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Earth Day, April 22, 2010

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Is anyone making anything for Earth Day this year? If you are, sing out to let us know.


I have a string bag on the hook. I recently made a small one to tuck into my purse for those times I either forget or don't want to haul a bigger bag into a store. I have been really pleased with how useful it is! I'm making another to be a bit bigger and to hold more. What about you?

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I may need a bigger purse so I have room for a string bag! :lol I know I have times I forget to take a recycled-plastics-cloth bag with me. :)

So far, no earth-day crafting plans, except edging another hankie or so. That's earth friendly. less tissues to toss. ;)

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I think maybe some dishcloths. I've been using those big,plastic Mexican shopping bags for years, so much as I'd like some nifty cotton ones, that would feel almost wasteful. But not buying paper towels or sponges and using up some of my cotton on dishcloths might be just the ticket.



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I will make some dishcloths & hot pads. Possibly a string bag for groceries. I've been saving up all the plastic bags I could find, so maybe even a plarn purse. So many ideas, so little time! LOL

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These all sound like great ideas! I knew you guys would have more good suggestions than I could ever come up with. punkrockinchick, I'm not envisioning what you are talking about. Can you explain more about the soda tabs? I use handknitted dishcloths in the kitchen and crocheted ones to clean the bathrooms. It is hugely cheaper than paper towels. In fact, the crocheted ones were also used to clean windows a couple of weeks ago. It's not crocheting but I also have many cloth napkins for meals instead of using paper ones. We love it!

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I've seen instructions floating around somewhere on how to make those totes using juice pouches...might have to look for that, since we just bought some for the kids (for "special", since we normally use larger containers (often concentrate) that we keep in the fridge)

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"Totes" out of juice pouches? I'm getting lost. Oh, wait. I think I've seen tote bags with the labels of foil juice packs sewn together. Is that what you are talking about, Mom?


I am so slow I know I will do well to even finish my string bag, which is made of #10 thread so it will be quite "stringy". This kind will wad up into a small ball for carrying in a purse or pocket unlike the string bags made of worsted kitchen cotton, for instance. I also am wondering why you couldn't artistically wrap a small-thread long string bag in your hair to look like a lace bandeau, then whip it off to put your purchase in as the clerk watches in amazement! :lol

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"Totes" out of juice pouches? I'm getting lost. Oh, wait. I think I've seen tote bags with the labels of foil juice packs sewn together. Is that what you are talking about, Mom?


I am so slow I know I will do well to even finish my string bag, which is made of #10 thread so it will be quite "stringy". This kind will wad up into a small ball for carrying in a purse or pocket unlike the string bags made of worsted kitchen cotton, for instance. I also am wondering why you couldn't artistically wrap a small-thread long string bag in your hair to look like a lace bandeau, then whip it off to put your purchase in as the clerk watches in amazement! :lol


Yes, Carla, those where what I was thinking of. I think they're usually 2 pouches by 1 pouch, plus whatever to make the bottom? For me, it won't be made by the 22nd! I don't even have any empty pouches! Just thought I'd throw it out there for other moms...


that would be something, seeing someone whip off an apparent bandeau and start filling it with a purchase! :lol

This year, I-personally- am sticking with edging a handkerchief in honor of Earth day :D I can squeeze that in between my other WIPs :P

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Carla, your bag looks great! I'd probably not have the nerve to wear it and then fill it either. But can you just imagine the look on the cashier's face? not to mention all the nearby shoppers? :D lol They'd probably all want one too! ;)

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