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Good morning


LeeAnn- Belated happy 17th Anniversary! Good for you taking off Mon/Tues- I'm sure there is tons to do to get ready for your Grand Opening--wow --doesn't that sound great! Grand Opening!!!!


Beth- I'm happy that MIL is home- hopefully she'll do better in her own surroundings! Enjoy your time with your friends- and of course the pumpkin spice latte


Stacy- Wow- lots on your plate! How's the volunteering going? And Mia? I would have been so upset if my dog (that I don't have) tore into my purse!


Marisa- I'm sure you have fun things planned for the weekend as always!


Heading into work this morning till noon---not how I want to start my Saturday- but it is what it is right now. Seriously considering some changes as I don't want to keep up at this pace---and it seems like the responsibilities that have been outlined in my new job description are going to require long hours to get the job done--too much that is expected of one person to accomplish IMHO.  We'll see...,,


Anyway, will be leaving at noon- and coming home to do the usual Saturday chores- while listening to the Rutgers football game- then it's relaxation time and of course some R&R time on Sunday! DH is going to take me out to dinner tonight- so at least I don't have to cook!! That's always a bonus in my book!

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Happy Saturday

Joanne, enjoy your dinner with your husband.  that's so sweet of him!  I'm sorry you will be having such long hours.  Do you get extra pay to recompense your time?


LeeAnn, The grand opening isn't that far away.  I'm so excited and happy for you.  I'll bet it is great fun to plan everything.  I hope you are taking care of yourself.  Happy Belated Anniversary! 


Stacy, Love the picture of the miniature golf.  You have beautiful daughters.  Just like their mama. 


Marisa, I hope you are having fun at the convention. 


Off to do the grocery shopping.  I am looking forward to a day totally off tomorrow.  Maybe I'll get my daughter's second gauntlet done, then I can post pictures!

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-oh my!  Working such long hours can be exhausting.  I would be tired as well.  Hope your dinner out with your hubby was superb!  What hooky project are you working on?


Beth-a day of relaxation sounds wonderful.  Enjoy!  Can't wait to see the new gauntlets.  I bet they are going to be super duper awesome!


Stacy-that is so great that you can volunteer, so many mommies want to but can't, way to go!


Marisa-bet you are having an exciting weekend!


Yesterday was our 17 Wedding Anniversary, the kiddos are at the in-laws but no rest here.  We had a wonderful dinner but have been running like chickens.  Today I picked up my keys for the shop and moved a few of the shelving units in..it is soo neat!  I am super excited, some of the items that I had ordered came in along with Joyce's goodies..the soap dishes were no longer available..I had ordered 2 other ones thankfully they came in, I think they are going to sell fast..I may have to order more soon.  Also have a few orders to fill and lots and lots of product to make.


have a wonderful evening my friends!  Hugs n squishes

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I did not pick up a hook yesterday.  I realized that we have a race going past our house today, so I decided to go grocery shopping, then found out I was having company, so tried to get my house cleaned a little bit.  It really needs a lot more love.  I am not getting much done today. We are ALL going to my MIL's for lunch today.  She called and demanded an audience from my husband, and he is an obedient child.  The boys are actually available for it, too..  If we can get out of the house...


Hope your days are lovely.


LeeAnn, I am so excited about the shop.  I hope you will post many many pics.  It is so exciting.  Happy Anniversary!  17 years is great.  We are working on 23 in a little less than a month. 

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Good morning,


Beth- I sure hope you can get out of the house to get to MIL's- it's good that you are all going. 


I didn't get out of work yesterday until 1:30- They did an upgrade at my company Fri night and all departments had to test to make sure that the upgrade didn't affect anything. Unfortunately the upgrade affected our the new system we use in our department and that was what I was testing.  So I had to stay and was working with IT to keep testing changes that they made to try and correct whatever they did wrong Fri night. Finally they figured it out....What should have happened was I would test our system to make sure the upgrades made didn't affect anything that our department uses. That would have taken about 45 minutes.  Then, I could have spent a few hours trying to catch on MY work. So instead I was there from 7:30 to 1:30 just testing.,Very frustrating to say the least.

We watched the Rutgers game which went into 3OT's but at least Rutgers won!! We didn't end up going out to dinner--I just wanted to stay home so we had soup and sandwiches- and that was fine by me (and DH)


LeeAnn- I'm still trying to finish up the ripple afghan for my son-in-law, but pointy sticks keep calling me. I finished the Gaptastic cowl last night- and I made some mistakes- I kept forgetting if I knit or purled and so it really doesn't look like it's supposed to look- but it looks ok and will keep me warm. I'm also knitting a scarf for a co-worker (very basic- each row is 4K, 4P across. I still have 32 squares for the sunny spread done- only need to make 4 more and then put it together...and of course the knitted baby blanket--which also has a few mistakes--I may end up frogging that.


Stacy and Marisa- Hope you are enjoying  your weekend.


Off to get the laundry out of the dryer.

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Sigh.  They are pulling me out of the classroom most of this week to work in the office.  My hours are going to stink.  I was planning to get fitted for my new glasses today after work, but now I'm working later.  And Friday was supposed to be a half day, but I won't be at the school.  Figures, eh?  I am wondering what they have in mind for me.  My bosses don't think my classes need continuity, but I think the kids would thrive better with the same teacher every day. 


Joanne, will you be able to catch up on the work you were planning to do this weekend?   Try not to work too hard. 


LeeAnn, enjoy your day off today. I am sure you'll get a lot done on your store. 


Marisa, How is your mom doing?  How are things in your office?  Are you staying busy? 


Stacy, How is the volunteering going?  How does Eva react to you in the room?  Are you there every day?


My MIL is very happy to be home, but seems so very much older than she did at Christmas.  I hope she will continue to get stronger, but I'm worried about her.  And I worry about my SIL, who is doing so much for her mom that she doesn't take care of herself.  It was good to go see them.  We wore her out, and she slept for quite a while afterwards, which is a good thing.

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Good morning housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


It's going to be another crazy week on deck :eek  I had a busy weekend with the Pa Chiropractic Convention and then Steph and Bean came back last night so I had to pick them up at the airport and ended up scalping their tix for the game since it didn't make sense for me to go just a couple of innings, but I made them $120 :)  So for today's game I was supposed to have tix and the whole situation became a mess and my tix ended up being sold on stubhub!!!  :eek:angry  Needless to say that I was extremely upset last night.  Steph felt absolutely horrible and kept an eye on stubhub all night watching for prices to start dropping to buy me and my friend tix that had already called her boss at home earlier to see if she could leave work early today.  I told her not to worry about it and that it wasn't worth trying to look for tix to buy (we already had them and she sold them!!!!!)  Ugh.....   So, my friend text me this morning just to confirm before she went to tell her boss she didn't have to leave early after all and she said that he genuinely felt bad for her that it made him want to look for tix for us! LOL  Just that thought did put a little smile on my face this morning.  So, now I'm debating heading over to the bar/tavern by the office to watch the game.  We'll see what happens.  I do have stuff to get straightened out here....of course that paperwork never ends and I've been trying to iron out some things since I switched my clearinghouse in August, just got some answers on Friday, but then had to run right out so didn't get to actually do any of the fixing :shrug  But, I had a great time hanging out with Ingrid and the kids ;)


We have relatives coming in from Tampa starting on Wednesday and through Friday and so my parents are coming in Thursday night.  We have an appointment at that back on Friday morning....my parents are getting home equity loan for me to consolidate my credit cards with an extremely lower interest rate, which will help overall with monthly bills for us.  And since I don't 'own' anything, I couldn't get one for myself and personal loans don't have the great rates, nor do I have the income to justify the loan for now. 


Umm, I think that's about it for now......


Beth - Sorry you have to do office hours this week!  Sending prayers for your mil.


Joanne, Stacy, and LeeAnn - I hope all is well


Have a great Monday!!!!

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So now that I tried it a day, I think I could get used to office hours.  I don't have to be there until 8:30.  Since the office is within walking distance, that gives me over an hour more in the mornings, plus I can come home at lunch.  It is nice to go home earlier, but I can handle this for one week.  I would like to get my glasses, though.  Maybe on Wednesday, when they are sending me back to the school...


Marisa, you are always on the go.  I think it's great that you will get to see family.  Are they coming up to see the leaves change?  Will they get to see any fall color?  So glad your parents are coming to visit, too.  Family rocks!  So sorry things didn't work out for you to get to the baseball game.  Did you stay at work, or go to the bar to watch?


Joanne, I hope you managed to get caught up at work yesterday.  Did you go to your craft club?


LeeAnn, Did you enjoy day 1 off?  Any plans for day 2 today?  How is the store coming together?


Stacy, Love love love the pictures on Facebook.  You always seem to have so much fun with your girls.  (And your husband.)  How is the volunteering going?  How are things with school?


I do need to get moving.  I hope everyone has an awesome day!


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Good afternoon friends!  Things are going well!  I finished cleaning and setting up the shop today.  It looks marvelous if I do say so myself.  I hung up the lights in the windows, swept, mopped and gave the windows a good scrubbing.  It took me 4 days to get it set the way I like it..it was exhausting and wouldn't ya know I forgot to take pictures of the end result.


Tomorrow I am headed back to work, I really do not want to go..but I guess I must.


Beth-I'm glad that you are working so close to your home, how neat to go home for lunch.  I would love that!  Hope you get your new glasses soon.


Joanne-pointy sticks sound like so much fun!  Are you getting ready for the holidays?


Stacy-hope your week is going well.


Marisa-so much to do my friend!  Enjoy your time with your family.


Going to read my cash register book again..I really must get it figured out.  Hugs and extra squishes!

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LeeAnn, can't wait to see pics.  I'm sure you'll get around to them eventually -- got to post them on your website at least!  It is so exciting to watch your business grow.


Joanne, I hope you aren't working too hard. 
Marisa, I hope you are having a great time with your family.

Stacy, I hope you and the girls (and Jorge) are having a wonderful week.


I go to the school today, then back to the office on Thursday.  And I don't adjust well to change.  Oh well.  It's a paycheck.

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Hi all,

Been MIA again--because of long hours- last round of clients is going into the new system this weekend so it's been crazy busy for me.


LeeAnn- Sounds like your new shop is coming along so nicely. And just think- only a few more days of migrant left!


Beth- Maybe you'll get to go for your new glasses since you'll be at the school today.  The one good thing about having to go to the office is you can walk there- I'd love that. Commuting to work always adds another 40 min or so to my day each way...thanks to this wonderful thing they call traffic! LOL


Stacy- Hope all is well in Cali- have you still been looking for a job? How's the volunteering and your classes going? And the girls?


Marisa- Enjoy the time with your folks...busy, as always I see. And good luck to your Pirates. My DD is thrilled that the Bo-Sox advanced to the ACLS! (and I'm happy for her).


Well, off I go to get ready- and pour another cup of coffee!! Breakfast of Champions!


Hugs to all

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I had an early patient this morning and 2 more a bit later.  Steph and Bean are heading over this morning to get the hardtop for his Jeep back on.  We have 1 cousin coming in tonight.  2 of her kids are coming tomorrow night, but not at the same time, I think there's a 3 hour difference in their flights :eek  My parents also come tomorrow night, but they're driving so no need for an airport run with them.  Friday we have 3 coming between 12:30 and 1:40 all separate flights.  And the last 2 at 6 Friday night together!  :whew  I didn't schedule any patients for tomorrow, so will have the day off!  But I do have 3 schedule for Friday and 2 Saturday with another possibly calling to come Saturday morning as well.  I'm feeling like I need a break :sigh  But, I do have my Activator seminar coming up the first weekend in November (usually last in October) and will spend 2 1/2 relaxing days at my parents house!  So that will be my 'little vacation' :lol  So Joanne, did you see that.....I'll be in Newark!!!!  I know the weather always messes up our plans, but maybe since it's the weekend after this year it might work out?  Let me know if either of you are free.  As always my class goes 8-5 on Saturday and 8-1 on Sunday


I guess that's it for now!


Beth - The Tampa family is coming in for a wedding.  Their oldest is in the wedding as it's one of his childhood friends who was always with them and the whole family was invited.  I guess the girl he met is from here?  I didn't really ask questions, we are all just super excited to see everyone!  I think they all leave Sunday, but I could be wrong.  She typed up the flights quick to send it all together and put departure times, but no dates???  Glad to hear the office job isn't too bad!


LeeAnn - WTG getting your shop set up and I can't wait to see pics!  Good luck with your register :hug


Joanne - Hopefully this last wave goes uneventfully for you this weekend!  WTG BoSox :)  I hope the Pirates bring this win home tonight! :xfin

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Good afternoon!


Beth, sorry to hear they keep switching your hours.  I'm sure that must be frustrating.  Good thing the office is in walking distance- at least it saves on gas and you can go home for lunch.  :yes  How are the inventions doing?  My English class starts this Sunday and I have midterms for the other two next week. I can believe it's midterm already, but at the same time I can't believe that it's ONLY midterm.  :lol  


Joanne, did you get some R&R time this weekend at least, to compensate for being at work longer?  The cowl pattern looks pretty! Can't wait to see yours.  :wink  I have started using the pointy sticks, also!  It is fun.  Right now I am working on the capelet of invisibility.  It's coming along, but much like you, I keep forgetting if I'm supposed to be purling or knitting. 


Leeann, how exciting that your shop is all set up!  I can't wait to see pics once you have them.  Will you also keep your online shop open?  Are you finished with the migrant already?  How are the kiddos doing?


Marisa, how exciting that all of your family will be visiting!  Good luck with the loan.


Let's see...I am still volunteering- I signed up for the whole month of October, to help with Breakfast in the Classroom, which starts tomorrow.  I have to say, I have also made myself very accessible to the principal and coordinator, as another teacher said they may be hiring soon.  :xfin that I can find something soon, though, even if it's not at the school.  I've put in so many applications and resumes, and only gotten 2 interviews.  :think 
My BIL arrived last weekend- my hubby and kiddos are thrilled!  They will be over-the-moon excited once my niece arrives, too, but we haven't told my kids yet because we don't know if SIL will follow through with allowing her to come.

Oh, last week Mia's teacher caught me as I was leaving school and said that the girls' names were mentioned at the last Girl Scout troop leader meeting, because they haven't been placed with troops yet.  She may have room for Isabella in her troop, and asked if I would be interested in leading my own 3rd grade troop at the school!!  I am so excited!  She needs to get permission from the principal first, but said we can use her classroom for meetings, if it's a go.  :woo 

What else?  My older two decided to be Dia de los Muertos skeletons for Halloween.  I have to figure out how to get to school in time to paint two faces before the parade.  :think   I'm hoping MIL will go with me.


That's all the news from here.  Dh called to say he and his brother are meeting at a burger place for dinner, so I am going to make pancakes for the girls.  We are also going to decorate for Halloween tonight, so I better go get out the box with the decorations.  Love and hugs! 

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:bday Joanne!  I hope your day is wonderful!


I had a good day at work, laughing with people about how I had been looking forward to the half day of school tomorrow, then got scheduled to work in the office (which would be all day.)  Got a call from my co-lab-administrator before I left to tell me, just in case, that it was Teachers wear Jeans day, too.  So I was missing time off and comfy clothes.  Then I got the text from the office that they wanted me to go to the school after all.  I was SO happy!!!!  I will definitely have time to get my glasses ordered tomorrow.  Hot date with my hubby.


Stacy, getting in good with the principal and office staff is a great way to end up employed!  Are you able to work as a substitute teacher?  They are looking for those here often.  Your daughters are so creative and fun. 


Joanne, I hope this busy period flies by, and things slow down to just very busy, rather than super extremely very busy. 


Marisa, enjoy seeing everyone!  What fun to have family visit.  Sounds like you have been really busy at work.  That's good news, even if it wears you out. 


LeeAnn, not much longer, and you will be in your store full time.  That is so exciting! 


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Hi all,


Belated Happy I Love Yarn Day---can I ask a sillly question? Why isn't I love Yarn Day on a weekend day?  Anyway, I pulled out the scarf I'm knitting for a co-worker so I did play with yarn last night.


Had a lovely dinner out with DH on my birthday-which was a nice way to end the day. Last night Ryan called and sang Happy Birthday to "mimi' (what he calls me--even though I was aiming for Grammie, I am liking "mimi' so I think that is what I'll be)


Going to see the boys and DD today so he can sing to me in person! Also have to log into work for about an hour and then work 4 hours tomorrow- last of the clients going into the new system. So that part of the project will be over. But still lots of work for me as the only one responsible for administering the system. I have some decisions to make and hopefully will make the right one.


Now it's time to get another cup of my favorite beverage- coffee----and start the day --laundry and cleaning- oh what fun! LOL


Hugs to you ALL!

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Joanne, how sweet to have Ryan sing to you!  I think the first grandchild pretty much decides how the grandparent is addressed most of the time.  I'll bet Mimi sounds so sweet coming from him!  I'm glad you got to play with yarn yesterday.  I did a little -- mostly while waiting at the eye doctor to order my glasses.  After that, my dh took me out to a BBQ restaurant for dinner, then my dd and I had a movie night.  We watched "How to Train your Dragon."  It was adorable!


Marisa, LeeAnn and Stacy, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, and playing with yarn, and having fun!

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Good morning.  I'm up bright (?) and early, thanks to two of my cats having a minor disagreement. 


I hope everyone is having a great weekend.


LeeAnn, love that picture you posted on facebook.  You son has certainly grown!  He is a very handsome young man. 


Joanne, how was the birthday song from Ryan?  Did you enjoy your R&R time? 


Marisa, I hope you had a great weekend with your Florida family  Did all the chauffeuring wear you out?


Stacy, Did you make more great childhood memories with your girls?  Would it cause any sibling rivalry at your house if somebody sent one gift for your daughters to share?  My sister asked me to send a doll outfit with matching human-sized piece to her friend who has two daughters.  I'm not sure that's a good idea.  What is your input, as a mom with three wonderful girls?

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Good morning,


Beth - I did have a wonderful afternoon with the boys- and loved having Ryan sing happy birthday to me. We had a great time and the favorite part of my day was reading him his bedtime story (which turned into 2 stories).


LeeAnn- Your son just gets more and more handsome. It's a wonderful picture of the two of you that you posted. That's one to frame!!!


Stacy- Have the girls removed the spiders from your room? I had to chuckle when I saw the pics of what they did.


Marisa- Hope you had a great time at the wedding and are enjoying seeing your family!


I had a nice chat with one of my brothers yesterday- We really had a lot to catch up on.


Well, heading into work in a bit for 4 hours- then home to relax


Have a good day everyone---and I'm glad that it's football sunday and I can watch and not be stressed since the Giants already played and lost on Thursday! LOL

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Top of the morning friends!  Remember me??  Goodness!  This week has been a frenzy of rushing and work.


Joanne-Happy late Birthday my friend!  I am so glad that your dh took you out to a nice relaxing dinner, and what a sweet way for your grands to call you Grandma.  I love it!   It must be difficult to work so many hours and even on the weekends.  Will you be looking for another position within your company perhaps something similar?


Beth-That is too funny!  your work schedule changed quickly, but on the flip side, every day is a new and exciting day.  What will you be doing with your Sunday?


Marisa-oh my gosh!  You are one busy gal!  Running tons of errands and spending the most wonderful time with family and friends and on top of it all, having your very own business.  I am so happy for you!


Stacy-I bet you are super busy with all of your wonderful daughters.  I don’t know how you do it!  I only have my two kiddos and spend majority of my time running them back and forth.  I do enjoy spending time with them, they are both so very sweet!


This last week my son had functions/outings 5 nights!  Yes my friends!  Monday-school Bonfire, Tuesday-Boy Scouts, Wednesday-Confirmation Class, Thursday-he felt pity of me, and let me have the night off.  :manyheart  Friday-football game and parade, Saturday-Homecoming..what a fun time for him.  I am so very happy and proud of him, he has really turned into quite a social butterfly.  It’s wonderful seeing him so very happy and full of life.  Our daughter also went to the football game to hang out with her friends.  She has had tryouts for a part in her drama club this last week.  Next week is going to be just as busy but the wonderful news is that I am finished with work! :clap


Yesterday, I spent the day running Joyce’s shop and working on mine, my dh and father in law hung up my hand carved wooden sign and delivered an antique hutch that I am going to use as a soap display.  I have taken quite a few pictures and am waiting for them to download so that I can share with all of you.


Work was stressful, I had my evaluation and that went well.  I have been asked to return next season and have been thanked for all of my time and energy.  The kiddos were so sweet, I will miss them as well as a few of my co-workers.  But time to move on! 


I have 14 days before my Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, I’m making my list and getting to work.  I have tons to do!  I did get my cash register figured out, so thankful for YouTube, it was super helpful. 


Off to work I go!  Hugs n squishes dear friends, I will be keeping my Etsy shop open..I love Etsy and have made many more wonderful friends.  :ghug :ghug

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Hi all,


Work was work- and at least it was only 4 hours--then worked 3 rows on son-in-law's afghan----after stopping at DD's to let out Belle and play with her for a bit- They left early this AM for an 80th surprise party for one of son-in-law's relatives. It was beautiful weather and I'm sure Belle appreciated some fresh air!!  We just finished dinner and now I"m going to work on the knitted scarf (where I see a few mistakes from the other night--that are staying there as 'design' elements). I"m sure my co-worker won't mind. LOL


LeeAnn- I'm thinking of another position, but not like what I've been doing. Your DS really seems to have blossomed! Busy, busy, busy is right- but it sounds great!!! I'm happy for you and for him!  I don't think you'll have to go back to Migrant, because I'm confident your business is going to take off...but nice to know they want you back!


Beth- Hope you had a nice relaxing Sunday despite the early rise! Do you know what I did? I had turned my alarm on last night- force of habit I suppose...so even though I didn't have to get up at that hour--my alarm woke me up...I was so annoyed with myself!!!


Off to work on the scarf.. and watch the end of the Saints/Patriots game--which makes me think of Shannon and LeaAnne!

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Good morning,

Joanne, Will you make it to craft club tonight?  I hope your Monday is a good day.


LeeAnn, busy busy busy is right!  I am glad your son is enjoying high school.  How is his driving coming along?  Enjoy working for yourself this week!  How cool is that!!!


Marisa, I hope your weekend with the company was great.  How nice to see out-of-town relatives.


Stacy, Find any more spiders in your room?  Your girls are just too cute.  I love how they tell you that there are definitely not spiders there, when there are! 


Well, I had some students start while I was working in the office, and all I have are their names.  I don't know which class they are in.  Isn't that lovely!  I'm hoping to get my e-mail straightened out today, so I can contact the counselors directly and get updated rosters for all my classes.


I worked a little on my dd's gauntlets, but didn't work on them as much as I should have.  I still have 10 rows of scales to go.

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Top of the morning to ya all!  Feels so weird to be home while the family was rushing out the door.


Joanne-in case I didn't tell ya, Happy Late Birthday my friend!  I am so very sorry that I missed it.  A new position sounds exciting!  WTG getting in hooky time, I sure miss it.


Beth-hopefully you get an updated roster today, you need it.  :lol   What's on the menu for the week?


Marisa and Stacy-hoping you both had an awesome weekend.


Yesterday I accomplished a lot, have my product labeled and packed..most of it with the exception of about 10 items.  Going to load the van and deliver it to the shop.  Also cleaned up part of my craft room, it's looking better and better.  I am ashamed to admit, but it was a terrible mess.  Boxes everywhere..product stacked and papers..AND I also organized my binders, one for my tax lady, yuppers..it is neat as a pin and the other one is for my recipes.  I'm hoping that I can keep organizing.  Off to refill my second cup of java and jump in the shower..must clean up the kitchen first.  The family left me a nice little sink of dishes. 


hugs n extra squishes my friends!

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LeeAnn, Sounds like you had a very good, very productive day.  I'll bet it's a lot easier to clean and organize the craft room with your product in your store -- YOUR store -- doesn't that sound lovely!   I am so excited for your grand opening.


Joanne, I hope your Monday was good.  How are things now that all the clients are in the new system?  I'll bet it will keep you on your toes. 


Stacy, I hope you and the girls had a good day at school today.  Anything fun going on?


Marisa, How are things in the PItt? 


Well, I have two sick kids now.  Luckily, they don't seem too bad.


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