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New Hat


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Alesha, your hat is adorable! I also looked at your photos and I must confess, I am TOTALLY in love with your sock monkeys!!!!!!! I have always wanted one and have never gotten around to making one. I have thus far been unsuccessful at locating the right yarn. Of course, you can make them from any color yarn, but I have always wanted a traditional sock monkey and can't ever find the white-and-gray combo yarn that they're made from! So I remain sock monkeyless. :lol I love the way you have them dressed! The little girl one with the pink dress is precious!!

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Awww Elle, Thank you! I must admit that I'm addicted to crocheting and my sock monkey making has seriously slacked off! I make them out of the traditional red heel socks. I love the reactions I get from the people I give them to!


My friend found the pattern online. It's called - "crochet brimmed hat" and is by Sue Norrad. The yarn is what I found at the Dollar Tree! :)

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Awww Elle, Thank you! I must admit that I'm addicted to crocheting and my sock monkey making has seriously slacked off! I make them out of the traditional red heel socks. I love the reactions I get from the people I give them to!


My friend found the pattern online. It's called - "crochet brimmed hat" and is by Sue Norrad. The yarn is what I found at the Dollar Tree! :)


Well, if you ever start making sock monkeys again, you've got a very willing adoptive mom right here! (hint hint LOL) They're just the sweetest things! I looked at all of your pictures and my AWWWWWWs just kept getting louder and louder! :lol

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Thanks guys!


Elle - I'm going to have to wait a little longer - but no fear - I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to open an Etsy shop or something similar once school is over!

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