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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning, all. I will call for an appointment for the scan today and let you know. Didn't get home in time to do it yesterday. John left a couple of hours ago for the airport. The flight leaves in about half an hour. Kim is snoozing and I'm watching "Cocoon: the Return" on TV. The first cocoon movie just ended. I was waking up during it. It is sunshiny and gorgeous today. I think I'll continue working on the puppy cuddle today. I've just got about a dozen or so squares left to crochet and then it's all sewing it together. And of course then the border. Haven't decided on the color yet.


More later. Have a great day! :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - You're almost there with the puppy :clap I'm dying to see that one all done :yes


Wendy - Hooray for Mum joining the bandwagon :clap


Kim - I think the hearts would look cute in the variegated. You could always try the section with the lobes (that the heart humps...someone else had to tell me what they were called :lol) and see what you think :yes


Promises to be a nasty day today. I already hear the thunder boomers and that was definitely lightning. Was gonna open the doors so I could do the yearly flea spray thing but I don't think we're gonna be doing that :lol


Tuon seems better today finally :yay So I think we'll sit here together (since she's actually sitting with me again today instead of hiding in the kitchen) and crochet :hook

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Hi everyone. :) Just on my way to the store, then will be home the rest of the day with my hook and yarn. :yarn


:yayLinda ~ You are so close to finishing the puppy ghan!


Kim, I really like the idea of using the variegated. :yes Let us know what you decide.


Cara, I'm so glad Tuon is feeling better. :manyheart It's so dark here that we have lights on...the storms are supposed to be here a little later. Have you finished the ghan for your BIL?

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Mary and Cara, please take care in the storms.


Krystal ~ 18 solids and 3 bi-colors for me. That's the last of the squares for the puppy cuddle. Now it's on to the sewing.

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Hi, Tracy. Just 4 blocks to join.


My CT scan is scheduled for Thursday @ 2:30. At least I don't have long to worry about it. The gal in scheduleing said it's painless and only takes 15 - 20 minutes.

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Hi Tracy! How are you doing with all your projects? :yarn


Linda, that's great news about the quick appointment. I've had CT scans and they are quick and easy...except they want you to be perfectly still. That's when my nose starts itching. :D

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Hi Tracy! How are you doing with all your projects? :yarn


Linda, that's great news about the quick appointment. I've had CT scans and they are quick and easy...except they want you to be perfectly still. That's when my nose starts itching. :D


OMG I know! The minute someone tells me to lie absolutely still something starts to itch :rofl :rofl


Down to the last 5 blocks on BILs quilt (aka The Man Ghan :lol) then just the border :yay I've been crocheting all day except for that hour or so for a nap. :D BDs on long shifts for the next 6 weeks since the gal that works with him had surgery yesterday. Man, 7 a.m. comes early :lol :lol

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How many ghans will Cara make in the next 6 weeks? :think:devil


Hi Mary, projects coming along fine. Bus cuddle taking shape now, DD's triquetra ghan more than half way and filet ghan for aunt is a whole 3 rows. :lol I will get there eventually. :yes How are the storms out your way? Stay safe.

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How many ghans will Cara make in the next 6 weeks? :think:devil


Oh dear. At the rate I've been going of late only one :lol :lol I'm hoping my mojo has return full force :D

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Linda hope all goes well with the CT scan.


Cara your going for the record arent you. How many ghans have you made this year so far.


Tracy your making great progress on the bus ghan.


Mary hows the gardening going, hope the storms havent wrecked havoc on the gardens.

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Cara your going for the record arent you. How many ghans have you made this year so far.


Only 3 full size ones, a lapghan and a baby ghan I do believe. Lots less than I usually do.


I am an idiot. Been working on the last row of blocks today, right? Well, Tuon is roaming around and getting into things again (can't believe I'm actually happy about that :lol). She was behind the couch and I looked back there to see what she was doing and there was the last strip already made :oops So just sewing the last one on and then the border begins :hook

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You see, Cara, your mojo is lurking! Or, if you ask Krystal, she might help like she helped Laura, see here :devil.


And you have made a lot this year! :eek


:rofl :rofl :rofl That is HILARIOUS!

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Only 3 full size ones, a lapghan and a baby ghan I do believe. Lots less than I usually do.


I am an idiot. Been working on the last row of blocks today, right? Well, Tuon is roaming around and getting into things again (can't believe I'm actually happy about that :lol). She was behind the couch and I looked back there to see what she was doing and there was the last strip already made :oops So just sewing the last one on and then the border begins :hook

Oh, no!! Tuon stole your MoJo! :lol :lol :lol

You see, Cara, your mojo is lurking! Or, if you ask Krystal, she might help like she helped Laura, see here :devil.

That's wonderful!!! :lol :lol :lol


The 9th block is together and attached to its strip. Next it's connecting this strip to the first two. Should have a progress picture for you tomorrow. Yay!!

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:catGotta love our cats! Zoe still drowns everything she gets her paws on. :)


Linda, you're so close to the finish line! :cheer


Cara~Obviously Tuon is feeling better...can I send Zoe to Waco?


Maggie goes in at 7 in the morning for some surgery. Needless to say, I'll be a wreck tomorrow. Our vet is ultra conservative-and when she says our options are limited, we trust her.


Thank goodness for DH, you guys and my hook - my crochet hook will be very busy tomorrow. :yes

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:catGotta love our cats! Zoe still drowns everything she gets her paws on. :)


Linda, you're so close to the finish line! :cheer


Maggie goes in at 7 in the morning for some surgery. Needless to say, I'll be a wreck tomorrow. Our vet is ultra conservative-and when she says our options are limited, we trust her.

Sarge doesn't drown anything, but he sure does love to sit on top of whatever I'm working on the then bite at the yarn when I pull it out from under him. The big lug!


I'll keep you and Maggie in my prayers tomorrow. Hope the surgery goes super smooth and everything goes well. :hug :hug :hug

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Maggie goes in at 7 in the morning for some surgery. Needless to say, I'll be a wreck tomorrow. Our vet is ultra conservative-and when she says our options are limited, we trust her.


Thank goodness for DH, you guys and my hook - my crochet hook will be very busy tomorrow. :yes

Oh, Mary - I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you, Maggie and the vet. I know exactly what you're going through...PM or email me if you want to...:hug:manyheart

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Good morning ladies :rain


Man oh man we're having us a good old fashioned Gully Washer here today :storm Rained all day yesterday off and on pretty hard and it's been pouring all night and it's still going :eek We've got flowing water running like a river from the curb to about a foot out into the street. Sure hope it lets up soon.

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Good Morning, all. Thanks so much for all your hugs and support. :manyheart DH took Maggie this a.m. and we can call and check on her about 11:00.


Sunny ~ Way to go! You are making great progress. :yay


Cara, congratulations on finishing the Man ghan. :cheer We've had lots of rain, but nothing like you guys. They showed pictures of Waco and Temple on the news...lots of flooding. Stay safe and dry. :yes


Linda, can't wait for pictures. :hook

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