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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi,  My room was much more comfortable today.  I am so glad.  Oh, and I finished the gauntlets.  I'll have to get my dd to model them for a picture.


Joanne, I hope you feel better soon.  Sorry you had to reschedule your hair appointment.


LeeAnn, the pics you posted are fantastic.  I love how you are displaying them.  You have so many great ideas.


Stacy and Marisa, I hope everything is going great for you.


Well, I am so tired I can't think straight.  I will see if my hubby will let me get some sleep now.

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Quick fly by but had to hop on here to see how you all are doing.


Joanne-hoping that you feel better today and are able to perhaps stay home to recuperate.


Beth-can't wait to see pics of your gauntlets!


Stacy-You did an amazing job on your midterm..way to go!!!


Off to shower and then back to soaping, I saved the soaps for last but golly gee..I have a ton to make.  Oh well!  I will pour me another cup of java and get to work.


Hugs n squishes!

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I went to work today. Feel better but not totally. Glad it's almost the weekend when I'll take it easy and rest some more.


LeeAnn Love the pics of the pie soaps and the goodies you've been cooking up. They are so cute. And calorie free. Lol


Beth. Can't wait to see the gauntlets.


Off to watch greys anatomy and work on the knitted scarf


H marissa and Stacy

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Happy Friday!  I'm with Joanne, can't wait for the work day to end.  My daughter and I are going to Despicable Me 2 this evening, if everything goes according to plan. 


I hope you feel better, Joanne, and the rest you get this weekend is enough to get you totally healthy.


LeeAnn, so excited about your opening.  How many days now?


Stacy, the girls are too cute.  Love the photo of the homework.  So much love in your house -- you and Jorge are doing a great job with those darling girls!


Marisa, I hope you are having too much fun to stop by to see us.  We do miss you. 


I need to get moving -- only 15 minutes to drink my coffee and get going!

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Hey ladies!


TGIF!  And I know you all are ready for it!  LoL 


Leeann, LOVE the pictures of all your soapy goodies!  The pie slices are so adorable. 


Joanne, hope you feel better once you get some rest this weekend.  :hug  Are things in Paradise still going full-speed?  I bought a cinnamon whisk at TJ's this afternoon- my first time ever buying one.  I put it in the front window and boy, does the living room smell wonderful! 


Marisa, hope all is well!  :hug


Beth, glad to hear your room was much more bearable today.  Hope you make it to Despicable Me 2!  It is such a cute movie.  :yes  Can't wait to see the gauntlets! 


I was at the girls' school from 7:40 until almost noon today.  Eva's class got some new students so the teacher asked me to sort homework folders and create some new ones, and to prepare the homework for next week.  Afterward, I sold Halloween-grams, and sorted/assembled them.  Some of the 5th-grade girls gave up their recess period to help, which I am very thankful for.  Had it not been for their help, I probably would not have left until about 1.  I just cannot believe only 3 parents have volunteered to help- and one of them has a full-time job.  I know there are many who can't due to working or school or having little ones, but I do know quite a few who stay at home.  I asked one that I know quite well to come by and help for half an hour- she said she was so busy that she doesn't have time at all.  Well, then later she posted on FB that she went to get a new phone, then slept the rest of the day.  Gah!!  Okay, rant over.

I brought Isabella home with me afterward- she is sniffling and sneezing, and generally not feeling well.  Her teacher gave her a pass on doing their unit test this week, and said she will administer it to her on Monday if she feels better.  

Oh, guess what?!  I got a job!  :woo :woo Well, pending a background check...but since I'm not a criminal, I'm not too worried.  :wink  It is only seasonal, but that is fine because the holidays are where the extra cash comes in handy anyway.  :yes  And I'm still holding out hope that all this volunteering will pay off, in the form of a job at the school.  :lol 


Well, I better scoot- lots of homework to do and most of it is due by Monday.  :eek  Love and hugs!  

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Stacy, Hooray for a job!  I've known a lot of seasonal jobs that turned to permanent, particularly if the worker has a decent work ethic, which you have.  And you never know about the school.  Congrats.


Happy Friday everyone.  My daughter and I loved the movie.  It was a great night out.  We even snuck in a trip to Joann's, just to look at the pretty yarn. 

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Good morning and Happy Saturday!


Stacy- :clap  Congrats on the new job!!! Awesome--and you never know like Beth said, it may just turn permanent, but if not, it will surely help with the holiday shopping! You seem to be very busy with the volunteering at school! How was your mid-term?  Your mention of TJ's has me yearning to go, but I think I'll put it off since we are headed to Boston at the end of the week!


Beth- Glad you and DD had a nice night out :manyheart  Sounds wonderful ending the evening with a trip to pet some yarn!


LeeAnn- Can you believe it's less than a week till your Grand Opening! :yay  You must be beyond excited :yay Saw your post about your Mom helping you out with soap making--that's very cool!


Marisa- Hope all is well--miss you around here!


Had a long week again, still not over my cold, so my plans are for lots of rest this weekend! I'm supposed to babysit for the boys tomorrow, but I'm going to let DD know i'm getting over a cold--don't want the boys to get it especially since we are all going away next weekend!


Off to grab a cuppa 'joe' and start my laundry.  Have a wonderful day! :hug

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Hello everybody,

I hope you are having a good weekend. 


Not much going on here -- lots of relaxing.  My daughter wants me to help he with some homework today, though, so my rest may be over wants she gets up.


Take care!

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Happy Sunday!


Had a good relaxing day yesterday. Did my laundry/cleaning (THAT part wasn't relaxing- LOL), but in the afternoon, we watched football and I did some knitting. We went out to the Bux for a bit and I had PSL!!!!


Today, I'm heading over in a bit to babysit the boys for a while- DD has a baptism to go to and SIL works. Looking forward to my time with the boys- and when she gets home, we're firming up plans for when we are in Boston next weekend!


Have a ;good day everyone

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HI all,


Had a fun afternoon with the boys. They are both such a delight! We all went for a long walk after DD got home and planned our trip- getting very excited to spend some time with all the girls and GS in my favorite city!!!


But, first I have to get through 3 days of work, so time to pour the coffee and get this day started.


LeeAnn- Loving all the soapy goodness--the ice cream cones are simply adorable!!! You must be on :c9 having your dream be realized in a few short days! :cheer


Beth, Stacy and Marisa-  Hope you all had a good weekend---and have a good week!

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Joanne, will this short week fly by for you, or crawl by, because you would rather be in Boston?  I hope it flies by, and you are on vacation soon.  Sounds like a great weekend with your GS. 


LeeAnn, time is flying by before your opening.  Good luck as you finish all the loose ends, my friend.  I wish I could come see everything!


Marisa and Stacy, have a good Monday. 


I really don't want to go to work today.  I don't know if I will make it through this year.  I'm looking forward to several days off and a half day next month, though, to help me make it through.

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Beth- today flew by- and it was another long one--but only 2 more to go. I'm off this Thursday and originally planned to return to work next Thursday, but today I decided to ask for 2 more days off so I'll see if I get it. It's not like I don't have the vacation time!!! Then I'll have time at home off before returning to work.


I always look forward to the next days off....it's what keeps me going......


Speaking of going--I haven't had dinner yet, so of I go..... LOL

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Quick fly by!  Sorry to be gone for soo long..lots to do and the time is ticking..going on a few hours of sleep..but have decided to get to bed before midnight tonight. Tomorow is the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, wish me luck!  Miss all of you terribly, will post more as soon as I catch my breath!  Hugs n extra squishes!

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LeeAnn, enjoy your ribbon cutting ceremony!  How very exciting!  I hope you will have lots and lots of pictures!d


Joanne, I hope you get the rest of the time off that you requested.  It would be nice to have a couple of days to rest after your trip.  So excited for you!  It sounds like such fun. 


Stacy, I love the stories from your girls' school.  We are supposed to wear red on Wednesday, too.  I have a red bath robe, think that would work?


Marisa, I miss you, girl!  I hope all is well for you.


I need to get my coffee started.  I went to bed at 8 p.m. yesterday, but I am still tired.

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Quick stop in---

LeeAnn- Hope you had a great ribbon-cutting ceremony!!!! Woo-hoo!!!


Beth- I'm tired, but thankfully after tomorrow I'm off till the 11th!!! I have to work late tomorrow night- which I'm not looking forward to , but it's bearable since I know I'll be off after that!!!! Thursday will be spent trick or treating and packing! LOL


Marisa- Hope all is well


Stacy- Hope things are going well with you, DH and the girls!! Did you start the job yet?


Off to go relax, before calling it an early night!

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Joanne, I'd wish you a happy Hump Day, but it isn't!  I hope your long day isn't too bad.  Enjoy your break -- you really deserve it.  Have a safe and fun vacation!  How fun to trick or treat with the wee ones! 


LeeAnn, Congrats on your ribbon cutting.  I am very proud of you, and so happy to watch you go so far so fast!  You are a hard worker, and deserve all kinds of goodness!


Stacy, are the girls getting excited for Halloween?  Do you take them trick or treating, or does Jorge have that duty?  My husband always took our kids, once they became big enough to keep up with him. 


Marisa, How is your business going?  Are they keeping you busy?


Yesterday, I sat down in my recliner to crochet on my giant granny square.  A cat curled up in my lap, and we both fell asleep!  It was about 7 p.m.  I really need to stay awake longer.  I didn't get much crocheting done, but since it was national cat day, I think I celebrated appropriately -- a cat nap with a cat in my lap...  Yep.  It was relaxing to work on something mindless for a bit...  maybe too relaxing? 

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Quick fly-by since I have a boat-load of homework to finish before trick-or-treating tomorrow.  Or just tomorrow at all.  I am helping with breakfast in the morning and will be back after lunch to help with costumes.  The girls have a parade at school, then they want to stay after school for the Halloween parties there.  We have a birthday party at 5 (which I HOPE will be serving something for dinner :lol ) and then trick-or-treating.  :whew  My English class started this weekend, and I think it will be fun.  Challenging, and lots of work, but fun.  The teacher is wonderful and sweet and funny.  :yes  My background check came back clear and I am waiting for the manager to call back and schedule my orientation. 


Beth, I think you celebrated national cat day in the perfect way.  :manyheart   Sounds cozy.  We take the girls trick-or-treating together.  Dh always has class on Halloween, but he usually leaves by 7:30 to meet up with us.  This year he is skipping class altogether, so we will start out at 6:30 and be done by a decent hour. 


Leeann, you are on a whirlwind!  Congrats on your ribbon cutting ceremony, and good luck with your grand opening this weekend!  How exciting!  Will your kiddos do anything to celebrate tomorrow?


Joanne, how exciting to spend time with all of your girls and GS!  I'm excited for you.  :lol   Have fun taking the GS out trick-or-treating tomorrow.  What will they dress up as?


Marisa, :hug  Hope all is well with you.


Gotta scoot.  Love and hugs!

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Had a verrrrrry long day. But woo-hoo I'm on vacation now.


Ryan is going to be a lion. Not sure about Robbie. Can't wait and I'll take pics.


Off to unwind and get some shut eye. Will try and catch up tomorrow. Dd and I are going for manis and pedis in the morning. Starting my vacation with a little pampering.


Beth you celebrated national cat day most appropriately. -:)

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Good evening ladies!


Joanne-happy Vacation!  I'm so glad that you will be enjoying your time off.  How fun and exciting!


Beth-how's it going?  Has work been better?  How's your family?  Hope they are feeling well.


Stacy-Wow  you class already started, how fast!  You are going to graduate in no time.


The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was a huge success!  I had a great time networking and selling of course but just being in my shop was so much fun, heartwarming and WONDERFUL!  I'm attaching a few pictures to share with you all.  Hugs n squishes!






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LeeAnn, your shop is beautiful!  Good luck this weekend, for your grand opening!  Wish I could pop in and peruse all your yummy goodies!


Joanne, enjoy your vacation.  I'm glad you are starting it with a little pampering, and hope you continue pampering yourself all week!  Much deserved.  Can't wait to see the pics of the grands.


Stacy, Sounds like you are staying super busy!  I hope the girls have a great time tonight.


Marisa, Thinking of you.


I figured out why I've been so tired:  I cut WAY back on my caffeine consumption.  I had cola with my dinner last night -- first time in a while -- and functioned well until bedtime.  Maybe I need another cup of coffee when I get home...


Trying to make two lasagnas before work.  See you later!

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I hope you all had a happy Halloween.  The pics from Facebook are wonderful -- it looks like a fun night.  We had Trick-or-Treaters show up before we were ready (I didn't buy the candy yet) but when I got back from the store, nobody else showed up.  So I'm stuck with a big bag of chocolate.  Whatever will I do with it?  LOL


Happy Friday!  Good luck with the Grand Opening, LeeAnn.  Good timing for Holiday shoppers. 

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Good morning!


Beth- Happy Friday to you !!!  I wasn't home to greet the trick or treaters- but did get some kids around 8:00 when I had gotten home. Still have lots of candy left. I'll bring it to work when I return- heaven knows, I sure don't need to have it around here!


LeeAnn- Wishing you a wonderful Grand Opening!! Your shop looks so cute and inviting! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Sure wish I lived closer to see it in person!!! You have done a fabulous job!!


Stacy- Loved the pics on FB- did the girls have fun yesterday?


Marisa- I'm sorry that you are going to be in NJ this weekend and I'm not--would have loved to meet up with you! Of all the weekends! Maybe next year it will work out!

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Halloween candy?  What Halloween candy?  Are we supposed to have leftovers?  LOL  My kids, husband and I put a big dent in it.  Won't be any left tomorrow. 


Today is my 23rd anniversary.  My hubby took me out to a BBQ restaurant last night to celebrate.  I have a meetup with my crochet friends today. 


Joanne, enjoy your wonderful week off!  I hope you have so much fun!  I can't wait to hear about it. 


LeeAnn, I can't wait to hear about your grand opening!  I am so happy for you!


Stacy, Did the girls get lots of loot from Trick-0r-Treating?  How is your busy weekend going?


Marisa, I hope you have a good time in NJ.



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Happy Saturday!  I had a great meeting with my crochet friends.  I spent the rest of the day relaxing.  My dd and I had a belated movie night, since I went out with the hubby yesterday instead of watching a movie with her.  We watched the old DVD of Willow -- what a good movie!  I forgot a lot of it -- it was like watching it for the first time.  I am looking for recommendations for good movies.  My daughter hasn't seen many in her entire life, so we are playing catch-up.


Joanne, Hope your vacation is great!

LeeAnn, hope your store is busy, selling lots of product.

Stacy, hope your homework is done, and you can relax.

Marisa, hope you are having a great weekend.

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Happy Monday!
Joanne, I hope you are having a great time on your vacation.  can't wait to hear all about it.


Marisa, I hope you had a good trip home.  Are you back to Pittsburgh yet?


LeeAnn, how are things at YOUR store?  So happy for you!


Stacy, love the pics of your girls.  They are growing way too fast.  They are so cute.


Since we vote tomorrow, and the schools are polling places, I don't have to work tomorrow.  I'd do a cartwheel, but I'd hurt something.  Here's to a great Monday!

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