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Evening friends!


Joanne-so happy that you were able to spend time with your gs. A mani and pedi is always awesome! I am so behind on x-mas gifts seems like I will never catch up. Enjoy your weekend!


Beth-hope everyone got everything fixed. Hanging out to dry clothes is no fun..I really do not like it. Did you get lots done between your inventions needing you?


Marisa-have a great weekend!


Stacy-you are going to be up early tomorrow! yikes! Gas prices sure are insane! With the amount of driving that I do, I use a lot of fuel..but it can't be helped. We live out in the sticks. :lol


Work today was wonderful..I was finally able to catch up on paper work, whew! next week will be a different story, I will be in different classrooms for the entire week, but it should make the time go by quickly. Just finished 10 new packages of soy tarts. I needed them for my sale tomorrow. All packed up too. Going to take a relaxing bath and call it a night..I sure miss relaxing with hook in hand..maybe tomorrow during the down time at the sale.


night all! Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert :eek


Well, last night I got out later than I wanted and then my car started heading home, but I had to go to the bank first so I had to turn around. Got home and changed, Steph and I ran to the Greek food festival to grab dinner to take home. This morning was a rough start....when my alarm went off I spilled the glass of water on my night table (which happens to be a super old sewing machine, the kind that folds down into the table). Went all over my nook and ipad, dripping down the sides, a puddle in the bottom of the little pull out drawer in the front :eek So considering I wasn't quite awake and a little discombobulated, I was confused as to what was happening but jumped up and got my wits about me to start cleaning it up. Realized the alarm was still going and I couldn't get it to stop :eek First focused on the ipad and nook, which seems fine since they were both in cases. It was mostly just some water on the front, but none seeped into the back :whew (so it could've been worse) then I continued to clean up the table and unplugged everything. Let's just say that back in the days of that sewing machine, they didn't make that wood to 'resist' water very well so now it's started to slight bubble up :( Oh well, nothing I can do about it now :shrug


I hope this isn't the precedent for my entire day so I'm going back home to stay in bed :yes


Linda - So glad to hear that you are back home and are ok after the accident. :hug :hug Be careful and take care of yourself, I agree with Judy too about the batting :lol:wink


So, my mom has been sick for a few weeks now and we (me & Steph) made her go to the hospital last night and she was at the point where she even wanted to go :eek She'll be fine, they did some tests and nothing major showed up. Her bloodwork was off but we expected that due to what's been going on and she was severly dehydrated so they have her on a drip and as of now are planning on keeping her for a couple days. Meanwhile she has been to her doctor's office a few times and they've tested her stools for various parasites, all of which are negative. My sister said c diff right at the start of this mess and the pcp ruled that out first since my mom had just finished an antibiotic she had to take for a root canal (because she had a knee replacement a few years ago so has to take antibiotics ahead of time for any kind of work). Now they're treating her in the hosp with an antibiotic for c diff even though that test was negative. Let's just say that her pcp's office isn't going to know what hit them if that's what it is since Steph told her 2 weeks ago when she was here that she needed to be tested for it. And just the fact that her doctor's office seemed unconcerned with the fact that my mother has about a 5 minute window between eating and needing a toilet....severe impact of ADL's. In the last 2 days got to the point of gagging and nausea with any type of eating or drinking. When I talked to her yesterday she sounded horrible and I hung up and emailed Steph that she needs to do something. My mom just sounded tired and drained and I could hear the frustration in her voice and on the verge of tears to accompany it. And I agree, after being in and out of the dr's for 3 weeks and just getting worse :think So of course we already knew she was dehydrated since she couldn't keep anythink in her system long enough to even be absorbed so we said at the very least she'd get the drip for that. Now she has a history of intestinal issues, and now the cholitis is inflammed and :blah :blah :blah Anyways, she is now on the road to recovery and hopefully an answer. OK, that was super long....but I'm less worried today than I was yesterday :yes


Joanne - Glad you and Ryan had fun today :yes:manyheart Have fun at your appointments today.


Stacy - I don't even put rice in my stuffing mix, I do make it for on the side though :yes I hope your caulking adventure does the trick :xfin What did you decide for the girls this morning?


LeeAnn - Glad to hear you finally had a great day at work today :yes You needed one of those! Have a great weekend :hug


Beth - I hope ds was able to find what he needed at the salvage yard :hug

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Good morning...er, afternoon. :lol


Marisa, I sure hope the hospital stay can get your mom's troubles straightened out! How frustrating to just feel so off and not know what is going on. At least she is getting the IV drip, though, and :xfin that the doctors there can figure out what is going on. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, hope you had a blast with your dd!


Leeann, good luck with your sale today! Glad to hear that yesterday went well. You surely needed that for the end of the week you've had!


Beth, did your son get the parts he needs?


Last night was an adventure...dh went to bed super-early, almost right after we finished watching the video. The girls stayed up while I did some homework, then I took the dogs outside and everyone went to bed. Around midnight, Eva came into our room, saying she had to use the bathroom but there was a cricket in hers. So she went in ours, decided she didn't have to go, and laid down with us. About half an hour later, she decided she had to go, so dh got up with her to show her there were no crickets in our bathroom, and laid back down. About 15 minutes later, she was still in the bathroom and we heard a blood-curdling scream, followed by a thump. I guess she saw an ant, and slipped off the toilet. Don't even ask me how. So after all that, she still wouldn't go to the bathroom. She laid down with us again, and by 1 a.m., was up yet again. Well, this time I made her stay in there until she went, and I stayed with her, just in case. An HOUR later, she was finished, and we went back to bed, only to get up at 6. :yawn

On the upside, there was enough room on the bus for me and the younger girls to go with Isabella, so didn't have to waste gas, and the girls really loved the bus. The meet was hot, and there was something like 4,000 kids from our school district alone. :eek But they all got to run about half a mile around the Coliseum, and they got reusable water bottles and snacks.

On the way home, my mom texted that her husband and my aunts threw her a surprise birthday party. :clap Her birthday is in November, so she was shocked, to say the least. LoL She keeps sending me pictures, but I told her to just go enjoy her party. :lol

I need to scoot and take a shower. We are going to the IL's for dinner tonight. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good evening friends!

Marisa-hugs to you hope your mom feels better soon, so glad that you and your sister can advocate for her.

Joanne-hope you had a relaxing day

Beth-how's your weekend going?

Stacy-oh my! That was a long night have fun at the in laws .


The sale was long and chilly, winter is here. Glad that that was my last outdoor event...yippee. Going to sit and relax. Ds is going to homecoming this evening. Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


I had a good day of pampering, and enjoyed the mani/pedi with my DD. We then went to her house to watch the Rutgers game. My SIL's grandpa was in the hospital- and SIL was there till 4AM on Sat morning -sadly he passed away early yesterday afternoon- but he lived a good life and was 87. My thought is that he wanted to go join his wife who passed away in March. I'm glad he didn't linger on too long and is now at peace.


I got up early this morning to try and catch up on things that need to get done,before the Giants game which is on at 1. Since it's rather chilly out, I decided to start a pair of fingerless gloves to match a scarf I had made. So, one mitt done, and time to start the other- but first, I think its time to eat breakfast and move the clothes from the washer to the dryer.


Marisa- Prayers for your mom!!!:hug:hug


Beth Glad that you have your dryer back!!! That must be such a relief!!!! How's DD's laptop?


Stacy- I sure hope there were no more adventures last night! Sounds like quite the night you had Friday!!!:eek


LeeAnn- I'm glad that you are happy it was your last outdoor event. The temps have dropped here this morning- definitely not winter- but definitely the fall chill is in the air! Sweater weather!!!:clap


Hope you all have a good day--Enjoy the game today Marisa- sounds like a ton of fun!!

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Good morning!


Joanne, glad to hear you had a nice day of pampering with dd. So sorry for your SIL- but I like your thought about it. :yes


Leeann, :woo that it is your last outdoor event! I have some friends in CO who said they had freeze advisories yesterday- are you getting them already too?


Marisa and Bethy, hope you're enjoying the weekend!


We had a great evening with the IL's. FIL made dinner- beans and chile verde- so yummy! He tried to teach me his bean recipe, but I'm afraid they will never be as wonderful as his. :manyheart

Last night I actually slept really well, as the girls stayed in their own beds (for the first time in months.) It has cooled off enough that their bedroom doesn't feel like an oven. :whew

Today I have a couple assignments to finish up, and then I plan to work on the scarf for my cousin's son. She wants it in Red Wings colors. I'm going to surprise her and send a hat and mittens with it, too. :xfin that she likes it!


Gotta scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy- I'm sure she'll love the whole set!!! Now if the NHL would just end this stupid lock-out so we have some hockey this year!!! DD was telling me that there is a AHL team not too far from her--plus BC and BU have hockey teams. Here, though the only teams are NHL teams- my Devils (here in NJ) and the Rangers (in NYC) So no hockey until the lockout ends :-(


Glad that you and DH had your bed to yourselves!!!! That sounds like it was a treat!! Your dinner last night sounds delicious!


I finished a pair of fingerless mitts to match the scarf I recently finished with ILTY in Flower Print berries. This set is for me!



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Hi all,

Marisa, pleaze keep us posted about your mom. It isn't fun to be so very sick. I hope she gets better very soon.

LeeAnn, what are you going to do with all your free time when you aren't working and getting ready for shows? LOL Congrats on your last outdoor show for the year, and good luck with your busy busy week next week.

Stacy, What an adventure with your dd and the bugs in the bathroom! It's so nice that your FIL will teach you to make his beans. I love family recipes.

Joanne, wow, you crochet fast! I'm glad you made yourself something. I love them, too, such pretty colors.

Well, the son didn't find the parts he needs. My dd's computer was well on it's way to getting fixed when the hard drive crashed completely. My dryer is working, but it's makinhg the most horrible noise that I don't expect it to stay fixed for long. I did finish the Steelers set, except working in the ends on the mittens.

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Oh, Beth, you can't win! (Btw, I just realized that I typed "Bethy" in a previous post- sorry!) I hope that everything gets straightened out very soon!


Joanne, I don't pay attention to hockey, so had no idea about the lock-out. Guess I don't need to work too fast on that set. :blush:devil:lol Kidding. Your set is gorgeous! I love that scarf pattern! It looks thick and cozy. :manyheart


We went out to lunch today, then I stopped by Joann's because it's a 30-minute drive and I won't waste the gas to go just for that. But since the restaurant was right across the street...:devil Their stock of yarn is on sale for 25% off right now. I picked up another skein of Amazing for the mitt set I'm making for myself, and a skein of Paton's Delish, in the fig colorway. It is so pretty! I love Paton's yarn but this Joann's is the only store around that sells it. Oh, I also bought a bag of the LB Bon-bon's. They're cute, I figured the girls might like to make friendship bracelets. :shrug

Then home to do more homework and straighten up a bit. I finished one mitten already. Hoping I can get everything finished to mail by Friday.

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Good evening friends!


now where oh where has the weekend gone? Seems like they just fly by.


Joanne-your mitt and scarf set are beauuutiful! Great work! They look so warm and cuddly. :hug


Marisa-praying that your mom feels better.:hug


Beth-oh my! You have lots of icky things to deal with. Hoping this week is better for you. :D:hug


Stacy-I so remember those nights/days of no sleep or bad sleep. hope your gallies stay in their own beds. Your FIL's beans sound super yummy!:hug


This morning I slept in, till 9:eek:eek then got up made a pot of coffee and crocheted...I finished another scarf. Looks like I have a whole whopping 5 of them for my winter sales. :devil after I was done, had to start the cleaning process, still need the bathrooms but they will just have to wait. We went to church this evening-the Youth Mass then grocery shopping, out to dinner and home. I was so grateful, didn't feel like cooking.


Packaged up another order, and a few orders from the ladies at work, helped ds and dd with homework, put laundry away. Going to head to bed early as I am positive that it is going to be a painful week. I will be two different toddler classrooms all week as one teacher's last day was Friday and another will be gone two days this week... hoping no one else calls in.


hugs n squishes!

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Stacy, you are welcome to call me "Bethy" any time you want. I used to call myself that. Sounds like you scored at Joann's. What fun to shop for yarn!

LeeAnn, I hope your day is better than you expect. Big hugs to you, friend. I am glad it's almost over for you. It's been a rough year.

Joanne, my thoughts and prayers to your SIL and his family. It's rough to lose a grandparent, no matter what age.

Marisa, I hope your weekend was awesome. How is your mom doing?


I don't plan on having much fun today, but I hope I can get some things off my to-do list. Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!

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Good morning!


Sure wish that I had off for Columbus Day---I could use some more hours off! Stayed up late watching the Yankee/Orioles playoff game- which was supposed to start at 6:00 but didn't start till 8:45 due to a rain delay! But, at least they won--so the lack of sleep was worth it!!! I made another pair of fingerless gloves-using some Paton's Decor in a beige color I had in my stash. I think I'll make a few more for gifts.


Stacy- I never heard of Paton's Delish so of course I had to look it up. Love the fig color!!! I'll bet it works up quickly since it's a bulky yarn. Must let me know how you like it---although after spending the morning yesterday organizing my stash I don't need any more yarn! As I was cleaning yesterday, I said to myself- "Self- you MUST organize this family room" I had bought a couple of totes a few weeks ago so while the mood struck I went out to the garage brought in the yarn totes from out there and then sorted it all. Found a scarf I had started last winter- so that's on my list of wip's to complete. I also found some yarns I had totally forgot I had!


Beth- That's too bad about DD's hard drive- although they are not that hard to replace --my DH replaced mine when it was dying. Was DD able to save any of her things before it crashed? Oh, the noise on the dryer doesn't sound good- and hopefully DS will be able to find the parts for his car. I have to order a temp actuator for my car- the heat is only working on the passenger side---hence my desire to make some fingerless gloves!


Marisa- Thinking of you- and prayers for your Mom- hoping she is on the road to recovery and maybe even home!


LeeAnn- Yay for no cooking last night- you sure could use the break from that! What scarf pattern did you use? I sure hope your work isn't too crazy hectic....Hang in there--two more weeks then it's a memory!!!


Off to get ready for "Just another Manic Monday" in Paradise!!!

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Stacy, you are welcome to call me "Bethy" any time you want. I used to call myself that. Sounds like you scored at Joann's. What fun to shop for yarn!

LeeAnn, I hope your day is better than you expect. Big hugs to you, friend. I am glad it's almost over for you. It's been a rough year.

Joanne, my thoughts and prayers to your SIL and his family. It's rough to lose a grandparent, no matter what age.

Marisa, I hope your weekend was awesome. How is your mom doing?


I don't plan on having much fun today, but I hope I can get some things off my to-do list. Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!


Beth- Forgot to ask you how was the drive to HL and the fall foliage? It rained all day here (well most of it ) and today's crisp and cool. Fingers crossed that your to-do list shrinks a bit today!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert! :eek


Well, I was last here Sat morning :think I left the office to head over to my friends office to adjust each other. Her friend came in for the weekend from Puerto Rico for the game and so we all went out for lunch and walked around the mall a bit. I had to cut out early on them to run to Sam's before heading home. Steph and I colored hair and pruned the tomato plants. After we showered we mixed up some meatballs and got those in the over (for Sunday). Then I had dinner reservations with a family of patients that come in that asked if they could take me to dinner :lol We were there forever it felt like :eek I met up with Steph, Bean, and their friend that was staying the night at a local tavern after dinner. I drove them home since they were all drunk and Steph went back for her car in the morning.


Sunday I ended up going to the game with my friend's friend becuase they ended up having some kind of fight...I didn't get the whole story, but from what I did get it sounds utterly ridiculous :think:shrug As Joanne said, the Eagles lost....the Steelers kicked a field goal in the last couple seconds. They gave us pink terrible towels on the way in (they always do at the first home Oct game) and since I have one from last year, I let my friend who was supposed to be at the game have it. We came home and meatball sandwiches for dinner and my friend came over to pick up her friend and we were just chatting for a good while. I didn't intrude on whatever happened between them, but they've been friends for a really long time and I'm sure it'll blow over and they'll be fine :xfin


Now it's Monday and I'm feeling tired since I fell asleep around 8 last night and then was up about 11-2 :eek We're going to dinner tonight for Sue's birthday (the one I go to the PYP events with). I haven't gotten any crocheting in all weekend so I hope to do a bit on the sock I'm testing while I'm here during some downtime :xfin


As for my mom......confirmation yesterday afternoon that it is in fact c diff!!! I thought false positives were more common than a false negative for this :think Quite frankly I'm not comfortable with her PCP and feel like that's where I put my blame :shrug My sister didn't like him either so I think we'll be making her get a new one if we can :xfin Hers passed away a few years back, we liked him and he was young but I forget what happened, and this is the guy who got all the charts and records from that office. So since they already started antibiotics for that even with the false test she was starting to feel better yesterday and was even able to feel the urge to go and have time to get to the toilet without a mess AND it was the right color :lol So she's on the mend and getting proper treatment now. She's still at the hospital and I just called her, but my dad beeped in at the same time so I told her to talk to him and call me back. For those 2 sentances she sounds tired, but that's to be expected right now :yes


Stacy - Wow, what a fiasco with the bathroom and Eva :eek How sweet that your mom had a surprise party! I'm going to run up to Joann's today, looking for some fabric to line the bag I just received from Mary Jo :manyheart


LeeAnn - Glad you slept in and crocheted yesterday! You needed it. Hopefully your week isn't as horrible as anticipated :xfin How great that ds went to homecoming, is he doing good with the school this year? It sounds like he's getting involved and is in a better situation that the school prior to last year that he homeschooled :think


Joanne - I think Beth said she's going this Friday, the 12th :think Your scarf and mitts are awesome! WTG organizing your yarn and getting everything together. Prayers for SIL's family :hug


Beth - Can't wait to see your Steeler's set :yes So sorry that things aren't picking up for you :hug With ds' car, dd's computer, AND the dryer!!! :eek

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Marisa, SO glad they found the cause of your mom's problems. She will feel much better soon. I can't stress how relieved I am for you. Not knowing is the worst. You are right -- my "big" trip is the 12th. I am excited. I still ahven't worked in the last 4 yarn ends on the mittens, so I'm not allowed to post the pictures yet. It's my reward for being finished. Sorry your friend and her friend had a fight. It happens. I "broke up" with my friend when her dd dropped my ds as a boyfriend. I had to get over it before I could start spending time with my friend again. Now she and her dd are going on the trip with me and my dd.


Joanne, Can't wait to see the new gloves. I hope you get the temp fixed in your car. Cold weather is coming. I love these brisk fall days.


LeeAnn, Stacy, How are things? How are the kids? I hope you are both having a wonderful day.


Well, I have some cleaning to get out of the way so I can enjoy the rest of the day. I worked some more on my giant octagon last night, and I only have 3 colors to go!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We had a nice time out last night for dinner celebrating Sue's birthday and hung around chatting for quite a while. I have a hair cut this afternoon and I'm meeting a girl later for coffee. We're starting a small group for the Knit the Bridge group. They are working through the Pittsburgh Fiber Guild to yarn bomb the 7th street bridge next spring :lol


Oh, my mom went home yesterday with a lot of meds to take so she's still not 'normal' yet but getting there.


Joanne - Glad you were able to make a quick stop by :)


Beth - I understand with the friends, sometimes you just need some time away :yes


Stacy and LeeAnn - I hopy you have a great day :hug

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Thank you for the encouragement. I actually finished the Steelers set. here's a pic. As usual, my beautiful dd is my model. :heart


My daughter is a big steelers fan can you lead me to the pattern you used ? It is very nice even though Ravens are my team.;) You can email me at mello120@yahoo.com thank you

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Beth, the set is gorgeous! And so is the model. :wink But I don't have to tell you that. Which hat pattern did you use? I haven't found one yet that I like for my cousin's son.


Marisa, how nice that you went with your friend's friend, anyway. Thank goodness the doctors figured out what is wrong with your mom! Even though you received the wrong results the first time, it's great that it's been found now and that she is on the mend. :manyheart


Joanne, how's it going? Hope you can get the heater fixed quickly.


Leeann, hope your day went well and that your week is not as crazy as you had anticipated. :hug:hug How fun that ds went to homecoming! Sounds like he is doing much better this year. :yes What is dd up to these days?


Guess what? I got a 94% on my second stats exam! :woo Second-highest grade in the class. :D I was on :c9 for a couple days, until I realized that I had forgotten to submit an important assignment for my nutrition class. :ohdear

Temps have cooled off here, finally! :clap This morning it was 57, and only warmed up to about 75. I hope this weather is here to stay- 100+ in October is insane. Let's see...I had class this morning, then went grocery shopping, picked up the girls, and went to the park. Isabella wants to learn to play tennis. I can't find my racquets (even though I'm SURE I brought them from MI) but FIL had a couple in the basement that he's letting us use. She's actually caught on quickly,which is awesome. :yes Usually Mia is the one with natural athletic ability.

Tonight, dh is running with his marathon group. I'm just going to relax and :hook. Tomorrow I will put away the laundry :blush and finish up all of those pesky domestic-type activities, along with some homework.

Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning,


Joanne, happy Hump day! The weekend is coming, the weekend is coming!


Marisa, I hope your day is busy and fun today.


Stacy, So terribly sorry to hear about the orange fish. Will there be a new fish in your family soon, or not? Here's a hat pattern similar to what I did for my sister. I didn't follow a pattern, but I had this one in the back of my mind.: http://thelaughingwillow.blogspot.com/2009/06/my-first-free-pattern.html Congrats on the great grades. You are amazing. And thank goodness for cooler temps! So neat that your girl likes tennis, and has natural inclinations in that area. It's great when they find something healthy that they like.


LeeAnn, as I said to Joanne, The weekend is coming! I hope your week is going better than you expected.


Hugs to all of you!

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Good morning all,


Beth- I love the set!!! (and of course it looks GREAT on your beautiful DD) Thanks for the hat pattern! I'm going to try it and see how it looks with the scarf and fingerless mitts I made. I think I have enough of the yarn left!!


Stacy- :clapCongrats on the Stats grade!!! :applause Tennis is such a neat sport- and glad to hear Isabella wants to try it! (actually, any sport or activity is great--love to see kids involved in something).


Marisa- :clap Glad to hear your Mom is home--and hopefully will be back to herself in no time!! How was the knit a bridge group? Sounds like fun!!!


Hope you had a good couple of days at crazy, busy work, LeeAnn--you're getting near the end...hang in there:hug


Went to my SIL's grandpa's wake last night and didn't get home till about 9:30. It was a long day. I took off work today to go to the funeral. Not the way I like to spend my birthday--but hey, it's a day away from Paradise, and the up side is I get to see my beautiful GS!!! I also hope to see if I can get the part for the car. Having heat on the passenger side only won't work! :lol


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


So I met up with Emily last night after we got connected through the Knit the Bridge group since we both inquired if there was a group in our neighborhood. There wasn't, but I guess there is now. I have a leader meeting tonight so I'll get more info. But, we decided to be co-leaders since neither of us wanted the full commitment :lol She can't go to the meeting tonight because she teaches CCD classes. She's young and seems really sweet :yes


Here is the website if you want a better idea....they also have a FB page http://knitthebridge.wordpress.com/


Beth - Awesome Steelers set!!!!! :clap And of course, gorgeous model :manyheart Thanks for sharing that pattern :hug


Stacy - WTG on your stats exam :clap I hope you didn't lose too many points for getting your nutrition assignment in late though :xfin Exciting that Isabella is picking up tennis so quickly :yes


Joanne - Let Ryan keep your spirits up today :hug Prayers for SIL's family. Good luck with the heat in the car, at least if it was the driver side working it wouldn't be so dire :lol



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Thanks for the Birthday wishes!


The day turned out good- the rain stopped, the sun came home, Jeff's grandpa was laid to rest and we all had a great time afterwards celebrating life! Ryan gave me a card that he drew himself- so cute- definitely a very special present. It was wonderful to spend time today with such a wonderful family and my DD, SIL and GS!! Now if I had the rest of the week off it would be awesome!!! Not going to Paradise was a treat!!!


I got the heater part for my car- and my son-in-law will fix it for me either Fri or Mon!


Tonight we're going to watch the Yankees and hopefully they'll win for my birthday!!!


Have a good night!

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