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Our House [Archive 1]


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Hi Everyone!

I know I haven't been around here for quite awhile and I finally decided to drop by and let you know I am going to drop out of this friendly group. I have just been too busy outdoors in my garden :flower and with everything else that has been going on in the beautiful weather :sun to spend much time on the computer.


I will still be around crochetville but focusing on my swap commitments for the summer. Hugs to all of you :hug and I hope you are successful with your projects. I will spend my little free time sitting on my front porch crocheting :hook.


Hi Jackie ~ Please don't be a stranger...let us know how you're doing! :)

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart I hope you are all having a good morning. I need to go to the store and then see MIL...and hopefully crochet some today!


Tabby, the Bus Ghan is a lot of fun. I'm sure Julie will make an exception on the SKY CAL for you; after all it is one of Cara's patterns. :devil

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Good morning, all. I'm up. We've got new neighbors moving in next door. Their driveway is almost as steep as ours (45 degrees) so the van is parked at the foot and the guys are having to carry everything up the incline to get to the house. I feel sorry for them.:yes

Jackie, hope you enjoy your summer. We'll be here when things quit being so nice outside. :hug

Mary, can't wait to see the bus ghan come to life from the top down.:yay

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Good morning ladies :flower


Jackie - Yep, we'll probably still be hanging around here :lol Drop by during those winter doldrums we'll probably be very chatty then :lol


Mary - Have a nice day with MIL :manyheart


Linda - Oh those poor fellows. For some reason I always take folks like that something to drink. I don't know why I do this, I'm a little nuts is my suspicion :lol We saw some poor schlub the other day having to hold a placard for one of the fabric stores that are closing down (WAH!!! btw) on the busiest street in town in 90 degree heat and humidity. Sissy and I took him a Coke :D Like I said....nuts :loco

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Hi everyone, just a quick hello before I go to bed.


Just watched Prisonbreak gee thats a great show.


Jackie have fun this summer and please come and say hello.


Mary hows the bus ghan coming along.


I havent done anything on my amish or casa this week. They are the 2 biggest projects that I need to get cracking on.


But for now Im going to bed. Have a great day everyone.

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So, I'm doing Spring Cleaning right? Under the guise of cleaning out my studio...okay it's really just where I store my craft supplies but it has an easel and stuff :lol I was going through old magazines that I've lugged around for years. I found a bunch of old back issues of Crochet Fantasy, Magic Crochet, Annie's Crochet to Go, etc etc etc.....heck I even found old hard copy patterns of my Grannimals :lol I didn't even know I had any of those left......just a little nostalgia here while I take a break.....as you were :manyheart

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Cara, it sounds like you're having fun and finding treasures! :)


I've been home for a while and logged on, but this site was acting funny and wouldn't let me post?! I'm about to finish stitching the first four rows of the Bus ghan together. :yay

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Mary, WTG!! Can't wait for pictures!


Cara, finding all those old pattern books in MY house would have resulted in a complete halt to any cleaning! Have fun looking through them...

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Oh, what fun, Cara. I'm with Judi. Finding all those old editions would be the end of my cleaning. I'd be way too busy looking through them for anything else.:devil:devil:devil

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Y'all think there was cleaning after finding those? Pfft. I don't think so :D There was even a LA leaflet in there that I bought when I was 17!! I remember I was 17 because I made the dog in it (loved stuffies even then :yes) for my sister's 14th b-day. I was 17 many, many moons ago :lol


Man oh man what a pack rat I am :lol Really it's just magazine. I'm horrible about mags. I never throw them out. These CFs were from the 90s :blush


Oh well, just more stuff to add to that ever growing WIM list :manyheart


Mary - The bus ghan is looking great!! Zoe loves everything Mommy makes :manyheart

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Mary, that looks terrific!!:yay

...isn't it something how cats notice ANYTHING that's different in their environment?:)

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Thank you, Ladies! It seems like forever since I had anything to show. :blush

DH is so sweet...as much travelling as he does, he still likes to grill something when he gets home. So my part of dinner is easy!


Yes, Zoe may be the reason I have to keep all WIPs in a closed closet or room, but she loves to have her picture on the web. :lol

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Oh, Mary, I LIKE that a LOT! :yay :yay :yay

Cara, I inherited a bunch of patterns and Workbasket magazines from my grandmother. They are from the 40's and 50's. I can spend hours and hours going through them.:manyheart

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Morning Everyone! :)


Julie ~ The sky color is just RHSS Light Blue. I bought my yarn before Cara showed us her finished ghan and I think her Country Blue sky is what I'll use next time! :yes


Thank you, Linda! Are you all ready for your trip? I hope you have a wonderful time. :manyheart


Hi Tabby!

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