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Our House [Archive 3]


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Tracy, that's adorable.

I'm crocheting squares for the puppy cuddle this afternoon. (I gave the piano another coat of stain too.) I'm watching "The First Wives Club" while crocheting.


Love that movie! We watched it last week :yes

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I had a nice day sitting outside crocheting after my barbeque until the blood suckers attacked... my daughter got me a bug zapper for mothers day but it doesn't work I'm taking it back tomarrow and exchange it.... it will be nice to sit outside without getting eaten alive...

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Shelly - I like practical gifts too. A bug zapper is a good gift :yes Hope you can get one that works.


Well, BD spent the last two days beautifying the yard. Everything is all picked up, mowed, turned to mulch and he even marked out and mulched my future shrub beds! I'm so happy I could cry :D

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Hello Ladies,

Hope everyone had a great weekend. :coffee

I finished my green gingham quilt!!! :clap Hooray!!

Everyone loves it, and I'm very proud of it. :U


Last week, I left my job due to childcare issues. So I've been a little sad and lost lately. Since I finished the quilt, I need to find another project that I can get lost in. I like to crochet when I'm stressed.

So, I'm on the look out for something new.


I hope you all have a great week.. I'm off to find some inspiration.


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Morning, everyone. It's sunshiny out today. I just have one block of squares to finish crocheting for the puppy cuddle and four blocks to join. Then it's the border and it will be done. This weekend helped the cuddle on it's way big time.

Kimberly, congratulations on finishing the gingham. Can we see pictures, please? And good for you for sticking up for your motherhood. Our little ones need us, too.

I'm off to the doctor's again this afternoon to see what, if anything, the xrays of my ribs showed.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Good luck at the doctor :hug


Kim - Grats on finishing :clap Yes, pictures please :D I think you'll soon find you're busier at home than you ever were at work :yes


Oh goodness it's not morning anymore is it? It's noon already! Where does the time go? Monday's are my busy day. Cleaning up after any mess BD made over the weekend :lol

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Thanks guys for the support... :hug This is not the first time I've left a job due to family needs, but it's always hard on me (I enjoy the adult interaction, you know what I mean..) :)


So, I've been up going thru my pattern books, on line websites and I'm still looking.:think


But.. here's the thing - I know I wanna make an afghan.


1) I would like it to be in pieces (easier to take with..) and join later.

2) I would like to use some variegated yarn I have in stash (it's got blues,creams, and browns) :yarn :yarn :yarn

3) Prefer a twin bed-size afghan.


Do you think any of Cara's quilt patterns would work with variegated yarn? :think


As an alternate - I can always make a scrap yarn afghan.. :crocheting


I'm open to all & any advice.



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Do you plan on using other colors with the variegated, or just that one? If you have other colors, there are tons of possiblities.


I agree wholeheartedly :yes Using a variegated with solids would work out really nicely.

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Trip around the world sounds like a good one. (Can be made any shape)


Even the Man-ghan. :yes


Yep, I was thinking the Man-ghan, too :yes Don't have that one up but it's pretty straight forward and it's all solids.


I think my next one is gonna be a Trip Around the World, btw :)

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Hi Ladies. I feel like it's been forever since I've been here - but it was just yesterday morning. :lol Hope everyone had a good weekend!


Linda, I hope everything is okay and that the Dr. has good news. :hug You are so close to finishing the puppy ghan. :hook


Hi Kim~Good for you for finishing the gingham!


Cara, I love the ATW that Julie B. made. What colors are you thinking about? And YAY for BD getting your yard cleaned up for you. :yes


Our Brunch was heavenly...for two hours I felt like I was on vacation. :c9 Then it was back to the real world. ;)

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Kimberly, there are lots of Cara's patterns that can be done with variegated as one of the colors.

I'm back from the doctor and running errands. Nothing showed up on the x-rays so now I have to get a CT scan done. Sigh! Something is causing the pain, but it doesn't match up with anything at the moment.

Mary, your brunch sounds heavenly.

I went to the library and rented some books on CD and one hardcover, "The Penguin That Knew Too Much" I'm only a few pages into it, but it has the makings of a very funny mystery.

John's getting ready to fly to Canada for the week. Leaves early tomorrow and not back until sometime Saturday.

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Howdy doody everyone


I have Mum wanting to make saltines now. Not sure how long it will last but anyway, I have left her with one so she can see what needs to be done.


Kim congrats on finishing your ghan, the trip around the world is a good one to do, might suggest it for my Mum as well.


Linda hope they find out whats causing the pain. Wow you were quick with the puppy cuddle.


I think I would like to do a trip around the world as my next saltine project but make it like Julie B did. Does anyone have the pattern for that one. I need to get the picture quilt finished first.

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Mary - Think I'm gonna use all the Vanna's Choice I got for Christmas for the TAW :lol I got lots of different colors but not enough to do a ghan from one color so the TAW should be a good choice :yes


Wendy - The TAW is gonna be my next one. Gotta work up a pattern this week :yes

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Oh Linda, I hope they figure out what's wrong soon! :hug When do you go in for the scan?


Wendy, keep us posted on your Mom's square making. :hook


Cara, I love your idea of using Vanna's yarn for the TAW. :yes I keep calling it the ATW for "around the world." :lol


I've been happily making squares this evening. Sure haven't accomplished much with my hook lately.

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Hi everyone.. so this 'trip around the world' or 'around the world' ghan has sparked some interest. I've searched online and saw some very nice pics.


I'd like to find the 'recipe' for this ghan.. you know... so many ounces of this, so many ounces of that... even if it's only an approximate. So I'm still looking.


Then -

My dd saw Cara's love letters crochet quilt and said she liked it. I wonder, this pattern... how would the heart shape look in a variegated yarn??


I have some pink camo skeins-that I've promised to this dd to use for her own personally picked project. This maybe another project???


Still thinking... would like any opinions on the variegated hearts for the Love Letter ghan.



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