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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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The show consists of realtors taking people though homes that are for sale...so you can imagine that the bedrooms are nice and spiffy-looking! I love the random look of parts of the quilt top and then there is a solid border, etc...

A hint for you;)

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Gracylue…… Well… I have to say… for your “need to turn your brain off and do something simple” afghan… its AWESOME!

Thanks Judy….. :hug

Julie…………. You’re a doll! Thank you! :hug I may not shut up once you get me started…LOL I am just so DONE with grown ups not acting like grown ups… and selfish …destructive decisions being made. Amazing how much pain one person can cause like that! :sigh And they don’t even see it due to their selfishness. I mean when even my young ones are upset over this … grrrrrr….. I just want to smack …. Right up side the back of her head… and then … oh……… grrrr…. LOL And when you try to help by talking to them… ONLY after they have involved you in their issues anyway… they get mad and say that you just hate them and that you don’t want them to be happy. That’s it…………… I’m walkin’ the plank!!!


Wow… I need more coffee……………. :mug :mug :mug








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Thanks, I started it around early December of 08, it's become my comfort project, or my "OH God why does everything fail so hard? I need to turn my brain off and just do something simple and repetitive until the world stops spinning" project.


It doesn't look simple and repetitive, it looks hard! And now I don't feel quite so bad about my snowflake ghan which I started in September of 08.

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Marlene, looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Judy, I like to watch HouseHunters, but I have to say that I've never noticed the quilts! Mostly I am just flabberghasted at how much space people say they "need".


Tam, :hug:hug

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I sure feel for you and understand totally . Our life was relatively easy until our kids were grownups, THEN it became difficult .


YOU don't walk the plank, make THEM walk it .



Yep... when they're young... a good spanking solves the problem... then they grow up move on... create families... make bad decisions and then they create drama in your life.... oh brother..... wish I could still spank them. LOL cuz boy howdy would I..... :yes








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Thanks for the compliments everyone.:manyheart

It doesn't look simple and repetitive, it looks hard! And now I don't feel quite so bad about my snowflake ghan which I started in September of 08.

It's all in sc, you just yarn over in a different colour every now and again. I think it's easy at least, but maybe it's just that I've been working on it so bloody long.

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Thanks for the compliments everyone.:manyheart


It's all in sc, you just yarn over in a different colour every now and again. I think it's easy at least, but maybe it's just that I've been working on it so bloody long.

Is it graph style or tapestry? And I was wondering where you got the pattern.

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I finished sewing my ghan together, I think. It's 5x5 squares, which seems like a good size for a newborn. Gives him some growing room. Now my question is, to border or not? It sorta seems...naked without a border, but I think a border might take away from the color blocks....

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Kathy, I did a border because I thought it would lessen the chance of the blocks pulling apart. I was lazy though, just did one row of single crochet. After I was finished, my DD commented that the border made it look more pulled together, and I felt it really looked better that way too..

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well got side tracked the next few days making a bed doll to mail off to friend..if you can spare a prayer say one for my daughter she is about 10 weeks preg and having a hard time with bleeding. ultrasound picks up heartbeat and sees the baby. just worried about her she had bloodclot yesterday that was big.beginning think I like odd number of years this even one isnt starting out to happily

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Not sure I know what the difference is, but the pattern has a graph. I got it from a little A-Z Afghans book. The pattern is by Melissa Leapman.

Tapestry is when you work over the unused color all the time. Graph is when you drop the unused color to the back of your piece. Carol Ventura is the guru of tapestry crochet...

Thank you for the info!

well got side tracked the next few days making a bed doll to mail off to friend..if you can spare a prayer say one for my daughter she is about 10 weeks preg and having a hard time with bleeding. ultrasound picks up heartbeat and sees the baby. just worried about her she had bloodclot yesterday that was big.beginning think I like odd number of years this even one isnt starting out to happily

You must be a wreck! Good, positive thoughts and prayers sent her way - and yours....for the "peace that passes all understanding".:hug:manyheart

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well got side tracked the next few days making a bed doll to mail off to friend..if you can spare a prayer say one for my daughter she is about 10 weeks preg and having a hard time with bleeding. ultrasound picks up heartbeat and sees the baby. just worried about her she had bloodclot yesterday that was big.beginning think I like odd number of years this even one isnt starting out to happily


Hope everything goes well. Will pray for her.

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Positive thoughts going out to your daughter, you and family. Hope everything is ok .




Kathy- is that the movie from the Ann Rule book ?






Please don't tell me the avatar you have is your finished HH saltine ghan already !!!! Good grief if we both started at the same time,and you are that far ahead of me, I'll need to go in for therapy to deal with some type of SLOW CROCHETER'S SYNDROME TREATMENTS .

( Hope it involves eating bowls of chocolate ice cream )

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Oh, I work over the unused colour, don't like the look of all the loops in the back otherwise.

Makes it nice and thick and warm! I have a couple of patterns that are made like that...more WIM:lol

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Makes it nice and thick and warm! I have a couple of patterns that are made like that...more WIM:lol


Love big heavy blankets, no matter how much my mom tells me it will be too heavy, pretty sure she considers anything heavier than a feather too heavy.

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