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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good Morning, everyone. :) I hope you all had a nice weekend.


Cara, your trip to Austin sounds great. :yes Let's see...you're planning Thanksgiving and Wendy has a Christmas countdown in her signature. Oh and Linda may have access to a turkey. :lol


Tabby, that is such a pretty pattern! "Rustic Autumn" is a great name. :yes

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Good Morning, everyone. :) I hope you all had a nice weekend.


Cara, your trip to Austin sounds great. :yes Let's see...you're planning Thanksgiving and Wendy has a Christmas countdown in her signature. Oh and Linda may have access to a turkey. :lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl I have to keep reminding myself to leave room in the budget for actual food. :lol :lol

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Cara, your trip to Austin sounds great. :yes Let's see...you're planning Thanksgiving and Wendy has a Christmas countdown in her signature. Oh and Linda may have access to a turkey. :lol

:rofl :rofl :rofl

The turkey turned out to be a 20 pounder. It's in our freezer now. Guess that means John plans on us eating it. He shot it while it was on the fly. First one he ever shot.


I started on a poncho using the fancy yarn Kim's aunt, Cynthia, got me at Easter. Working with the fancy stuff is interesting. I can't really see where the stitch goes. I'm working more or less be feel. I'm using the black and brown fuzzy yarns. It's really soft. I like the look and feel of it. I have 3 of 14 pattern repeats done on the first panel. 2 panels needed for the poncho. It's going really fast now that I've got the pattern figured out. There was a mistake in the pattern that threw me for a while. :crocheting

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Hi ladies. Today turned into another yard day, since it's supposed to rain on and off for the next 3 days. I planted some annual herbs and two more pots of flowers. :flower


I'm determined to get the borders on the two ghans this week. :yes


Hope everyone is having a great day!

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I was gonna crochet all afternoon but I got a bad case of Magpie Syndrome again. You know, distracted by shiny objects :lol I've been struggling for two years about how to decorate this house. I am getting ready to toss old magazines because they've built up too much. Started going through to get recipes but decided I would do the thing I always hear decorators on TV say. Rip out pages with pictures of styles you like and then go through them and a style will appear. I never thought that would work but darned if it didn't :D


6 outta 8 rooms in the house are painted yellow. I was so ticked because that's not what I picked. I keep railing against the yellow but guess what color the walls were in about every picture I picked? That's right...yellow :lol So now I have a great idea of what will work. Poor BD though. He hates when I decide to redecorate :lol :lol

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Oooh, I HATE yellow, Cara. I'd go insane if my house were painted that color inside. Or outside, for that matter.


Now see usually I do too. But the outside and inside of the house is yellow. The guy we bought it from got a good deal on yellow :lol It's quite a mellow yellow so it's okay. But probably next year the Happy Yellow House will actually be green :D

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I was going to clean my house today too, Cara. I had a case of "Spring Fever", though. Instead of cleaning, I got out the rake and cleaned out the remaining flower beds by my house. Then I got out the chainsaw (:eek YIKES!) and cut down some of the scrubby pine trees and cruddy trees in our side wooded lot. I then dragged them all up the hill to the burn pile. That was MY exercise today!


And now I'm actually knitting away. I'm making me a basketweave dishcloth. I love that pattern, and I figure it will be good practice for me. My MIL has a great knitted pattern called "Spa Cloth" that she is going to let me borrow. I might enlarge the pattern/texture and try it on my Lion Suede and make it into a throw for myself. If I start it now, maybe I'll finish it someday! LOL!

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Cara, my bedroom/living area is light yellow. I love it because it's such a cheerful color. Then I decorated with lots of silk plants. It's like a sunny day outside.

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Cara have fun redecorating the house. I reckon you should dedicate one wall in one room to saltines. You can rule up one of your patterns on the wall with all the squares and paint it up like the saltines. How cool would that be.


Mary its great weather for you to spend time in the garden isnt it. I bet you just love the spring weather.


Linda wow you caught a turkey, are you going to eat it soon or keep it for xmas. Im one of these people that cant see a live thing and then eat it. Im hopeless like that. If I buy a chicken from the shops it has to be all cut up into pieces. I cant have a full chicken sitting there on the table.


Krystal wow you sure have been busy in the garden. Do you have a big block.

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Wendy - by block you mean the amount of land we have? To some we have a lot - it's 3 acres (do you use acres there?) with is about 450' wide x 150' deep. The thing is that we're surrounded on 3 sides by wooded property that other people own, so I don't really have neighbors except the one. She's a "BAD WORD" so that's part of what we did was to plant 3' pine trees between her yard and mine so I don't have to see her ever.

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Good morning, everyone. It's still overcast here. The azaleas are coming into bloom now. The pollen count is getting higher every day. Today is rated 9.2 out of 12. Temp is supposed to get up to almost 70, but it has a long way to go, as it's only about 52 now and no sun in sight.


Wendy, the turkey is frozen in one piece, minus all the innards, feathers, etc. Cutting one up doesn't bother me in the least. I grew up on a farm where we raised chickens for sale. So every summer when they got big enough to eat we caught them, plucked them, and readied them for the people buying them by cutting them up in the pieces you like. It's very, very hard to get emotionally attached to a chicken. They are way too ornary and feisty for that. One year we raised geese, too. They were even worse. They would try to bite us. Nasty, messy birds.


Krystal, planting all those pines should make a good privacy fence in a while. Lilacs would be good, too. At least in the spring, summer, and fall.

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Linda - I can't WAIT until my chickies hatch and I can get rid of my rooster. That darned thing is SO NASTY!!! My hens are much nicer, as long as you don't try to take their eggs while they're on them.


As for the trees, we want a year-round hedge since my neighbor decided to put up this parking-lot style light at the top of her barn and it shines right into my bedroom. ALL NIGHT. She never turns it off! I complained to the town, but it's a small town and it seems her house pays more taxes than mine (and she knows someone), so they decided it "wasn't really a nuisance" in their minds. Hah! 1,500 watts shining in my bedroom all night! They told me I should get shades to draw, but that doesn't help much in the summer when the windows are open!


Anyway, enough venting.

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Krystal wow you have a lot of space there. I think the pine trees would be a great way to block the view of your neighbour and as for her light being on all night, doesnt she know that we are trying to conserve energy to save the planet. What you do is hang a big mirror there so that the light reflects back into her place, see how she likes it. Just a thought.


Im going to bed soon, so I shall say goodnight and have a great day everyone.

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Good Morning all. :) Wow, it's been busy here already!


Tabby, looking forward to pictures later. :yes


Cara and Linda ~ I love yellows, too...especially that pale buttery color.


Krystal~Great idea for a new CAL!


I'm staying home ALL day and playing catch up. Then it's crochet time. :hook

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - A saltine wall :scrachin No, I think BD would finally have me committed :lol But I do plan quite a few crochet items for the redo. Gotta try to keep the cost under control :blush


Krystal - That's quite a bit of property. My sister just sold her 2.5 acres. After watching my poor BIL and nephew take care of that property we got a house on a truncated city lot :lol Almost no backyard at all. Decent front yard though and BD got it mowed in 30 minutes last night. Usually only takes 15-20 but it was the first mow of the season and he had some little bit of overgrowth in spots. A mirror shined back at her sounds like a grand idea :lol


Linda - Oh geese are evil! My great grandparents had chickens, pigs, cows and geese. The geese would follow us around and peck at the backs of our knees! We were always asking Grandma if we couldn't have goose for supper instead of chicken :devil Alas, goose was saved for Christmas :lol


Okay, I have got to get on the stick today with this Amish lapghan. I can't believe how long this thing is taking me. Only 5 rows left. Hopefully it'll be done by Thursday and I can send it out :hook

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