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Our House [Archive 2]


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Well I'm glad I could remind everyone of another WIP :lol I just finihsed up around the house. And I even got the tote as far as I can. So I'm going to fix lunch soon and then get started on the ladybug cuddle. Hopefully this one won't take me 3+ months to do :lol


Cara, I'm like you I have to have a few WIPs or I feel lost too. :yes So what have you gotten started on?

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Wow lots of posts to catch up on. Hope everyone is well. I havnt been doing much of anything, I fell in the parking lot at work on Sunday as I was leaving , ended up in the hospital thought I broke my foot , they say that i tore all the soft tissue in it. So went back to the dr yesterday couldnt stand the pain anymore and they gave me some pain meds Im only taking half of the dose though cuz I dont like to be all goofy and stuff. Talk to everyone later .

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Judy, sounds good. The graph is going to be cute. I'm going to wait till this weekend to start mine. I changed the green I'm using. I don't have hardly any green or purple so I will pick those up on Thursday and then get started. I've decided to work on my WB today. At least until I run out of yarn on that one too :lol I'm hoping I don't though since it's the last block.

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Donna - Started a tote bag and a charity ghan to use up some scraps. Gonna have to rethink the tote though because it's huge :lol It'll be for me anyway for WIPs.


Krystal - I might just take you up on that offer :lol


Andrea - OUCH!! I did that once. Thought for sure it was broken but they said I had torn every tissue in my right foot. Hurt like a son of a gun! They put me on crutches but I have all the grace of a walrus in tennis shoes so I couldn't use them without falling over :lol I hopped around on one foot for two weeks. Made work interesting :D

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Good morning ladies :flower


Julie - I'm glad the package got there. Just a little something to let you know we're thinking of you :manyheart


All day yesterday I felt so lost :( I had no WIP :eek Didn't really know what I wanted to do. So I started two WIPs and I'll probably add several today. I don't like running around WIPless. Makes me feel nekkid! :lol


Julie - I'm glad that you like your surprise. We love you. Don't ever doubt it.

Cara - I can't believe it! :eek You! WIPless! What is this world coming to? :eek

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Mary - Tell the truth. How long did you stay up last night working on that border? :lol I know the feeling. I stayed up til 4 am once just to finish one :lol


I gave up about midnight. :yes So far, the first row of the border is completed and can't wait to get back to it.

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Hi guys

Thanks for all the nice comments !


Mary- you sound like me when I get so close to finishing something, it bugs me til it's done, so i dont like to stop .


Linda- you have certainly gotten a lot of the RR's done ! How many have you made total, did you keep track ?


Judy- I have no clue on the pattern as to which would take longer-- it depends on your skills. I'm sure you could do any of them with no problem, but the graph one would be beyond me, although it is cute !


This will be neat to see some lady-bug ghans coming to life. I think they say ladybugs mean good luck, don't they ?


Andrea- sorry to hear about your foot, that sounds pretty painful-- hope you can stay off it for awhile .


Morning Krystal and Miss Tab --- you both sound well-behaved today . :D


Cara- quick, call in the backups ! You need to get a stack of projects lined up again. I think you are one who likes having lots of things waiting in the wings, so it is scarey if you don't have a bunch.

Stick around awhile, Judy and Donna will have you making one of them ladybug ghans . :lol

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Ugh... I almost had enough cafe for the last block. I'm 3 squares short. So I am going to get most of these blocks sewn up so that I can just do those last two rows on Thursday night. :yes Hopefully I'll have the WB finished by Friday.

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Cara- quick, call in the backups ! You need to get a stack of projects lined up again. I think you are one who likes having lots of things waiting in the wings, so it is scarey if you don't have a bunch.

Stick around awhile, Judy and Donna will have you making one of them ladybug ghans . :lol


Yes, I like lots of things going so I have no downtime :yes I just pulled out all those little balls I've been collecting and I'm whipping up 3 round squares for charity ghans. Getting close to time to turn those in anyway :yes

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Andrea - get better fast!!:hug


Julie, I think lady bugs are supposed to mean good luck - kind of like a preying mantis...you're not supposed to intentionally kill them, I think.


I think Andrea needs some ladybugs....;)


Yup, I'll be making the graph ghan:)

Nearly done with the 3sub, have blended RR which is a breeze to do and the SP gift is now winging it's way toward Poland!

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Thanks ladies for the well wishes. I got some crutches today and I am not real graceful on them at all.

Cara yes it hurts worse than giving birth in my opinion. I hope to go back to work on Thursday at least I am going to go back. I cant afford to miss to many days I switched days off so I wouldnt miss much. I think I should have stayed to hoping around on one foot cuz I stayed off of it more I think.


Ladybugs huh , well heck if I would have thought they would give me good luck I would have collected em all sumer and saved em lol.

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Julie~I am always well behaved. :angel



Cara~I completely understand the nekkid feeling. :yes My oldest twin son just said to me yesterday that I start a new blanket as soon as I finish one. He wanted to know why I don't take breaks. I don't know about you but where would all my stress go?? I always tell people in every stitch is a bit of stress left behind. So I get relaxation & they get a blanket full of stress. :D K, i'll stop rambling. :blah:blah:blah :lol

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Julie~I am always well behaved. :angel



Cara~I completely understand the nekkid feeling. :yes My oldest twin son just said to me yesterday that I start a new blanket as soon as I finish one. He wanted to know why I don't take breaks. I don't know about you but where would all my stress go?? I always tell people in every stitch is a bit of stress left behind. So I get relaxation & they get a blanket full of stress. :D K, i'll stop rambling. :blah:blah:blah :lol


:lol Tabby that sounds like my blankets too. I've also noticed if I'm irritated or stressed I crochet faster too. :yes

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I agree with you all :yes Crochet is cheaper (well maybe not cheaper) and better for you than tranquilizers. My hook also shoots sparks when I'm irritated :lol


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Mary - Very, very nice! Great job!! :yay:clap:yay

How do I follow the RRs? Darned if I know. I just hope they like them, and that they aren't a bomb. With my family, you never know. They may not go over at all well. Wouldn't be the first time that something hand-made went over like a lead balloon. I've got my fingers crossed. :blush

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