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Too many patterns, how do you organize?

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My name is Valerie, and I am a pattern-a-holic! As I sit here surrounded by patterns on all sides trying to organize. I thought maybe I could get some inspiration from you. I have pattern books (hard cover), booklets, pdf files in paper and digital format. And of course all of those pattern sheets the stores display by the yarns, (I also have too much of that but at least those are sorted in sweater bags by color). And the patterns found on the yarn labels.


So how do you organize them all???

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rite now 90% of mine are online.. so i have them saved in a folder on my desktop ... and in that folder are folders.. with what type of project it is (afghan)(hats)(clothing)(toys) ect.


I fig when they are printed i'll get a huge 3 ring binder and hole punch and put them in that categorized the same

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organize in binders is exactly what I am trying to do. I had one, but the patterns were just in the binder no order. Now I have added a second 3 inch binder and sheet protectors so I am trying to separate into categories and label. Organization is not really me :blush

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I got inspired by Autumn, another Crochetville poster, to organize my patterns.

I have alot I've printed off the internet.

So I organized those in notebooks into categories. I put them into Afghans/pillows/rug,

then Babies....anything babies goes there...their afghans, hats, etc, just anything baies, children or toddlers.

Then I did bed/bath.....anything related to my bedroom/bath that I would like to make. I've downloaded alot of washcloth patterns, and some other things I want to make for that part of the house.

Then the kitchen area.....I have placemats, dishtowels, hot pads, hot mitts, coasters, anything kitchen.

Gee, I have several more categories, but you get the idea. The last one is "wearables"....anything like for an adult would be hats, scarves, crocheted belts, etc. I also made a section for doilies, dresser scarves, handkerchiefs with crocheted edgings, tissue box covers, that sort of thing out of small dainty threads.

I have a large notebook and 2 small ones just for printed patterns from the internet.

For leaflets and books I have bought I have a container with hanging file folders to put those kind of patterns in.

Just come up with your own system, something that works for you.

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ORGANIZED!!!!!!!! You mean they're supposed to be organized?????? :eek:rofl


That is me usually, but I am tired of spending a hour looking for a pattern, or realizing the pattern I am looking for is not even with the others. I have occasionally found them with the mail, in the car. As I said organization is not me but I am trying....:blush:blush

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My so called organization is simply ... stacked up in a large Rubbermaid storage tub. The heaviest/biggest books are on the bottom and I just add everything else on top according to the size of the paper/booklet/leaflet. I guess it's not the best system in the world and it does generally require a lot of effort to dig through when I want something. Maybe I will have to take some of y'alls suggestions and put everything into some real order so I can quickly find patterns for whatever I feel like making =)

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My so called organization is simply ... stacked up in a large Rubbermaid storage tub. The heaviest/biggest books are on the bottom and I just add everything else on top according to the size of the paper/booklet/leaflet. I guess it's not the best system in the world and it does generally require a lot of effort to dig through when I want something. Maybe I will have to take some of y'alls suggestions and put everything into some real order so I can quickly find patterns for whatever I feel like making =)


Until now I have had some of the hard cover books, booklets and pamphlets and yarn label/patterns sheets in tote bags and duffel bags. Not the best way to find anything. I am trying to get better.:yes

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I have only been crocheting for a year or so but have found what works for me, if I have a pattern that I've successfully made something from and think I will use again I put that pattern in a 3 ring binder with others so it is easy to find. I've tried some patterns and they just dont work for me and I assume when I am more knowledgable with crochet I will try them again later. Those patterns are put away for now.

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I just went through all of my hard copy patterns yesterday. The hard books are on a shelf and the little booklets and printouts are in sheet protectors in a binder. I purged a whole lot yesterday, anything that I printed of the internet and have yet to make I threw out. I figure I can always go back and print it again.

I have my binder sorted similar to other posters:

Home: pillow covers, hot pads, etc..

Baby Stuff: hats, booties, etc..

Scarves, hats and Mittens




Hope this helps,


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I have some in PDF on my computer but I also print them and keep them in a large binder book separated with tabs. You can purchase an accordian file and put them in there.

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I too am a pattern-a-holic! I keep all patterns I find online in binders. I label the binder accordingly. I have a binder of vintage doily patterns, one just for Denise Augostine patterns, one for the "little beauty series", afghans, bookkmarks, etc. I have even punched holes in pattern books I have bought and put them in binders as well. That's a little hard to do since they are so thick and you need to have a heavy duty hole punch, but I love having them together. As soon as I find a pattern online it immediately goes in a sheet protector in the binder. I love being able to grab a binder and find exactly what I'm looking for. Every pattern I have used I scribble notes on it. I mark a round I found particularly hard, or if I happen to find an error (which is rare, but it does happen) I make a note of it. I also make a note of how long it took, if it was easy or hard, or if it laid flat or ruffled. Anything that would be helpful in the future. I can just sit and lovingly sort through all my patterns all day long. :manyheart

I have many free tear-offs and those are easily stuck into the pockets inside the binders. This system works for me! Hope you find one that works for you!!:cheer




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I too am a pattern-a-holic! I keep all patterns I find online in binders. I label the binder accordingly. I have a binder of vintage doily patterns, one just for Denise Augostine patterns, one for the "little beauty series", afghans, bookkmarks, etc. I have even punched holes in pattern books I have bought and put them in binders as well. That's a little hard to do since they are so thick and you need to have a heavy duty hole punch, but I love having them together. As soon as I find a pattern online it immediately goes in a sheet protector in the binder. I love being able to grab a binder and find exactly what I'm looking for. Every pattern I have used I scribble notes on it. I mark a round I found particularly hard, or if I happen to find an error (which is rare, but it does happen) I make a note of it. I also make a note of how long it took, if it was easy or hard, or if it laid flat or ruffled. Anything that would be helpful in the future. I can just sit and lovingly sort through all my patterns all day long. :manyheart

I have many free tear-offs and those are easily stuck into the pockets inside the binders. This system works for me! Hope you find one that works for you!!:cheer

You are so organized! I have a box full of loose patterns. I have a small plastic tub with the free patterns from the store. I have patterns on my computer and I have patterns that I started organizing in a notebook. Every now and then I'll take patterns from my computer and download them to a cd. I make sure that similar patterns are on the same disc and the first word in the pattern's title is what the item is such as "AFGHAN round ripple." I really need to get some organization going here. I don't know what I have.

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I keep all my online pattern in a folder on my desktop. I can easily work the pattern from my laptop without ever having to print it out. If I find a label or tear off at the store that I like, I can usually find it online at the companies website so there is no need to keep the label or flier. I have a few books, magazines, and leaflets and those sit on my bookshelf. I have even been known to scan in a pattern from a books or leaflets so I can work it by looking at my laptop and not have to worry about damaging my book. I can always type up notes and attach it to my pattern file. After I finish a pattern I usually take a picture of it and attach that to the file as well. I don't have to worry about ink, paper or storage. Hubby even set it up to so that everything is always backed up even if my computer crashes nothing is lost. I do have a small 3 ring binder with those few labels and tear offs that I haven't been able to find online yet. I find this the best way to stay organized.

I am not the kind of person that likes to take my crochet everywhere. I usually enjoy crocheting in my recliner while watching tv and my laptop sits on the endtable by my chair.

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Wow you are all so organized. I feel like I should have started this before now, but better late than never I suppose. It is so much easier to find things in the binder, than having to search each tote bag, plastic shoe box, drawer, or whatever other place I had put the patterns. :blush


I can at least find a few things now, still haven't figured out what to do with the free project sheets but I will think of something, perhaps another binder and more sheet protectors. I wonder if they come in different sizes?? Oh well I guess I need another trip to Wally.

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Lol the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. :P


I went to Walmart and bought one of those expandable folders with the flap that has the elastic to loop around a button. I set up each section for a different type of pattern- babies, afghans, home, wearables, accessories, that type of thing. It's still slightly disorganized, but it's better than just having them all in one big stack like I used to! :yes

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Lol the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. :P


I went to Walmart and bought one of those expandable folders with the flap that has the elastic to loop around a button. I set up each section for a different type of pattern- babies, afghans, home, wearables, accessories, that type of thing. It's still slightly disorganized, but it's better than just having them all in one big stack like I used to! :yes



hmmm....a slightly larger than average coupon organizer just might do the trick never thought of something like that! Thanks.

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hmmm....a slightly larger than average coupon organizer just might do the trick never thought of something like that! Thanks.


That's it! Walmart has some by a company called "Hot Chocolate" and they're super cute. One day I'll get really ambitious and set up all those binders like Nutforyarn! :yes Well... maybe... :P

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I have one of those file crates with hanging folders and file them by category - afghans, baby stuff, doilies, scarves, etc. Then I have a couple of three ring binders - one with the patterns on which I'm currently working in page protector sleeves. (yes patterns - I can never do one project at a time!!) and the other is tabbed in categories and contains the patterns that are my favorites in those categories. Sort of my go to book for stuff I know works and I can get done quickly if someone needs something! Funny I didn't need all this organization until I became a member of the 'Ville. Hmmmm LOL!

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