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Our House [Archive 3]


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Linda its not fair when house work and errands get in the way of crocheting is it.

Absolutely NOT! Have a good night.

I couldn't sleep last night because of the storms, so I got the Ohio Star yarn and started on squares for the 3rd block. (The first two were finished in the Spring...of 2007 :blush) Then the power went out, sirens were going, and it finally calmed down about 5 a.m. Our power just came back on and the yard is a total mess, but no major damage. There is a big tree down the street - in the street. Off to rake and sweep I go...

Poor Mary. Thank goodness the tree is in the street and not on someone's house or car. You have really been hit with the storms this spring. Mother nature has sure been throwing a lot of tantrums this spring. :yell:thair:yell

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Oh wow! Y'all are getting hit hard this week. It's been relatively quite at our end of the interstate. Lots of thunder and lightning for a bit last night but it didn't last long. The wind was howling through the attic like the joint was haunted by a legion of ghosts but that's it. Glad you're safe :hug


Wendy - I love that color scheme! I really like yellow and red together :yes In fact I was gonna make red and yellow version of the nature blocks for my living room but I just might have to make the BB instead :yes


K - Not going anywhere big. It's just my day out and I have tons to do because I haven't gone out in three weeks :eek I really need to make a list so I don't forget anything. Biggest thing is finding a b-day gift for my MIL. I want it to be something special :manyheart


Okay, gotta git mah rear in gear. Later chicas :ghug

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Wendy- Great Job!


Mary- I'm glad you are ok. It looks like that line of storms is headed towards Alabama for Tonight and Friday. They are all ready talking about the possibility of tornadoes!

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Mary- I'm glad you are ok. It looks like that line of storms is headed towards Alabama for Tonight and Friday. They are all ready talking about the possibility of tornadoes!

Daphne, it looks like we are going to get them on Friday and Saturday. Although the way my knee feels, it might well be sooner.

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Cara, I hope you're having a fun day out and find lots of good stuff. :shop


Linda~5th block! Super progress. :hook


Wendy, the sirens are emergency sirens located around our cities. We were under tornado warnings, so they went off several times during that time.


Daphne and Linda, I'll keep my fingers crossed that they don't make it that far.


Enough manual labor for one day.:garden It's turned into a beautiful sunny day, but windy. We were really lucky not to have had any real damage. :yes

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Had a good day so far until I wrenched my hip getting into the car at HL :( My poor sister went "What was that pop?" I answered, "Me!" :lol She and the Boy have an appointment so I'm icing myself for the next go 'round :D

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Had a good day so far until I wrenched my hip getting into the car at HL :( My poor sister went "What was that pop?" I answered, "Me!" :lol She and the Boy have an appointment so I'm icing myself for the next go 'round :D

Oh, Cara. Hope the ice helps very quickly. Please take good care of yourself, fearless leader. :crocheting

Kim and I are home from running errands. Got a lot done in just 2 hours.

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Thank you, ladies! :) Since I have Photobucket open, here is what I got done on the Ohio Star Variant before my cuddle quilt marathon started. :lol I'm working on it again, so will have more squares to report before long. :crocheting



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Morning everyone


Mary your projects are just amazing. Love the border on the gingham and the flower quilt is just beautiful. Your Ohio start is just stunning.


Cara you poor thing, hope your ok. Does it hurt much, hope the ice helped a bit.

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Two projects finished this past week! Thank you Cara and Leslie for sharing your patterns. Thank you Tabby for the border instructions. :manyheart








WOW, those are both so beautiful! :clap Awesome job, I love that bottom one. :manyheart


And your welcome. ;)


Thank you, ladies! :) Since I have Photobucket open, here is what I got done on the Ohio Star Variant before my cuddle quilt marathon started. :lol I'm working on it again, so will have more squares to report before long. :crocheting




Beautiful, your items are just stunning. :cheer

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Hello, everyone!


Wow, so many wonderful pics since I was last on. Everyone's ghans look great!


No much going on my way. We had really nice weather, finally, over the weekend so I spent most of it outside with my DD. We've both been a little stir crazy so it was nice to get out. Then Monday she woke up with a fever. Today was her first day without a fever. Hopefully, whatever this was doesn't hit me or DH.


Krystal - 22 solids and 11 bi-colors for me please.

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A big Thank You for all the nice comments. :manyheart


Brenda, I hope your DD is okay. It's so hard when the little ones are sick. :c9 Great progress on your squares! I've not used variegated for the squares, but a few months ago Julie B. used some in her Around the World ghan and it was gorgeous. I'll try a search for it...

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