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So Wendy

I know you have other afghans started with small squares too. Are you getting burnt out at all on the squares or still raring to go making more ?


You have certainly been an inspiration to keep at such a big project nonstop for so long .

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Thanks Julie, I love making these squares so much I have been making the dishcloths with small squares. I just finished another one. So yes Im still raring to go. I want to make a cuddle ghan but I want the casa to at least be finished before I start one.


Julie what project are you doing at the moment.

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At this VERY moment ?


I look like Sir Edmund Hillary when he was first standing at the bottom of Mount Everest . Only MY mountain is yarn .


Think I'll take some loads of it to the senior center today .


As far as projects - I think I will concentrate on The Woven Blocks and see if I can ACTUALLY finish it this time . :lol

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Julie you can finish the woven blocks. yes you can I think you can no I know you can.:yes

YES, JULIE!!! If you do nothing else, you should finish that. The colors are so beautiful!

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I am so not into cleaning and laundry and would much rather be visiting with you all. :yes


Julie ~ I love your quilt avatar.


Wendy ~ Cara's Cuddle Quilts are wonderful, aren't they? And Linda T.'s train is so cute. :hook

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TY Wendy...:manyheart I love looking at it here...I'll miss it when I give it to our niece!


When I finish the border I'll think about using that pic....

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Hey guys

If any of you lived closer, I'd say come on over and take what you want, but honestly, the shipping on this much yarn would be in the hundreds .


Wendy- nope, out of all that yarn , i don't have any of the Brites ,which is hard to believe ! I don't buy that real often ,so it's mostly

RedHeart .


I'd like to donate it to a charity on here, but like i said the shipping would be astronomical .


I think the ladies at the senior apartments may like it . I also have extra hooks to give them ,so they will be well stocked for the rest of this decade . :)

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I wasn't going to post any more pictures of my Casablanca quilt until it was finished. But last night I finished the last squares and sewed them on. So I had to post a photo. You can read my livejournal post and see the picture here: http://thropots.livejournal.com/108400.html


All I have left is the border, and I have a week-and-a-half to finish that before we leave for Colorado for the wedding. I'm so excited to be this close to finishing. I guess I will have to decide what my next crochet project will be. I have so many projects that I want to make...

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Good morning ladies :flower


Julie - You might be surprised how many of those older folks still crochet :yes I was shocked myself when I contact the Gifts for Grannies. One of the things they want is yarn and hooks (most of them are crocheters, how cool is that?). So I'm buying them on sale when I find them and I'll make a bunch of the hook holders up and add those to the pile. Good for you for sharing :hug And YES you CAN get that woven blocks done :cheer You have a great color combo going and it's all solid colors square so that helps :wink


Wendy - I see you, too have become seduced by the little squares. Welcome to the club :hug I missed my quilts so much while making dishcloths even though I love making dishcloths :lol


Judy - Yes, your bear is fabulous :manyheart Am I the only one that sometimes seriously considers making something else for someone when what you had in mind came out really good? :lol Sometimes they're just hard to let go of!


Have most of my book read for the Whodunnit? thread. Pretty good book so far and it's picking up speed!


Then I'm gonna split my day between the Big Top and that Yeah, Uh-Huh You'll Finish a Bedspread Sometime This Decade Bedspread :lol


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Mary - Your bus ghan looks fabulous!! :clap:cheer I hate that weaving, too :yes Worst part but it's alway worth it in the end. I just do one row, weave, sew, attach then go on to the next one. Doesn't seem that overwhelming that way. Lot better than when I did the very first one (Blackford) I made all the squares for the entire afghan then started sewing them together!! :eek At least I did the ends every 25 squares or so or it would still be a WIP :lol


I think weaving in the ends is probably the LEAST fun thing about these squares. I found a way to try and minimize the number of ends that I have to weave. My "secret" joining methed is to leave a very long tail on each square and use that for joining it to the quilt. A 12-14in tail is long enough to joing two sides of a square to the quilt, and then I don't have the additional ends of the joining yarn to weave in when I'm done.


I have to do a little more planning for the bi-color squares. Sometime I use a long tail of one color, sometimes slightly shorter tails of both colors. Those require me to know how that square is being placed in order plan which color to leave as the joining tail.


I only make about 8 -16 squares before I stop and sew them together. I work in small sections rather than rows. That keeps me from being over-whelmed by the sewing and weaving process. It also helps me see how much progress I am making on the total quilt and keeps me from having to count all those squres to make sure I have enough.

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