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Good idea, Cindy


and if you hate sewing together squares, this way if you do a little at a time, it won't be as bad and you may be a little more motivated to keep adding as you go, if you see it come to life a little at a time .

Sounds like a good plan to me !

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Just a quick reminder in case anyone forgot !


Tomorrow is photo Friday,Ladies, so if you have any squares you would like to share, tomorrow is the day !


Hope to see some beauties !


I have 2 more done,and may try to sneak in a 3rd today -- we shall see what my hook decides to do today !

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Cindy, that's a great idea! I'll need to border my squares as I go, then...but it'll make it go so much faster.


I'm half finished with the square - still:blush

I was out running errands...among which was picking up some espresso Caron one pounders for finishing my scrap ghan

Yeah, I have hardly any dark brown - and that's reserved for finishing my Deer stalker hat.

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Oh....and don't happen to be making CAKE for dessert, do you ?


If so... just a small SLAB ????:D

No cake...just leftover homemade tapioca fluff:D

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Hi there Dawn --

Thanks for dropping in, and if you free up some time, we'd welcome you in any old time, so keep it in mind.


Picture show tomorrow!



Jude -- is tapioca fluff like tapioca pudding ?


Remember, I'm a hillbilly. Fanciest stuff we have here for dessert is CAKE .

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Tapioca fluff is basically like the homemade pudding but you fold in a whipped, sweetened egg white. Makes it nice and light and yummy. The box has the recipe on it.

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Oh - I finally made the square - and bordered it. I'll post a pic tomorrow.


Tonight I'm going to bring my other squares for the Christmas ghan up to size and border them. There are 5 to do and then I'm all caught up, with a total of 6. I purposely used a larger hook for the 2 I've done since joining this CAL - figure it'll get done quicker if they're larger than 8 inches:lol

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Hey gang

I'm putting my photos in a little early for tomorrow .

Here's 2 squares I got done for this week :

First is from book 2,square 1,second is book 2,square 6 .

Looking good julie...like i said i just love the color around it.


Oh i just saw your Avatar...is this good looking day???


Ok there is my man*sigh*6 foot 4 of must have :dreaming

Must close the page now :P:lol

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Thanks Shay ~


And just who is that guy in YOUR avatar ?


Quite easy on the eyes ,even if I AM old enough to be his grandma !!!


Sorry, I'm not very up to date on tv and movie people . He's very handsome, though !

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Crooked hook under the couch cushion, needing a new

Needing me some yarn in periwinkle blue


Thumbing a ride into town ,standing in the rain

Getting soaked when a car hit a puddle in the right lane .


Pulled my soaked coat a little tighter around my face

Then up walks up a scary looking dude, and I reach for my mace


He asks if I need a ride, “Goin someplace near “ ?

At the same time, I get a strong whiff of beer .


Now mind you, I remember my mom always said

Don’t take rides from strangers ,they’ll knock you in the head


But the Yarn Devil on my other shoulder said to me

Yea, but the Yarn store has Buy one ,get one FREE !!!


I stand there a minute, trying to reason this out .

And tell myself , if he makes a move on you ,just SHOUT .

Folks, if you read this, I think you know where I’m coming from

Sometimes we make choices that can be pretty dumb .

When you get the urge to acquire more yarn for your stash

You’ll just about do anything ,even spend all your last cash .

So what if you have 8 more days til payday and not much food to eat ?

Better learn to like pancakes 7 days a week .

What if you only half half a tank of gas in your car ?

Well, you know that your car won’t get you very far .

Thus, it brings us back to the beginning of the story where it starts .

That’s why you are standing in the rain, thumb in the air , eating a cold pop tart .

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Here are square #7 from 63 Sampler stitches to crochet (in Claret, RHSS) and #44, from same book, in Forest Green (ILTY)

The yarn bordering it is ILTY in Victorian Ombre The neutral in the border is closer to Buff than what it shows here.



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Just a quick hello. My book is in West Virginia and is slowly getting closer. Soon, hopefully.


Have a great day!

I know the feeling. Mine is somewhere between Arizona and Illinois. PO said 7-10 days. and this is day 8. Keeping my fingers crossed and watching for the mail man. :lol:lol

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Beautiful Jude !!!!

Gorgeous work ,and colors !!!




Tab-- almost heaven... West Virginia... Blue Ridge Mountains ....

Sorry, couldnt help myself, I love that song .


Hope your book arrives soon . We wana see you shake that booty and get some squares made when it comes my old pal .






Wanda -you poor thing, you have waited forever for them books -- sure hope today is your lucky day . I saw on the news they want to stop Saturday mail delivery. We rarely get mail now on Saturdays so I think they've already started that in our town .

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