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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Ahoy there I just finish the blanket. Looking for the next project.:yay

Dee :cheer


Woo Hoo! Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music! That's great!

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Finished my first Jackson Square afghan. Not as good as it would be if I had used colors like pattern called for but OK I guess. Probably donate it to charity somewhere.


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Finished my first Jackson Square afghan. Not as good as it would be if I had used colors like pattern called for but OK I guess. Probably donate it to charity somewhere.

That's a lovely ghan. Someone's going to very lucky to receive it. Great job! :cheer:clap:cheer

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That is a very beautifful blanket dear! Hi ladies I missed ya'!

Life is fun and interesting as always so I actually was slacking off on my crochetville addiction. lol I'm back and started on a prayer shawl for a friend with the homespun yarn I just bought! :hook


LeeAnna - opps I kinda forgot about the tree ghan! :oopsopps I will get to it by friday I promise!!


Can't wait to see what our next project will be.. hehehehe

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Wanda- love the afghan ! It's very nice !


Tricia & Grace- I'm not sure if I'll be starting a new project in here or not just now . If you guys get something together and some of you agree on a pattern it sounds perfectly fine with me to go ahead and start on a new adventure together in here .


I may not get to come in and take part in it ,but I'd be glad to come in and visit and cheer you on .


I just got the 63 off the ground last week,am trying to keep on task with my knitting book squares,and just signed on to make a crochet quilt-ghan, so I don't think I should sign up for anything else at this point .


I know myself too well, and if I sign up for too many things, I don't complete any and give up on them .


I'd really be fine with it if you guys choose something in here as a group that you want to do ,though. It'd be great .

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I'm like Jules...I can't join anything else because there's already too much on my plate now that my Games project is finished.

I would definitely keep checking in and cheering you on if you did start something new!;)

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The Needlecraft Shop? It's got the stained glass afghan on the cover.

Got it.:clap Which patterns were you considering? I kind of like the peaceful harmony and gramma and grandbabies myself.

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Got it.:clap Which patterns were you considering? I kind of like the peaceful harmony and gramma and grandbabies myself.


I've fallen in love with the stained glass window afghan on the cover but it looks a bit challenging for me yet, I love everything in it though. Is anyone else interested in starting something after the games?

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I won't be starting another afghan until I finish a few of the ones I've got going. However, I'd come and visit and cheer you all on.


I tried the stained glass afghan last year, and I quit. Too finicky and too many ends for me. Luckily I didn't invest in the yarn, just made a practice square with what I had on hand. It's still laying around here someplace. Its not even a square yet. I was thinking about finishing the square and turning it into a nursing home lapghan, but I'm not sure if I will.

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Morning, me hardy crew --


Hope you are all up and swabbin the decks afore along . I feel like I'm sailin out here all alone meself today .

Everyone else must've stayed a'bed this mornin because of that there could wind blowin in some more snow .


I think I'll take the leaf blower out this morning and see if it'll work to blow the snow out into the street.


We don't have a snow-blower, so it's the next best think I've got . :D

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Good morning everyone. Good luck with that Julie!


Its snowing here again. Luckily I don't have to go out in it until this afternoon. I have a meeting at work.


I don't really have a crochet project at the moment that will amount to anything for a long time, so I dug out a two year old WIP, my snowflake afghan and have been working on that. I need to make 6 more motifs, sew them on and do a border. It isn't much, but it seems like a huge mountain to me.

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Morning ! I wish you great success with your snowflake ghan . I remember you talking about it for a long time now . I admire you for being able to stick with it for so long. I don't seem to have that ability and give up too easily on things.

You are REALLY close to finishing now, so try to keep going if you can .

I actually made and completed one of those and loved it. It turned out really pretty .

I'm sure yours will too .


Good luck !

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Last night I didn't feel like tackling the flannelghan for the Crochet Games, so I made another dc square for the Jackson Square afghan. Still have 11 more squares to make. But I must finish the flannelghan first.

lots of times I try and get rid of a chore I'm not crazy about FIRST - so I can reward myself with something I like to do, etc;)

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