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Some good clean fun?!

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Joanne, welcome back!  it sounds like you had a great weekend.  How nice to get some time off!  Nice to get your R&R time when you got home, too. 


Marisa, sorry you missed your adjustment, but it was for a good cause.  Are you doing OK?  Headache free?  It is definitely allergy season.  Glad the marathon was a success.  Strange how people won't get medical help when they need it...


LeeAnn, How cool that you are making mechanic hand cleaner.  That is awesome.  What did you do for the Japanese Desert?  I would be at a total loss on that one.  Your weekend with your dd sounds wonderful.  I have been enjoying lots of time with my dd lately.  She is trying to sew (gasp) a plushy of a cartoon character she designed.  While I can't give her much help or advice, I can give lots of encouragement, and cheer on her successes.  I think she is amazing, personally.  She can think 3-D much better than I can.


Stacy, I hope things are going well for you.  I can tell you, the first Monday that nobody had to go to school was BLISS!!!  Everybody slept in, my dd didn't get up until lunch time, but it was just so nice to have a day of chilling and relaxing. Soon you will be enjoying ithe same freedom. 


I must note that my dh left me a to-do list today, so I won't be quite as chill as I was yesterday.  We are driving his antique car to an upholstery shop to get a new headliner.  I am driving along in my van so he will have a way home.  I need to make new keys for his car before hand, though.  And Tuesday is wash the dog, scrub the bathroom, and launder the towels day.  What fun!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have a slow and low key day on tap here today.  I'll be heading over to school for Averie's talent show for 1:00 and the KtB group is here tonight.


Joanne - Glad you made it home safely and that dd enjoyed here necklace :clap


Beth - My head is feeling alright, I'm feeling a bit congested but not like cold symptoms so am still thinking allergies :think  I hope you get through your to do list fairly quickly.

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Glad to see a post from Beth- I was wondering what you've been up to--and chillin sounds great! Hope all went well today with the trek to the uphostery shop and all the other things on your 'to do' list


Marisa- how was the talent show? I'm sure it meant alot to Averie to have you come and see it!


LeeAnn- Mechanic soap is a wonderful idea!


Stacy- How's the heat out in LA? I can't believe some of the temps you have had!


It was  long day back in paradise. I think I'm going to do some chillin myself tonight!

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Happy Wednesday, or stinky job day, as it is known here.  Today I clean cages and litter boxes.  I also get the second-to-last step in the crown process -- they fit the permanent crown, then send it off for enamel coating, so it will look like a tooth.  Hopefully a quick and painless dental trip.  My daughter and I will be taking the dog in for a nail trim.  That's my day.  I need to sit and crochet.  It's been a while, and I have 4 projects going.  I really want to finish my two afghans so I can play with some new ideas.


Joanne, the drive to the upholstery shop was the longest trek the old car has been on since it was rebuilt, and it behaved well, even though it had been raining and the roads were slick.  My husband is really nervous that he left his baby with some strangers...  Silly silly boy.  I hope you got your chillin' in after Paradise yesterday.  Any R&R time planned?


Marisa, how was the talent show?  It is so cool that you take time to go to those.  You are the coolest aunt ever!  I am dealing with allergies every morning, but I usually feel fine after my second cup of coffee.  So what is your next big project:  any more marathons in your future?


LeeAnn, That desert that you posted on facebook looks yummy.  Did you make it?  If so, how did it turn out?  Did you find a Japanese desert for boy scouts?


Stacy, how are things in California?

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-you have a busy day on tap, but the crocheting time is the best.  I hope that your dental appointment goes well and that you will be "queen" from now on.  :manyheart   I tweaked the desert that I made...the original recipe was fine, I just didn't have time to mess with all of the steps..so I made a strawberry shortcake..it was gobbled up in seconds.  Here's the link for the Japanese cake




Joanne-so glad that you had a much deserved break and was able to spend time with your dd.  What's on your hooky?  I bet your lil Robbie is growing fast?


Stacy-you sure do keep busy.  How fun!  I love going places but am so burnt out..I think I could stay home for a week and still not feel rested. 


Marisa-I'm glad that your weekend went well and that you got in a bit of R & R.  Do you take over the counter allergy meds? 


I fought and fought with the website design...after tons of stress..I broke down and called the company to create one for me.  It is going to be a bit pricey but I am spending so much on etsy that I am hoping that it will balance out..the site is being created to my specifications.. I will let you know how that all works out.


The mechanic scrub was needed in our house.  Dh and ds make such a mess trying to clean up after being outdoors..the orange hand washing soap that dh has smells icky...so I thought I would create something for them and other men too.


I have also created shaving soap...I am going to try to list them today..they come with a little boar brush..tomorrow I hope to make shaving cream...isn't that fun?  The soap comes in a jar so that you just have to wet the brush and dip in the jar, swirl and apply to the face.  The men will not know what hit them!  :yes



here's a sneak peak of the shaving kit.


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Hi all,

Another busy day- didn't get home till 7:20!!! Glad I'm only working 4 days this week, because I'll have put in a full week in those 4 days!


Love the new items, LeeAnn!! Much success to you with the new website- I'm sure it'll be much more cost effective in the long run than Etsy!


Beth- Hope all went well with the dental appointment. The crown is almost done! YAY!  I forgot to make an appt for my oil change- must remember to do that tomorrow- I'd like to take it in on Sat some time- I purchased 2 years worth of oil changes when I bought my car !


Stacy- Love the pics of Mia and Isabella on FB- they are getting so grown up!


Marisa- Hope you had a good day today!

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LeeAnn, love the items.  I can't believe you keep coming up with fresh ideas!  It's amazing.  I can see why you are tired, with all the driving you do, living out in the country.  I woudl enjoy the peace and quiet, but I don't want to drive more than 10 minutes to get anywhere. 


Joanne, seems like they are trying to get their time back from you that you spent in Boston!   Long days with a commute on the end can be so draining.


Stacy, I love love love the pics of the girls -- can't wait for the 3rd one.  They are SOooooo cute -- love the matching smiles. 


Marisa, I hope your allergies were better today.  I am hoping things dry up a little.  My allergies seem better on dryer days.


today's appointment at the dentist was very quick and painless -- they removed the temporary crown, test-fit the permanent crown, then replaced the temporary.  The crown is getting it's enamel.  I will get it cemented in next week.

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I am having a bit of a rough start to my morning here.  Some little things went wrong, and threw off my routine, and it took forever for me to get my hubby's lunch packed!  Silly things, like breaking an egg all over the top of the stove, and needing to get things out of the pantry that are normally in the kitchen...  I usually pack the lunch on autopilot, because I cannot think before 5 am.


Yesterday my daughter told Shrimp Boy that she isn't ready for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but would be happy to still be his friend.  By text.  I knew she was unhappy, but thought she'd wait until he came here on Saturday.  I do not like the breaking up by text thing.  It devastated my son when he was dumped that way.


Life goes on.  At least it is almost Friday!

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Good evening!


Beth, I'm sorry to hear your dd chose to break up with Shrimp Boy that way.  Glad to hear your crown is almost finished!


Marisa, hope your allergies are feeling better.  I think it is awesome that you go to Averie's recitals and school events.  :yes


Leeann, you are always on the move!  I love the shaving cream with brush.  It's really thoughtful of you to consider your dh's suggestion and make something for guys.  :yes


Joanne, sorry to hear you are putting so many hours in at Paradise.  Your weekend in Boston sounds like so much fun!  And getting R&R time on top of it- :c9 !!


Not much going on here, just getting ready for end of school stuffs.  I have a roundtable discussion on Tuesday for speech, then that is it until the final on the 26th.  Two more discussion posts and a final for poly sci.  I registered for next semester's classes today, also- so far it's looking like English, child development, biology, and possibly another nutrition class.  :think   I'm really contemplating the bio- I need a specific one for my nutrition degree, but my school doesn't offer it.  Guess I should really meet with a counselor from the other school....:shrug


Thanks for the compliments on the girls' portraits.  Isabella doesn't like hers, so I will probably just order some from the younger two.  I have Isabella's Fall ones anyway.  Let's see...we have a birthday party on Saturday, then going to dinner with MIL for Mother's Day.  On Sunday, Mia is planning a bbq.  She is so sweet...she made up a banner and is working with my dh so she can put together the "perfect day" for me.  :c9   She really is my affectionate, loving one. 


Well, I better scoot and get the girls ready for bed.  Love and hugs! 

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Happy Friday!


Beth- I agree with you- about the texting thing- It seems more and more people resort to texting instead of talking! But it's the new generation- and texting is how they communicate! Hope Shrimp Boy wasn't too devastated. And hope that your DD is good with her decision. At least she didn't keep stringing him along if she wasn't ready for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.  Hope your inventions spoil you immensely on Sunday!


What a mess with the egg all over the stove. Not a good way to start the day- hopefully this morning goes much smoother!


Stacy- Aww, how sweet of Mia to be planning  your "mother's day' celebration. It just melts your heart doesn't it? I would definitely speak to the counselor at the other school? Is this the school you'll go to when you've completed the pre-requisite classes you need for your degree? I don't think I'd take the bio if it isn't the one you need--does the other school offer it and could you just go there for that course? Good luck with the speech roundtable and before you know it, semester over and you are that much closer to earning your degree! Enjoy your Mother's Day celebrations!


LeeAnn- Anything planned for your Mother's Day?


Marisa- will your Mom be coming to see you and Steph this weekend? How is she doing?


Had a lovely 'team building' dinner last night after work- and today is Friday- it'll be a busy one, but they are giving us a luncheon for Nurse's Week. DD is making me breakfast (my fav meal) on Sunday- she offered to come here but I said we'd go over there-much easier for her that way with the boys. And good news- Robbie is letting her sleep and has been sleeping through the night for 8-9 hours!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise. Have a good day!

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Joanne, Yay for Robbie sleeping through the night!  It makes such a big difference when mama gets enough sleep!  Your Mother's Day breakfast sounds very nice.  I hope your nurse's week luncheon is delicious!  Happy Friday!


Stacy, sounds like things are busy.  I hope you get all the classes you need.  Can you take the Biology at the other school while taking the other classes at "your" school?  Sounds hectic and confusing.  I love all your girls' pictures.  They are growing too fast, and just so cute.


LeeAnn, so sorry your website didn't turn out the way you planned.  Do you have any plans for the weekend? 


Marisa, how are things in Pittsburgh?  How was the talent show?  Did you ever get your adjustment?  Do you have anything planned for mother's day?


Well, Shrimp boy and my daughter went out yesterday and discussed the change in status.  They are still friends.  He is ready to take her back as a girlfriend any time.  She would prefer him to back off more, but I think he will in the fall, when he is a full time college student, too, and they both spend more time with different people. 


I finally got to try Starbuck's blond roast.  I prefer my own coffee to any plain coffee I've had there.  Do my Bux-fan friends have any suggestions for what I should get next time I go there?  I am always concerned about what is in their syrups and mixes, since I have to be gluten free.

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Top of the morning dear friends!


Beth-awww...that is nice that your dd and Shrimp Boy are still friends, relationships can be tricky.  I was sad about the website but after a good nights sleep I feel  more at piece with my decision.  I want to make smart business moves that will prove to be beneficial without getting me in debt.  That is the part that scares me the most, I never want to pull from the family account to pay for business related.  I haven't been to the Bux in a super long time...but I am sure our other coffee friends can help ya.  :manyheart


Joanne-wow!  That is amazing that dear Robbie is sleeping all night long.  :clap  My twin nieces still get up every few hours...my sister is so sleep deprived that I am in awe of everything she does daily.  A nice breakfast sounds heavenly. 


Marisa-I hope that you get to see your mom for the weekend, I am sure she would love to spend time with you and your sissy.


Stacy-yikes!  College classes are a bit tricky to figure out, hopefully you can find the class you need, get registered and take it so that you can check that off your list.


Well the website didn't work out..time to move on.  I made the shaving cream, dh tried it last night and loved it!  Smells pretty darn good too.  :yes   Going to add that to etsy and work on salt scrubs..they are new.  The sugar cubes were a bit tricky.  I am hoping that these work out.  This weekend we are inviting the inlaws over for lunch on Sunday.  I thought I would be nice to spoil my mother in law for a day.  I did get my nails done as an early Mother's Day gift to myself.  I love them, my sister teases me because they are so short..but when you go from nail stubs to nails it makes a big difference.  :rofl


off to work  I go.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Sorry I've been MIA for a few days, it's been busy around here.  The talent show was super cute on Tuesday.  I had KtB that evening and we had 7 people there.  I had a few patients on Wed and ran some errands as well.  I ended up with a late patient coming, so Steph took over my cooking duties since it was my only earlier evening I said I would cook that day.  Yesterday  my headache came back full force, but the zyrtec didn't help that at all so I took Motrin which helped.  When I looked at the zyrtec bottle, headache isn't one of the indications :shrug  So, motrin again today it was. 


I got my phone updated.  There was an issue with my google account apparently, which is why nothing would download and also made me have to save all my contacts in an alternate location so I could do a factory reset.  It did help all the issues, but now I still have to input all the contacts again.  But, first trying to see if I can transfer between the iPad and the android :think  Will play around with that after getting my paperwork caught up from yesterday's and this morning's patients, just wanted to check in here first since I've been slacking all week and it's now Friday.  I have another KtB meeting tonight for the core group.  A few patients tomorrow morning and then KtB at the Society for Contemporary Crafts from 11-2.


My parents are driving in tomorrow and bringing the turtles with them for the office :clap  My mom's picking up some chicken fingers and pulled pork to bring from home for mother's day here.  She always hated going out on mother's day!  Monday we are going to a GI doctor here for an initial visit, so hopefully he'll have some new ideas :xfin  So I won't be in the office that day.  I'll try to check in with you tomorrow, but am thinking I may end up running late with everything so if not, I probaby won't be back until Tuesday.


Joanne - 4 day work weeks are always crazy busy because you still have the work that needs to be done.  How great that they are having a luncheon for you!


Beth - You're a regular at the dentist!  Did you finish up any of your ghans yet?  I agree, I hate the texting thing for stuff like breaking up and other serious topics that should be done if not in person at the very least via regular phone calls.  I'm not sure about gluten free at the bux, but you can ask the barista.  I just get plain old coffee.


LeeAnn - Sorry the website didn't work out.  Maybe through a different company?  Thanks for the link to the cake.  I just took an OTC zyrtec tha tmy sister had at the house, which helped for the allergies, but not the accompanying headache.  Great idea starting the men's line!


Stacy - How sweet of Mia to want you to have a perfect mother's day!  It sounds to me like taking the bio class would be counter productive since it wouldn't fulfill your bio need anyways.


Have a great day everyone!

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Happy Mother's Day!


Marisa, I hope you enjoy mother's day with your mom -- I think she's pretty smart.  I don't want to go out to eat, either.  Enjoy their visit, and the turtles for your office. 


LeeAnn, congrats on the nails.  What are you making for your MIL for lunch?  I hope you get spoiled some, too. 


Joanne, I hope you get properly spoiled today.  Enjoy your breakfast and the R&R time.  Sounds pretty awesome to me!


Stacy, I hope the last couple weeks of school go by quickly, so you can enjoy your summer soon.  It has been so refreshing to have slow mornings here, though it is a lot harder to get the laundry done when I wait for the last shower before I start.  That might be noon. 


I baked a german chocolate cake and frosted it with the carmel/pecan frosting for my mother-in-law, and delivered it yesterday on the way to the ballet my dd and I watched.  It was fun to just watch the ballet without selling tickets or worrying about the programs. 


I will be going to the grocery store today, and possibly helping out with the kitties -- still didn't get an e-mail confirming.  I will assume I am going.  Oh, my daughter drove home in the dark yesterday!  She hates driving in the dark, but I told her she needs to be able to do it.  She did great.

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Happy Mother's Day!


Beth- Kudos to DD for driving home in the dark! One step closer to getting her license! That cake sounds delicious (except for the pecan part- I don't really like pecans--but the chocolate part- YUM)  I hope your inventions properly spoil you today! Forgot that you asked about drinks at the Bux- I can't help you there, because I can drink anything- I would suggest asking a barista-


Stacy- Can't wait to hear how Mia's plans for your Mother's Day celebration turn out!


LeeAnn- I'm sure your kiddos will make sure you have a memorable day! And try to take it easy!!!


Marisa- The pulled pork your Mom is bringing sounds so good. I'm glad that DD and I had pulled pork last weekend in Boston- it was really delicious- and a treat! Enjoy your time with her- and good luck to her tomorrow!


We had a good day yesterday- we cleaned out some of the garage- and then called it a day. I went to the apple store and they looked at my 1st gen iPad and restored it to factory settings and it seems to be working fine now. I'm seriously considering giving it to my middle DD since I have the iPad mini now and don't really need it......or do I?  LOL


DH bought himself a Nook HD since they are on sale and he had fun in the afternoon setting it up and playing with his new toy. We had greek food for dinner and I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing day today. Now if the rain would stop we'd be in business. I'm supposed to meet middle DD at Rutgers Gardens for their annual plant sale- but don't think it'll be too much fun in the mud and rain. It's supposed to stop so fingers crossed.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Had a wonderful, relaxing Mother's Day- and the weather cooperated!!! We had a wonderful breakfast and then DD and SIL decided they wanted to come to Rutgers Gardens too- so middle DD came to her house and they we went to the Gardens. Walked around before getting our plants- they have trails and gorgeous bamboo and plants and flowers and it was just so pretty! It was really an awesome time!


Middle DD came back to my house after the Gardens. I planted my flowers and plants  while she prepared her lesson plan for the week. Then we chilled for a bit- she is doing exceptionally well- and she has been keeping very busy and has lots of artsy things going on in addition to her teaching. She is going to be just fine- although I know it will be a while before she'll open her heart up again. DH made dinner- pasta, meatballs, fresh bread and salad.


Hope you all had a wonderful day!

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Happy Monday my friends!


And Happy Late Mother's Day!  I didn't hop on the computer much yesterday, I decided to take a break from it all. 


Joanne-what a wonderful way to spend the day, your dinner sounds absolutely delish!  Will you make it to craft night this evening?


Beth-mmmm I love chocolate cake!  It's my favorite..yummy!  Did you have a good Mother's Day?


Stacy-hope your day was filled with spoiling and fun.


Marisa-your mom has the right idea, I would rather have dinner at home.  :manyheart hope she was feeling better and that your turtles made the trip to your office ok.


We have had a busy weekend here in our neck of the woods.  Saturday we were a bit lazy in the morning but then cleaned all afternoon.  Yesterday dh fixed his famous Green chile dish.  It was super yummy, he went all out and fixed a salad, corn, home made guacamole with tortilla chips and chocolate cake..It was all superb!  He also bought me daisies and a set of earrings for sensitive ears.  :c9

We invited my mom, dad and little brother as well.  My dad didn't make it as he was not feeling well but my mom enjoyed a nice lunch as well.  I didn't relax a whole lot but did sneak in a bit of hooky time in the evening.  All in all it was a great day!


Lots to do today, I have 2 new body butters to add to etsy and a huge order to fill.  Going to need my coffee.  This Wed. I am also attending the Women's Conference.  I will have a booth set up.  I attended last year, it was so neat!  Must get ready for that too.


The kiddos finish school soon, May 24 but have lots of activities from now till then.  Confirmation is done..still have scouts and volleyball...lots of field trips and one Spring Concert tomorrow..


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I hope you all had a wonderful mother's day! We had a great weekend. Did some errands yesterday during which we stopped at dairy queen....mom's request for mother's day. We had dinner at home since she HATES going out to eat on mother's day just due to everywhere being insanely busy. Ingrid and her family came over for a bit. We went to the new doc this morning and he was really nice, pretty young too. He spent a good hour and a half with us and we never once felt rushed in any way. He wants to try a new medication to treat the ulcerative colitis and then address the c diff after the UC gets somewhat under control. He thinks that after so long and taking the c diff meds, that the bigger problem in the UC. Said she could test positive for the c diff for the rest of her life. So we'll see. I guess the med doesn't really take full effect for about 3-4 months but she'll probably start to feel some improvement after about a month. Since she has the worst trouble with the tapering of the steroid, he's going to keep her on it during the next couple months until this new med really gets into her system, but not at the doses she's been at. He said it'll be easier getting off it if there's some improvement to the colon first. So we'll see. Since he's thinking that by now the UC is the bigger problem, he's not comfortable going straight to the fecal transplant, which as of last week is apparently being subject to FDA approval and he needs to phone them to figure out what that's all about since he received an email about it just last Wednesday, but that it was not conclusive to whatever standards they are placing :think So we still don't have many answers. She'll be getting weekly blood work and they'll be watching the numbers to determine her dosage. So, only time will tell :xfin


Beth - Glad you enjoyed the ballet and made dd drive in the dark.  Your german chocolate cake sounds delish!


Joanne - How exciting for dh to get a gift for himeself. 


LeeAnn - Sounds like a wonderful weekend!  Only 2 weeks of school yet, that's great!

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Sounds like a good weekend was had by Marisa and LeeAnn- I'm hoping the same is true for Beth and Stacy- though I'm sure it was!


I stopped at Dd's after work since I had something that I had to drop off to them and ended up staying and playing and reading a book to Ryan.  Just got home a bit ago- need to eat dinner- and then crochet a bit while I watch the Voice. Didn't make it to craft club again- but it was just as much fun, if not more so, playing with the little guy!


Have a good Tuesday if I don't get back on in the AM!

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Hello everybody,

Sorry I didn't pop in this morning.  I went back to bed after I sent my dh off on his "merry" way.  Got up and moving around lunch time. 


I had a good mother's day, not what I expected, but probably better.  My oldest son took me out to lunch at Five Guys, a burger joint where everything but the buns are gluten free.  It wasn't very crowded, since most moms don't want to go out for burgers for mother's day.  My younger son took me, dh, and dd out for dinner at another burger place.  It's just so sweet that they wanted to spend their hard-earned money on me.  I didn't complain about burgers twice the same day.  My dd did a bunch of housework for me.  My dh did some yard work that I mentioned was bothering me.  I got some hook time in.  It was a very good, relaxing day.


Joanne, I'm glad you had a great mother's day.  I hope your dd continues to do so well.  I think I'd pick grandson time over craft club time myself.  Your weekend sounds like it was great.  I think it's awesome that your hubby cooked for you.


LeeAnn, How you manage to get so much done is beyond my comprehension.  Good luck with the orders and the new body butters.  The women's conference sounds like a great venue for your items.  May 24th is certainly coming quick.  Do you have any plans for your kids' vacation?


Marisa, It sounds like the doctor visit went well.  How nice not to feel rushed.  Don't you feel like the doctor really listened?  I hope the new treatment plan works for her, and she finds relief soon.  How are the turtles doing in their new home?


Stacy, How are things going for you?  How are your girls?  Has Olive been a good girl? 



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Hi friends!


I had a whole long post typed out, pressed send, and thought it went through.  But I checked back just now and it didn't!! I read through the posts but will have to reply again later.  I have a roundtable discussion due for speech tomorrow, then I am home-free until the final!!  :woo 


Will be back tomorrow to post individually- just wanted to stop by and say hi!  Love and hugs! 

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick check in this morning while I'm waiting for my next patient.  The first one just loved seeing the turtles when he came in!  I'm excited to have them back as well.  Today they need to eat, so after my patient I'll put them in their feeding tank....didn't want to do that while people are here though.  Otherwise, it's a pretty low key day for me :yes


Joanne - Sorry you missed craft club, but it was a great trade off :yes


Beth - It's amazing how hard it is to find a doctor that actually listens AND summarizes it back to you to make sure he got it!!  I LOVE Five Guys.....so yummy, but so bad :blush 


Stacy - Sorry your post got lost in cyber space :hug  I hope your round table discussion goes well :xfin


LeeAnn - I'm sure you're busy crafting and creating, hope it's a great day!

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I am having so much trouble adjusting to the summer schedule -- I have been sleeping in every day, then I wait until the kids all get up before I start anything, so that's about lunch time...  It's been nice, but I need to get more done around here!


Marisa, I'll bet the turtles are a great addition to your office.  Do you need to be go in every day to take care of the, or can they fend for themselves on weekends? 


Stacy, so nice to hear from you.  I don't always get things posted that I think should post, too.  Not too sure I like the new version of C'ville.  Good luck with the round table.  So glad the semester is winding down. 


LeeAnn and Joanne, I hope you both are having a great Tuesday.

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Hi all,

Congrats STacy--by the time you read this, you'll be done with the speech roundtable!!!!!


Marisa- Agree with Beth- the turtles are a wonderful addition to the office!


Beth- I agree - I don't like the new version of the Ville as much as the previous version- although I understand why they had to upgrade, I don't find it as user friendly anymore. Shall I send you a wake up call tomorrow morning? LOL


LeeAnn- Hope you got a little 'me' time today- although with all that's on your plate this week, I'm sure that's not the case. Take it easy!


Had a very busy day- and my head was spinning. No thinking or anything of that sort for me tonight- It's going to be a total 'chill' night-

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