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Direct Orders from a 2 year old.

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My grandson just handed me my hook and said "for sarah". "make it." . Apparently, I need to make something else for his new sister. 2 dresses and a blanket were not enough!

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My grandson just handed me my hook and said "for sarah". "make it." . Apparently, I need to make something else for his new sister. 2 dresses and a blanket were not enough!


Oh my gosh Ninn, my great niece is like that, EVERYTHING I make she thinks is for HER, she started also at 4, now I call her MOOCHIE, cause she will taake ANYTHING I am crocheting when she is here, she says, mine GoGo (she cant say JoJo, that is what the others call me..lol) anbd will have a HISSY FIT when I dont give it to her...

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Sounds like my2 year old dgd. When she sees me making something she always says "that's mine". My avatar is of her when she was around a year old. I take care of her while her parents work and as soon as she could crawl she grabbed my hook and yarn.

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Oh, how precious is that! He wants you to make more for his sister...that's just filled with the AWWWWWW factor :lol

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So sweet! He is taking his big brother duties very seriously! :lol

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Yes, he does take it very seriously. He gets very angry if she cries and he doesn't think someone is moving fast enough. You have to ask his permission to hold her because she is HIS baby. When she falls asleep in her swing or her seat, he will inform you that she is "ni-night" and needs to go to bed. If she doesn't get put into bed, he gets unpleasant. He's very possessive of her. I was kind of surprised that he wanted to spend the weekend with us, as she is not here with him.


I showed him a baby dress picture and I'm assuming from his "sarah's dress" statement that it is the next thing I am making. He likes her in dresses. He tells her she is beautiful and that he loves her all the time.

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Yes, he does take it very seriously. He gets very angry if she cries and he doesn't think someone is moving fast enough. You have to ask his permission to hold her because she is HIS baby. When she falls asleep in her swing or her seat, he will inform you that she is "ni-night" and needs to go to bed. If she doesn't get put into bed, he gets unpleasant. He's very possessive of her. I was kind of surprised that he wanted to spend the weekend with us, as she is not here with him.


I showed him a baby dress picture and I'm assuming from his "sarah's dress" statement that it is the next thing I am making. He likes her in dresses. He tells her she is beautiful and that he loves her all the time.


That is so sweet! He's a great big brother!

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I never had a big brother nor a younger brother but I would have loved to have one just like him. How sweet he is. When she gets to be a teenager I wonder who is going to be more protective of her, her Dad or her big brother. Maybe both. :hug :hug to your grandson and granddaughter.

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I sincerely doubt that boys will get within 10 miles of Sarah when she is a teen. She has her dad, her brother, 2 granddads and 3 uncles who will totally be a wall between her and the male species. And that's just immediate family. That doesn't even count the other male adults in her life!

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How precious, I have the problem with my grandkids that they think eveyrthing I make is for them, usually I just have to tell them I am making this for so and so and they are happy with that.

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