from the others? What say you, everyone?

I love the sound of continuing the Smackdown so that as each person gets to 2,000 they get some goodies. If we want to do an ongoing Smackdown, we could let those who reach 2,000 start over again at zero after they reach the goal the first time. Just a thought. And maybe make the goal 3,000 the second time around? Thoughts anyone?

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hello everyone... I have had the most wonderful day so far... today is my 33rd wedding anniversary... my 5 year old grandAngel made me breakfast in bed (frozen) waffles in the toasted and milk... my hubby not only told me Happy anniversary before he left for work he brought me a bouquet of flowers when he came home from work at noon... he never remembers birthdays or anniversarys... we are going out to supper tonight just the 2 of us...

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