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Special Assignment from MIL- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


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My SIL purchased some yarn from the local Ben Franklin store when it went out of business. SIL can't crochet and knows nothing about yarn, so she proudly takes her newly acquired yarn to MIL to crochet a hat or scarf for them. MIL does crochet, however, she had no clue as to what to do with this yarn. So she gives it to me to see if I can do something with it. The yarn was 4 small balls of a ladder type yarn and 4 balls of a fabu speciality yarn. I came up with the following scarfs:


The first one is from the ladder yarn - I really had to strech it to make a scarf. It seemed to need something so I added a crochet carnation to each end.




The second one I paired with purple yarn I had in my stash and was able to crochet this scarf.



SO, did I successfully complete the assignment? I find out later this week when I deliver the scarves.

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Delivered scarves to Mil tonight. When I went in I had them both draped over my neck. FIL answered the door, I asked him what he thought. He said, "They're nice where did you buy them?" He couldn't believe I made them myself.


MIL was so surprised that they looked so nice, she kept saying she never expected me to come up with anything. She said she was couldn't believe how creative I was.


So I think she was very pleased. Thank goodness because I was a little worred, especially about the red one.


I know one thing for sure no one at their red hat group will have scarves like they have.

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