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Our House [Archive 3]


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Wendy ~ I am so sorry about your Mum's cat. :( We have fretted and worried over our pets as if they were real children, so I totally understand. Wish we were closer for a real hug. :hug


Tracy, thank you. Sometimes I forget that I can't do as much as I used to. How are your projects coming along? :yarn

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I'll be back to doing saltines shortly I've just got the border to do on the tester project that I'm doing well off to finish up... not bad considering I started it last week and I'm done..

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Wendy - I'm so very sorry for Beau :( What is FIP? That's not one I'm familiar with. I sure hope it's not genetic. They do become like children don't they? I get so worried about mine, I know :hug


Mary - Yes, you deserve a nice break after all the hard work you've done of late :hug


The man ghan is zipping right along. I'm finally getting into it. I've made about 100 squares since Friday :yes Back to it :hook

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My Mum's cat has been diagnosed with FIP and there is no cure so yesterday was not a good day. All you can do is give him pallative care for now. Mum's cat is the brother of my 2 cats.

Wendy, I'm so sorry to hear that your kitty is sick. I hope the palliative stuff keeps him happy and comfortable. :hug :hug :hug

The man ghan is zipping right along. I'm finally getting into it. I've made about 100 squares since Friday :yes Back to it :hook

Wow!!! You're really going on this one.


I started out to make squares for the puppy ghan and just couldn't get into it today. I was very tired and they just wouldn't make themselves like they usually do. I finally gave up and started the second panel of the fuzzy brown poncho. That went much better. I think Kim & I were both recouperating from all the company we've been having. It was a quiet day for both of us.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Sunny - Great progress :clap


K - That would look great I think :yes I really like making modern looking things. I don't use them for the house but I do like making them :lol Thanks for the compliment :hug


I have 6 rows of blocks done on the ghan now. This has been a very productive few days. Only 3 more sets to go :clap

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Good morning, everyone. It is sunny and warm out today. I got a good nights sleep last night and feel much more rested.

So far today I'm working on the poncho. It's coming along nicely. I know I'll get back to squares soon, but it's kind of nice to work on something else now and then.:crocheting

I'm going to fix some soup for lunch. Chicken with potatoes, carrots, corn, green beans, onions, mushrooms and whatever else is handy. And spices, of course. One of those toss in a little of whatever is on hand soups. :lol I think there is a little left over venison meatloaf in the refrigerator too. I might throw that in as well. :lol

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Mary, projects coming along ok. Finished a ghan this morning, a turtle this evening and almost finished a test pattern for somebody, just need to do the border and put on a button. That will be 3 things finished today. :woo The bus cuddle is looking cute and now that DD is in bed, I can do the few rows on her birthday ghan. :)

Linda, sounds like a good day and that sounds like the soup we used to get at boarding school. :lol

Cara, your man ghan is going fast! Do you have your next project worked out yet?

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Cara, your man ghan is going fast! Do you have your next project worked out yet?


Not really. I'm thinking I'm gonna work on some of the shorter projects I have in mind. I'm kinda having a need for more speedy gratification :lol

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Hi ladies. Our power was off this a.m. with more storms. :( Then my DSL was messed up for a while, but all is well now.


Sunny, you are doing great! I can't remember if you told us - are you making it for yourself or a gift?


Tracy, you have accomplished a lot. :hook


Linda, I love just about any kind of soup...sounds good. :yes


Cara~Just noticed your signature line. I had great aunts named Patience and Thankful. :lol

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Perhaps that comes from working on the MAN ghan. :devil




I sent a very dirty child home today. Was I evil? :devil I let him play in the sand out back almost the whole time he was here. He was only supposed to stay for half an hour, they picked him an hour and a half later and I had only just brought him in to wash his hands. :D Maybe they will sort out the back garden now. :yes

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I have been slack with my saltines lately. Im a naughty girl. But then its my fault for having so many projects on the go I guess.


Well gotta get to work, boy work sure gets in the way of my crocheting.

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I sent a very dirty child home today. Was I evil? :devil I let him play in the sand out back almost the whole time he was here. He was only supposed to stay for half an hour, they picked him an hour and a half later and I had only just brought him in to wash his hands. :D Maybe they will sort out the back garden now. :yes

I love it! Congratulations on getting so much done.

Mary, you sure have been hit with the storms so far this year. Glad everything is working again.

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Hi ladies. Our power was off this a.m. with more storms. :( Then my DSL was messed up for a while, but all is well now.


Sunny, you are doing great! I can't remember if you told us - are you making it for yourself or a gift?


Tracy, you have accomplished a lot. :hook


Linda, I love just about any kind of soup...sounds good. :yes


Cara~Just noticed your signature line. I had great aunts named Patience and Thankful. :lol


for once i'm making something for myself :clap

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Good morning, everyone. It's partly sunny and partly cloudy today. Our pollen count is still outrageously high. Makes for scratchy throats, dry or watery eyes, drippy noses, stuffy heads and coughing. But it's the tag end of the season, so it can't last too much longer.

I got almost halfway on the second panel for my poncho yesterday. Not too bad for the day.

Shelly, I didn't realize how close you and Wendy are in the Smackdown. Wow! You're both over half way to the goal. Good for you!


Krystal ~ 11 bi-colors and 14 solids for me.

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Hi Ladies. :) I am on battery power...more storms going on and are supposed to last a good part of the day. :storm Maybe we'll move to Alaska - I don't think they have tornados. :lol This is sure keeping us from finishing DD's yard in time for her graduation Sat. :(


Sunny~Good for you! I'm glad you are making something for yourself. :hook


Linda, great progress on the poncho. :yes


I joined two more rows for the blue gingham last night and may work on it more today, since I'm not about to get out in this weather.

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