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Jimbo Hook Auction - I may have an addiction

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So, Jimbo has a hook auction going on right now. 4 beautiful hooks. I'm fortunate to own the sizes that he's currently auctioning and with a recent two tire blow out and a sick puppy who had tests at the vet (not to mention Christmas), I have no funds to spend on a hook. HOWEVER, I took a look at the 4 of them and found that I was telling myself, "Oh, but you dont' have one in THAT color!"


That's gotta be the sign of an addiction. Is there a 12 step program?:lol

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I'm staying away from his auctions until I get back from vacation. LOL! They are beyond gorgeous though. My dad carves decoys - so I appreciate the work and talent that has to go into these hooks.

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I'm not even going to look. I've been admiring his work for quite a while but just haven't found the funds to get one. And now with a broken wrist that's given me a totally unplanned 2 week vacation, without pay... Hopefully things will be better in 2010.

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If I MUST have an addiction this would be a good one.


What harm could come from something so beautifully handcrafted? The only downside I see is thinking the perfect hook is on the way but, just maybe, a hook more beautiful in a different way may come along shortly thereafter.


Thank goodness my favorite hook is a G followed closely by H and I, otherwise I could be in as much trouble as the rest of you "addicts". :lol


Off to stalk the pumpkin H,,,,,

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