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Shopping Treasures!!!

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OMG!! Saturday was an AWESOME shopping day.


First, I went to Sheep Street Yarn Shop...a new yarn shop that opened in my hometown of Canton, MA...no website up yet but she is working on it. It was my first LYS (Local Yarn Shop) experience and I was blown away. I wanted to buy the whole store but I was a good girl.....I managed to spend just $23.20 for 2 skeins of Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk and my first Brittney Crochet Hook!!


Click to drool.....th_Sat_YarnShop.jpg


Next, I hit a yard sale on my way back from the yarn shop. $5.00 later I walked away with 2 XXL sweaters. One is 100% wool in a celery green and it is super soft. The next is a XXL turtleneck sweater in 100% cotton in a denim color. Both will be taken apart & unravelled and rewound into delicious skeins of yarn for me to make some crocheted goodies with!!


Click for big pic....th_Sat_YardSale.jpg


Last, I made a trip to Goodwill (thrift store) after hearing rumors that you can get fab finds there (i was originally looking for more sweaters)....in their craft bin I found 2 bags of yarn for $1.99 each. What did my $3.98 get me???


4 skeins of a cotton, wool, silk blend in red & green colors (I see Xmas doilies).


1 Skein of 100% cotton by Bernat Gloucester (hats for my boys)


3 skeins of a silk, nylon blend in chestnut & cream (maybe a purse?)


4 skeins of BonBon's 100% Italian Mohair 3 champagne & 1 blue (no ideas yet...maybe ROAK gifties)


6 skeins Lopi 100% Iclandic Wool...1 in Grey & 5 in Cranberry (hats, mittens)


I am soooo excited....will definately be back next week to find more goodies!!


Click for big pic....th_Sat_Goodwill.jpg


Total cost of day: $32.18


Total cost of excitement: PRICELESS

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What a fabulous find! I'm definitely going to have to check out the thrift shops at home, we've also had a very neat LYS open up that I only got to drool in when I was home. When I start working again I hope to start shopping there. :hook



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