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Our House [Archive 3]


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Morning everyone..

I've been working on my sage and white gingham. I've complete 4 rows.. :clap

I tried to post a pic.. but.. I can't seem to get it done right. :think


Today, due to change in the winds..we are in a blanket of vog (volcanic fog). It is really bad so I'm heading out of the house to seek air-conditioned shelter. I'm taking two bags of WIP's!!!


Hubby said to bring our evacuation kit..(you know, water, MRE's, meds..) All I thought about.... "Hum, how many crochets :yarn stuff can I fit in this duffel bag!":hook Seems - one bag is not enough, so I've got two bags. :devil


Were not in danger...I'm asthmatic and the sulfur dioxide levels is really high.


Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to crochet.. I mean..off to seek shelter. ;)

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Morning everyone..

I've been working on my sage and white gingham. I've complete 4 rows.. :clap

Today, due to change in the winds..we are in a blanket of vog (volcanic fog). It is really bad so I'm heading out of the house to seek air-conditioned shelter. I'm taking two bags of WIP's!!!


Hubby said to bring our evacuation kit..(you know, water, MRE's, meds..) All I thought about.... "Hum, how many crochets :yarn stuff can I fit in this duffel bag!":hook Seems - one bag is not enough, so I've got two bags. :devil


Were not in danger...I'm asthmatic and the sulfur dioxide levels is really high.

Kimberly, hope the air clears up very fast. That does NOT sound like fun. Good luck getting to shelter. Happy crocheting. :hug

Good afternoon. I hope you are all having a great day. I haven't been able to crochet much. I have had that horrible flu/cold that is going around.

Rachel, hope you are feeling better now. That flu/cold stuff is NO fun. :hug

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Kim - Atta girl! Pack the WIPs first. :tup Forget silly stuff like meds and food :lol


Rachel - Oh that cold thing is nasty. We kept passing it back and forth for two months between two households. Glad it's over and I hope yours passes quickly too :hug


Of course, I haven't crocheted yet today. I had to have my nap first :D

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Hi ladies. Ta Da! The flower quilt border is finished. :hook I'm going to take a break and start on the gingham border.

Fantastic, Mary!!! Way to go!!! :yay:clap:yay

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Hi ladies. Ta Da! The flower quilt border is finished. :hook I'm going to take a break and start on the gingham border.


Woo hoo! :woo We'll have pictures soon I take it? :D

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Thank you Linda and Cara! Gee, I didn't know I posted twice earlier. :think


The first sc border row is finished and my right hand is sore, so maybe it will be finished tomorrow. :crocheting

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40 rows and a border to go yet. Last night at work I had to pull out 10 rows to fix an error.:angry:angry But it's fixed now, so onward and upward!!--Colleenpic?id=5490riuOQ5BDyJX5xAhydcm9avWpN71yu6Rm&size=m


Your work is beautiful, Colleen. Thanks for sharing! :manyheart

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Thanks you so much! It's so much fun following everyone's blankets and seeing all the beautiful work. I have enjoyed this website so much since joining. I've gotten involved in the charity crochets, shared some of my work and I'm just loving all the kindness and wonderful people I've run into here!:manyheart



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Howdy doody everyone.


I have been doing saltines for my picture quilt.


Colleen your quilt is just amazing. :clap


Mary congratulations on finishing the flower quilt.:yay


Cara I have to tell you that my Mum took the Penguin quilt to her bowling league and this lady absolutely adored the pattern and how I had made it. She bought it. I hope this is ok. She loved it so much she wants to try to do one herself and so I gave her your website address and told her all about the beautiful patterns you have on there. Mum will let me know how she goes.

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Thank you! Al the credit for the color choices goes to my sister in West Virginia. I can't match colors (luckily I have uniforms for work or I'd be one of those people that others point at and laugh!:D) so when I pick out a pattern, I email it to her and she tells me what colors would look good. We've already got the next pattern picked out for when I get this done. I think I'm gonna tackle the 6 to 24 point RR. :hook



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Good Morning, ladies. :stormHail, wind and heavy rain started about 1:30 a.m. It finally let up about 4, so I went back to sleep until 8. No damage that I can see, but will need to have someone look at the roof just in case. :think


Wendy, that is so neat about the Penguin quilt! :yes I think Cara's rules about selling state that we don't mass produce and sell large quantities or sell the patterns.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Oh how cool is that! :yay Heck yeah it's okay. Set you up a shop at the bowling alley :D You can sell all you want. I just don't want someone taking a pattern and running a sweatshop :P So unless you plan on putting Emma and Kelly to work crocheting 18 hours a day for $2 a day then knock yerself out :D


Colleen - I must confess I actually have the same problem you do with color. But I too have a sister that has an amazing talent for color and she takes me yarn shopping :lol


Mary - Wow. Y'all got it bad. All it did was rain here. Hope the roof didn't take any damage.


Okay, I'm really gonna crochet today. I swear. Gonna sit here and watch TV and crochet all day. I only have four rows (that's 72 saltines) to go on the Amish panel. I really wanna get this done and laundered so I can send it to K tomorrow :yay

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Wow, Mary, you have really had the storms lately. Hope that one doesn't come our way. We're supposed to have sunshine until Friday. At least that is what the weatherman said.

I've been working puzzles from the newspaper so far this morning. Have to fold and put away clothes soon. And fix lunch. Then I can crochet. I've got about 16 squares to crochet for the next block of the Painted Desert. That will be block 5. This thing is 20% done. Rosie and John love it. So do I.

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