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Our House [Archive 1]


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Hi all. We've had rain almost all day - about 5" at our house! I was lucky to be able to stay in today. :yes I did a little crocheting and some catching up on other things.

Linda, I'm glad everything went well at the doctors. I hope you're okay. :manyheart

Hi Julie ~ How are you doing on the Woven Blocks? (Please say you are almost done, so Arnold can go away.) :lol

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Good Morning Everyone! :)


How is everyone on this fine day??


Too cheery for me, huh? :lol :lol


Whacha up to, Tab....:eek

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Never too cheery, hon :hug Glad to see it :yes I'm doing just fabulous! Almost have the second block on my Big Top done :yay I'd probably be done if I could quit gabbing :blush:lol

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Never too cheery, hon :hug Glad to see it :yes I'm doing just fabulous! Almost have the second block on my Big Top done :yay I'd probably be done if I could quit gabbing :blush:lol


You don't know me well enough then, huh? :lol :lol :devil:lol :lol


I wanted to get something accomplished too & vowed that i'de keep my face outta this puter but i'm just to worried that i'll miss something good. :lol

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I wanted to get something accomplished too & vowed that i'de keep my face outta this puter but i'm just to worried that i'll miss something good. :lol


Ditto :lol

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I'm off to see my FIL...so any crocheting will have to wait till this evening:(


Another day of the 3 H's...hazy, hot and humid...UGH!

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:rain Good morning! Everyone sounds good today. :) Other than a dental appt. later this a.m., I'm doing great. ;)


I only have 2 more rows on the Bus ghan and am so excited about it. I'm still thinking about the border color.:think

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Hi Wendy, your new avatar is so cute. I've always loved roadrunners. :yes


Tabby ~ you sound like you're in a great mood today and a little :devil too! :lol I know how hard it is to decide on a pattern when there are so many out there. Had you thought of a round ripple or star? I know they go pretty fast...Good luck deciding. :hug

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Hi Mary! :)


I have thought of everything. The problem is......my Mom wants something really perdy that will be saved (heirloomy like) but also functional. I found one in Crochet Today that I love but I don't think it'de be functional. Very pretty but holey too. :( Let me see if I can get the pic. to give ya an idea. Maybe you gals would think it's more functional then I do or maybe it'de give ya an idea of what i'm looking for. Be back.....

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Good morning, y'all. We had some rain yesterday, late afternoon. One short cloudburst lasting about 10 minutes and then about an hour and a half later another lasting about 30 minutes. :2rain We'll take anything we can get. It's sunny and calm today.:sun

I'm working away on the train. I've got all the special squares for the mouth and eye crocheted. LOTS of tails to hide on them. But I think the affect will be well worth the bother. And there are only 8 of them, so that's not that bad. Will definately have a picture to share by Friday.:photo

Sounds like everyone is in high spirits today. Have a great day! Happy crocheting! :hook

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Sorry Wendy, I wasn't ignoring ya. I just saw your post. I bet that books full of beautiful patterns. :yes I don't particularly care for the puff stitch though, it takes too much time. It's very perdy thoguh just when someone else does it. :lol



Here is the ghan I want/wanted to do.


Here it is in pink cause that's what i'de be using.




And here's a close up to show how holey it is. Kinda looks like a tablecloth.




Any ideas or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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