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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Hello Everyone, I feel like ive been away for weeks. Work and Working out got me too tired to push the on button on my computer. Im almost hoping for the storm so I can take a day off. ****


Ohio is so unpredictable!


Have a great day tommorow


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Stephanie...I must see pictures of your tortoise! What kind? I have an E. Hermanns and a redfooted! Plus 2 mud turtles (Mississippi and 3 stripe). :)


Tammy, prayers for Ken. And WTG Patrick! :cheer



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Morning everyone, hope you all have a wonderful day.


Tammy, you, Ken and the family are always in my prayers. Hope Ken is home soon!:hug


About time you came to visit Missy!! :hug



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I'm crossing my fingers that I actually have time to crochet today, seeing that we're anticipating up to an inch of ice and 8-12 inches of snow! I most likely won't be going in to work today.

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Well the snow really really came to Ohio. Hope the postman is able to get squares to you ladies.

What part of ohio are you from?? I'll trade you! We ended up getting like an inch of ice over EVERYTHING!! I fell this morning right on my butt!:blush:lol Took me 20 mins to break enough ice off the door to get the de-icer in the lock then another 10 to get the door itselt open. Good thing I woke up early. Once I got on the main road it was like it rained but the complex I live in was horriable. But it is Ohio after all :lol

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Evelyn, Abby is such a doll - how adorable!!!


Happy belated birthday, Nicole!!!


I'm so sorry to be MIA lately, y'all. I came down with a stomach bug that DD#1 brought home from school. Darn thing totally wiped me out (and I missed a chance to spend some time with Melissa - I am SO bummed about that!!!!) and I'm just now feeling more human.


How are you all doing with the storm? We were really lucky that the majority of it slid past us...my family back in MI is waiting to get hit dead-on with it, though. Hope you're all staying warm and cozy and away from these AWFUL wind-chill temps!

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It's STILL snowing! We aren't used to all this down here! Usually get it bad once a year, last a few days and gone. This is enough already! lol We have about 1/4" ice and snow, snow snow.


Froze my cheeks off putting out a new bale of hay for the horses and feeding. Yikes!

Hope ya'll are all staying warm.

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This is more pictures of Abby the pup and Missy my cat.

Somday they might be friends, Missy tries to push Abby off the steps.


Too cute!!!


Evelyn, Abby is such a doll - how adorable!!!


Happy belated birthday, Nicole!!!


I'm so sorry to be MIA lately, y'all. I came down with a stomach bug that DD#1 brought home from school. Darn thing totally wiped me out (and I missed a chance to spend some time with Melissa - I am SO bummed about that!!!!) and I'm just now feeling more human.


How are you all doing with the storm? We were really lucky that the majority of it slid past us...my family back in MI is waiting to get hit dead-on with it, though. Hope you're all staying warm and cozy and away from these AWFUL wind-chill temps!


Feel better Darah!


I'm afraid to say this, but I have the windows open and have shorts on. :)



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It's STILL snowing! We aren't used to all this down here! Usually get it bad once a year, last a few days and gone. This is enough already! lol We have about 1/4" ice and snow, snow snow.


Froze my cheeks off putting out a new bale of hay for the horses and feeding. Yikes!

Hope ya'll are all staying warm.


Yeah, it's brutal outside with the wind right now! I felt awful for DH when he had to hop on the 4-wheeler to check on the calves. I'm thinking I might need to knit or crochet him a full-face mask or something LOL

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Darah, I teased my dd I was going to make us both those hats with attached beards! rofl It would at least keep us warm while we fed horses. Of course, it may scare them silly!

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Too cute!!!




Feel better Darah!


I'm afraid to say this, but I have the windows open and have shorts on. :)



:angry :wbrrAnd I have jeans, sweatshirt on and am under an electric blanket that is on high...we are presently awaiting the storm.:2snow suppose to be a blizzard with 15-18 inches and....THUNDER AND LIGHTENING I cant wait I have the next few days off and my kids schools have already canceled for tomorrow. snow day :yay

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So everything here is like coated in ice. I had to set up a "potty area" for foxie in the house. I'm making my Dad pick me up and get me to work tomorrow. If I have any luck we'll hit level three so I can stay home :lol


We didn't get much snow, but we got about 3 inches of sleet that is now frozen solid...I'm really hoping that I don't have to go to work today! (I eventually need to thaw out my car, though...)

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How's every one this morning? Safe and warm I hope!




What a week so far.........We’ve had winds as high as 45-55 miles an hour… freezing rain.. snow… temps of -8 or less…….. so we’ve been literally stranded at home!

Hubby is still in the hospital and we haven’t been able to see him for going on 3 days now.

The sun is trying real hard to peek out this morning though... so here's to hoping for a warmer day.

Well... off to dig in the freezer for something to put in the crock for dinner! and get a refill on my coffee!!!

How are you??



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Tam, that's awful that you can't see dh. Praying your weather clears soon.


It's so freaking cold here! Was outside a bit and my fingers are frozen.... and it's snowing AGAIN! We never get this much. Talk like it may snow again Friday and Monday. Crazy weather! I bet they have to chip the ice off the groundhog so he can see at all!


Hope you all have a good day despite the weather.

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How's every one this morning? Safe and warm I hope!



well I didnt get the blizzard that was predicted, but the 9 inches of snow looks pretty. and I did get to see the lightening last night which was way cool during the snow storm. im huddled once more under my electric blanket. I :manyheart my blanket and think it is the best thing ever invented....besides crochet hooks. :hook

oh and everyone in my house had a snow day. I was already off work, but didnt have t get up and drive the boys to school. even my DH job shut down and that never happens

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What a week so far.........We’ve had winds as high as 45-55 miles an hour… freezing rain.. snow… temps of -8 or less…….. so we’ve been literally stranded at home!

Hubby is still in the hospital and we haven’t been able to see him for going on 3 days now.

The sun is trying real hard to peek out this morning though... so here's to hoping for a warmer day.

Well... off to dig in the freezer for something to put in the crock for dinner! and get a refill on my coffee!!!


How are you??





I'm still in shorts. :) Little windy today and cloudy. No rain so far. Or snow for that fact. :lol



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