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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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:hiGood morning everyone! I finally have some squares to mail out!:cheer I've found a pattern for my ami-now I jsut need to get started on it!:eek Wish me luck!


Sue- the gnome is adorable! I just hope my ami is at least recognizable:lol


Trying to finish up all the arrangements for my dd wedding on the 16th. I'll be so glad when it is all said and done-maybe I'll have some time to actually sit down and relax!:cheer

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Hello ladies!! I know I've been a bit mia off and on. Just wanted to stop by and say hello!! Been stressfull at work. I work for a refurbishment company and we have a contract through dell. Well contract was up and the renewal has been pending for months now and it's really had me on edge as my job there is dell related as well as dh's. But just announced today that we got it! So and it's longer than a year, this time around it's three. So I'm excited that tomorrow is friday!! & I hope you ladies are ready for a good weekend. I know I'm finally ready for one now that I can really relax!

:cheerOn the good news! It's always a relief when the contract renewels go through!


Good morning everyone ! Time to get on some squares, although they will probly have to wait to be mailed out, this month is wy to tight again as far as money is concerned. (As are my clothes, my diet isnt going too well) :(


But on the bright side I get to go dress shopping WOOO HOOO !!!!!!!!


Unfortunately, the girls' dad isnt picking them up this weeken, so i will ikely have to ask my neighbor to watch atlest one of them ( my 3 yr old) while I go shopping. We can only fit 2 kids in my BFs truck :( He sooo needs a bigger vehicle. LOL

Dress shopping!!!!!!!:cheer




:hugHope you feel better soon Katie Bug


Happy belated birthday Annie!

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uggg... I'm so sick :yuck yesterday I was sent home from work (cuz I barfed on my shirt :( ) I'm staying home today to rest up, supposed to go to the beach for the weekend. I'm feeling a little better, just have a headache and a little bit nauseous... sleeping a lot... no fever, just feel yucky... everything (even my water) tastes gross!

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY !!!! I found my dress. It made me cry as soon as I put it on :D Its simple yet very romantic. Its a full length dress with lots of pretty beading at the top. It reminds me of hearts the way they are shaped . My camera died but as soon as my BF gets a chance ot come out we will go get a good pic of it :)

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uggg... I'm so sick :yuck yesterday I was sent home from work (cuz I barfed on my shirt :( ) I'm staying home today to rest up, supposed to go to the beach for the weekend. I'm feeling a little better, just have a headache and a little bit nauseous... sleeping a lot... no fever, just feel yucky... everything (even my water) tastes gross!



Feel better soon :hug

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY !!!! I found my dress. It made me cry as soon as I put it on :D Its simple yet very romantic. Its a full length dress with lots of pretty beading at the top. It reminds me of hearts the way they are shaped . My camera died but as soon as my BF gets a chance ot come out we will go get a good pic of it :)


:hug:cheer Congrats, sounds beautiful, can't wait to see pics :hug, so excited for you.

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY !!!! I found my dress. It made me cry as soon as I put it on :D Its simple yet very romantic. Its a full length dress with lots of pretty beading at the top. It reminds me of hearts the way they are shaped . My camera died but as soon as my BF gets a chance ot come out we will go get a good pic of it :)


Congrats!!! Can't wait to see pics! :clap

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i have a load home! should be there around 10 pm


'bout time! LOL!!


uggg... I'm so sick :yuck yesterday I was sent home from work (cuz I barfed on my shirt :( ) I'm staying home today to rest up, supposed to go to the beach for the weekend. I'm feeling a little better, just have a headache and a little bit nauseous... sleeping a lot... no fever, just feel yucky... everything (even my water) tastes gross!


Everyone in NC has the crud. Bless your heart, rest and get to feeling better soon!


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY !!!! I found my dress. It made me cry as soon as I put it on :D Its simple yet very romantic. Its a full length dress with lots of pretty beading at the top. It reminds me of hearts the way they are shaped . My camera died but as soon as my BF gets a chance ot come out we will go get a good pic of it :)


Congrats! One more hurdle down!

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10-4 boss!


well i made it home safe and sound! let the wild rumpus start!


i plan on a yarn hunt...at my local lys and at the joann that's like 2 miles from the house!


Welcome home! Now - check your mail!!!!!!:lol

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10-4 boss!


well i made it home safe and sound! let the wild rumpus start!


i plan on a yarn hunt...at my local lys and at the joann that's like 2 miles from the house!


:clap Glad you made it home!

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I've been without a computer at home, so I am a little belated with my thanks, but I got 2 beautiful squares in the mail recently from 2 awesome ladies! Thanks very much! :) The new squares are already added to my afghan-in-progress; the pink one in the top right corner and the peachy one in the bottom left corner! :)


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10-4 boss! :lol


well i made it home safe and sound! let the wild rumpus start! :clapGlad you made it safely home, have fun.


i plan on a yarn hunt...at my local lys and at the joann that's like 2 miles from the house! :shop for :yarn:yarn always fun :D


I've been without a computer at home, so I am a little belated with my thanks, but I got 2 beautiful squares in the mail recently from 2 awesome ladies! Thanks very much! :) The new squares are already added to my afghan-in-progress; the pink one in the top right corner and the peachy one in the bottom left corner! :)

Very pretty

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Well, the other girl that was suppose to start working with us (Marine Science Center) can't start until the 17th, so I've gone from not working at all in a year to full time (for the next 2 weeks). My back is aching something awful. I'm too old for this stuff. :lol


10-4 boss!


well i made it home safe and sound! let the wild rumpus start!


i plan on a yarn hunt...at my local lys and at the joann that's like 2 miles from the house!


Glad you made it home safe. And yes, check your mail!! :lol



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Thank you to everyone that has sent me beautiful squares and I havent been able to get on the internet due to tough times in my family.It has been a true blessing to know that you have wonderful friends that you havent met or seen that care for you. Big hug to you all.

My DH has finally been hired on at his job and now can't wait until the paychecks look normal.:lol its been like the old saying day late and dollar short but in this day and age its 2 two dollars short.

Hope all is doing well.

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Well no crocheting for me today. I had to stay the night at my friends house bc her 17 yr old adopted son had to go in for emergency surgery for apendacitis. He doing well now, but hurting pretty bad. But, doing ok. Maybe ill get some crocheting done tomorrow :D


Hope you all are doing well :hug

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