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Our House [Archive 2]


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Isn't it though? BD came home exhausted and just ate and then fell asleep but I've kept myself amused. If I go to bed that early he whines and comes to ask if I'm okay and how long I'm gonna sleep :lol

Phil fell asleep already, so I came back down for more :hook time! I'll go on for a while more, let the furbabies out and then head off to bed eventually, too.

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What *is* it about men and sleep? I think having kids cured me of the need for any type of real sleep a few years ago. I don't sleep much, and that's just the way life is now. No need to worry or complain (unless I'm REALLY draggin!), but I get almost 2 hours less sleep a night than he does, and he's always complaining of being tired... but he does dishes, so I won't complain TOO loudly! :lol

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What *is* it about men and sleep? I think having kids cured me of the need for any type of real sleep a few years ago. I don't sleep much, and that's just the way life is now. No need to worry or complain (unless I'm REALLY draggin!), but I get almost 2 hours less sleep a night than he does, and he's always complaining of being tired... but he does dishes, so I won't complain TOO loudly! :lol

I wouldn't complain, either!! But I'm lucky...my guy came from a house where his Greek mom did everything...I came from a house where me and my brothers learned to fend for ourselves. Phil has now been trained very nicely and I made a point of raising DS to be sef-sufficient. DS cooks better than I do (he has more imagination...I treat cooking like a chemistry problem:P )


Phil DOES know how to work the Mr.Coffee machine, picks up after himself beautifully and vacuums all the time :D

It took so long to reach this stage I think I'll keep him - don't want to even try and break in anyone else:lol :lol :lol

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Men think us women complain a lot but we should videotape them when they are sick and then they can see how much they carry on.


DH is really good, he does the washing and the cooking. I do the cleaning and the girls do the dishes.


I have 50 squares left to do. Although I havent done any today.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Sounds like a lively discussion this morning :D I gave up fighting the sleep and house help thing. Only thing I keep on Big Daddy about is the garbage. He has to empty the outside barrels once a week because I can't. Just not physically possible. I give him a couple days advance notice that they need to be emptied. He ignores it. Then they're full and I have nowhere to put the trash out. Last week I left a full garbage bag blocking his way into the house (back door)....he got the message :lol

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Cara- great idea with the trash bag. They are such simple-minded creatures.


:rofl :rofl :rofl


I laugh because that's what I tell my sisters when they have trouble with their DHs. I tell them they are simple and require little work if you plan it right :lol

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Krystal~I completely am with ya on the sleep thing. I am not hitting the pillow until 11-12 yet he's out by 8:30-9. I know he gets up an hour earlier & goes to work but come on, how much sleep do ya need? I always think it'de be nice if he let ME sleep in on his days off or atleast one of them but nooooo he sleeps in. MEN, I tell ya. Although I don't know if i'de trust him to get the kiddos dressed & off to school. Darius would have no luch, Jaden would be all backwards because he'de let him dress himself with no guidance. Tre & Sage would get out the door with holey clothes & yellow teeth. :lol I could see it already. :lol:lol:lol They definitely need us more then we need them. :yes

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I have 50 squares left to do. Although I havent done any today.


Great, Wendy! Almost there. :yes


We ended up going to visit my parents today. Everyone neglected to tell me that dad was in the hospital while we were on our trip. (Does that tell you something about my family? :angry) I need time with my hook! ;)

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Great, Wendy! Almost there. :yes


We ended up going to visit my parents today. Everyone neglected to tell me that dad was in the hospital while we were on our trip. (Does that tell you something about my family? :angry) I need time with my hook! ;)


Oh Mary, I'm sorry your daddy wasn't feeling well :hug Nice of 'em to let you know :P

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Sorry to hear about your dad. Is he ok now ? Maybe they didnt want to spoil your vacation by having you come home early, but I can understand you being upset. I'd want to know ,too .


You're so much more diplomatic than I am :blush:lol

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Thanks, ladies. Yes, he is fine now...all they could figure out was possible food poisoning, and did lots of tests, x-rays, etc. We (sisters and I) talked about this type situation quite a while ago and agreed that we would let eachother know what was going on and then decide if we would need to come home...I guess they forgot. :( We have the same agreement with DH's sister concerning MIL.

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If there was nothing you could do, I wouldn't have called you, either. No sense in worrying you while you're on vacation (it's not like it happens all that often, right?), and there wasn't any reason for you to come home. Now, if he had had something where his condition was critical, different story!

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Good Morning, all. :) Since the pets don't know about the time change, I've been up since 5. :eek DH leaves this a.m. for the week and I've been making lists of things to accomplish this week...of course crocheting is always at the top of the list. My Fall Ghan might even get done this fall. :hook


Have a great morning. :manyheart

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Good Morning.


Mary~I'm glad your Dad is okay now. :manyheart And I feel for ya on the fall ghan because mine isn't coming along as fastly as i'de like. :angry I'll be bustin a move on it today & hopefully coming close to finishing it up. Real life just keeps getting in the way. The nerve.... :D Have a great day. :hug

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - I didn't know about the time change either. :lol But neither did the cats and Misa was right there for her morning snuggles. Looked at the time on the cable box which changes automatically and realized I could've slept but they were up :lol


Tabby - I agree :yes If it weren't for that terribly inconvenient real life and it's unreasonable demands like eating, sleeping, bathing, talking to the husband, etc I could get so much more done :lol


Tracy - I love your blanket! I commmented on it in another thread somewhere :think Anyway, considering "borrowing" that idea because my cousin's daughter's name is Riley, too :)


Still working on my ME blanket. About half way done with it now. 90 rows so far. It's going really quick. With luck I'll have it done this week :hook


Have a happy day y'all :manyheart

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Hi Tabby! Have a great day. :)


Tracy, the blanket is wonderful. :manyheart You're so creative; I never would have thought to make letters out of squares. :hook


Cara, I think I saw your ME ghan...are you using Vanna's yarn? It's going to be beautiful. :yes

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