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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Okay, I actually did 2 and 1/2 squares last night...I will be joining squares a little differently than pattern calls for. I'm not a fan of sewing squares, I'd rather crochet them together, but I do so in a different way...I'll share when project's done.


Experiencing a nice sunrise this morning. We have no snow where I am...but Harry didn't go to work today where he is (Virginia) he's got snow up the wazoo...

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Howdy ladies

Just posted over in FG ,so won't post much in here too, other than to say I am done with this project ! I made it one row less than called for , it was just boring me to no end. no border either, I just wanted it done, so will get Sam to take aphoto tonite then will post it .

I now get to pick my knitting back up -- am still on square 4 . I feel like one of them hamsters on a wheel -- been doing the same thing for days ..Time to get something new started.

Hurry up Friday ~~~

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Hi, Jules! Maybe you left the knitting on the side too long and you got out of the rhythm??


I only need 72 squares for what I have in mind, so I adjusted my square **** in my siggy to reflect that.


Off to sit with SDR for a bit - been putting in a lot of time on the fire truck ghan....which made me feel good when the dad-to-be brought his snow blower over this AM and cleared the driveway and sidewalk for us!

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:whew…………….Arrrrrrrrrrrrr me mates……….

How be ye all this fine day?

Maybe I can get me some more of my squares done for me pirate’ghan before the “Games” begin.

I be gettin’ close to done with hubby’s Valentine Flannel’ghan.

I just have to border this and I will have this done for my wonderful husband!


Have a great day all…….



aka: shipmate lookout

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hello all

ohh people are talking about snow while we are still looking at our thick cloths waiting winter sneeze`s some cold breeze to wear them

we had couple of cold days but in general we are wearing regular cardigans in the morning and a bit thikker high necks for night

so not so cold just for kids to protect them



yoooohooooooo you are almost there hurry up its awsome to see it all done

ohh by the way what colors are u using?


i didnt work on my squares as DH tried to keep me as much busy as he can


so ill work now while im waiting for my mcdonalds to come for dinner

yum yum



oh ladies is that cal only for that ghan or we are fonna do something else after that?

i wanna make a grandmother garden afghan for the baby but smaller size so dont know if all of you gonna do something else or we are gonna have new cal??? :think

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:whew…………….Arrrrrrrrrrrrr me mates……….

How be ye all this fine day?

Maybe I can get me some more of my squares done for me pirate’ghan before the “Games” begin.

I be gettin’ close to done with hubby’s Valentine Flannel’ghan.

I just have to border this and I will have this done for my wonderful husband!



Have a great day all…….



aka: shipmate lookout

Ahoy there! That be a right fine Valentine Flannel'ghan there, Tammy. Well done! :yay

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:whew…………….Arrrrrrrrrrrrr me mates……….

How be ye all this fine day?

Maybe I can get me some more of my squares done for me pirate’ghan before the “Games” begin.

I be gettin’ close to done with hubby’s Valentine Flannel’ghan.

I just have to border this and I will have this done for my wonderful husband!









Have a great day all…….



aka: shipmate lookout



Great blanket! What a wonderful valentines gift! Your dh will love it!

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Ahoy there! That be a right fine Valentine Flannel'ghan there, Tammy. Well done! :yay

Arrr... thanks mate! I be appreciating yer compliment!!!

I be pretty happy with it! :U



Great blanket! What a wonderful valentines gift! Your dh will love it!


My blanket is finally finished, but pictures will have to wait a while. I need to pay attention to some household chores for a while.

Thanks tons me fellow shipmate! :hug

I cant wait to see your afghan!!!!







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Hey gang --

Tam - the afghan is gorgeous!


Cindy- glad you got yours complete. I know the sewing it together wasn't much fun for you !


Athba -- we will probably pull another project together in awhile, but I think a lot of the ladies are going to do the Flannelghan for the Games first, which starts Friday sometime and will run for 16 days .


Some of the ladies are still in the Happy House area working on quiltghans if you want to start your flower garden one. That would qualify for a quilt-ghan and I'm sure they'd like your company if you want someone else who is making quilts along with you .


It'll be awhile til we start something new .


I've also been trying my hand at knitting ,so that is what I am doing now until Friday gets here .


Still snowing here,folks... geez, this is getting to be ENOUGH already .....

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Sherri - that's a good question. I think I get anxious to complete something when it's close to being done, because I want to work on something new, so it seems like it takes forever to get it done.

I don't know.. I guess most of us always have something else waiting to work on next and we are impatient to get the first thing done so we can do the next .

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ohh thats awsome

i red ur names in the greek topic

im participating too but by my self in doing a ripple afghan

i have to finish this first before the quilt ghan

actually i want to make sure of the baby gendre first if its a boy i think i prefer making the penguin quilt rather than the grandmother quilt :yes




still waiting for my dinner

im sooooooo starving dont know why

i told my husband i want mc royal meal and the baby wants spicy mc chicken so ill have both loooooooooool

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Beautiful flannelghan!!!:clap:clap:clap


Well, Jules...I can see up the street about 3 houses... after that it's all WHITE:lol

The patio table has well over a foot of snow on it.:P


The dogs - even my old lady, Susie - act like pups in this!:D


Okay - back to getting their food ready.

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Hey Athba

Well, by practicing , I mean learning. I got a book that has different stitches in it so you can learn them step by step . I always wanted to learn to knit, but it seems much harder than learning to crochet .

I would agree with you on the baby quilt-ghan. If it's a girl, then the flower garden one would match better, but if it's a boy, the penguin one would be better .

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