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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Love big heavy blankets, no matter how much my mom tells me it will be too heavy, pretty sure she considers anything heavier than a feather too heavy.

I've noticed the weight of some ghans I have here...and I think I need to make some double stranded ones for the future. Single yarns aren't heavy enough, and when it's cold I like the weight of heavy blankets on me, too.

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I am stalled on this project...I'm down to just having to do the last 5 squares...but it's not like I haven't been working on anything else...I do have the Mayflower babyghan finished, so that's something...

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LeAnna, do you have a pic of the baby ghan??


Not yet, but I will do that right now...I just got done sewing my label on it...it looks really nice and I like the pattern so much that I have started another one in a light green for a baby to be due in August (I'll be an Auntie again...woo hoo)


I also just got done writing up my to do list for the day. I have been struggling to get things done around here since Harry left after the holidays in January. We are both so grateful that he'll be home for good next month. I fly out on April 21st for the East Coast and then a day or two or three after that, we'll drive back towing a trailer with the remaining stuff we shipped back from Germany. Anyway, as I was making up my list, I realized I really needed some carrots...carrots as in motivation...something to work towards...so if I get all of my morning routine done by noon, I can have steak for dinner tonight...if I get my Suzy Squirrel (weekly house cleaning...named after a children's book character...about a squirrel who was house proud...in a good way) done by 3:00 this afternoon (and provided the morning routine is done too) I can order myself Joan of Arcadia season 2 dvd...and if I get everything done on my list, today and every day until Easter, I can order myself the Complete West Wing Series...


And this isn't just about keeping the house clean...this is also about other projects around the house, plus crochet projects, plus errands, appointments and social obligations...whatever is on my list for that day NEEDS to be done...I'm also considering it a Lenten exercise as well because the past few weeks, even though I have been busy, I just feel like I'm not getting as much done as I could be getting done...and it's really been messing with my head...


So, yeah, babyghan is done and that's good, it counts...and I'll go get a pic of it and post for you guys...right now.

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The photos may not be the best, but I tried. The yarn is Plymouth Baby and it's a white with pink dots and it's really pretty, but it doesn't show up well in the pictures.





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It really is a great pattern...I have a friend also who is expecting her first in August right around the same time as my soon to be niece or nephew, so I see at least one more of these in the near future...

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The photos may not be the best, but I tried. The yarn is Plymouth Baby and it's a white with pink dots and it's really pretty, but it doesn't show up well in the pictures.





That's beautiful!! I've seen the pattern somewhere but never felt brave enough to try it!


And I love your "carrot" approach to getting things done. Soemtimes I also feel like I'm spinning in circles and not getting much done.

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That's beautiful!! I've seen the pattern somewhere but never felt brave enough to try it!


And I love your "carrot" approach to getting things done. Soemtimes I also feel like I'm spinning in circles and not getting much done.


I'll tell you this...I have an arsenal of tips and tricks to get me going, 'cause while the carrots may work one day, they don't always work the next...sometimes music works, sometimes not, sometimes the timer works, sometimes not, sometimes even the to do list itself doesn't work...


Routines and habits are great, but if they get "stale," you have to try other things to make sure things get done...


Sometimes flaking off helps, sometimes it most certainly does not...


I still feel like I'm squirrel caging (like running around in a Hamster wheel and getting nowhere) a little today, but I'm eating my breakfast long before noon, so I'll give myself a gold star there, I hemmed a pair of pants, mended a sheet, put the clean dishes away, uploaded the pictures, sewed on that label on the babyghan, got a fire going and the cats are fed and that's a good start...

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I'm trying to get into new, better habits, too. I'm not going to let the Fibro keep me from doing what I can. Having to get out every day the past month to pick Logan up from school has been real motivation. Anything to get a Logan-hug or kiss!

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I'm trying to get into new, better habits, too. I'm not going to let the Fibro keep me from doing what I can. Having to get out every day the past month to pick Logan up from school has been real motivation. Anything to get a Logan-hug or kiss!


That's great! My neighbor has suffered from fibro for over a decade and when I first met her, she really struggled, but through her example of slowly building up what she could do and respect where she really couldn't, you'd never know now that she has fibro...


So do what you can, but truly respect when your body is screaming for you to stop and rest...that is key and honestly that is true for everyone regardless of whether they have fibro or not. Gentle hugs to you!

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my daughter is doing better today she is bedresting bleeding is slight after almost 1 week of it..Picked up neighbor he is home from rehab hospital.waiting on next call from him :lol 2 yr getting sick all over the place as trying to get to her. WOW its only 2:34 pm

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The photos may not be the best, but I tried. The yarn is Plymouth Baby and it's a white with pink dots and it's really pretty, but it doesn't show up well in the pictures.






wow, that is beautiful!


I like your idea of "carrots". I need to do something like that. I get things done, but I tend to procrastinate until the last minute, so I'm always racing against the clock.

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wow, that is beautiful!


I like your idea of "carrots". I need to do something like that. I get things done, but I tend to procrastinate until the last minute, so I'm always racing against the clock.


Carrots are working today...got my steak and I'm really close to being able to order my Joan of Arcadia dvd...

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LeAnna your baby afghan is beautiful! A neat idea on rewarding your self to stay on your daily task list.

Sheila glad to hear your daughter is doing better. I will keep her in my prayers.

Kathy congratulations on your finish.

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Woo Hoo...I get to order the Joan of Arcadia dvd! Thank you for the compliments on the babyghan...


Now, after a rest, this evening will work to finish up the rest of the day's chores (evening routine, plus hem some pants and crochet) and I'll be 1/30 towards getting my West Wing Collection...

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Hello mateys! been out for for awhile my crocheting is on hold for a little since things are starting to get a little difficult lately..


craziebunny - I could understand how you could feel about everythingat once. On my end everyone is healthy but everything keeps breaking... my husbands car is toast with no notice (not repairable), my washing machine ruined a whole load of brand new spring clothes for the kids (now on curb replaced by newer model), I found out that I was advised to look at the wrong year catalog for my degree and am currently taking 2 classes which are NOT required and I need my job but I'm on a short fuse right now and it is highly possible I will tell them shortly what they can do with it! Back to you tho! I sayin a prayer for your daughter and I hope it continues to improve! I can imagine how scared you all are right now.. but i hope to hear good news when we hear from u again.


AHH! If I can just make it thru next week it will be spring break! Thats sounds so wonderful!

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