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Our House [Archive 2]


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Im down to 30 red squares left to make. Im sewing them onto the white rows as I go.

The finish line is in sight:yay:yay:yay:yay:yay:yay

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Hi all


I am going through withdrawal, I have not had a chance to crochet for three days and I will not have a chance today :( so :(



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Good Morning Ladies.


I'm sitting here trying to talk myself into walking to the PO to mail out my cards. Thankfully it's not freezing here just cold today. I worked all day yesterday on my fall ghan to the point that my thumb hurt from sewing so many squares together. UGHH!!! I was crazy & waited to do the border squares so that's what i'm doing, I have two sides left. WOOT! :cheer



Wendy~I can't wait to see it. You are awesome to stick with so many BIG saltine ghans. You go girl. :cheer:clap:cheer


Thanks for the suggestion for the Vanna yarn but I can't handle those sc striped ghans. As you can tell because my navajo is sitting upstairs on misfit island. :D Maybe a RR would be nice, we'll see.


Mary~You'll get it done in no time. I feel like mine is slow moving ecspecially as I near the end. It's alot bigger then I thought it would be. :yes


Denise~Don't worry, i'm sending the CIA, FBI & whoever else to rescue you. Hang on........


Seriously, go sit in a comfy spot with your hook & take some time for you. Dr. Tabby's orders. :hook:yarn

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Good morning ladies :flower


Denise - OMG!! Quick! Tab, call the LYS. Judy, bring hooks and yarn!! Mary, lift her feet above her head!! I'll boil water and make the tea! Hang on, honey!! You'll make it :hug


Wendy - Woot!! The end is near!! And in a good way :yes


Tab - Yeah I was kinda shocked how big the fall ghan came out as well. But not super huge like the Casa or anything :P

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'Morning ladies. :manyheart

Denise, be careful...next thing you know, there will be a caravan of crazy crochet addicts coming to England! I hope you get some crochet time soon. :yes

Yay Tabby, it sounds like you're almost finished. :yay

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Now, nobody gets a free ride on the road show, if you come along, you have to have a job to earn your vittles .


If it's got ponies, they'll need fed and watered. Krystal- you get that job since you have chickens, you must know something about livestock .


Donna- you'll be the Tassel Tester, and if some of them get a little "worn -looking", it'll be your job to repair them .


Cara- you get to make up some new "jingles" that the showladies can dance to .


Tab - since you are one of the youngest, you get to be the dancer, so practice strutting your stuff in the mirror .


Now, we need someone wealthy to finance the whole shebang-- do any of you have a rich old great great uncle who has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel ?


I'll be the brains behind the operation . Oh, and also , I'll do all the YAKKING . Leave that end to me, and we'll have more bookings than Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show had .:yes

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Tracy- do you need a lift to Denise's or do you live close ?


I think I may be able to purchase the Partridge Family Bus if I return all the yarn in my closet. That will give us some wheels to get around over there .


I would need a lift, but coming from London to here would mean a road trip across part of the UK, from London to here, but what has been planned so far would make a great road trip. :cheer:devil And don't worry, after tequila Denise would lead you guys anywhere you asked!

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Tab- how many times have I told you not to EAT while reading posts ????

Is there someone there who knows the Heimlich, or you gonna have to do it to yourself ?


I'll TEACH you some dance moves, but I'm no SPRING CHICKEN anymore ... I think I finally figured out why I had that rubber chicken in my hand the other day-- it was SOMEONE trying to give me that hint ..

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